cc-07-08-1971 3 Utilities Superintendent and arrange to have Mrs. Krause appear before the eounell oa July 15. -, City Enline.r. Charle. Cros.. briefed council .ember. on current status of the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority. 1.-- There D~inl no f.rther bUline... the .eetinl was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. A'mST: ~e~ APrIlOVBD:~~ City Secretary :t-ITtTUTH;S C'F Th"'H; HS~TING OF ,THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SC~RTZ 1.'~Xj\S. Hr,;LD ON JULY 8, 1971 The regular meeting of the City Council l..as convened at the-Erection of Mayor Roy W. Richard at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall. Allernen in attend:mce Here: Kr. Leon R. Chambless, t~r. Robert ~. SchHartz and Hr. Ra,nllond G. Koym. :tvIr. She Idon, represenbti ve of Sta-Crete Pools briefed council members on s~dnming pool construction contemplated for the city park. Recommendiltions incluctect: a 50-meter pool leni;th to meet ANT standards of cOI'lpetition Hith 6(Lfoot Hidth to ,1ccorrJ11odote 10 lanes; a kiddie pool, four life-_':Jard posif;ions, toilet ~md ;'):'sk;t faciJities, a diving pool 40' x 40' Hith one and three-J'lleter b03rds, 2nd a snack oar. A~proxirr;ate cost of these fadlities l-lol,ld 1:1e $150,000. Ad:iiti::mc:l i'er'iS to be considered in a borld is",ue ")Ol'~:i be parkinc;' fencing, libhtin;, park pa 'lilion, pool furni tLCre, 12nj,sca~)ing end other lesser items. t Ordinance 1F 2.33. annexdion of Parkl:md Village, was read. Follo'::i.'1g floor dj3cLlssion, J-Tr. SchvlClrtz motioned, IJIr. ~h9rr,bless seconde:l and vote was unanimolJS to adopt sa~,'1_11 ordinance. :5(1(; A letter from the Citizens' Arlvisory COl'1mittee recommen.iinG rlismtssal from tk t COlfll11tttee of Hr. R:Jl)h Keller and leIrs. Hary r.;ly b'?callse of undue absenteeism ~md appGintment to the commit+,ee of Hr. R"ymon::l G. Flores and Lr. 'villian Osburn g3-7/ Has read. 1-1otion w,'s m&'1e by Hr. SchHartz, secrmded by Hr. Ch,cHnb:!..ess and votE}'::l on unanimous~T . .. A proposed amendment to the Schertz COJi:prehensi ve Pl~n setting the boundary for planning :'Jurposes at one m'le north of the north city limits line 1-Jas read b,y Xayor Richard. 110tion ,:.]as mJie by Mr. Scr-n.Jartz, seconded by l,ir. }:oym an::l ,rated on unanir,1ojlslyi. fI~ - " ! I Req\1est was m;de for insta112t ion of a fire hydrant at the rear vwh rack of the I ne"l fire station. !fotion was mC!~e by T:r. Ch2rntless and seco;1:1ed by Hr. Koym to 9S-71 proceed Hith the in8tc:llation. Nr. Scrn.iartz abstained. There 1:1eint; no mej:::>rHy vote, the measure was defe,.,ted. Meeting was 3ijourned at 10:30 y.m. " Ordinance No. 233 follows: ANNSXING TH~ H":R-;;'INAFI'T<;R D~SGRIB'SD TSRRITORY TO TID.: CITY OF S~~RTZ, "~ ',' GU!i')!lIDPC:; COTJN'l'Y, T~Y": S, AND r;;X'1'~"Tn"rr "'E7. Den:] ,. RY T IITTS CF SllID CITY - S'<f'~~ TO;',_JRCJJJDB- s },ID . HSR~IN:4 FT~R DTI;S CRI~TI;D PRO P~R TY ',1' mHI'J S i\ ill CITY LIHIfs, 1, "ID "'~:+.: RIGHTS t,"-:;:'liT'iJIL7,G7,S CF C''''F7.R ':::l"'IZS~~S ;' FD DI'iHT'G SJ,ID nm;,~IT,\:;TS 1'Y' I L OF TES II CTS, :-RDDT(.NmS, ESSOLT"" IeWS ""D RS:}PLf.'T'TOIlS OF S;'. m 8ITY. j 4 leiDI 27.711 acre. of laDd out of a 59.716 acre tract aJt of the alorlo O..che 167.9 acre tract out of the Genobera Malpa. Survey, Patent No. 276, Vol_e One, Ab.tract .0. 