cc-06-17-1971 248, l-IDJUTBS OF TH~ H';;E;TING OF TH><: CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHSRTZ, T~XAS HSLD ON JUNS la, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council was convened at the direction of Mayor Roy "rJ. Richard at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. Aldermen in attendance were Hr. Jimmie V. Dunham, Mr. Raymond G. Koym, Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Leon R. Chambless and Mr. Robert S. Schwartz. -I i Discussion was held with represent~tives of the Schaefer Rural Water Company on a contr~ ct price for handling meter reading, billing and collections for said ~com)any. The initial three-month trial period price of $.50 per meter was agreed ~ upon for an additional nine-month period. Renegotiation of price Hill be accomplished ~ effective March 1, 1972. Motion for agreement of acceptance of the ~.50 per meter fee ani reTIf~gotiation date was made by Hr. Dunham, sec-::nded by Hr. Chambless and voted upon unanimously. Further work was accomplisted on the City Utilities budget for FY 1972. Meeting adjourned at 10:~G p.m. ATT1<;ST: &rr^? ~ ./ City Secretary , . APPHCVSD: a......#.A~ Ha-;; TO'... ~ Mnn;-rr;;s OF 1'}fl'i; :n:S47T'I:1G OF mH"': CPY COUNCIL, CITY OF Sc}~RTZ, TIXAS HC;;W ON JUN4: 17, 1971 A special meeting of the City Council was held at the direction of Mayor Richard at 7:30 p.~. in the City Hall. Aldermen in attendence were }:rs. Bo~bie L. Koch, Mr. Robert S. Scblartz, Hr. Leon R. Chambless, Hr. Raymond G. Koym and ~:r. Jimmie V. Dunham. -, I I Hr. Adams, contractor in Parkland Vill.:::c;e subdivision presented a letter requesting ~\ a vari8nce of the building code to allow construction of a sign 16' x 48' on Main ?-,' st. advertising the subdivision development, r..r.ith such variance not to exceed h10 \j years in duration. Yotion was made by l-Ir. Char:181ess, sec-nied by I':r. Koym and voted upon four to one, Mr. Dunham objecti~~. Motion carried by majority vote. Mr. ~alter Schertz, Drban Renewal Director, presented an Amended cooperation agree- ment in the form of an ordinance and resolution. Follm:ing reading, lelr. Schvartz ~ motioned, l-~rs. Koch seconded And vote Has 1manimous to accept the amended agreement. t Or1inance number 232, inacted as p~rt of this agreement follows: 1'\ AN ORm NANCE APTHORIZnm TES HAYOR TO ~X4:CIIT'1; A FIRST At:~lID~D SOOp~nATION AGR4;~E'::NT 'ITTH THF: URBAN R'li:~\:;"fAL AGr.:NCY OF THr.: CITY OF SC:t"SRTZ IN CONl\~CTION '{[TH J~N URBJiN R-':;;~Tr!:\'!AL PROJBCT TITLED 3l-FFAl() V.:J.LlEY NORTH PROJSCT, TEX. R.112. Tlli~RC;;~S. the City desires to 8nter into an agreement with the Prban Renewal Ggency of the Gity of Schertz, for the ~)urpose of expediting and assuring the completion of the Urban Rene'llal Project, Cluffalo Valley North Project, Tex. R-112, located ivithin the city lim;ts of the City ~f Schertz, Texas; !