cc-06-10-1971 248, l-IDJUTBS OF TH~ H';;E;TING OF TH><: CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHSRTZ, T~XAS HSLD ON JUNS la, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council was convened at the direction of Mayor Roy "rJ. Richard at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. Aldermen in attendance were Hr. Jimmie V. Dunham, Mr. Raymond G. Koym, Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Leon R. Chambless and Mr. Robert S. Schwartz. -I i Discussion was held with represent~tives of the Schaefer Rural Water Company on a contr~ ct price for handling meter reading, billing and collections for said ~com)any. The initial three-month trial period price of $.50 per meter was agreed ~ upon for an additional nine-month period. Renegotiation of price Hill be accomplished ~ effective March 1, 1972. Motion for agreement of acceptance of the ~.50 per meter fee ani reTIf~gotiation date was made by Hr. Dunham, sec-::nded by Hr. Chambless and voted upon unanimously. Further work was accomplisted on the City Utilities budget for FY 1972. Meeting adjourned at 10:~G p.m. ATT1<;ST: &rr^? ~ ./ City Secretary , . APPHCVSD: a......#.A~ Ha-;; TO'... ~ Mnn;-rr;;s OF 1'}fl'i; :n:S47T'I:1G OF mH"': CPY COUNCIL, CITY OF Sc}~RTZ, TIXAS HC;;W ON JUN4: 17, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council was held at the direction of Mayor Richard at 7:30 p.~. in the City Hall. Aldermen in attendence were }:rs. Bo~bie L. Koch, Mr. Robert S. Scblartz, Hr. Leon R. Chambless, Hr. Raymond G. Koym and ~:r. Jimmie V. Dunham. -, I I Hr. Adams, contractor in Parkland Vill.:::c;e subdivision presented a letter requesting ~\ a vari8nce of the building code to allow construction of a sign 16' x 48' on Main ?-,' st. advertising the subdivision development, r..r.ith such variance not to exceed h10 \j years in duration. Yotion was made by l-Ir. Char:181ess, sec-nied by I':r. Koym and voted upon four to one, Mr. Dunham objecti~~. Motion carried by majority vote. Mr. ~alter Schertz, Drban Renewal Director, presented an Amended cooperation agree- ment in the form of an ordinance and resolution. Follm:ing reading, lelr. Schvartz ~ motioned, l-~rs. Koch seconded And vote Has 1manimous to accept the amended agreement. t Or1inance number 232, inacted as p~rt of this agreement follows: 1'\ AN ORm NANCE APTHORIZnm TES HAYOR TO ~X4:CIIT'1; A FIRST At:~lID~D SOOp~nATION AGR4;~E'::NT 'ITTH THF: URBAN R'li:~\:;"fAL AGr.:NCY OF THr.: CITY OF SC:t"SRTZ IN CONl\~CTION '{[TH J~N URBJiN R-':;;~Tr!:\'!AL PROJBCT TITLED 3l-FFAl() V.:J.LlEY NORTH PROJSCT, TEX. R.112. Tlli~RC;;~S. the City desires to 8nter into an agreement with the Prban Renewal Ggency of the Gity of Schertz, for the ~)urpose of expediting and assuring the completion of the Urban Rene'llal Project, Cluffalo Valley North Project, Tex. R-112, located ivithin the city lim;ts of the City ~f Schertz, Texas; !-JO,1, TH1<;R~FOn~, B~ IT ORT),~D;r;;D 9Y T:-!S";ITY CCUi'::IL OF TEr.; Cry OF SCHSRTZ: Sr.;CTION 1. The Hayor is hereb" authorized to execute a First Amended Cooperation