22, out of Divilion 13, Cuadalupe County, Toxa.; s.iel 27.711 acres of land beinl more particularly de.cribed a. follows: IIGIMNING at an iroll pin .et at the Southeast corner of sai4 59.716 aere tract anel ~einl the North..st Unit corner of Westland Pari Subdivision Unit ~, as recorded in Volume 2, Pale 142, Guadalupe County Plat aecords; o TKIRCI, South 59 46' 56" We.t 15".IS ~eet alona the Northwe.t UJllt, 1111e of said We.tland Park Subdivision to .. iren pin .et for the Southweat corner of the herein described trect; TRaCI. .orth 300 15' 01" West 775.76 feet a10nl the Southwest line of said 59.71' acre tract to a poiDt for the Northwe.t corner of the herein de.cribed tract; mINCI, 590 46' 56" Bast 131.37 feet to a point-for-corner; 'l'BIRCI, 300 13' 04" West 1.15 feet to a point-for-corner; '11IIICI, ". 46' 56" ".t 1160.47 feet to a point-for-corner; THINCK, )to 13' 04" ...t 20.50 feet to a point-for-corner; '" maCI, 590 46' 56" Ia.t 140.47 feet to a point-for-corner; maCI, 380 13' 04" "st 15.75 feet to a point-for-corner; TlDCI, North 590 46' 56" "st 20.00 feet to a point-for-corner, said point beinl i1l the arc of a curve whose radiu. point bear. North 590 46'56" la.t 20.00 feet and who.e interior anile 18 1020 03' 51"; mIRCI, 35.63 feet in a Southea.t to Northeast direction alonl the arc of .aid curve to the point-of-reverse curvature of a curve who.e radius point bears South 420 16' 55" la.t 445.00 feet .nd whose interior anile is 120'03' 51"; THINCI, 93.70 feet in . Northea.terly direction a10nl the arc of ..id curve to the point-of-tanlency; 'DIINCI, North 590 46' 56" Ie,t 4.36 feet to a point-for-corner in the Northeast line .f said 59.71' acre tract; TRaCI, South 290 39' 21" ...t 730.99 feet alonl the Northe..t line of aaid 59.716 acre tract to the Point-of-Ielinninl and Containinl 27.711 acres of land. WRIRIAS, Said territory ia adjoining the City df Schertz, and WKI.IAS, .aid potition, de.irial and requestins the annexation of .aid torritpry of ,aid city ha. been presented to the City Council and has attached to it the affidavit of two (2) applicant' to the effect that ,.id petitio~ ia aianed by a majority of the qualifiod voters withi. such property: BOW mluroal, I. IT OIDAINID IY '!HI CITY OOURCIL or !Ill CITY or SalDTZ, TIJAS: That the following de.cribed property, to-wit: 1 5 lelng 27.711 acre. of land out of a 59.716 acre tract out of the George Ge.che 167.9 acre tract out of tbe Genobera Ma1pa. Survey, Patent No. 276, Volume One, Ab.tract No. 22, out of Division 13, Guadalupe County, Texas; said 27.711 acre. of land being more particularly described a. follows: IIGINNING at an iron pin set at the Southeast corner of said 59.716 acre tract and beinl the Northeast Unit corner of Westland Park Subdivision Unit I, a. recorded in Volume 2, Pale 142, Guadalupe County Plat Record.; 'l'BINCI, South 590 46' 56" Welt 1566.23 feet along the Northwe.t Unit line of .aid Weet1and Park Subdivision to an iron pin set for the Southwest corner of tbe herein de.crlbed tract; 'l'BINCI, North 300 15' 01" Welt 775.76 feet along the Southweet 11ne of .aid 59.716 acre tract to a polnt for the Northwest corner of the herein described tract; ~, I mINCI, 590 46' 56" last 131. 