-JO,1, TH1<;R~FOn~, B~ IT ORT),~D;r;;D 9Y T:-!S";ITY CCUi'::IL OF TEr.; Cry OF SCHSRTZ: Sr.;CTION 1. The Hayor is hereb" authorized to execute a First Amended Cooperation 249 AgreAIDfmt uith the Crban R"~mNal A:=;necs of the Gity of Schertz for the un:iert"ddng and comrletion of the Urban Reneual Proj;~ct, Bu +'f310 7311''lY lI()~'th ProJ:;~:, 'T':'x 0 R-l12, Hi thin the City of Schertz, Texas S1:1;GrIC'N 2. The First t\'118ndccJ Cooper"tjc)D A::;rp8Y':c:1t i~ att3cbed hereto ;1"1'1 Jrla :k~ a p<:.rt hereof. PAS~~D r?TI APP~OVSD this 17th day of June, 1971. /s/ Roy W. Richard l1ayor ATT~ST : .h..! Roberlio_ BUGk~r City Secretary Ordinance No. 232 FIElST Al\I.l~lJD~D GO(JPT?~_i:rLJ:.ON __~~JH~~~~~JT THIS Amn~:t,R?TT I11Clde and entered into this 17th day of Jun3, 1971, hy a1;d betW'~en the UH3AN R~~Tr;;iJA.L AGr,;:r:SY OF TIr;;; CITY OF SG!i?,I~TZ, T7,XI.S (l:rereinaft=r referred to as the AG;enc2'), and the CITY OF SCHBnTZ, TSXAS, a municipal corporatbn (hccrc;inaftcr referred to !'lS tLe("City"), }l .I T. }l 3. ~ -2. .s. 1: Ji: ~mC;:R7,I.S, the Agency "rith the aid and coo:)eri1tion;i' the City pro~,)0?'8S te, un:J:?rt2ke ani Ci1rry out em urban rene'Hal;:>I'0J;r31l1 in the City of Schertz, ir:c2-J.::1' ng but n,jt lii!' teri to, the so- ca11ed'luffdlo Valley North Urban Rene"al Project, Project No 0 1'''l"\:. R-l -: 2 (hereinafter ca11ed t,he "?roj"ctll) in accor'iance ".1i th the Urban Reno"Jal Plan therefor 3:)proved by the City Council, ::nJ bearin:;-i::te Qf Yal'ch Jl, In<'9, and i'ursuant to the)rovisLms 0':' the laws of the st:::te of Texris as h?riJinabovo,:"ef..",rY',::;r1 to; and -~ I ~,n-RnTCfS, the .t~gfH;C.Y p 'opases in can'.:r~ n:~ out tre l"rban :t8;;':;'f,'11 Fl",l for 3",i1 ;Jroject t2> acquire certain pre'Derties "nt} im;r)rove:<;r;nts tll'"rr~on \'JitLin t.he oroject area, ;:'0 ;JNvLierl for' in said Prban Renewal Plan; and ~VH-;;RSfS, the Agency proposes to "?TIter into ,J l,o;:,n and Gr,cnt ContrDct "it.h the D'_~:iarty;,ent of Housi,ng :nd Frban Deve]opment, an agenc,,/ 0f t::e TJYJi-Vd Stat8s of lhleric3, )rG\'ilin~ for findncial ;"ssistance pl,r"uant to 1" t1e I of tb? Hous'mG J;ct of 19LvJ, iJS amc;ndel, for tbJ pur~ose of car~ying out th8 Drr;visions of tl:~~ rrba~ R~newal P~l~, os folla~J3: (1) ^ 10"-' l'n "'n "mo,n+ ",n.~f",ro;Oi'-'-~ i-a "",'Y"l"lc. ~t +0 -l"'fv'~'T +1,-:<0 q'o"''' roost o_t' tt-;"',_, _ j-i __ c~l. '--' <"..J. ........'.J ......I".-...J... ..L...-,.~. ,~;G J _,~c,,)_,___ 1.. .J .._L.' Le." "'-.'_' :.-_;_ 0..,.) ''; .... _, Project, hut, not 9xceedin~ ($2,4~J,J9~.OO) (?) 11 Pro~"'rot 1"'", 'l't"'l ('r'~+ i'Y' C.n .,r'o"n+ ""t Y1~" ~-r('ee+;'" - ("., "),",r' ?',t- 00) ... -. ., ~ ..J,-.....u .J....' '..' J '_.1, -' ...11 ~... C;J.J l....l.;.J.Ut '-"V'>. ..,v..., tJ..I'lo."."i.J ~.A..L...l...:.J 'r".1.., / ",it' ,.:.....~,..'J. . (3) ,~relOCDt:Can :.:;rE:nt tn 2TI ar:,ount, but n:Jt ",Xc'~r:di;16 O?)5,J50.(I0) (4) '~rehabUit<",ti::mc:::r~;nt in. an '3r,lOunt, hl,lt n8t ,=,:'~(~e8::lin.g OJG';',5rJC.iO) Tr.r~R-;;!'S, th2 Sit..\' desir,s to provije "10<"",1 .a:rant.C:-l'Y1_-."