10-05-1966-09-12-1967 Motion to adjourn by Mr. Koym seconded by Mr. Marx and carr:ied. U(MJJ/ Q. :1..)) rd;i VI ,ORicha~or 249 r- ATTEST: Jc 1(-, O,(:t~ (rC G. W. Pickrell - City Secretary I Special called meetin~ of the Schertz City Council held at tte City Ball in Schertz, Texas, October ~, 1966. Mayor Roy W. Richard called the meeting to orderwith the followin~ named Aldermen present: Rqmond G. Koym, Ottomar A. SChertz, Malford C. Koch, and Edgar T. Maric. Also present Walter A. Schertz and City Engineer, Charles C. Cross. / Mayor Richard read a resienation of Walter A. Schertz from Chairman of (d,. __.'13 the Board of Commissioners of the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Schertz, J I 1/ Texas, as a member of same. And, appointing Ralph R. lkels as a lIIl!!llber d: . the board to complete the tyo year term of Mr. Schertz. Motion on this by Mr'. Schertz, seconded by Mr. Marx. Carried unanimously. Certificate of appointment nam1n~ Mr. Walter A. Schertz as Executive Director of Urban Renewal Affairs for the City of Schertz, Texas~ MotiOll. Mr. Mal ford' Koch seconded by Mr. Raymond Koym. Unanimously carried. Motion to adj ourn by Mr. Koym seconded by Mr. Kom an d carr1e d. ~A_'~ ?~,/~~ by ) I tt ATTEST: ,L, 1 L, O. "Ir \ ( (; ( G. w. p\~kreil - City Secretary -I i Regular meetin,; of th! Schertz City Council mId at Schertz, Texas, on the 13th day of October, 1966. Mayor Roy W. Richard called the meeting to order wi th the follcwin~ named Aldermen present: Raymond G. Koym, Ott~\mar A. .schertz, L. J. Kazben, 8I'Jld Malford C. Koch. Absent: Edgar T. Marx. ' Hinutes of September 12 and October ~, 1966 read and approved on a motion .by Mr. Schertz seconded by Mr. Koch and carried. . Mr. Kazben is to contact Mr. Ray Woolbright in regards to signs for the ,~, l'Ij Elementary School and see they are properly marked. This on a motion by J ;;!; Mr. Koym seconded by Mr. Koch and carr:ied. . Due to term of office for Mr. John Motycka, Elgin Beck and Roland Elbel expirine on 21 October 1966. Mr. Koch made a motion seconded by Mr. Kazben t" I~~ to retippoint the above named for a term of two years (to October 21, 1968) I ~ as members of the Urban Renewal Affairs Committee of the City of Schertz, J Texas. Motion unanimously carried. Subject of Police Protection and operation of police departnent and Mr. ~~ I t/1 Koch stated sOll!!thing had to be done regarding contacting officer at all till!!s. ' /... Mayor Richard explained a propceed plan with each Alderman expressin,; his J b"/ own views. After a thorough discussion and due consideration on all possible points and aneles pertaining to this the followine was unanimously agreed upon: The City to get bids and prices on a Patrol Car. Also, radi 0 cVlO.....mications for the car and for each utility tryck and the City Hall, bids are for equipment and installation on this with a night tape for telephone so officer on du~ can be contacted a "thome. Each officer rill si,;n in and sign out when starting and finishin~ a tour of duty. Position will be advertised in the paper. Each Patrolman will be allafed a uniform allcwance which will probably be three uniforms, with same to be turned in when terminating services wi th th! City. Top salary will be $300.00 for one man and $2~0.OO for one man. \. 2 ~r~ Saegert wm.. prepare an Ordlnance on same, and departnent should be ready to operate under new system 1 December 1966. Mr. L. J. Kazben will be in charce of operations and patrolmen will work under him. Motion to adjourn by Mr. Koym and seconded by Mr. Koch. Motion carried. @- ..1,) CD. ~jA), t ~~or I LJ ATTEST: Jr 411 O~6 ~~. n()(J G.W. mk~ll - lJit!f~,ary Called meetinc of the Scher.tz City Coancil held at the City Hall October, 25, 1966. Mqor Roy W. Richard called the 1D!tetinc to order with the followinc named Aldermen present: Rqmond G. Koym, Malford C. Koch, Ed<<ar T. Marx, Ottomar A. SChertz, and L. J. Kazben. Also present Georre P. Bolton, W. A. Sclmeider, aai J OM Me.... J ...an . . * Mr. Schpble from Motorola Radio Carp. was present te explain the entire iJJ.t~ setup of COlllllUllications as needed bY' the City' for the pplice ill. emerrencY' calls. I. In~oI'llation pertaining to base unit, mobile units, dif.ferent bands llHcl, also \tJ'i frequencies to operate on, the difference recardinr ranee of calla on lc:lN' or hiCh bands, un.... and VHF and mececycles and antennas" Government License, cross talkine and an esti_ted cost of equipment. Mr. Schuble will Il!!et with the Council arain on 9 November with exact equipment information and costs. Minutes of October 13 meeting were approved as read. ," The secretar,r was instructed to write Mr. Ackermann a letter in regard to fhis present position with the City terrd.natinc 1 December 1966, and statinc he ).J' was welcome to applY' for a new job as the City would hire 1 police chief ani \t 1 police officer.Th! CitT will have their own patrol car and the SecretaI"1' I t' is to send out invitations for bids on same with delivery date to be November ~ 28, 1966. Th!lre will be a uniform allowance to start with, and the pay will be $300.00 per month maximum .for chief and '21)0.00 maximum for police officer. Applications and information may be obtained at the CitY' Hall. Officers will work 3 consecutive 24 hour shifts meaninc on call at all times and have a like number of days oft. Ad will be published in newspaper on 2 and 9 November for the above name. help. Mr. Saecert is to write ar<<inance covering same. Motion to adjourn bT Mr. Koym seconded bY' Mr. Koch and carried. ~ri~i ATrESj(. 'ft. Q \ Lp 1 G. W. Pickrell - 1..1. iT Secre'iltry ~ '" '...1 :. V!.;:,,\f" J [ r I ~. --' .... _0._-.' I.. ~'. 1" Recular meeting of the Schertz City Council held at the City Hall in Schertz, Texas November 3, 1966. Mayor Roy W. Richard calle d the neeting to ord.er wi. th the fol-lowine named Aldermen present: Raymond G. Koym, Malford C. Koch, Leonard J. Kazben, Edgar T. Marx and Ottomar A. Schertz. Also, Mr. Louis F. Saegert, City Attorney. Tte re were 2c; citizens present also. Mayor Richard explained there was an agent from the HHFA office in Fort Worth in Schertz the past week and"te informed the City there was not much hope of the City cettinr; the Urban Renewal Plan and Aid as we were short in our percentage of credits. A trip to Fort Worth by Mayor Richard, Mr. SChertz, Mok, C. C. Cross and Triolio at which time the case was reviewed and the Agency convinced of qualifications of the City by the Committee retl.........d with the aSlurance the City would receive some money shortly and thereby get the office set up and start SOTll! operations. Letter of resi~ation from Mr. H. P. Thulemeyer to be removed from the Urban Renewal Agency Committee. And Mr. George P. Bolton named as a replacement for the vacancy. The above was in the form of a motion by Mr. Schertz . ~ seconded by Mr. Koym. Carried unanimoUlil17' The Plannine Commission was 53, Is reminded. a good replacement was needed. Mayor Richard explained the new proposed Police Dept. setup of having 1 chief of police and 1 patrolman, that the City well furnish a car uniforms, etc., and the working and stand by hours. Mr. W. A. Schneider states he has been asked by several citizens about an ad in the paper in regard to Mr. Ackermann organizing an Auxiliar,y Police Reserves, and was m authorized. to do this? Mayor Richard stated no permission had been granted and if it had it would end December 1st. Mr. Riedel asked about the heu.rs and spoke of the service Mr. Ackermann had rendered. Mr. Kazben who will be in charge of police operations said he thought the Council should set the policy of operation. Mr. Saegert is to wrl te an Ordinance establishing Mama Patrol at Live Oak Road at Hwy. 78. Highway Dept. checked speed at this crossing City will be notified. Che ck of shrubs and trees over hanging on City property and get them cleared. at ter read by Mr. Rus ch giving lo.ts of details about the Fire Dep t. and training for these Volunteers. Ala 0, recommeriding all the trainees be paid $2.1)0 per drill for 2 drills per month and the Fire Dept. be granted $11)00.00 per year for training. Tte Council will meet with the Fire Dep-t. Executive Board December 6 on this matter. Mr. Saf'!,;ert received a letter from U. C. regardin.iwater connections. Mayor asked that the Engineers from each City meet and report reco;J,._,Jdations to the Council. Letter from Mayor Kneupper of Converse thanking the Water Dept. for assistance rendered in an emergency. Mr. William Schulz with letter there are no public funds for tm payment of penalty on water bill which is over due every month. Mr. Ackermann stated he had sent a letter to the council asking to meet with them regarding police position. He was ~ranted time for November 9, 1966. Motion to ad.journ by Mr. Koch seconded by Mr. Koym., an d carrie d. ~y~li..~J;or ATTEST: '. ~~ I ~ i 0, /' JA C C 7 G. w. ~~ic:kre.L.L - city Secre'.iazy .1>1" . .) 2 Special meeting of the Schertz City Council held at the Cit.y Hall in Schertz, Texas on the 21st day of November 1966. Mayor Roy W. Richard called the meeting to order with the follCMinK named Aldermen present: Raymond G. Koym, Ottomar L Schertz, Edgar T. Marx, Leonard J. Kazben and Malford C. Koch. , Minutes of meetings for October 25, 1966 and November 3, 1966 approved as re ad. Mayor Richard again read Ordinance #148. Dispensinc with the office of ~\9\9Marshal, confering the duties of said office upon the Police Chief of the City of ~ Schertz, Texas. Motion by Mr. Kazben seconded by Mr. Koch the Ordinance be adopted. Motion unanimously carried. - ORDINANCE NO. llH~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS DESPENSING TVI'IH THE OFFICE OF MARSHALL, CONFERING THE DUTIES OF SAID OFFICE UPON THE POLICE CHIEF OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, CREATING THE OFFICE OF PATROLMAN AND PROVIDING THAT lt1HEREVER IN THE ORDINANCES OF THE CI TY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS THE WORD CITY MARSHALL APPEARS THAT SAME SHALL MEAN THE CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: 1. The office of Marshall of the city' of Schertz, Texas is terewith dispensed with and abolished and all of the duties of said officer are conferred u.pon a City Police Officer to be known as the Chief of Police to be appdlinted by the Mayor, subject to the approval and consent of the city council of the city of Schertz, Texas. 