cc-06-24-1971 '2 accept such petitions and set public hearing for annexation on July 8, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. tf ~,11 A previous request for variance of the zoning ordinance by A. J. Plouch Texaco Station and thA Starlite Theatre were discussed. Motion was made by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by }~. Chambless and voted on: Ayes - three, Nays - two (Koym, Koch) to allow no variance. .- Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. AT~T: (/I-r-: ;ZLL c:7ltcretary APPROIRD: ~~ Mayor MI..~........S OF ml HlITIBC OF THE CITY OOURCIL, CITY OF SallaTZ TIIAS, HELD OK JURI 24, 1971 A .pecial aeetinl of the city council convened at the direction of Mayor Roy W. .ichard at City Hall at 7:30 p... Aldera.n in att.ndenCe vere: Mr.. Bobbie L. Xoch, Mr. Ju.1e V. Dunham, Mr. Raymond C. Xoym, Mr. L.on R. Chamble.. and Mr. "obert I. Schwartz. Minute. of the meetina' of the city council held on June 3, June 10 and June 17 were read and accepted with the followinl chanle: Volume 4, pale 2, line 1 which r.ad. ".et public hearinl for anneution on July 8, 1971" iI chal1led to read, ".et public hearinl for anneution on .July 15, 1971." r '1q~ '11 L.tter of re.ilnation rec.ived from .u..ell .ob.rt Rowell to b. effective Jun. 30, 1971 wa. r.ad and acc.pted by motion of Mr. Schwartz, second.d by Mr. Cha.bl... and voted upon unani.ausly. ~O,,11 A propo.al for a Traffic Thoroulbfare Study initiated throulh the Comaunity Council wa. pre.ented to the council. Under thi. proposal, a Traffic !aline.. would b. employed at a total ...t of $10,000 - $14,000. Each participatinl municipality tnd county would pay a pro-rata cost ba..d on population. ' Upon .ation by Mrs. bch, .econded by Mr. Dunham and voted on unaaimously, it was alreed that Scho.tz would participate to the exten' of $1,000.00. >i# Public hearinl for annexation of Parkland Villale 11 va. held with readial of the hearinl proceedil1l. by Mayor Richard. There beinl no objection to the aaneution, it va. a,reed to proceed with the anneution by adoption of ordinance on July 8, 1971. ' A propo.al for in.tallation of a .elf-'.rYic. la. station at the Mr. .", .tore on Main St. by Autotronic Sy.t... of Hou.ton va. turned down ba.ed oa (1) a hindrance to traffic flow (2) coa-conforsance vith the 50' clearance r.quir....t from adjoinil1l property line. (3) objection of the 'o.t Office to the u.e of their parkil1l ~rea (4) Unacceptability and inacce..ibility of rear parkil1l .pace. (5) re.idential objection.. Motion va. ..de by Mr. ChaD 1... , ..conded by Mr. Buo.. and vot.d on unaniaoudy to dilaUow the ia. taUa tion. ~ I" 1/ Bi.c...ion va. h.ld on preparation of job de.cription. for city e.ploy.... It va. asreed that key ..,loyee. would be called before the council to pre- .... their po.ition.. City S.crotary va. in.tracted to confer with the - .:. .' 3 Utilities Superintendent and arrange to have Mrs. Krause appear before the eounell oa July 15. -, City Enline.r. Charle. Cros.. briefed council .ember. on current status of the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority. 1.-- There D~inl no f.rther bUline... the .eetinl was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. A'mST: ~e~ APrIlOVBD:~~ City Secretary :t-ITtTUTH;S C'F Th"'H; HS~TING OF ,THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SC~RTZ 1.'~Xj\S. Hr,;LD ON JULY 8, 1971 The regular meeting of the City Council l..as convened at the-Erection of Mayor Roy W. Richard at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall. Allernen in attend:mce Here: Kr. Leon R. Chambless, t~r. Robert ~. SchHartz and Hr. Ra,nllond G. Koym. :tvIr. She Idon, represenbti ve of Sta-Crete Pools briefed council members on s~dnming pool construction contemplated for the city park. Recommendiltions incluctect: a 50-meter pool leni;th to meet ANT standards of cOI'lpetition Hith 6(Lfoot Hidth to ,1ccorrJ11odote 10 lanes; a kiddie pool, four life-_':Jard posif;ions, toilet ~md ;'):'sk;t faciJities, a diving pool 40' x 40' Hith one and three-J'lleter b03rds, 2nd a snack oar. A~proxirr;ate cost of these fadlities l-lol,ld 1:1e $150,000. Ad:iiti::mc:l i'er'iS to be considered in a borld is",ue ")Ol'~:i be parkinc;' fencing, libhtin;, park pa 'lilion, pool furni tLCre, 12nj,sca~)ing end other lesser items. t Ordinance 1F 2.33. annexdion of Parkl:md Village, was read. Follo'::i.'1g floor dj3cLlssion, J-Tr. SchvlClrtz motioned, IJIr. ~h9rr,bless seconde:l and vote was unanimolJS to adopt sa~,'1_11 ordinance. :5(1(; A letter from the Citizens' Arlvisory COl'1mittee recommen.iinG rlismtssal from tk t COlfll11tttee of Hr. R:Jl)h Keller and leIrs. Hary r.;ly b'?callse of undue absenteeism ~md appGintment to the commit+,ee of Hr. R"ymon::l G. Flores and Lr. 'villian Osburn g3-7/ Has read. 1-1otion w,'s m&'1e by Hr. SchHartz, secrmded by Hr. Ch,cHnb:!..ess and votE}'::l on unanimous~T . .. A proposed amendment to the Schertz COJi:prehensi ve Pl~n setting the boundary for planning :'Jurposes at one m'le north of the north city limits line 1-Jas read b,y Xayor Richard. 110tion ,:.]as mJie by Mr. Scr-n.Jartz, seconded by l,ir. }:oym an::l ,rated on unanir,1ojlslyi. fI~ - " ! I Req\1est was m;de for insta112t ion of a fire hydrant at the rear vwh rack of the I ne"l fire station. !fotion was mC!~e by T:r. Ch2rntless and seco;1:1ed by Hr. Koym to 9S-71 proceed Hith the in8tc:llation. Nr. Scrn.iartz abstained. There 1:1eint; no mej:::>rHy vote, the measure was defe,.,ted. Meeting was 3ijourned at 10:30 y.m. " Ordinance No. 233 follows: ANNSXING TH~ H":R-;;'INAFI'T<;R D~SGRIB'SD TSRRITORY TO TID.: CITY OF S~~RTZ, "~ ',' GU!i')!lIDPC:; COTJN'l'Y, T~Y": S, AND r;;X'1'~"Tn"rr "'E7. Den:] ,. RY T IITTS CF SllID CITY - S'<f'~~ TO;',_JRCJJJDB- s },ID . HSR~IN:4 FT~R DTI;S CRI~TI;D PRO P~R TY ',1' mHI'J S i\ ill CITY LIHIfs, 1, "ID "'~:+.: RIGHTS t,"-:;:'liT'iJIL7,G7,S CF C''''F7.R ':::l"'IZS~~S ;' FD DI'iHT'G SJ,ID nm;,~IT,\:;TS 1'Y' I L OF TES II CTS, :-RDDT(.NmS, ESSOLT"" IeWS ""D RS:}PLf.'T'TOIlS OF S;'. m 8ITY. j