_.l"J" l'n conn"'ctl~>1 "lth s,,-rl Pr~oJero+ _ ~ ~ u :",. .',' Ll c_ :... J. ,',~ u and h~s heretofore iniic2tAd its intention to do 58 in a r~solut. n :l0roving snid Drbun ReneHal Pl~n for s;Jid Project; lITe>;, 1'l~R'~FOHC;, in cOl1sidp.rnti:m Clf the utuAl cov""nants h'r::inafter set forth trl'~ A;,';ency and City aGro:>.e ;:JS foll01rJs: 1. A GS:TC'I (a) The ,~gp.ncy agrees t.) proce,'Od dil:L~(.mtly :m::l forthiiith,Ji th ~i11 nece?sary actions, 1.vorks pn~ 'mdertakin:;;s to carry out t.he :Jrop~)sc>l prd ;1 c'l"JV"(l Buffalo V;:;JJ,;y North Urban ReneF81 Project in U:-=> folloT'J:Lng 'iescribe:l Project arc 3, '1nd OVeRr areas as n''Y be designa- ted -<md PP0roverJ, to cori'Y out ani fulfjll thA ,8roposed Loan aYld Gr:mt Contract s 'ecifical1y between it ;ond th2 United states of ,~rr.'3rtc:, acti11; by :m.J_ -'-hrough the S'3(~r:;tar:' of HQusing :mr) Urban Development, said Proj,'Oct :lr''''s h?i'l~ i:'.;_.'~nt.if:J"d :,S the BLlt~falo Valley North Urhan Hene'Hal Project, Project ~J0. Tex. E_l_-!', 3itl",tod in he Sity ".co :3cLClrtz, G\w,j.31upe County, Te::as, Cln] suc1.1 other ~)rojects ."s TT1<,r b'? ::'~,_)rove-], thj::: ::'roJ:~ct being specific"'lly descrilJr-vl tn -;;xl~,i'~'t ifNI at:,oched hereto. 250 2" The Cit.:,' of Scl1~rtz agre'3s, pursuant to an.], 1'T: thin the orocerlures r0quired by all npplica-' ble state laHs, City Charter and Or::li2!;nces, tc) ~)rovide local grants-in-aid and to cooperate other1'Tise in the undertakin::;, carrYlng Oilt and compl8t1on of said Urban Renel-Tal Project in accori2nce ..vi th the approved Urban Rene"'al P:!.,m thorefor, in all r":spects incll~ding, but not 1: limtted to, the folloT,'in~: Tl (a) The City obligates itself to take all necessar;;r steps to a:' ropriate 1 I rrop~rly and to c0'1tri':Jute to the Ase':lc~r an:;' r10neys Thich rnc~Y accrue or come into ' its hands from any source T'lhich shall be proposed by the Sity as a cash cC)n~,ribLJ,tL::m to the Project, if 8'17, such moneys to he ieposited in the Project expenditures account mr'intained b:;' t.he Agency in connectbn 1,nth ~he Project. (b) It is understood that the City of Schertz is obligated to the payment of one-fourth ("1/4) of the net Project costs incurred in connection Hith the underbking, carryinG out, and com)letion of sicd Project. In this connection the City prop~sed non-cash local grant-in-aid credit to be a!_lo'iled for the folhroing public utilities and facilities heretofore provided and constructed \nthin the Project area or within its vicinity, b)-wit: (the fol1o'JinZ are onlye::8Y1ples): (1) S;:Jl:iUel Clemens High SchOOl, provided by the Schertz-Cibolo- Univers81 City Ind~p"mdent School District at ;] cost of $1,312,913.00 and fer a credit to the Project in the Rmount of $402 ,4~7 .00, plus additions to Samuel Clemens High School of 3275,355.00 for a cre~it to the Project in the amount of $61,129.00. (2) A':iditions to 08Henry Junior High Sc: '>01 in the anot:.nt of SlJS,8~3.00 for 2 credit to th~ Project in th~ amount of ~30,832.00. (J) Adiitions to SC~18rt,? ~lementctr'y School in the amount of $115,772.00 for ~ cre~it to the Proj8ct of S57,386.oo. (4) Remodeling and adiitions to City Hall in the amoul1t of !6,902.00 for a cre~it to the Project of $1,725.00; and construction of a fire station in the amount of ~15,1~1.OO for a credit to the Project of ~3,790.00. (5) Construction of a water storap;e an::l distrib tion system Hithin the Project area at the total cost of $134,399.00 for a creiit to the Project of +,48,OOt).oO ~I ~ In ad-:Jition to the above-itemized public ard supportin::; f;;cilities heretofore providea in connection with sai.