2. Such Chief of Police shall-hold office at the pleasure of the city council of the city of Schertz, Telfas. 3. Tm re is hereby created the office of Patrol Man in' the Police Department of the city of Schertz, Texas. Such patrolman shall be appointed by the mayor subject to the approval and consent of the city council of the . city Qf Schertz, Texas. Such partolman shall hold office at the pleasure of the city council, of the ci ty of Schertz, Texas. , .4. The duties of the police officers he rein provililed for cXther than as provided by the ordinances of this city and the laws of this State shall be fixed by the resolu.,tion of the city oouncil of the City of Schertz, Texas. 'the compensation of police officers shall be as fixed by tm resolutions of the ci ty council of the ci ty of Schertz, Texas. The provision and maintenance of the police department of the 6i -W of Schertz, Texas, shall be as provided by the city council. ~. Ordinance No. 134 of the city of Schertz, Texas, is hereby expressly repealed. 6. Wherever the word City Marshall appears in the ordinances or Resolutions or ~roceedings of the city of Schertz, Texas, such terms mean and shall inclu.de the mean ing of the Chief of Police of the city of Schertz, Texas. ATTEST PASSED AND APPROVED this the ~ L- day of November, 1966. f~M tRA:.L~ - A I ~..J-O A lJ ~ nSJJ ~ecretar.Y . . \. Resolution read appointing Mr. Geo. P. Bolton as a nember of the Board of 3 CUII1",';'ssioners of the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of. Schertz .for the unexpired term of Mr. H. P. Thulemeyer who resigned due to the possibility of conflict of U:>t"{p~ interest. Motion by Mr. Schertz seconded by Mr. Marx Resolution be passed and approved.. Motion unanimously carried. Interviews of applicants for police work were as follcws: 1. Mr. Charles N. Askren-Final screening will be made on this. 2. Mr. G. B. Watson-Had to be eliminated due to still being on active military duty. 3. Mr. Calvin P. Doyle, Sr.-Unable to move to Schertz and could not be contacted for immediate emergenqy. 4. Mr. Frank Norris-Past Employers and references being checked. 5. Mr. Ackley A. L. Lovett 6. Mr. Ralph B. Lipps-Due to a disability from WI health conciitions make it doubtful Mr. Lipps could perform police duties. 7. Mr. Eugene Schoonover-Acceptable to the council, final decision 1liTednesday 23rd. Mayor Richard. asked the council if they wished to bring Mr. Ackermann in and. talk to him further on the position. All members answered NO as he did not make an application there was nothing more to be said. Bids on a new police car were as follows: 1. Smith Motor Sales-No bid as they cannot met delivery date. 2. Jack Rieger~Plymouth $24~6. ~O delivery estimate 54 days or less. 3. O. R. Mitchell-$2460.00 delivery in 40 to 60 days. Final selection to be made November 23, 1966. ~otion to adjOurn. by }tlr. Koch seconded by Mr. ~Of.;;ld carried. :~1;~i f2 "*. I (j f/!<<'jfJ. (l) I -:'" .' . ( I ..A f!. ) Roy . Rlchar - ayor . . c rell.- i:lecretary Called meeting of the Schertz City Council held at the City Hall in SChertz, Texas November 23, 1966. Mayor Roy W. Richard called the meeting to order with the foll(Wing named Aldermen present: Raymond G. Koym, Edgar '1. Marx, Ottomar A. Schertz, Leonard J. Kazben and Malford C. Koch. Also Mr. Eugene Schoonover. Mr. Tom Trammel of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. explained the tape recording setup for night calls at the City Hall-known as the Code-a-phone Automatic Answer an. Recording machine-with 1 hour of tape recording $27.50 per month or 2 hour tape $30.00. t"Ac'$25~oo' installation; 9harge' and agreenent to use same for 6 months. Motion by Mr. Kazben seconded by Mr. Schertz to sign contract agreemen~ for service. with the 2 hour $30.00 tape. 1-10tion unanimously carried. 6J-(.. Secretary. instructed to notify by letter Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hendry it will be permissable to continue the photo work in their home providing they do not /p?"- /piP erect any signs or ads in the yard or on the house. Motion approving this by Mr. Schertz seconded by Mr. Marx, carried unanimously. Council is to meet with Chamber of Commerce Friday, 25th 8:00 P.M. A recheck of all applications for police work and due consideration on each, fl.' lolo on a motion by Mr. Kazben, seconded by Mr. Koym that Mr. Eugene Schoonover be IJ,;,J employed as Chief of Police to take office 1 December 1966 as the term and duties of Mr. Ackermann who did not apply for the job will end as of 12:00 P.M. midni~ht.1 t),p on November. 30, 1966. This also a motion by Mr. Schertz seconded by Mr. Marx. l.t; <r- On a motion by Mr. Schert~ seconded by Mr. Kazben to pay Mr. Schoonover $300.00 per month salary and $17~.00 allowance for using his private vehicle until the ~_~~ police car is delivered. Motion unanimously carried. I.c ~ Motion by Mr. Schertz seconded by Mr. Marx that Mr. Kazben be appointed I J Police Commissioner for the remainder of his term as Alderman. f..t, fp, (.p l.Q Motion to adjourn by Mr. Koch seconded by Mr. Koym, and carried. ATTEST: \ u. wA~JiJ::'{.~~S ~ 4' Called meeting of the Schertz City COIl,ncil held at the City Hall in Schertz, Texas on November 2~, 1966. Mayor Roy W. Richard called the meeting to order with the follonng named Aldermen present: Raymond G. Koym, Ottomar A. Schertz, Edgar T. Marx and Malford O. Koch. Absent: Leonard J. Kazben. Mr. Geo. W. Rcwland and Geo. Barnard presented a new brochure on the City of Schertz as compiled by the Chamber of C\....,.,.~rce and asking for approval of same to be printed and passed out to new residents of the city. The Brochure is a real fine job and will be quite informative and a creat ~boost for the city. <<\:9 Motion by Mr. Marx seconded by Mr. Schertz the brochure be accepted and \9 approved. Mption unanimously carried. Motion to adjourn by Mr. Marx seconded by Mr. Koym, and carried. .~ ~ .'if) < .nA ~. R~r - or ATTEST: ~ II ~,O.-< A' a I ~ nf G. ~~ll - ~cretary Regular meeting of the Schertz City Council held at the City Hall in Schertz, Texas December 1, 1966. Mayor Roy W. Richard called the ~eting to order with the follOiing named Aldermen present: Raymond G. Koym, Malford C. Koch, Edgar T. Marx, Ottomar A. Schertz and Leonard J. Kazben. Also present: Mrs. Glynn Bennett, Mr. Ed Melton, Fire Marshall Fritz Rusch and Police Chief Eugene Scr.oonover Minutes of November 21-23-2~ read and approved. Mayor Richard received a letter Special Delivery, Registered mail with return recelipt req'\lested and deliver to Addressee only. Hcwever tlrs. Krause signed for same when informed by the Postmaster Mr. Wm. Schulz to do so. Letter was from Mrs. Elvira A. Hild and contained a petition to keep Mr. Hugo Ackermann as Chief of Police. Subject peti tion contained. 92 signatures several of whom do not reside \, in the city and 1 who was ou~ of the State. Motion by Mr. Koym seconded by ~)J Mr. Schertz the petition be accepted and recorded in the minutes. Carrie.. 19 Mayor Richard asked the Council if they wished to consider Mr. Ackermann for a job, and appointed Mr. Kazben, with 2 citizens Mr. Alva Kollatschny and Mr. C. Sturrock to make an investigation on this before taking furth!r actioo. This was put in the form of a motion by Mr. Koym seconded by Mr. Schertz. The \9\Pfollowinc 4 Aldernen voted Ayes-Koym,Schertz, Koch, and Marx, with Mr. Kazben (),' abstaininc. Carried 4 for 1 not votinc. \9 " Mr. Kazben sug~ested to call him before the council and decide as he did not apply for job he must not want it. Mr. Schuester wants better placement on garbage cans for pickup, and was advised to contact his 6ustomers. Mayor Richard inquired of Mr. Rusch, Secretary of the School Boo.rd if it were possible for children from the Trailer Courts on Hwy. 78 to be picked up by the School Bus? This cannot be done. Proposed Ordinance #149 was read Designating School Crossin<< at Hwy. 78 at \JlPr.ive Oak Road. Motion by Mr. Koym seconded by ~. Koch same be passed and approved \0' as read. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 149 ORDINANCE OF THE CI'IY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, DESI GNATING SCHOOL CROSSINGS: BE IT ORDAINED B'~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'IHE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: 1. Th!! Intersection of Live Oak Roo.d with Rarm Road 78, is hereby designate. a school crossinc zone. ^'" !.. 2. Tre Hayor of the City of Schertz, Texas, with the approval and consent of the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, is hereby authorized to appoint a police officer to patrol and direct pedestrian and vehicular traffic at such school cross- ing, at such times as may be necessary. 5 3. This action has been taken and :&und to be ne cessary as a result of a traffic survey by the traffic engineer of the City of Schertz, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 1st day of December, 1966. ~11. ~ <'~lnJrJ j MayoS A TTES T J[, ,u, Q /jJrO~Q, 'S"ecre~ Motion by Mr. Kazben seconded by Mr. Koym appointed a special police on the Mama Patrol. was sworn in by City Se cre tary . Carbon Copy of letter to Marmon and Mok from TeJlias Hwy. Dept. Proposed Ordinance from Texas Hwy, Dept. on Speed Limits in School Hwy. 78. Motion by Mr. Marx seconded by Mr. Schertz the Ordinance Motion carried. that Mrs. Deloris Zei tner be rJ)-fp& Motion carried. Mrs. Zei tner re: Hwy .