cc-07-29-1971 8 Installation of a fire hydrant at the rear o~ the Live Oak Fire Station was discussed. Installation costs at this time will be reduced since equipment is alrea~ on hand. !\\ Motion was made by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. DunhaM and voted on unanimously to have q\" the hydrant installed. Discussion was held on the purchase of a street sweeper. It was rec~I."'....,,J.ded a used Pelican sweeper be brought out for demonstration and inspection and considered for lease purchase. Work being performed on Main st. by United Gas Co. ~s considered unsatistactor.y. Ci ty Secretary was instructed to wr1 te a letter requesting their work 'be completed properly and cross ditches filled and compacted to allow movement of traffic. ATTEST: ~C. ./3~ Robert C. Bueker, City Secretary APPRuvl!.u: L, ~AJa__ ~ Roy wI Richard, Mayor HINUTES OF THE HEETING OF THE CITY OOURCIL, CITY OF SCHaTZ TEXAS, HELD OK JULY 29, 1971 A .p.ci.l ....ion of the City Council cODYen.d .t the direction of Mayor Richard. in ..th. City Hall. Ald.ra.n in .tt.nd.nc. w.re Mr. Ila~d Ioya, Mr.. Bobbi. loch, ._~r. ~n Claable.., .nd Mr. Rob.rt S.Il..~tz. tIr.' Votl Sche.l., d.velop.r of V.IV.rd. Subdivi8ion, pre.ented . pr.U..inary .rchitectur.l ~..ilD for . propo..d 69 uni~ .p.r~nt c~l~ ~o be loc.t.d on Liv. O.k Ro.d in the V.l Verde Subdivi.ion. Ko obj.ction. propo.ed by the Council ..-b.r. to the propo..l. ,,\ City Ordinanc. 1234 "Levying T.~.. for the Year 1971" v.. read by Mayor R.ich.rd.. Motion q'}: v.. _d. by Mr. Xoya, ..cond.d by Mr.. Koch, .nd vot.d on unanilloudy to .dopt ..id ordinanc.. Ordinanc. #234 follow.: WHBR.EA.S, the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texa., h.. not p....d .nd .dopt.d .n ordinanc. l.vying ._ual t.x.. for the year 1971, .nd it now con.id.r. it DU....ry .nd d..ir.bl., .t the pr...nt tta., to p... .uch ordinance l.vyina ad v.lor.. t.x.. on .11 t.xable prop.rty in the City of Sch.rtz, for the y..r 1971, .ad WHIRBAS, this City Council, .ft.r due con.id.r.tion, find. .nd d.teraia.. that to p.y the op.r.ting .xp.n.a. of the City which viii .ccrue for the .n.uins year, h.r.in r.ferr.d to .. the t.x l.vy for Gen.r.l Fund purpo..., that . t.x of .nd .t the r.t. of .ev.nty-nin. (0.79) c.nt. on each one hundr.d doll.r. ($100.00) .......d v.luation of .11 t.xabl. prop.rty in the City .hould b. l.vi.d for the year 1971; .nd th.t to pay the intere.t on .nd to cr..t. the n.c....ry .inking fund on the $301,000 CITY OF SalaTZ SEWD. SYSTIK BORDS, SEUES 1962, d.ted .sun. 1, 1962, h.r.tofor. .uthoriz.d by .n, ordinance p....d .nd .dopt.d on thi. d.y, th.t . t.x of .Dd.t the r.t. of tw.nty-one ($0.21) on each one hundred ($100.00) dollar. ......ed v.luation of .11 't.xabl. property in the City .hould be le.ied for the year 1971, th.r.by _kina. tot.l .d v.lor.. t.x l.vied for the y.ar 1971, of .nd .t the r.te of one doll.r ($1.00) on ..ch on. hundr.d dollar. <t[OO.OO) a......d 'v.luation of all taxable prop.rty in the Ci)y of Sch.rtz, Tex..; ROW, THBR.IlOD, BE IT ODA...LiI.u BY 'l'RE ".u1 OOUllCIL OF THE CITY or SCllDTZ, TEXAS: I ' Th.t, for G.neral Fund purpo... of the City of Sch.rtz, T.xa., there .h.ll be, and th.re i. hereby l..i.d, . t.x of and at th. r.te of ..venty-ni.. c.nt. ($0.79) on each on. hundr.d doll.r. ($100.00) .......d v.luation of .11 t.xabl. property in the City of Sch.rtz, T.xa. for th. 1971. II Th.t, to pay the intere.t on .nd to provide the n.c....ry .inkina fund on the i.... of $301,000 CITY OF SalaD SIWIR SYSTIK BODS, SIIIES 1962, dat.. Jun. 1, 1962, th.r. .h.ll be, .nd th.r. i. h.r.by l.vi.d OD each on. hundr.d doll.r. <$100.00) .......d valuation t 9 of all taxable prop.rty in the City of Schertz, Texas, for the year 1971 a tax