-J Urban Renm-ral Project,it is understood and agreed thc,t the City. of Schertz will time];' ywovide the followinE non-cash ~;r,c;::t_in_aid, to-.,Tit: (c) The City hereby s:,ecific(cJlly obligates itself 8nd aijrees it "rill provide one-fourth 0/4) of the net Project cost incurred in un:iertaking (mo cClrrying out the Project. If for any re2son ad'Htionc:l loc<ll grant-tn-aid are required for the provision of such onn_fo~rth (1/4) part o~ the net project cost, incl~1ing a failure to :,rovide or "lstpbl ish gr;;nt-in-aid creji t to the s.'1tisf2ction of the Secretary ')f the D,~:x1rtm0nt of Ho:;sin: 8nd Urba!l Development in connr>ction "Tit!': any ')f the abo'be-identified constructod or proposed non-cash local grant-in-aid items, the City h3r~by agrees to contdhute to the Project in cash such additional amount as may be r0\['irerl to cover the deficit in required local ::r"nts-!n-aid Hhen and if the S.'1me she 11 he readred. (-1) The Si ty ac:r,"es to acce9t r]er:lic:~tion f'rorl the i\~ency of 'Disposi tion Par-cels Nos. 17-0, 17-"', 13-1, 1'3_2, 13-3, 13_4, 13-5, 13-6, ~(L7, 1;-1, 19-2, 30-1, 30-2,31-1, "',1-2, ~1-3, "'1-4,32-1, 33-1, 33-2,~J-l, 44_1, !!,L~_2, 44-3, Lj.it-_4 and 54-6. (8) The Git~ agre 's to Accept de~icBtion C)f all streets, alleys and other ri ;l~ts-of-Hay to be cO'lstr'_~cted :mJ iT ,raved in accordance ~,!ith the Urban R~nnwal Plan. (f) The Cit:r agrees to enforc:e by :;ro,er action the pro'lisions of all muricip;:>l code' and ordinances relatinc"; to the health, \.J81fare, safety, gcod living con- di +ions, :lnl the prevention of slum or bliGhted areas in the City of Schertz, and par- ticul,::;rly ~.n theabove-iescribedUrban ReneHal area and to contimue such e"nforcement in the intI interest of the continuing success of the Project. The Ci ty furth:~r agrees in this connection to zone and rezone as may be appropriate, the l1rban ReneHal ar"'a in conformity ',nth the Urbcm R'3neHal Plan and not in conflict ~n th said Plan. The City further acrees to vacate and close such streets, alleys, and other pllblic rights-of_ way as ore required to be closed by said PJ_~n and to t2ke such other action as ~ be necess~ry to give full ef~ect to the carrying out 0: said Urban Renewal Plan. r-c L- k f1 t i ',' i : t , I ,', l't ~ ,~ :fi. '!' ,J ., ,t 1 i '" : ...J ~ I" '--'1 I: I l 1 ".. (g) Th8 c~ty furth8r agrees to cooperate ~,nth the A~9ncy in ~ll re~sonoblA resnActs to such extent 8S may be necess3ry and required to 'bring the Buffalo V' J.Jey' North Urb<m Renec-Jal Project, Project No. Tex. R-l12, to a f~ Y'j:11 and successful completion. (h) The City of Schertz recognized Title Vi. of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the regulr:tions ani policies of the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment effectuating s~id 'l"'itle prohibi tinc~ discrimination on the grounds of race, color, or natio ~l origin in the policies ani 9ractices of any public