#78. Z one on {, (, be approved. 1~- ORDINANCE WHEREAS, in Sche.rtz, Texas, an engineering and traffic investi- gation has been made to determine the maximum, reasonable, and prudent speeds on the section of: Farm To Market Highway 78 from the West City Limit of Schertz northeasterly to the East City Limit, a distance of 0.934 mile approximately. 1rHEREAS, it has been determined by the engineering and traffic investigation that the maximum, reasonable, and prudent speeds for the section of highway described above are as shown on tre attached plans. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CI'lY OF SCHE~TZ, TEXAS, rereby declares and fixes the maximum, reasonable, and prudent speed limits to be as shewn on the above plans. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict are hereby repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED December 1, 1966. uate CI TY OF SCHERTZ By'il:/jU ~:,.4.tJ) ATTEST: IJ, if I p~ ;J )(OOQ..~ Ci ty Secreta:ty ()' The Workable pro:o;ram for Community Improvement will have to be remwed soon and Ordinances for Inspection on building, plumbing, electrical etc. will be necessary. Mr. Saegert will set to work on these at once. Bids for a new police car were opened as follcws: Smith Motor Sales No bid. O. R. Mitchell-Plymouth $2296.50 Jack Reiger-Plymouth $2300.1:)0 Gillespie-Ford 1966 $2049.00 Koepp-Chevrolet $2271.42 ~After much discussion and consideration the bid was awardee. to Koepp Motor Co., ,,'15 LaVernia, Texas on. a motion by Mr. Marx secondefi by Mr. Koch and unanimously carried. Motion by Mr. Koch seconded by Mr. Koym to obtain needed printed forms for X"Vpolice work. ~ Mrs. Bennett co",...:...ded the council very highly for the most excellent action they have taken on City matters. Mr. James H. Swaing interviewed for poai tion as patrolman. Motion to adjourn by Mr. Koym seconded by Mr. Koch, and carried. ~;,:~/ ATTEST: u. ~ ,:4J,f.cretaty Called meetinc of the Schertz City Council reld at the City Hall in Schertz, Texas December 21, 1966. Mayor Roy W. Richard called the meeting to order with the followinl name. Aldermen present: Raymond G. Koym, Malford C. KOCh, Ottomar A. Schertz, Leonard J. Kazben and Edgar T. Marx. Also present Walter A. Schertz, Chief cf Police Eugene Schoonover and John Merryman. Mayor Richard read a proposed Ordinance 150, Re: Southern BuUdinC Cocie. l..\'~fter a thorough c:liscussion on this Mr. Koym made a motion seconded by Mr. Marx ~'.1 the Ordinance be passed and approved. Motion unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. It) 0 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE SmTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE, 1965 EDITION, AS A BUIlDING CODE f1F THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AS HEREIN MODIFIED. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION ONE: Building Code. This ordinance is and shall be known and may be cited as the tlulldinC Code of the City of Schertz. SECTION T\.JO: Southern Standard Building Code - adopted; penalties. (a) The Southern Standard Building Code, 1965 Edi tion, as heretofore atMnded, revised an d corrected, publ ished by the Southern Building Code Congress, three (3) copies of which are now and have been for the next preceding thirty (30) days on filed with the City Secretary, except for penalties, contained therein, is hereby adopted and incorporated. by reference as the Building Code of the City sub- ject to and including by reference such amenciJTJe nts, correcti ans and. add.itions as shall appear herein. ........ ~i.i . (b) Any viola tion of this ordinance or the provJ.sJ.ons of the Southern Standard BuD ding Code, 196~ Edition, as h! rein modifiei, shall be deemed a misdeneanor and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $200.00. Each day any violation of this ordinance or of this building code shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. 7 SECTION TWO: Arrendments to the Provisions of the Southe m StandaN Building Code. The building Code of the said Southern Standard Building Code, 1~65 Edition, shall herewith be amended to read as follcws: Section 107.4. Tl:e schedule of permit fees of the building code adopted and incorporated by reference in section 7-1.1 h!reof is hereby amended to read as follO(IJ: "On all buildings, structures or alterations requiring a building permit, as set forth in Sectioo 105, fees shall be paid at the tiJ11!!l c;>f filiilg application, in accordance with the follow- ing schedule: . A. Permit Fees (1) Where the valuation does not exceed $1)00.00, no fee shall be required unless an inspection is necessary, in which case there shall be a $1.00 fee. . (2) For a valuati6n over $~OO.OO up to and incl uding $2~,000.00, the fee shall be $1.00 per thousand or fracti on there of. (3) For a valuation over $25,000.00 up to and includinr; $100,000.00, the fee shall be $2c;.00 for the first twenty-five thousand and plus $.50 i"or each aclidi tional thousand or fraction -mere of. (4) For a valuation over $100,000.00 up to and including $1,000,000.00, the fee shall be $60.00 for the first hundred thousand plus $ NO for each additional Thousand or fraction there of. (5) For a valuation over $1,000,000.00 the fee shall be $60.00 for the first million plus $ NO for each additional thousand or fraction thereof. (6) The term 'valuation' as set forth in this section shall include all costs incurred in connection with the proposed work including labor and materials applied to the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, impnovemnt or conversion of any building or structulPe within the corporate limits of the City of Schertz, Texas. B. Demolition 6f Buildings or Structures. (1) For the demolition of any building or structure the fee shall be $1.00. C. Exemption from Fees. 8 (1) No fee for issuance of a building permit shall be charged. or collected for permits to erect churches or other buildings to be used. by churches for religious purposes only or for permits to erect school houses or other buildings to be used by public and private schools for school purposes only. It SECTION THREE: Procedure for issuing permits; collectinc fees. The tuildinl; official, wi th the consent of the mayor, my designate the city secretary of the City of Schertz, Texas, to receive applications for buildinC permits, to collect fees paid. for the issuance of such permits and to furnish receipts therefor. SECTION FOUR: Cumulative nature of ordinance. This ordinance and the Southern Standard Building Code, 1965 Edi tion, adopted. mrein by reference are cumulative of any other ordinance on this subject dealt with herein and d.oes not repeal any present ordinance unle ss this ordinance and saii Soo.thern Stanciard BuildinC Code, 1965 Edition, are in direct conflict therewi th, in which conne ction this ordinance and the Southern Standard Buildinc Code, 1965 Editiin, shall govern. SECTION FIVE: Fire limits unaltered. Nothinc in this 0 nti.nance or the >Jouthern Standard Buildinc Code, 1965 Edition, shall be mId. or d.eemed to amend, alter, abolish or in any manner change the fire limits as heretofore establishe. by the ordinances of this City. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 21st day of December, 1966. t:IJ. tl. d<.;d,~ J, yor if, f~l P / ~jJroO 9 C:.ty ~ecretary- - \I ProDosed Plumbing Ordinance 151 read study has been made on this by the (...V'" council. Motion Mr. Marx seconded by Mr. Koym the Ordinance be passed and approved. Motion unanimously apI'roved. . .,t~,..,' . . .. -.'. ~. - ~~.(,:~ 9 Ordinance 1~2 Board of Appeals on Plumbing Code passed and approved on a 17"~{" motion by Mr. Schertz seconded by Mr. Kazben, unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1~2 AN ORDINANCE DESICNATING A PLUMBING AND APPEAlS IDARD TO CARRY OUT THE DUTIES.AUTHORIZED BY THE PLUMBING CODE OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AND THE IDARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEAlS AS PROVIDED BY THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE, 196~ EDITION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS. SECTION ONE: There is hereby created a Plumbing Appeals and Advisoty .tjoard and a Board of Adijustment and Appeals as provided in Section lll.l of the Southern Standard Building Code, 196~ Edition. One Board consisting of three (3) rtJ!mbers shall serve as the board of Plumbing Appeals and Advisory Board provided for in Cmpter 8 of the Plumbing CoO of the City of Schertz, Texas, and as the Board of AdjustYll!nt and Appeals as provided for in Section 111.1, et seq, of the Southern Standard Building Code, 196 ~ Edi tion. SECTION 'n.f0: Such board shall consist of one wilding cont.ractor, the t.;ity .l!;ngineer and one resident citizen of the City of Schertz. SECTION THREE: Members of th! Board and their successors shall be appointed by the Mayor and ccnfirmed by the City COlfficil and shall hold office for a term of four (4) years or until their successors are appointed and have qualified; except, the members of tre Board first appointed shall hold office, one for two years, one for three years and one for four years, as determined by the Mayor in making said appoint~nts. 10 SECTION FOUR: Tre Citu Engineer shall be eligible to serve only So long as he holds of fice. SECTION FIVE: All members sn,all serve without compensation. SECTION SIX: Two (2) members of tre board shall constitute a quorum. A vote of the majority of the members shall govern the action of this boctr. No board member .hall act in t~ case in which he has a personal interest. SECTION SEVEN: Section B.l; Section i.l.l; Section B.l.2; Section tl.l.J; ::;ection 8.1.~; and Section 8.l.~ of the Plumbing Code of the City of Schertz, Texas, and Section 111.1; Section 111.2; and Section 111.3 of the Southern Standard Building Code, 196~ Edition, are herewi th repealed and in lieu of such sections of such Ccxie and Ordinance this ordinance shall govern. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 21st day of December, 1966. t:R71V'iif!"At it d. 0 - ~J ),rJ(l9 ~17 ,," A Resolution appointing a 'Bu11dil:lg Officta;1rE1~ctrical'Inspeotor,.BuilGi:nc ^'~ Inspector and P1Ulli>inc Inspector al9 representatives on Baird of Appeals. Motion to accept the above seconded by Mr. Schertz, carried unClflimously. Proposed Ordinance 1~3 appointing an inspector or inspectors for the above }J\Jread. A motion by Mr. Koch seconded by Mr. Marx, carried unanimously. Mr. Walter '^'~ Schneider appointed. ORDINANCE NO. 1~3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY of SCHER~Z, TEXAS, PROVID ING THA T THE }'rAYOR MAY APPOINT ONE PERSON 'ID SERVE AS THE WIlDING OFFICIAL DESIGNATED BY THE SOUTHERN STANDARD RTILDJNG CODE, 1961)' EDITION: AS ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR AS P110VIDED BY THE ELECTRIC CODE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS; AS WILDING INSPECTOR AS PROVIDED BY THE ZONING ORDINAN CE OF 'IHE CI'IT OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS; AND AS PLUMBI NG INSPECTOR AS PROVIDED BY THE PLUMBING CODE OF THE CI TY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI'IY COllNCI~ OF lliE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION ONE: The Mayor of the City of Schertz, Texas, may with the consent of the Council designate one person to perform the following duties: (a) Building Official (b) Electrical Inspector (c) Building Inspector (d) Plumbing Inspector as provided bY the Southern Standard Building Code, 196~ Edi tionj the Electric Code of the ~ty of Schertz, Texas; the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Schertz, Texas and the Plumbing Code of the City of Schertz, Texas. -~ SECTION TWO: Such official shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas. . ~,.~"a, . ,. ..~ ~ PASSED AND APPROVED this the 2ls~ day of December, 1966. 11 ~tJ. 'ff~J..tVrj I ayor -AI 4, DA ~LooO) trEY ::>ecre tary Copy of letter from Mrs. Dorothy F. Beck, President, Board of Trustees, Schertz-Cibolo Independent School District, Re: Name Change for School 'Dis trict. Mr. Swaing has been investiR;ated, references checked etc. and on a motion by Mr. Kazben seconded by Mr. Marx to employ him as a patrolman for the City starting 1 January 1967. Motion unanimously carried. G. W. Pickrell submitted his resignation as Corporation Court Judge. Motion to adjourn by Mr. Koch seconded by Mr. Koym, and carried. ~ 0 ,,{piP $ l....~l., L~ ~ t4 ~ nh ) ~.~~ar - ayor ATTEST: A, 4, n ~ a Lnpo. G. w. P1ck~ - atr ~ecretary Regular meetinc of the Schertz City Council held at the City Hall in Schertz, Texas, January 5, 1967. Mayor Roy W. Richard called tie meetinc to order with the folloong named Aldermen present: Ray'mond G. Koym, Ottomar A. Schettz, Malford C. Koch, Leonard J. Kazben, and Edgar T. Marx. , Also present: City Attorney Louis F. Saegert, Chief Police E~ene Schoon- over, Mrs. Glynn Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Ackermann, Tom Stewart, JohD Merryman, City En~ineer C. C. Cross and 5rrembers of tm Schertz Volunteer Fire Departll!!nt. Minutes of December 21, 1966 meet ing were approved as read, Letter from Fire Departll!!nt was read again in which tiey request $l,~()O.OO to pay volunteer firemen. Also, read was the Ie tter from tie City in regards to information tm City win require. Fire Chief Reicherzer and Fjre }~arshal Rusch desire to pay all qualified men tp to 2'-; lTI!mbers. tte Mayor and council wish to exempt any person employed by or being paid by the City for any additional pay by t~ Fire Department. This would rrean Reicherzer and Rusch could not be paid.. After mu::h discussion on tm matter the fire departrrent a7reed to furnish a monthly report on attendance and other requirem~nts. The council wi" 1 takP action on each as received and the fire departmnt cnuld pay an;yJone as qualifed.. Letter from ~tate Highway Departrrent Re: Manual on Street and Higtnvay mark- ers that may be obtained from Washir"hton. Copy ordered for the City. Plans receiv ed from Mr. John Schaffer Re: Bids for 1l'1o,-.k on T1::e Vill age uub-Division. Requests for bids will be advertised in the Valley News. Mr. Rusch said new amended Fire Prevention Code is now ready, h! receives 60 copies each tirre an d will furnish same to City. Mr. 3chuble from the Motorola Co. gave further information on police and City Radio equipment. A Soils Map of the area recieved from Mr. Henry F. New of .A&M Extension Service. Mr. Stewart had Electrical Cooe changes as recommended. by ~. A. W. Davis of GVEC. Mr. Saegert is working on the Housing Code, will have sarre ready for next meetinc. Note. from Advisory Cormnittee asking that one new merrb er be appointed to fill. vacancy. Mr. Marx: 'viI' contact prospects. Discussiom on adjustment in pay on Mr. Pickrell to compensate fer loss the past year. He asked :$480.00 will settle same January 19th 1'l'eeti~. 12 Mr. Stewart stated he would be glad to take care of all cases- in his court and distend Corporation Court. Mr. Saef~ert informed him he could not do t.h is and the i ty nust keep the court. FireChief rteicherzer infJ(rmed the COllncil a separate Private Telephone is needed in the Fire Station. Also, they want a new large nap, and, the re is need of new fire pl~s in the City mostly to replace old ones. Meeting adjourned by Mr. Koym and secon&ed by Mr. Koch. Motion carried. ATTEST: G.W. 4ctf.gc1!~.gztary ~&/~v"/ . 01. . l.C ar - i;ror Regular meeting of the Schertz City Council mId at Schertz, Texas, January 19, 1967. Mayor Roy WV. Richard. called the rreetin~ to order with th! follOfting named Aldermen present: Raymond G. Koym, Ottonar I. Schertz, Leonard J. Kazben, and Malford C. Koch. Absent: Edgar T. Marx. Also present: City Encineer Chlrles C. Cross, Chief Police Eugem Schoonover, Patrolman James A. Swaine, Russell ROlel1, John Merryman, Mr. and Mrs. Ackermann, Mrs. Bobbie Koch, John Schafer and Moore. Also, 22 representatives of Construction Companies. Bids for construction of water and sewer lines for The Vil1a~, a new sub- division, were opened as follOfts: Williams Const. Co.- Water- 11,103.7rJ Sewer- 10, rJ33.80 Alternate- 23,916.00 19,354.56 H. P. ~achary Co. ... n - 12,106.86 It - l2,c;84.~8 n - 23,282.80 ?5,994.89 G. W. Dickerson & Sons- " - 10,243.3rJ " - 10,797 .80 It - 19,909.17 2l,983F5 Jupe Const. Co. n _ 11,898.19 n - None n' 25,789.81 Southwest Irri~. Co. n _ 13,168.05 It - 18,260.36 .. - 31,442.32 26,466.25 Hobbs Const. Co. It _ 11,lc;2.65 lt - 1] ,660.1)4 It - 21, 84 c; . rJ6 23 ,919. 75 San Antonio Const. Co.- " - 12,16o.~0 tI - 13,616.30 " - 22,41)9.05 9, ~98. 7~ - 10,103.05 24,41)0.00 J. D. Falbo Co. lt tI " - 18,208.45 Hobbs Const. Co. 19,986.c;O " 9,742.21) It - 10,029.25 tI - 1 ~ ,309.30 " - 11,249.90 20,046.25 Howard Stitch Co. II - 10,911.66 " 20,643.62 , 24,502.91) Jenet Const. Co. n _ 10,238.70 II - 10,643,20 lt 20 ,208.50 22,227.15 Temple 1I _ 12,410.15 n - 14,771.24 II 28,246.77 26,983.rJO 1 V'\, Bids will be checked and contract awarded next week. Letter from Regional Administrator, Ft. Worth an inspector will be rere on the 2~th to check the Cities Workable Program for Community Improvell!!nt~ Caption for Housing Ordinance read (154) and approve.. Motion made t?y Mr. Koch and seconded by Mr. Schertz. Motion carrie d. Secretary instructed to write Chamber of C~,,'l,~rce letter of thanks on the new Brochure and Maps. Fire prevention code read on purpcsed Ordinance 155 ameintiirc Ordinan ce 29. Motion made by Mr. Kazben and secone.ed by Mr. Koym. Motion unanimously carried. Letter will be submittea on renewal of Workable Procram. . A resolution on this was read. Moti01ll1 by Mr. Koym seconded by Mr. Schertz to adopt sail!!. Motion unanim- ously carr~cl. \ I}'~ flJ"" ~._ili____;,;. . . w ."iII> . ':..,. Motion by Mr. Kazben seconded by Mr. Koch that Mrs. Bobbie Koch, Oscar 13 .1,1 Schmidt, and James E. Stephens be appointed to Citizens Advisory Committee which +- is under staffed. Motion Carried. . On a motion by Mr. Kazben seconded by Hr. Koch, Mr. 00.0 Riedel was appointed ~,,,'f Plumbing Inspector. Motion carried. Mayor Richard announced Election for City Aldermen would be April 4 and March 4th is the deadline fo r filing. Staterrent from City Attorney, Judges pay cannot be changed during term. Special meeting called for 26 to name new Judge. Motion by Mr. Koch seconded by Mr. Schertz to pay Roy Williams his final on ,,1 Sewel! lines amount $2,240.79 and City Engineer C. C. Cross, $2,30~. 