of and at the r-- rate of twenty-one cents ($0.21). . I ,~ III That the total tax hereby levied on each one hundred dollar. ($100.00) a.....ed valuation of all taxable property in the City of Schertz, Texas, for the y.ar 1971 shall be of and at the'rateof one dollar ($1.00), of which a tax of and at the rate of seventy- nine cents ($.79), aforelaid, shall be and is hereby levied for General Fund purpoles of said City, and of which, a tax of and at tbe rate of twenty-one cents ($0.21) as afore- said, shall be and i. h.reby levied for interest and sinking fund purposes, and said taxes hereby levied .hall be applied to the purposed named. PASSD, ADOPTED AllD APPROVED THIS JULY 29, 1971. s/r ~y W. ~/CI+A-1f:..D Roy Richard, Mayor ATTEST: s/,o. t.c6~ c. 3LA...E~ Robert C. Bueker, City Sec. (Seal of City) A proposed contract from Texas Securities Corporation requesting Mr. Floyd Westermann to be retain.d as financial advisor for the City of Schertz for the period July 1, 1971 to July 1, 1972 was read" Mrs. Koch motioned it, Mr. Koym seconded the motion, and it wasqJ/}J voted on unantaously to accept the contract as read. ,-- I Public h.aring was held for the proposed annexation of the Bueker and Potter tracts. No i. ob jections were received from the floor. Ordinance # 235 relating to annexation of the Kramer tract was read by Mayor Richards. A motion was made by Mr. Koym, seconded by Mr. Chambless and voted on unanimously to 91-"7/ adopt said ordinance. Ordinance #235 follows: ANNEXING THE HIRlINAFTER DESCRIBED TElUlITORY TO THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, GUADALUPE CX)'(JA~.L J., T~XAS, AlO) EXTDDING THE BOUIIDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREI~FTER DESCRIBED PIOPDTY _....L.IN SAID CITY LIMITS, AND THEI.IGBTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZIRS AlO) BIBDIIIG SAID INBABITARTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS, ODINANCES, RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF SAID CITY. BEGINNING at a point in the City Limits line of the City of Schertz, which point is in the south lin. of the Gle'n Veazey tract and is 80 feet distant from the east ROW line of Live Oak load. THEMCE, N' 300 W aloog a line parallel with and 80 feet distant from the east ROW line of Live Oak Road, which point is in the City Limits line of the City of Schertz; THENCE, S 600 W with said City Limits line of the City of Schertz 2640 feet to a point in said CityoLtaita line; THENCE, S 30' E 2330 fe.t to a point in the City Limits line of the City of Schertz; THENCE, with the City Limits line of the City of Schertz N 600 E 2520 feet, more of less; N 300 W 220 f.et, ~re or lell, to the point of beginning. WHERBAS,"said territory is adjoining the City of Schertz, and r--' WHERBAS, said petition, desiring and requesting the annexation of said territory of said : city has been presented to the City Council and has attached to it the affidavit of eleven 1(11) applicant. to the effect that said petition is signed by a majority of the qualified voters within such prop.rty: NOW THEREFORE"B. IT OIDAINED BY THE CITY CX>UNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: That the follewing described property, to-wit: 10 BIGIRRING at a point in the City Liait. line of the City of Schertz. which point i. in the .outh line of the Glenn Veaz.y tract and i. 80 fe.t di.tant from the .a.t ROW line of Live Oak Iload. THINCE. R 300 W along a line parall.l with and 80 fe.t di.tant fro. the ...t lOW line of Liv. Oak Iload 2.100 f..t. .ore or 1.... to a point in the .outh ROW line of Live Oak Iload. which point i. in the City Liait. line of the City of Schertz; THlNel. S 600 W with .aid City Limit. line ofth. City of Schertz 2640 f..t to . point in .aid City Liait. line; , ." THINCI. S300 I 2330 feet to a point in the City L~it. line of the City of Sch.rtz; tHlNgl. with the City Liait. line ofothe City of Sch.rtz B 600 I 2520 fe.t. ~~. or 1...; R 30 W 220 feet. more or 1...; N 60 E 120 f..t. more or 1.... to the point of.b.ginning. be and the .ame is h.r.by annexed to the City of Sch.rtz. Guadalup. County. T.xas. and that the boundary liait. of th.City of Sch.rtz be and the .... are her.by ext.nd.d to include th~.above d..crib.d t.rritory within the city limit. of the City of Schertz. and the s... .hall h.r.aft.r b. includ.d within the territorial liait. of .aid city. and the inhabitant. th.reof shall h.reaft.r b. entitled to all rights and privil.... of oth.r citizen. of the City of Schertz and they .hall be bound by the act.. ordinanc.... re.ol,-tion.. and regulation. of .aid City. PASSED by an affirmative vote of all memb.r. of the City Council. tbi.the.29th day of July. A.D. 1971. APPBOVED: sh /!..oy w. /?,/GHAILD Mayor ATTIST: $/ , ~ ~ (f;(, ., C ~ 8 u.Gl(..E It.. City Secretary (CITY SIAL) <" qG,11 Ordinance # 236 r.1atins to the annexation of the Seiler and Butl.r tract. va. read by Mayor Ilichard.. A motion wa. ..d. by Mr. Schwartz. .econd.d by 1Ir.. loch. and voted on unaniaously. Ordinance # 236':follow.: ADBnRG tHE HDllllA&.I.D DBSCUBED TBUl'l'OIlY 'l'O THI \.u! OF SCBDTZ. GUADAIoUPB ~w'UJTY. TEXAS. ARB I1TDDIlIG THE BOUlDAaY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS 'l'O INCIoDI lAID BD.BIlIAnlR. DESCIlIBED PIOPDTY WItHIN SAID CITY LDlITS. AD THE IlIGHTS ARB PIlIVILIGES OF "O'l'RD CITIZIRS AD BIlIDIlIG SAID IBllABlTANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS, OltDIlWtCBS, IlISOLUTIOlfS AID' 1l81JLATIONS OF SAID CITY. BIGINRING at a point in the City Liaits 1in. of the City of .ch.rtz. which "eiat i. the inter..ction of the .a.t line of the J.... Wil.on tract and the .o.th 'lOW line of Liv. Oak Iload. TRINCE, S 300 I with the .aid ea.t 1in. of the Jes.e Wil.on tract 1.100f.et .or. or Ie.. to a point in .aid ea.t 1in. which is the int.r.ection of said .a.t line and' the . north line which i. the int.r..ction of .aid ea.t 1in. and the north 1in., 'produc.., of the Glenn Veazey tract; THIBC., S 600 W with the .aid north line. and produced . of' the Gl.nn 'Yeaz.y -tract 2640.0 feet to a point in .aid north 1in. which point i. 80 f..t. .or. or 1.... 'from the east IlOW line of Liv. Oak )load; '!'REMCI, N300 W alona, a line parallel with and 80 f.et distant froa the .a.t lOW line of Liv. Oak I.oad 1,100 f..t mor. or 1... to a point in the south lOW line of Live Oak Iload which point i. in the City ~!ait. lin. of the City of Schertz; . ;:. ' THENCE, N 600 E with said City Limits line of the City of Schertz 2640 feet to the point of h..1nn1nl. 11 WHEREAS, said t.rritory is adjoining the City of Schertz. and '-/ WHEREAS, ,.aid.,etiti~~, desiring and requesting the annexation of sald territory of .aid c'-ty has be~n.pr.sented to the City Council and has attached to it the affidavit of six (6) app.licants to the effect that said petition is signed by a majority of the qualified voterl within .uchr~roperty~: NOW THIUFOa:.. IE ITOIDAIHED BY THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS: That the following described property. to-wit: BEGINNING ~t ~a point in the City Limits line of the City of Schertz, which point is the intersection of~~he east line of the Jesse Wilson tract and the south ROW line of Live Oak Road. THENCE. S 3~Q,~ ~ with the said ea.t line of the Jes.e Wilson tract 1,100 feet more or less to a point in ..id ....t line which is the intersection of said east line and the north line, produced, of the Glenn Veazey tract; THENCE, S 600 W wi~h _the .aid north