facilities, 8ducational institution or hospit 1 rcsc'onsible for proposed credit to the loc31ity's share of the c,:>st of em Urbem Ren'.O,-"al proJ3ct receiving financic:l as-,istcmce from th8 Uni tAd St2t83. The City hereby s;.edfically agrio,es thot any and a1l public faeDi ties her"tofore constructed <md, those to be constructed for vJhich non-cash loc31 grant-in- aid is sought by the City, Hill be Civail;,cle to an~l serve all persons ~vithout r0,33rd to raCA, color, r~li2ion, sex or national oriGin. .~~. . IN lHTNSSS r'TH~RSOF, the City and the Urban ReneHal Asency have c:'Jsed these [)resents' to be executed ;md has caused thA signature of their duly authorized officers to be attested and the seal of such respective public hoiies to be affixed on th8 rtat0 hereinabove first pr(wided. ATT'SST: CITY CF SCH?RTZ, T",;Xi\S By /s/ Roy Fl. Richard Ha,:ror tst Robert C. Bueker City Clerk URBAN RS:;~'lAL j\GS:TSY OF THS CITY OF SGlISRTZ, TSX';'S: By George P. Bolton I Chairman ATT'SST:, Jesse B. Booker Secr'7tary Discussion ~'JClS held on existing zoning on the south side of Vain st. bchT8,"!n First st. and I,ive Oak Road. This pro erty had been zoner) ~-2 prior to Urh:m Ren()\oJal. Urban 1/-1/ Renewal proposed zoning for +his ar0a is R-4. Hotion was made by l1rs. Koch, seconded by Hr. Ch2~1bless 2D-1 voted on unanimously to adopt the Urban Renel.-Jal zoning as required by previously endorsed cooperative ;:j greerneDt bet'-ieen the City and Urban Renewal. ^ .. A letter Qf_ resi~nation as Assistant Su_crintendent Utilities 'i!3S read as presented by Hr. Rus:::ell Ro~'!ell. Sonditions of resL;na tion were contingent upon tHo-vTgeks pp.id vClc'ation due and commfmcing June 30, 1971. Hr. SchHartz frlotioned, 1-ir. Chnmbless seco~nded 2nd vote was un,.,nirnous to accept the conJi -':oj_ons. ' 7,2-7/ City Budget was discussed. Notion was m;::de by lir. Koym, seconded by }~. Dunham and voted upon: Ayes - three, Nays - tHO to set the annual salary of Utilities 7.3-7/ Su'erintend:ent,at $7800.00 annually. Hajority vote carried. r.:otion r.IO,S made by 11--71 Hr. SchT.-Jartz, seconded by Hrs. Koch and voted upon: Ayes _ four, Nays _ 1 (chambless) to set the annual salary of the Sewer PL:nt Supervisor at 55700.00 provided he i1!0rks . t01-rard ond obt~ins a "3" certificate Sewer Plant Operator's permit at th'~ first available texting cycle,. , Fol101.Jing salary discl),ssion, l~r. Ghombless mot.1_oned, 1;r3. Koch seconded and vote was unanimous to accept the City Budget as proposed and to set Public H"'arin_~ for t,.b.e bUd_get on July 7, 10: 00 a .rn. in City Hall. :; 5j 1/ A request for- Y:Jec_trical Licf'mse by Ross H;lectric Co. was a;::lroved fol10l-Jing motion by I-f+s. Koch,seconrl by Br. Chambless and voted upon unanimously. '7tt>-1/ I.' ' f Petj tions for anm~xation of bnds bonnded by the north 2ni east ROT-l of the High SchQo1 property, Y:lbel Road, the east Ra-l of the McCuistion property extendRd through the e[1st ROH' of the 1:]11+ ler tract, theTlce S011thl.