77. Motion /, ~ unanimously carrie d. . Mr. ReJiell asked if the Federal Wage Law applied "to employees of the City. No one able to answer, he will check in San Antonio. City Secretary asked about sorre storage space for records. No help on this. Mr. Walter Schertz gave a briefing on the Workable Program. Motion to adjourn made by kr. Koch and seconded by Mr. Koym. Motion for the approval of the minutes made by Mr. Ottomar Schertz and seconded by Mr. Edgar T. Marx. ATTEST: J.r ;/1. ()'. i. -/If} G.W. __~cretary CAP T ION . . AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE CITY OF SCHERTZ HonSING STANDARDS OODE; defininr; contUtions or defects constituting uninhabitable and dangerous dwenings, dwell- inr; units or builiings; prescribing minimum standards to prevent in the future uninhabitable dwellings, dwelling l1nits or buildings; providing procedures for repair, vacation or demolition of dwellings, dwelling units, or buildings;aeclar- ing dangerous dwellings, dwelling units or buildings to be rlUisences; creating a "housing standards commission", provide for ~arings before such commission; creating a housing standards inspector; provide for inspection of dwellings, dweJling units and buildin9's; defining the duties of the housing standard inspect- or; providing notices by the officers and insp:!ctor or housing standards commiss- ion; set out too duties of the housing staniards commission; setting out the duties of the City Attorney, fire department, arx1 police departrrent; preventing officers personal liability in enforcing this act; providing penalties of not less than $~.OO nor more than $200.00 for viol ati on of this act; defini~ offenses; providing standards for interpretation of this ordinance; and containing a severa- bili ty clause. THIS ORDINANCE PASSES AND APPROVED this the 21st day of tecember, 1966. f:t,~m~dHt ATTEST: Jr #. DA~jhoD~, t>ecreta1Y ORDINANCE NO. 1~5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION NO.1 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A FIRE PREVENTION CODE PRESCRI3ING REGUIATIONS GOVERNING CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM FIRE OR EXPLOSION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS; 14 l' ,,1 That sect.ion 1 of ord.inance Ho. 29 of the ordinance of the city of Sch(:~rtz, Texas, be amended so that such section shall read as follows; SECTION 1. ADOPTION OF FffiE PRtwl:';rJTION CODE. There is hereby adopt'o. by the Cii:i}r 01' ::>chertz l"or th!!! purpose 01' prescribing regulations governing conditions hazar- d.ous to life and property from fire or explcsion, and that certain coie kn~n as the Fire Prevention Code, Abbreviated Edition, recommenied by the National Beard of Fire Underwriters, being particularly the 1960 edition thereof and the whole thereof and all amendments an d changes the"-eto up through and. includine; the day of the pa,sage of this ordina~ce, of which cede not less than three (3) copies have been and ri~ are filed in the office of the Clerk of the City of Sch!rtz, Texas, and the salle are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at lencth herein, and f'rom the date on which this ard.inance shall take eff'ect, the provisions thereof shall be controlli~ within the limits of the City of Schertz, Texas. All other sections and conditons of said Ordinance No. 29, are and shall remain in fu' 1 fOI"ce and effect. PASSES AND APPROVED THIS the 19th day of January, 1967. ~V.4("tt4J, ) ATTEST: A.J:LR ) JJr pfl(j :::iecret,ary Recular meeting of the Schertz City Council held at the City Hall in Schertz, Texas, on the 26th of January, 1967. Mayor Roy W. Richari called the Il!!eting to order with t~ following nalled aldermen present: Raymond. G. Koym, ottomar A. Schertz, Malford C. Koch, Leonard J. Kazben, and Edgar T. Marx. Mayor Richard announced that Mr. Charlie Sartain was approached in reeari to taking the Corporation Court Judge. Mr. Sartain thankei tm Council as he declined due to his bein,; retijlied. on a nervous condition and intends to travel this summer. After further duscussion on this natter the Mayor suggestei that a local attorney be contacted to fill the position. City Secretary instructed to Pest notice of l.iity Election and notify Judges and Clerks. Motion by Mr. Koym seconded by Hr. Marx: to pay the $81).00 al1~ance for fire d.rills. Motimn carried.. Mr. Oliver from the Ft. Worth office made his official inspection today and. was very well pleased with tte progress mide by the City. Mr. Reicherzer wanted to know vhat ,.,as to be done about another phone in the Fire Station. Mr. Koym reported he had checked on this am. it would be $18.00 per mon the One officer is on duty at the City Hall for each neeting of the fireTlBn and they can be contacted on the office phone. Mr. Cross asked about a short piece of pavinc from Live Oak to Rio Vista sub- divisions; he will check further on the cost, etc. and report on same later~ Motion to aijourn maQe by Mr. Koch and. seconded" Mr. Koym. Motion carried. Motion minutes be approved as read, by Mr. Koym and second.ell by Mr. Kazben. Motion carried. €t/f!-~~~ ,,.It)~ Roy; . lC ar - Mayor ATTEST: tr 4.. lOA " a . "f1 Q) G.. t ~rei.l-~ecretary iJ;-a. Regular meeting of the Schertz City Council held at the City Ball in Schertz, Texas, February?, 1967. Mayor'1oy 1rJ. Richard called the 1'll'eting to order with tm following named Aldermen present: Ravmond G. Koym, Edgar T. Marx, Ottomar A. Schertz, Malford C. Koch and Leonard J. Kazben. Also present: Officer Swaing, Gilhert Koppin, Mr. and Mrs. Reicherzer, Mr. and Mrs. ACkermann, Odo Reidel, ~'lTalter Schertz, Archie Woodward, Tom Stewart, Fritz R"sch, and Fred Rai'ell. Minutes of January 19th and 26th approved as corrected . Motion made by Hr. Koym and Mr. Koch and Seconded by IVlr. Koch and Mr. Marx. Mayor Kneupper sent a copy of the Converse Master Plan-- Letter from GVEC sending $2613.34-2% Gross Tax. Letter from Mr. Schertz submitting Planning Budget, Administrative Budget, and Balance Sheet in order for the City to have a better understanding of the operation of too Urban Agency. Discussion of a connection of Lone Oak and tho Vista subdivisions and Y closing the gravel road to the sewer plant. Htion to proceed. with th! project at City expense by Mr. Koym seconded by Mr. Schertz, if this is all City property ~~__1 Mr. Saegert will check deeds. Motion carried. (,1 Ordinance lc;6 He: ClothinC Allowance to Firemen read. Motion by 1li1r. Marx q' seconded by Mr. Kazben and carried to adopt same. 15 ORDINANCE NO~ 156 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, CG!-1MISSIONING AND PROVIDING FOR A CLOTHING AND EXPENSE ALLOWANCE FOR VOLUNTEER FIREMEN OF THE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEP ARTWNT OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TF.XAS: BE IT ffiDAINED BY TT-lE CITY cnrrNCIL OF THE CTTY OV SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Tn, City of Schertz, Texas, will Dayan eXDense and clothing all<Jl- ance to the Volunteer Fire Depart1'll'nt of the City of Schertz, Texas, in the amount of $2.c;O, for each dr-ill attended by "ach fireman. SECTION 2. Such Firemen are hereby commissioned VCJlunteer Firemen of the City of Schertz, Texas. SECTION 3. ~ City of Schertz, Texas, will not pay in excess of twenty-five(25) Firemen per month. Any additional Firemen must be placed on a waiting list with the City Secretary of the City of Schertz, Texas. SECTION 4. The City of Schertz, Texas, will not pay the afrresaid compensation to any Fireman for mot'e than two (2) fire drin s pe r month. SECTION 5. This ordinance will be effective for six (6) months commencing January 1, 1967, and upon the expiration of such six months period, the same will be reconsidered by the City Council of the Gity of Schertz, Texas. r I SECTION 6. This Ordinance is conditioned on the officers of the Volunteer Rire . Department of the City of Schertz, Texas, complying with the following conditions. a. Prepare a complete list of qualified Volunteer tireTll!!n ,as of January 1, 1967, and furnish same to the City Secretary. b. Furnish a set of appropriate qualifications for each Volunt~r l'iremen to be compensated. The se qualificatirms to be file d with tte City Secretary. ,c. That a rceteT of attendance by Firel11!ln b'T the month be submitted to the City Secretary of the City of Schertz, Texas. Tm city will then issue a check in the appropriate sum to be distributed to the said Firemen. d. That the Officers of the Fire Department of the l;ity of Schertz, Texas, furnish the City, and file with the Secretary of such Cite" a complete inventory of all the equipment of such departnent. e. That the Officers of the tJolunteer Fire Department of the Eli ty of Schert, 16 Texas, furnish a current financial statement and budget for the ye ar 1967. f. That all of the above mention.. itens in Section 6 not recurring on a monthly basis be complied with within thirty (30) days after date of this ordinance. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 2nd day of February, 1967. 'iy~ (p ,>lvtJ.) ) ATTEST: Ii . 1ft PA ~jh () 0(/ ~ecretary - Monday 26th council to meet with urban Board Planninc Commission and Citizens Committe~ on GNRP. Freddie R~ell asks what is to be done with Pcet Office water bill delinqU!nt each monU"i and will not pay penalty. Also, on transfers ',f turn on and turn off he propose. a $2.00 char~. Mr. Saegert will amend ordinance on these. Mr. AckermanD stated 1-e does not approve of an article in tre paper statine the Police Departnant had improved. Says he still gets calls about c10gSt speeders, etc. Mr. Reicherzer has much trouble get tine unnecessary phone calls of people who 1-1 cannot ~et the police. Mayor recommended new stickers for the telephones. Motion 0' lP \ made by Mr. Marx seconded by Mr. Schertz to buy new stickers. Motion carr:ied.. Mr. Koppin inquired if all new ortUnances and codes were in the office for people to read. Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Schertz and seconded by Mr. M.. Motion carried. Motion to accept minutes approved as read by Mr. Koym .8.00. secorrled by Hr. Koch. ATTEST: G. WA:: kRlretary ,.... ~ \\,11 Called rneetinp: of the Schertz City Council held at the City Hall in Schertz, Texas, February 24, 1967. Mayor Roy W. Richard called the Il!!eting to onier with the follOWing llamed Aldermen present: Raymond G. Koym, Leonard J. Kazben, Ottomar A. Sdlertz, Malfard. C. Koch, andE.gar T. Marx. Also present: Mrs. Sally Valladares, Mrs. Glynn Bennett, and Mr. Robert B. Cocke. Discussion on the purchase of Radio Equipment for police car etc. A motioD by Mr. Koym seconded by Mr. Marx to advertise for bids in Valley news, bids to be opened at 8:30 P.M. March 23, 1967. Roster of members belonging to Volunteer Fire Departnent received. Mr. Robert B. Cocke, an attorney from San Antonio, was interviewed in re,;ard to the Corporation Court Judgeship. Ai'ter discussion and all be agreeable Mr. Kazben made a motion seconded by Mr. Koch that Mr. Cocke be appointed Jud.ge effective 1 March 1967, at a salary of $1)0.00 per month and to holEl court two times per month or as ne cessary accordine to work loa.. Motion unanimously carrie d. Ordinance IIl~7 appointing Equilization Boar. for 1967, of Mr. Willia m Ebbs, Mr. Delos R. Durden, and Mr. Melvyn C. Thompson read and a motion by Mr. Koym seconded by Mr. Schertz the above be aaoptei as read. Motion unanimously carrie.. 