line, and produced, of the Glenn Veazey tract<<2640.0 feet to a point in ..id north line which point is 80 feet. more or les., from the ea.t ROW line of live Oak Road; THENCE, N3Qo W al~na a line p.rallel with and 80 feet distant from the e.st ROW line of Live Oak Ro.d 1,100 feet more or le.s to a point in the south ROW line of Live Oak Ro.d which point i. in the ,City Limits line of the City of Schertz; THENCE, N 600 E with said City Limits line of the City of Schertz 2640 feet to the point of beginniag. be and the lute is hereby annexed to the City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas. .nd that the bound.ry limits to the City of Schertz be and the same are hereby extended to include th~4bove delcribed territory within the city limits of the City of Schertz, --I .nd the ...~ ahall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said city. and the inhabitantl thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privilegel of other J citizens of the City of Schertz, and they shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions and relulatlon__ of s4.id City. PASSED by .n .ffirmative vote of all members of the City Council~ this the 29th day of July. A.D., U71.. APPROVED: , S/r /&; y w _ ,e tC+,/ 4R-O Mayor ATTEST: .$/. . ~4aT C.iJt.lf&KElZ-, City Secretary (CITY SEAL) r Ordinance #237 relating to annexation of the Veazey tract was read by Mayor Richards. A .otionw....d.by Mr. Ch81llbless, seconded by Mr. Koym. and voted on unanimously to Q&'-7/ adopt the Ordinance. Ordinance #237 follows: ABNEnNG THE BD.EINAFTD. DESCRIBED TEU.lTORY TO THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, GUADALUPE (X)VI.~.L.I., TEXAS, ARD UTINDING THB BOUNDAIlY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID BEllEINAFTEll DE_ . 12 SCl.IBID PIOPDTY WITHIN SAID CITY LIMITS, AND THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHa CITIZIBS AD BIRDING SAID IRllABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS, ORDIlWtCES, USOLU'l'IONS ~ I.IlGULATIONS OF SAID CITY. IIGIKMIRG at . point in the City Liait. line of the City of Sch.rtz. which point i. the inter.ection of the north lOw line of Elbel I.oad and the w..t property Une' of ~Ottoaar - Dietz 250 acre tract; , THINCE,N 300 W with the .aid w..t lin. of the Ottoaar Di.tz tract 2.000 f.et .ore or Ie.., to a point in '.aid we.t lin. which i. the int.r.ection of .aid w~.t l~ne 'and the north line, produced, of the Glenn Veazey tract; THIRCE, S 800 W with the .aid DQr~h lin~, and produced, of the Glenn Veazey ,tract 2640 feet to . point in .aid north line which point i. 80 fe.t, .ore or Ie.., from the ea.t IlOW line of Live Oak aoad; THIRCI, S 300 I alona a line tparallel with and 80 feet di.tant from the ea.t RDW line of Live Oak I.oad 1,000 feet, more or Ie.., to a point in the City Liaitl line of the City of Schertz; THIRCI, With .aid City Liait. line N 600 E 2,084 feet, .ore or Ie..; ,S 300 El,OOO fe.t, more or 1es.; N 600 I 556 feet, more or less to the point of b.ginning. WBII.BAS, Said territory is adjoining the City of Sch.rtz, and WBIIIlS, Said petition, d.sirinl and requestinl the annexation of .aid territory of .aid city ha. been pre.ented to the City Council and has attached to it the affidavit of .ix (6) applicant. to the eff.ct that .aid p.tition i. .ilned by a majority of the qualified voter. within such property: ' --.,. I I HOW THII.EFOI.E, II IT ORDAINID BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SeR.........., TIUS: That the following de.cribed prop.rty, to-wit: .' , BIlGI~1IC ,AT A POIin' IN THI City Liaitl line of the City of SchertZ, whicbpo,f,nt is the ..