37 feet to a point-for-corner; TRENCI, 300 13' 04" West 1.15 feet to a point-for-corner; 'DIDlCK, 590 46' 56" last 1160.47 feet to a point-for-corner; TRINCI, 3.0'13' 04" last 20.50 feat to a point-for-corner; 'DIINCI, 590 46' 56" Kast 140.47 feet to a point-for-corner; TRINCI, 300 13' 04" Ka.t 15.75 feet to a point-for-corner; TRINCI, North 590 46' 56" Ka.t 20.00 feet to a point-for-corner, .aid point being in the arc of a curve whose radius point bear. North 5?0 46' 56" last 20.00 feet and who.e interior aalle 11 1020 03' 51"; THINCI, 35.63 feet ia a Southea.t to Northeast direction 810a8 the arc of said curve to the point-of-revers. curvature of a curve whose radius point bears South 420 16' 55" Ia.t 445.00 feet aad whose iaterior angle is 120 03' 51"; THINCI, 93.70 feet in a Northeasterly direction along tbe arc of said curve to the point-of-tangency; THINCI, North 590 46' 56" Ka.t 4.36 feet to a point-for-corner in the Northea.t 11ne of .aid 59.716 acre tract; o TRIBCI, louth 29 39' 21" Ka.t 730.99 feet along the Northeast line of .aid 59.716 acre tract to the Point-of-Ieginning and Containinl 27.711 acre. of land. be and the lame 11 bereby annexed to the City of Schert., Guadalupe County, Texas, a.d that the boundary limit. of the City of Schertz be and the .ame are hereby extended to include the abive described territory within the city limit. of the City of Schert., and the same ,hall hereafter be included within the territorial limit I of .ald city, and the inhabitant. thereof shan hereafter be entitled to all rilht. .ad privil..es of other citi.... of the City of Schertz and they r--. .hal1 be bo.nel by the act., ordlnance., re.olution. and regulation. of laid City. ~ I PASSID by an affl~tiva vote of all memb.r. of the City Council, this the Ith day of June, A.D., 1971. APPROVED: .s Ii/. .&_y v.i. R.\ C6f-fL-<.O Mayor 6 ATTIST: ----, 15ft Robert c. BUAk~r City Secretary (City Seal) 1. the u.der.i.... City Secretary of the City of Schertz. Texa. .. hereby caTIrY that the aboye a.. forel.ina i. . true aa. correct copy of a. Or.i...ce ,....d aad ..opt.d by the City C8uac11 .f .ald City oa the Ith of July 1971.which Or.!..ace i. recorded ia Vel. 4. pale. , aad 4 .f the L...l Miaut.. of the City of Schertz. 1. WITlfISS WRIUDF. 1 have hereuato .et ray .fficial da-ture .ad - affixed the .eal .f ..id City. this the 12th day of July 1971. AD. AT'RST: ~.~ 1s/t Robert C. Bueker CITY SICUTAllY. CITY OF SCIID'I'Z. AP?ROV1m: r:z. HI/? j; f Havor ""_I#VIo~ .L..A.lS MI.~......I or THI MElTING OF THE CITY OOUNCIL. CITY or SOIII.'l'Z TlXAS. BILD ON JULY 15. 1971 A .pecial meetinl of the City Council was convened at the direction of Mayor I.oy I.ichard at 7:30 PM at Schertz City Hall. Aldermen'in attendence were: I.aymond Koym. Mr.. Bobbie Koch. Jilllllie Dunham. "obert Ichwartz. and Leon Chamble.s. . Minute. of the meetings of June 24 and July 8 were read aad approv.d without changes. A letter from the Weekly Herald new. paper requ..ting their publication 'e u.ed a. the City of Ichertz official new.paper .a. read by Mayor I.ichard. Motion .a. made by Mr. Ichwartz. .econded by; Mr. Dunh_. and voted on unanimou.ly to retain the Valley New. as the official nev.pap.r. City Secretary .as in.tructed to inform the Weekly B.rald of action taken. 9 fp.11 Discu.sion .a. held on retaiaina rloyd Westermann a. the city financial advi.or on coatract for one year in lieu of a "vote of confidence" liven r I.