1 \~.lP \ ?>,1,1 ORDINANCE NO. 157 AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING THE BOARD OF EQUILIZATION FOR THE CITY CF SCHE'?TZ, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1967, PROVIDING FOR THEIR DUTIES AND COMPEN3ATION, AND TIm OF MEETnn. Whlsttl!iAS, the time has nOo1 arrived for the work of th! Board of Equalization to ~".~.""'~'t" "~,"'l!I!' "'~__<: ,'J.':' ..i. "i.'.l' , tc~ SPECIAL l-tll!iJ!iTING February 6, 1967 City Hall Schertz, Texas ~ I Ottomar Schertz f.eonard Kazben Malford Koch Raymond Koym Charles C. Cross, City Engineer Urban Renewal Agency: Ralph R. Ikels, Chairman George P. Bolton, Vice-Chairman John Motycka, Secretary Elgih Beck Roland Elbel Walter A. Schertz, Executive Director Ed Mok, Planning Consultant Judy Wiers, Planning Consultant Arthur Troilo, Jr., Attorney Ada S. Franke, Secretary Members Present -- Mayor Roy W. Richard City Council Planning Cu~,,,,,':ssion Citizens Advisory Committee J:i.mmi.e V. Dunham, Chairman Glynn W. Bennett Aaron Beck Walter Schneider, Chairman John Me.... 3...an The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Roy W. Richard for approval of the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan for Buffalo Valley Project Tex. R-97, with the following present: Richard, Schertz, Kazben, Koym, and Koch. The GNRP was presented by the Planning Consultants to the City Council,Plarming Commission and Commissioners of the Urban Renewal Agency. After approval of the GNRP by the Commissioners of the Urban Renewal Agency and the Planning CV!I.uIl.~_ssion, Mayor Roy W. Richard read an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Schertz Approving the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan \ 4- ,(,p 1 for Buffalo Valley Project Tex. R-97. Mr. Raymond Koym made a motion seconded by Ottomar Schertz to pass the Ordinance. Motion was passed unanimously with council members Richard, Schertz, Kazben, Koym and Koch all voting Aye and none voting No. Vote was by roll call vote. This being the order of business for the evep;ng, a motion made to adjourn by Mr. Koch and seconded by Mr. Koym. Meeting adjourned at 9:4.5 P.M. j, 1{.,O~ G. W. Pickrell Secretary ~W~04.J Roy ichard, Mayor ~ I I I l ...~ o1f' 'r'" ........ \~,'" ' ....,J._' "., ... . . ~.... f '......;~~."\..t~' o "",.-. ..1:"1;0 G begin and no such Board has yet been appointed for the year 1967, now thereforJ. 7 ,-- I I r BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COlP'TCIL OF 'ffiE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: That, ~~~' f'),!.,~ , ';,wb.wl ~~-<""AJ . AND ~ IJP~ R AA.), are hereby appoint~ to t e rd. 01 Equalization O1'1he i ty 0 chertz, Texas, for the year 1967, who are to ~ rfOI'm the dut ies of such Board of Equalization for the City of Schertz, Texas, as prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and ordinance of the City of Schertz, Texas; such Beard. shall receive all the asseSSTrent lists an d books of tm assessor of the 6ity of Schertz, Texas, for examination, correcti:Jn, equalization, apprais'-,ment, and approval for the City of Schertz, Texas; the members tte reef shall receive for their compensation the sum of $50.00 (Fifty Dollars); and ooch shall be convened on the /9 _day of [iJJ...h>fl, ' 1967, in the City Hall at Schertz, Texas at 0 q t;-;;-r:: M. At eachlTiieetl.ng of said beard the City Secre- tary shall act as secretary therefore. PASSED A1\1D A:"'PRnvED TFIS THE 24th day of February, 1967. ATTEST: Cit.y~ ~ U?,,;kJ.; ~ On a motion by Mr. Kazben seconded by Hr. Koch, Mrs. Glynn Bernett and Mrs. 1"tp1 Vallaures were appointed to fill vacancies on too citizens Advis ory Committee. Motion carrie d.. Letter of thanks from Hr. }1iller, :Lepartment of Housing and Urban Develop- ment for information received and helpint Mr. White and Mr. Tolbert. '\ On a motion by Mr. Kazben seconcied by Mr. Koch the Council unanimously ,lP' lP passed a Resolution reapp ointing members of the Citizens Advisory Committee. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A CITIZENS ADVISORY C0MMITTEE FOR URBAN REN~-lAL IN THE CITY "F SCHERTZ, TEXAS SETTING THE TERMS OF CFFICE OF ITS MEMBERS: APPOINTJENG MEMBERS TO SERVE ON SAID COMMITTEE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 19, 1967. 11/HEREAS, the City of Schertz has established an Urban Renewal Agency for said. City pursuant to the Urban Renewal Laws of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the City and. the Board of Comnissioners of said Agency have a~reed that a Citizens Advisory Committee should be appointed in order to obtain the views of a cross-section of tffi citizens of Schertz concerninr; the direction and depth of proposed Urban Renewal Pro,jects within said City; and I'THEREAS, said Citizens Advisory Committee should include I'e'presenta- tives from the reli~ious, business, eaucational, cultural se~nts of its community life as well as a representation of all the various ethnic groups within said City; and INHEREAS, it is the desire nf this CounciJ to establish said Committee as soon as possible; na-T, therefore . r, , 1 BE IT RESOLVED DY TH8 CITY C()UNCIL nF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ: 1. A Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal is hereby established in the City of ~chertz, Texas. 2. The Committee shall be composed of ten (10) members whoseFterms shall be for a one (1) vear period. 18 3. The foll~ing citizens of the City of Schertz are hereby appointe. for the period January 19, 1967 through January 19, 1968. 4. The following citizens of the City of Schertz are hereby appointed for the Citizens Advisory Committee: (1) Mr. Oscar Schmid.t (2') Mrs. Dia ne Dean (,) Mrs. Glynn Bennett (4) Mrs. Sally Valladares (5) Mr. William Schulz (6) Mr. Ascenio Acuna (7) Mr. Jesse B. Booker (8) Mrs. Bobbie L. Koch (9) Mr. Nathan Whitf:ie ld (10) Mr. Wayne J. Davis (11) Mr. James E. Stephens (12) Mr. John Merryman (13) Mr. J. J. Ritchie PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 19th day of January, 1967. ATTEST: G. /t~ ~i! v.~!tJiI7 Mr. Kazben asked to be relieved as the co-ordinator of council and 'ire Department. It was agreed by the council that each Trember would take turns in being present at each meeting mId by th!! fire department. Questioo arose should the police vehicle escort the fire departll!!nt to all fires outside the city limits. It was determined that fires quite a long ways from the city, the police would not be required to go as they should stay in th! Ci ty. Several new permit and inspection forms will haye to be printed to be used in conjunction with the new codes and ordinances. Universal City has started with water lines to the Rose Garden sbhool in order to supoly them with water and thereby will be disconnectine service belonginc to Ci ty of Schertz. Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Koch and seconded by Mr. Koym. Motion carried. Motion to approve minutes as read made by Mr. Koym and sec)cntied by Mr. Marx. :1 ,.,,: ~J, Recular meeting of the Schertz City Council helJi at the City Hall in Schertz, 19 Texas, March 2, 1967. Ma.;ror Roy W. Richard called the meeting to order 1<rith the following named alciermen present a Raymond G. Koym, Leonard J. Kazben, Ottomar A. Schertz, Edgar T. Marx, and Malford C. Koch. Also present City Attorney Louis F. Sae~ert, 1'lrs. Glyn Bennett, Sally ,- Valladares, Tommie Ackermann, Mr. Walter A. Schertz, Russell Rowell, Walter Schnei4ier, Jesse B. Booker, C. L. Sturrock, Archie Woodward, Gilbert A. Koppin and R. R. Cosby. Minutes of the February 2nd and 24th meeting were read and approved. (Motion by Mr. Koym secondeci by Mr. Koch and carried.) Mr. Boy. and Mr.HJ.:itd explained quite a lotI pertaining to the area planning which is thru grants with HUD & Farm & Home office, has to do with water and sewer planning Industrial and Commercial business with no cost to the City. A more complete stud.y of the program will b\!r made. On a motion by Mr. Schertz seconded by Mr. Kazben wich carried the resignation of1,1I"'\ Walter A. Schneider as building inspector was accepted. \ Mr. C. L. Sturrock agreed to take the Inspector job. However, he asked the Council to be on the lookout for a replacement. A motion by Mr. Kazben seconded by Mr. t'arx tha\,,,,'\ Mr. Sturrock be qppointed at a salary' of $1tJ.00 per month. Motion unanimously carried.. \ Mr. Koym made a motion seconded by Mr. Koch to accept the resignation of Mr. Nathan~1 Whitfield as members of the committee. Motion unanimously carriAd. \1\ Mr. Walter A. Sc he rtz gave a ve ry through report on the first Urban Renewal Pro je ct. Proposed Ordinance No. ItJ8, approving the undertaking of surveys and plans for an Urban Renewal Project and the filing of an application. Motion by Hr. Kazben seconded O'lP1 by Mr. Marx the ordinance be passed and approved as read. Motion unanimously carried. } Resolution authorizing Manager of Utilities to designate house and building numbers for the City. Motion by IVlr. KJ'YIIll seconded by Mr. Schertz, the Resolutinn ~. passed and ,,'\. approveti. Motion carried. ,..,.... Letter d.esicnatin~ Firemen to be paid for drills ($10.00). Motion by Mr. Kazben ')...'1.,1 seconded by Mr. K~ and carried to pay for February, 1967. ,.. Proposed Ordinance No., ItJ9, amending No. 80 and 81A and adding Section E. Motion ~,~1 by Mr. Kazben seconded by !\lr. Koym to adopt same as read.. MotiOlIl unanimously carried. ). 11 Proposed. Ordinance No. 160 read, Re: Desingating Traffic zones near school. Motion ,1.1 Mr. Koym seconded Mr. ochertz to adopt same. Motion carrieli. ).