-.., intersection of the north ROW line of Elbel I.oad and the we.t property ~in. of i Ot tomar Di.tz 250 acre trac t ; , . , I TRINCE, N 300 W with the .aid we.t line of the Ottomar Dietz tract ~,OOO fee~.ore or le..r, to a point in .aid we.t line which i. the intersection of 'said w..~ ~ine aDd the north lin., produced, of the Glenn Veazey tract; THIRCE, S 600 W with the .aid north line, and produced, of the Glenn Veazey tract 2640 feet to a point in .aid north line which point is 80 feet, more or Ie.., from the ...t ROW line of Liv. Oak I.oad; TRIRCI,S 30. E alonl a lin. parallel with and 80 feet di.tant from the ea.t ROW line of Llve Oak Road 1,000 fe.t, mor. or Ie.., to a point in the City Lt.it. line of the City of Schertz; THIRCE, With said ~ity Liait. line N 600 E 2,084 feet, more or le.s; S 300 E 1,000 feet, more or le.s; N 60 E 556 feet, more or 1... to the point of besinning. , be and the ...e is h.r.by annexed to the City of Schertz, Gluadalupe County, Texas, and ..that the boundary liaiu of the City of Schertz be and the .... ar. her.by ext.nd.d to includ. the abov. d.scribed t.rritory within the city l~its of the City of Schertz, and the .... shall h.r.aft.r be includ.d within the territorial liait. of,.aieleity, anel the inhabitant. thereof .hall hereaft.r b. .ntitled to all right. and privil.ge. of other citizen. of the City of Schertz and they .hall be bound by the act., ordinance., re.olution. anel relulationa of .aid city. PASSID by an affi~tiv. vote of all members of the City Council, this the 29th day of July, A.D. 1971. APPROVED : , ~ I I I I sir. Rcy 1/11. f{,C~ Mayor ATTEST: SITI ~b8tT City Secr.tary e. ~ I<:PR._ (CITY SIAL) I 13 I i t Discussion was held on approval of final acceptance of Parkland Villale Unit 11 Su_division. Mr. Cros., City Engineer, stated the only holdup was on approval of final insp-action was the correction of a low spot existing on Chestnut Dr. at the entrance to the Subdivision. Motion was made by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by Mrs. Koch, and voted on unan~ously that this subject be tabled until such time as the city engineer approves the afore mentioned correc- tion. 97-7/ Discussion was held on the development of the city park. The site selection revealed a total of 18 acres available for development. A map of the area presented by Mr. Cross outlined drainage 'required throughout the park ststem. Engineer's figures for facilities development include : Swimming pool, Concession stand, Fencing, & Pool furniture (Pool costs $15.00 per 'sq. ft.) Streets (none required) Parking (2 one-half acre parking lots each holding 100 to 200 spaces) $200,000.00 000.00 Lighting Earth Moving Utilitie. Pavilion (steel beam roof, slab, rigid construction. $4 a sq. ft. Conference rooms $12 a sq. ft.) Copies of the park map were distributed to Council members for their use in locating fixed facilitie.'within the park area. Mr. Cross also presented.Council members with cost estimates of road construction, deversion canal work, and water system improvements for con.ideration for a bond is.ue. Further action will follow for this item following review by Council members. 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 50,000.00 '--, Resolution # 1002 relating to "City of Schertz Census" was read by Mayor Richards. Mr. J I Koya made a motion, Mrs. Koch seconded it and it was voted on unanimously to adopt the '19.1 Resolution contaiaiDS the census of 5,019. Resolution 1002 follows: DECLUING THE POP....TIOR OF THE CITY OF SCHER'l'Z, TEXAS AS EICEEDIRG 5,000 RESIDEMTS ARD lR(X)RPORATIRG mB PROVISIORS OF VERNOR'S TEXAS STATUES AS APPLICABLE TO A CITY OF IIlRE THAN 5,000 RESIDDTS. r, WHEREAS, the U.S. Cen8us compiled on April 1, 1970 revealed the population of the City of Scberts to be 4,061 per.on8 and 8uch figure i8 duly recorded