cc-08-05-1971 15 r-, I Vernon's Texas Statutes. He was assigned to look further into the idea of a Home Rule Charter. A motion to acquire a clock for the CouncUroom was made by Mrs. Koch, seconded by QC}-7/ Mr. Chamble....nd voted on unanimou.ly. A plat of the indu.trial park area was presented to the Council from Naylor Realty to give to Mr. Cross for ideas on a mobile sewage plant. The Little League has requested use of the Park August 26th or Sept. 2 for their Awards/oo-71 Night. A motion was made by Mrs. Koch, seconded by Mr. Chambless and voted on unaaimously to grant permi..ion to the Little League to use the park. The Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority has asked that Schertz and Universal City lend them $50.00 eacR for an operation's fund until permanent funds are established. Mr. Chambless made a motion, Mrs. Koch seconded it, and it was voted on unanimously to give '/ the CCMA $50.00 /(J/,7, The minutes of the Zoning and Planning Commission meeting beld on August 4 were read by Mayor Richard. Tbe Council decided that both Mr. Woodward and Mr. Ruscb would need to see Mr. Von Scheele's fire protection plan for the proposed apartment complex before tbe Council would approve it. Mr. Scbwartz sugge.ted tbat tbe Planning Commission offer more detailed bousing plats to tbe Council from this time on. -I Mayor Ricbard stated tbe need for some type of temporary drainage at tbe corner of Live Oak Road and Curtiss Ave. Mr. Dunham was assigned to talk to Freddie Rowell, Utilities Superintendant, about the possibility of digging a ditch from GVEC south ~o an already exis ting di tch. ,Mr. Chambles. ,ulgested the need for some sort of bridge, wooden or otherwise, be put over the Cibolo Creek near the low water cro.sing. The problem of children crossing the b bridge preseats a very definite safety and traffic hazard. It was decided that Mr. Bueker write to Univer.al City and tell them of the problem. The problem of city streets being torn up by tbe cement and gravel trucks was also discussed. Police Dept. i. to investigate means of curbing and minimizing damage. OrG After a motion made by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by Mr. Dunham and voted on unanimously the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 PM. APPROVED: ~ ATTEST: r, P~A/ Cil:y Secretary ..