* Resolution pertaining to billing Gov't agencies and complying to dates as set bY).'5,(,,1 their offices. Motion l'lr. Kazben, seconcied Mr. Koym and carrieci to aclopt the resolution. Motion tb adjourn by IVlr. loch and seconded by !'lr. Marx. Motion to approve minutes as read made by Mr. Kazben seconded By Mr. Koch. AN ORDINANCE NO. 1 tJ8 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THR CITY OF SCHERTZ APPROVING THE UNDERTAK- ING OF SllItv r;fS AND PLANS FOR AN URBIN RENElN'A!L PROJECT AWD THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION. WJ1r;rw;AS, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (herein referred to as "Title I"), the Secretary of t he Department of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to extend financial assistance to local pub- lic agencies in the elimination and prevention of the sp:!reafi of their slums and urban bli~ht through the planning and un4iertaking of urban renewal pro- jects; and - , WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the Urban Renewal Agnecy of the City of Schertz make surveys and prepare plans, present- ly estimated to cost approximately $1~,910.00, in order to undertake and carr,y out an urban renewal project of the character contemplated b y Section 110 (c) of Title I, in that area proposed as an Urban Renewal Area, situate<< in the City of .::>chertz, County of Guadalupe, and State of Texas, which is des- cribed on Exhibit "All attached hereto and made a part hereof; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COlillCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHBRTZ: L. That the proposed Urban Renewal Area describe.. above is a slum, bliChtei, Ceteriorated, or deteriorating area appropriate for an urban ---- 20 renewal project and that the uniertaking byth~ Urban Renewal Ar;ency of the City of Schertz of surveys and plans for an urban renewal project of the character contemplated. by Section 110 (c) of Title I in the proposed Urban Renewallrea is hereby approved.. 2. That the financial assistance avialable und.er Title I is m~edei to enable the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Schertz to finance the planninc and undertaking of t he proposed Projedt. 3. That it is cocnizant of the conditions that are imposed in the undertakine and carryin~ out of urban renewal projects with Federal finan- cial assistance unier Title I, incluiinc those relatine to (a) the relocation of site occupants~ (b) the provision of local grants-in-aii, (c) the pro- hibition of discriminatiOn because of race, color, creed, or nati"nal origin, and (Ii) the requirement that the locality present to the Secretary of,the Department of Housing and Urban Developement, as a prerequisite to approval of the application describei below, a workable orogram for community im- provement, as set forth in Section 101 (c) of Title I, for utilizing appro- priate public and private "sources to eliminate and prevent the develop- ment or spread of slums and urban bliiht. 4. That it is the sense of i his boiy (a) that a feasible methoa for the relocation of iniividuals and families displaced from the Urban Renewal Area, in conformity with Title I, can be prepared, and (b) that the local grants-in-aid can and will be provided in an amount irlitbh will be not less than on-fourth (i) ~f the Net Projeet Cost of the Project and. which, to- gether with the Federal capital grant, will be generally equal to the iifference between Gross Project Cost and the proceed or value of projett lani sold, leased, or retained for use in accoriance with the urban renewal plan. t). That the filing of an applicat -i. on by the Urban Renewal Agency of the (Z'ity of Schertz for an advance of funds from the United States of Amerisa to enable it to aefray the cost of the surveys and plans for an urban renewal project in the propose<< Urban Renewal Area described above is hereby approvedl PASSED AND APPROVED this 2ni day of March 1967. ~/. t?'iar~/ll ATTEST: A. III P A " j Jr 0 0 a~ ~ty .;)ecretary . RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: 1. That whereas no uniform system of numeration for a.d.resses has been establashei for the City of Schertz, Texas; and, whereas it is necessary that a uniform system of numeration be established. for such city, the following ceneral plan is herewith aiopted: Houses facinr; on streets running east and west shall be numberei from the 200 block abutting on the east line of Oak Street eastwari as shown on plat attachei. Build,incs facing on streets running north and south shall be numbered .' I.:. commencing with the 100 block on streets running north from Farm Market Road 7~1'1' and consectively thereafter and in a like manner the 100 block and successive ~. block on streets runnin~ south from Farm Market Road 18, all as shown on plat attached. 2. The Mana~er of Utilities of the City of Schertz, Texas is hereby authorized to designate the numbe:t!ation of each building in the City of Schertz, r Texas, in accortiance with the foregoing plan. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 2ni day of March, 1967. i!J~ t1?~~,,-ij ATTEST: ~ A , DO. City ::iecre ary ORDINIICE NO. lS~ AN ORDINANCE AJV!ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80 AND 80A OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: 1. That Ordinance No. 80, Section 1, of the City of Schertz" Texas be amended by a.dine thereto a Section (e) and that Oriinance No ell of the ~ity of SChertz, Texas, ~ection 14(Meter Connection Charges ana Meter Inspallation ana Repair) be amel1ied by aGlding thereto the following as section (ti): Whenever a user of the City Water Service and/or the Sewer Services of the City of Schertz, Texas, terminates such services at one adtiress and renews such services or either of them at a different adaress then aIIIi in that event a $2.00 reconnection fee of services shall be assessed against such customer. This char~ is for the services required in disconnecting and reconnecting such customer. PASSED AND PP PROVED this the 2ni day of March, 1967. @~.J. $~J.ltJJ Mayor. ATTEST: it. 1~, PA;; MO 0 Ci,ty Becretary , ORDINANCE NO. 160 AJ ORDINAN::E DSSIGNATING TRAFFIC SPEED znNES IN CC'RTAIN AREAS I I. BE IT nRDADJT'D BY TPE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: 1. Where it has been determined by a traffic engineering s:'uiy of the City of Schertz, Texas, that the maximum, reasonable and prodent sp~ed. for the herein- after named portions of streets is as set out hereafter and any speed in excess thereof shall be prima facie evidence that such speed is not reasonable or prudent and that it is unlawful. 2. The maximum, reasonable and prudent speed for that portion of William Street, Curtis Street, Wright Street and Randolph Street which abut and adjnin the 22 Ele~ntary School in the City of Schertz, Texas is and shall be hereafter l~ miles per hour. 3. The Traffic Engineer of the City of Schertz, Texa3, is hereby directed to post signs as provided by law. ~ #?.l'"tfl.al May '. ATTEST: uw I A2P Q. t:lty ecretary RES 0 L UTI 0 N BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY cnuNrIL OF THE CITYF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: Charces maie to any agency of the Federal Government for utility services by the City of Schertz, Texas, shall be billed to such saii agency to comply with the applicable rer;ulations of such agency :6or the paYment of such bills and. the usual payment utes and. penalties proviaed. for payment of bills by the relevant oniinances of the City of SChertz, Texas, shall not apply to such bills to any agency of the U. S. Government. . PASSED AND APPROVED this the 2ni day of March, 1967 tH<<,J1I ~:d. J May ATTEST: )f Al 0 ~ ", ~ (J (j ) l;itY~ ,\1<<\ ~v Reiular rneetin,; of the Scherts, City lIouncil held. at the City Hall in Schertz, Texas on the 23ri day of 14arch, 1967. Mayor Roy W. Riehard. called the meeting to ortier with the following named. Al.erman present: Raymond G. Koym, Malford C. Koc~ Ottomar A. Schertz, Leonard J. Kazben, and. Edgar T. 11arx. Also present: C. L. SturroCk, Jesse B. Booker, and Russell G. Rowell and Mr. Max H. ,;;)chuebel Mayor Richard rea. Ordiannce 1~4 A purposed change of No. 1~4 of the Housing code. Motion by l"lr. Kazben seconded by ~'"'r. Schertz, the oriinance be accepted and passed as read. Motion umanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO~ 154 A AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4 SUBSECTION ., PARAGRAPH . AND AMENDING SECTION" SUBSECTIONS 2 and 4: AND SECTION 9 SUBSECTIONS 1 and 3 OF ORDINANCE NO. 154 TO 'THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, ENTITLED n HOUSING STANDARDS CODE" BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: That Ornnance No. 1'54 Section 4 Subsection :5 Paracraph i of the City of dChertz, Texas, are hereby amende. s 0 that same ices and shall hereafter read as follows: lJiH:A,,,,,tl.'tj.,,,,,'J: ;j,",iJ;.;J,:t ~ i .'. 1 (i) The requirements of Section ~ of this section do not apply to the hotel, motel, tourist court where the occupant in question has a residence elsewhere, or does not occupy local quarters fot- a period of longer than fifte"n consecutive clays. Neither do the requirements of' subsection 5 of this section apoly to mobil homes as that term has been defined herein. The provi- sions of .subsection 5 of this section shall apply to the construc- tion of all buildincs, dwellings and dwelling units within the city limits. All matters previously c0ntained in Section 4 Subsection " ParaCI'aph ., not hereinabove set out are herewith repealed. That Section " PROCEDURE FOR REPAID, VACATION OR DEMOLITION, Paragraphs 2 and. 4, of the City of .:>chertz, Texas, are hereby amenied So that same does and shall hereafter read as follows: (2') If the "uninhabitable and danr,erous dwelling or building" is fifty percent damaged or decayed or Ieteriorated, it shall be ordered. repaired and if such order is not complied with is such reasonable time as may be deemed by the housing standards inspeactor same shall be ordered. demolished. (4) If the "uninhabitable and dangerous dwelling or building" is a fire hazard existing or erected in violation of the terms of this ordinance. or of any ordinance of this. city or statute of this state, it shall be repaired or demolished, providing the said fire hazard is not eliminated by the owner or other interested. persons within a reasonable time. All matters previously contained in Section r; Paragraphs 2 and 4 not hereinabove set out are herE'lwi th repaaled. That Section 9, DUTIES OF HOUSING STANDARDS INSPECTOR, Paracraphs 1 and 3, of the City of Schertz, Texas, are hereby amended so that same shall and does hereafter read as f01lows: (1) Inspect or cause to be inspected, all public buildings, schools, halls, churches, theaters, hotels, tenements, commercial, manufacturinr or loft buildings for the purpose of determininc whether any conditions exist which render such places an "unin_ habitable and dangerous dwelling or buildingttwithin the terms of sections 3 and 4. (3) Inspect buildings, dwellings and dwelling units in all parts of this city to determine whether they are "uninhabit- able and. ci.angerous dwellings or buildings", within the terms of sedtions 3 and 4. All matters previously contained in Section9, Paragraphs 1 and 3, of' the City of Schertz, Texas, are herewith repealed. PASS~D AND APPROVED this the 23rd day of MarCh, 1967. ~.