cc-07-15-1971 6 ATTIST: ----, 15ft Robert c. BUAk~r City Secretary (City Seal) 1. the u.der.i.... City Secretary of the City of Schertz. Texa. .. hereby caTIrY that the aboye a.. forel.ina i. . true aa. correct copy of a. Or.i...ce ,....d aad ..opt.d by the City C8uac11 .f .ald City oa the Ith of July 1971.which Or.!..ace i. recorded ia Vel. 4. pale. , aad 4 .f the L...l Miaut.. of the City of Schertz. 1. WITlfISS WRIUDF. 1 have hereuato .et ray .fficial da-ture .ad - affixed the .eal .f ..id City. this the 12th day of July 1971. AD. AT'RST: ~.~ 1s/t Robert C. Bueker CITY SICUTAllY. CITY OF SCIID'I'Z. AP?ROV1m: r:z. HI/? j; f Havor ""_I#VIo~ .L..A.lS MI.~......I or THI MElTING OF THE CITY OOUNCIL. CITY or SOIII.'l'Z TlXAS. BILD ON JULY 15. 1971 A .pecial meetinl of the City Council was convened at the direction of Mayor I.oy I.ichard at 7:30 PM at Schertz City Hall. Aldermen'in attendence were: I.aymond Koym. Mr.. Bobbie Koch. Jilllllie Dunham. "obert Ichwartz. and Leon Chamble.s. . Minute. of the meetings of June 24 and July 8 were read aad approv.d without changes. A letter from the Weekly Herald new. paper requ..ting their publication 'e u.ed a. the City of Ichertz official new.paper .a. read by Mayor I.ichard. Motion .a. made by Mr. Ichwartz. .econded by; Mr. Dunh_. and voted on unanimou.ly to retain the Valley New. as the official nev.pap.r. City Secretary .as in.tructed to inform the Weekly B.rald of action taken. 9 fp.11 Discu.sion .a. held on retaiaina rloyd Westermann a. the city financial advi.or on coatract for one year in lieu of a "vote of confidence" liven r I. 7 - I e.~lier this year. Motion was made by Mr. Chambless, seconded by Mr. Dunham, il~11 and voted on unanimously to grant the one year contract g Dilcu..ion was held on the shortage of personnel in the Utilities Department. No local personnel have applied for the available position to date. Follow- ing motion by Mr. Chambless, seconded by Mr. Koym, and voted on unanimously, 23-11 it was agreed that advertisements by placed for the position. CouDcilmen expressed the desire that a quarterly report b~ prepared for the following city functions; water, sewage, and police. lublic hearings were conducted on three proposed annexations covering lands containing the Kramer, Veazey, Seiler, Butler, and lesser tracts of land. No objectio.s were proposed to the adoption of the ordinance; annexation of such lands will be scheduled as an agenda item on July 29. . petition for annexation of two parcels of land (Bueker---2.4 acres and Potter ---3.0 acres) was presented to the Council and accepted following motion by Mr. d~ ff/ Koym, seconded by Mr. Dunham, and voted on unanimously. Public hearing for ~Y'I. the two annexations is scheduled for July 29, 1971. .iscussion was held on city park improvements and recommendations by Council members 1O~ sp~cific items to be contained in the park development. E.timated construction co.t. were projected and contained in a letter that the city secretary was instructed to write to Charles Cross, City Engi- neer, re~~t~n8 ~he Council's desires for park construction. ;--, Mr. Dunham motioned the meeting be adjourned at 9:10 PM. It was seconded l by Mr. dhaable.. and voted on unanimou.ly. APPROVED: -- - Amft: axe~~ City SecretarY Q~./W~h~ ~ Mayoro MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS. HElD ON July 22. 1971 A s~eial me~ting of the City Council convened at the direction of Mayor Roy w:. ,R;chard at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. Aldermen in attendance were: Mrs. Bobbie L. K~eh, ~. Jimmie Dunham and Mr. Robert E. Schwartz. Discussion was held. on the hiring of personnel for the Utilities Dept. Recommendation was made that decision be withheld on consideration of Mr. Raymond Huntley as Asst. to allow other applicants to file for the position. Motion was made by Mr. Dunham, 90-7/ seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously to allow the hiring of Mr. Arenas on a permanent ba~sis and a Mr. Franks on temporary basis. ! Dis.cussion on th~ increased cost of police dispatch service was tabled until more information can be gathered.