-Jest along Live Oak Road and extended to the west Rm-l of the Kramer tract, thence south on the 1-Test RO~-l of the Kramer tract, thence east on the city limits line to +,he point of' beginning were presented to the City Cou.nci1 by ~ Tn'? jori ty of resid.Ants of said area. Motion ~.-Jas made by 1,;rs. Koch, seconded by }Ir. Ch,"::nbles,,~ and voted on unanimously to 7'1-7/ ~ '2 accept such petitions and set public hearing for annexation on July 8, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. tf ~,11 A previous request for variance of the zoning ordinance by A. J. Plouch Texaco Station and thA Starlite Theatre were discussed. Motion was made by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by }~. Chambless and voted on: Ayes - three, Nays - two (Koym, Koch) to allow no variance. .- Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. AT~T: (/I-r-: ;ZLL c:7ltcretary APPROIRD: ~~ Mayor MI..~........S OF ml HlITIBC OF THE CITY OOURCIL, CITY OF SallaTZ TIIAS, HELD OK JURI 24, 1971 A .pecial aeetinl of the city council convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. .ichard at City Hall at 7:30 p... Aldera.n in att.ndenCe vere: Mr.. Bobbie L. Xoch, Mr. Ju.1e V. Dunham, Mr. Raymond C. Xoym, Mr. L.on R. Chamble.. and Mr. "obert I. Schwartz. Minute. of the meetina' of the city council held on June 3, June 10 and June 17 were read and accepted with the followinl chanle: Volume 4, pale 2, line 1 which r.ad. ".et public hearinl for anneution on July 8, 1971" iI chal1led to read, ".et public hearinl for anneution on .July 15, 1971." r '1q~ '11 L.tter of re.ilnation rec.ived from .u..ell .ob.rt Rowell to b. effective Jun. 30, 1971 wa. r.ad and acc.pted by motion of Mr. Schwartz, second.d by Mr. Cha.bl... and voted upon unani.ausly. ~O,,11 A propo.al for a Traffic Thoroulbfare Study initiated throulh the Comaunity Council wa. pre.ented to the council. Under thi. proposal, a Traffic !aline.. would b. employed at a total ...t of $10,000 - $14,000. Each participatinl municipality tnd county would pay a pro-rata cost ba..d on population. ' Upon .ation by Mrs. bch, .econded by Mr. Dunham and voted on unaaimously, it was alreed that Scho.tz would participate to the exten' of $1,000.00. >i# Public hearinl for annexation of Parkland Villale 11 va. held with readial of the hearinl proceedil1l. by Mayor Richard. There beinl no objection to the aaneution, it va. a,reed to proceed with the anneution by adoption of ordinance on July 8, 1971. ' A propo.al for in.tallation of a .elf-'.rYic. la. station at the Mr. .", .tore on Main St. by Autotronic Sy.t... of Hou.ton va. turned down ba.ed oa (1) a hindrance to traffic flow (2) coa-conforsance vith the 50' clearance r.quir....t from adjoinil1l property line. (3) objection of the 'o.t Office to the u.e of their parkil1l ~rea (4) Unacceptability and inacce..ibility of rear parkil1l .pace. (5) re.idential objection.. Motion va. ..de by Mr. ChaD 1... , ..conded by Mr. Buo.. and vot.d on unaniaoudy to dilaUow the ia. taUa tion. ~ I" 1/ Bi.c...ion va. h.ld on preparation of job de.cription. for city e.ploy.... It va. asreed that key ..,loyee. would be called before the council to pre- .... their po.ition.. City S.crotary va. in.tracted to confer with the - .:. .'