in docuaents of the U.S.' Census Bureau a.d affixed on the City of Schertz highway sign. denoting population count; and WHEllEAS, the City Council, City of Schertz, desired that an interim census be taken to determine the present population of the City; and WHEREAS, in a CeRaU' completed by the City Secretary be an hou8e-to-hou8e count, and verified by official occupancy dates for new dwellings obtained from deed record8 and from waterworks records, which records are on file in the City Hall and available for review upon d...nd, the official census of the City i8 now determ~ned to be 5,019 persons excluding census count from five residences where count could not be obtained; and WHIREAS, the CIty Council is desirous of having the new census declared the official census of the City-of Schertz and Article 970a, Section 3A and ~ction 7A of Vernon's Texa. Statue. (1964 Suppl..ent) and any and all other acts relating' to the administration of a muntcipalityhaving a population in exce8S of 5,000 persons apply; now, BI IT USOLVED BY"' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHEllTZ: The official census of the City of Schertz is declared to be 5,019 persons effective this dateaad all provisions of Vernon's Texas Statues governing the administration and operation of an municipality in excess of 5,000 persons s.all apply. PASSIm ARD APPROVED this the 29th day of July, 1971. S/r I R.c y jN', Iftc-tr/::1f(.1) Mayor 14 ATTICST: ,; --... 6/r/ ~~~e-.. (~ City Secretary Tlie .eetins .as adjournH at 9:.35 PM upon a aotion by Mr. Swart., seconded bY.Krs. Koch, and voted on unantaGusly. AP.PIOUD: ~~,t/ ~ JL Mayo A... ...ilto)T: fr~/. 'City Secretary MINUTES OF 'DIE MEETING, OF THE CITY OOUNCIL, CITY OF SaIERTZ TEXAS, HELD ON AUGUST 5, 1971 The regular meeting of the City Council was convened at the direction of Kayar- Roy W. Richard at 8:00 PM in the City Hall. Alderman in attendance were Mrs. Bobbie Koch, Mr. Leon Cha1llbless, Mr. Robert Schwart., and Mr. .1ill8ie Bu..... ,Guests vere Mr. Charles Cross, Mr. Lewis Saegert, and Mrs. Tripplett, and Hr. Waods~~ Park development wa. the first item discussed. Mr. Schwartz presented hi. map and layout for ,the park. It wa. suggested by Mayor Richard that Kr. Croa-s aoahead *ld make definite ,plans on the awi-ung pool. It was stated that a bond issue set at' $-350-,000 would cover the park development. It was suggested that Mr. Westermann be contacted to be at the next meeting. Mr. Cro88 explained the iaportance of putting in a 12" tDain instead-of tile pre.ent 8" one now leadins to the re.idential area. It was decided that . Water I.e.enue Bond of $100,000 or $200,000 be issued in order for this to be done. The problea of fixinl the streets was di.cu..ed. It wa. decided' that Live Oak Ioad definitely be divided and 60 feet wide which w11l co.t about $102,000.- The .ethod of divldina it (paved aedian, srAl. median, butbons, etc.) wal not deci4~d. Thepo..ibility of Aero and Elbel Rd. becoming a main thoroughfare vas a1.0 di.cu.sei~ !be cost of _king Elbel ad. 60 ft. wide was about $94,000. It wa. .uaelted 1:bat: the COUIlCU would try to get a. much help financially as pouible from the cleveloper.. The lleee..ity of carryins Pfeil St. from the Village to Curti.s Ave. was al.o di.cu.~ed. Mr. Cro.. also .tated that a drainase .tructure or clever. ion canal loins into the ctbolo creek would al.o be needed in the very near future. $225,000 wa. the price set for .treet improvements. Mayor Richard pre.ented the idea of a Home Rule Charter. It was stated by Mr. Saelert that a commission of 15 person. must be elected to write up the charter. Upon request from Mayor Richard, Mr. Sassert read the advanta.e. of a Bome llu'e Charter from ~.I " ,;';. f j