$'~~h)J A'TTEST: _ lJ.1L~'- /Jltt~P ;jecretary 23 OrdiBance No. 161 read purposing ehange in Electrical Code. Motion ~ 1~1. 7 bY' Mr. Schertz, seconded by Mr. Marx., same be accepted. and passed. MOtLOn unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. 161 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE NO. II, SUBSECTIONa; 24 ARTICLE IV SnlmCT!ON c (3) AJ\1n BY AMENDING ARTICLE VII OF ORDINANCE 42 TO THE CITY OF SGHEl1TZ, TEXAS, ENTITLED, "ELECTRICAL nODE, CITY nF SCHERTZ, TEXASit' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ J That Ordiance No. 42, "ELECTRICAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS", be and is hereby amenfied so that salll! does and shall hereafter rea..; MINIMUM STANDARD FOR WIRING: a~ All wiring coverei by this Ordinance within the city shall at least meet the minimum stantlards of the 1965 edition of the NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (hereinafter called. the "CODE"), a standard approved by the American Standar..s Association and published by the National Boar. of Fire Underwriters, or any subsequenD revision thereof, when it sWl become effective. A copy of the 1965 Code and subsequent revisions shall be kept on file by the City Secretary for reference by intereste.. parties. IV. LICENSING OF ELECTRICIANS: Subsection OJ In addition tothe above, the Applicant shall have qualified, been approved, and have a current license to clo elec:jrical wiring in at least one other incorporated municipality or be approved. as a "Willie Wirehand Electrical Contractor", in gootl stamiinc by the Guad.alupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc., or pro~ide other evidence of his qualifications as directed by the City Council. vn. PERMIT & INSPECTION FEES: a. At the time any permit is issued for a job which will be inspected by the City's Electrical Inspector, the City Secretary shall first be paid a Permi t and Inspection Fee, according to the following schedule: (1) For changes in wiring resulting in the addition of not more than one outlet, an amount of $1.00/ (2) For changes in wiring in excess of the above item, an amount of $2.00'. b. When a re-inspection is require.. by the City's Electrical Inspector, the Electrician holding the permit for the job shall pay a re-inspection fee of $2.00 to the City Secretary at the time he requests that the re-inspection be made. A like re-inspection fee shall be paid for each re-inspection re- quired on the same job. c. At the time any permit is issue.. for a job which will be inspected by the Cooperative's Inspectlhr, the City Secretary shall first be paid a permit fee of $1.50. Inspection fee under this section are to be collected by the Cooperative. All other provisions of the a6resaifl "Electrical Code for the City of Schertz, Texas, are and shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 23r.. day of March 1967. ~f:i<J'~,d~ ATTEST: A, 1(, PA /tj lLPP C, Secretary Bids were opened on equiping the police vehicle and installing base unit. They were as follows: Ind.ustrial culI........nications----------- $2,641."0 Motorola Comm. & Elect., Inc.--------- 2,338.00 General Electric Co.------------------ 2,630.00 ~,v '\ ~ After due consideration and discussion it was determine.. Moto:roll& Inc. offeretl more and also their bid being the low-bid.. On a motion b~T !vly.. Koch second.ed by Mr. Marx, the contract be awarded to Motorola Inc. Motion unanimously carried. Proposed change in Ordinance 1~3 Inspector for building trades read same as being 1~3 A. A motion by Mr. Kazben seconded by Mr. Marx same be a.opted. as read. Motion unanimously carried. (4/U 1 ~ . ... . r I L Ordiance No. 153 A 25: I I AN ORDI~ANCE A}ENDJNG SRCTION NO. I nF ORDINANCE 1~3 ENTITLED* AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEX liS, PROVIDING THAT THE MAYOR MAY APPOINT ONE PERSON TO SERVE AS THE BTTILDTIm OFFICIAL DESIGNAlll'.IJ:J BY THE snUTHERN STANDARD BTJJLDING CODE, 196C; EDITION: AS ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR AS P-ROVIDED BY THE ELECTRICAL cnDE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS; AS BUTLDING INSPECTOR AS PR.OVIDED BY THE ZONING ORDINANCE nF THE CITY nF SCHERTZ, TEXAS; AND AS PLUMBING INSPECTOR AS PROVIDED BY THE PlUMBING CODE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C('UNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHE~TZ, TEXAS: That Section 1 or Ordinance no. 1~3 be amended so that such section shall read as folJ ows: BE IT I)RDAINED BY THE CITY CCUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHER.TZ, TEXAS: SECTION ONE: The Mayor of the City of Schertz, Texas, may with the consent of the council designate one person to perform the following duties: (a) Buildinc Official (b) Electrical. Inspector (c) Builciing Inspector (d.) Plumbing Inspector (e) Housing Standards Inspector as proviaed by the Southern Stanaard Builfiing Code, 1965 Edition; the E:Eectric Code of the ~ity of SChertz, Texas; the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Schertz, Texas; the Plumbing Code of the City of Schertz, Texas and the Housing Stanaards Code of the City of Schertz, Texas. SECTION TWO: Such official shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 23ri day of March, 1967. ATTEST: l\, 1tJ... (]. '~g I "0 Q, Cit1l:ie~~ Mr. Rowell inquired, about Mr. Gesche wanting water line to Ira Street. Mr. Cross, City Engineer will contact him. Ord.inance No. 162 read amenaing Nos. 29 and 1 ~5 Fire Prevention Code. '1 Motion by Mr. Koym secomied by Hr. Kazben same be adopted and. passea as read. 30"'l.9 Motion unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. 162 AN ORDINlNCE AMENDING SECTION NO.1 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- jN ORDINA\T CE ADOPTING A FIRE PREVENTION CODE PRESCRIBING REGULA- TIONS GOVERNING crWDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO I IFE AND PRO'ERTY FROM FIRE OR EXPLOS ION: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COTTNCIL nF THE CITY nF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: - That Se~tion 1 of Ordinance No. 29 as amenaled of the ordinance of the City of Schertz, Texas, be amencied so that such section.shall read as follOW's: SECTION 1. ADOPTION rF FIRE PREVENTION CODE: There is hereby adopted by the City of' :Schertz, f'or the purpose of prescribinfT, regulations governing condit- ions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code known as the Fire Prevention Code, Abbreviated Edition, recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, being particularly the 1965 eiition thereof 2'6 ~\' \p '\ <\ I)..,\j ? and the whole thereof and all amendments and chances thereto up through and includin~ the day of the passage of this ordinance, of which code not, less than three (3) copies have been and now are file. in the office of th! Clerk of the City of Schertz, Texas, and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at len~th hereiJ;l and from the iate on which this ore.inance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controllin~ within the limits of the City of Sch~rtz, Texas. All other sections and con.itions of said Ordinance No. 29, and shall remain in full force and. effect. PASSBD AND APPROVED THIS the 23rd day ~ March, 1961. ~ {{(;'d./"t May ATTEST: k, ~l p! J).()ttJ secret~ Letter to Universal City read asking that Schertz be allowed to use same Radio Frequency with them. Mayor Richar. rea. ami explained the Financial Report eminr Dec. 31, 1966;! Same will be published in newspaper. Motion by Mr. Kazben secone.ed by Mr. Koym the following bills be pai.. Motion carrie.. Hope Medical uupply-OXygen and Equipment for patrol car $89.20. Sucarman's Uniforms Co~. Police. Uniforms $)'=;3.40 Motion by Mr. Kazqen seconded by Mr. Schertz, a letter be sent to Frost National Bank, San Antonio authorizing them to invest all mO:Qeys in Reserve Funis pertaining to 1962,1963,1964, ana 1966 bone in direct oblications of the Unite. States of America, maturing within ten years from date of purchase. Motion unanimously carrie.. Motion tb a.journ by Mr. Koch seconded by Mr. Kovm. Motion minutes be approved as rea. by Mr. Koym seconded by ~.~. Koch. Called meetin~ of the Schertz City Council held at the City Hall in Schertz, Texas on the 4th day of April, 1961. Mayor Roy W. Richari called the meeting to order with the follCM'inC Aldermen present: Raymond G. Koyrn, Malford C. Koch, Ottomar A. .:)chertz, Leonard. J. Kazben, and Ed~ar T. .l'.arx. Meetin~ was called for the purpose of canIassinc the ballot of Re~ular City Election held. this date. A canva$s of the ballots revealed the following results: For Alaerman: John l'-'erryman 54 votes Walter F. 3chneider 66 votes Gilbert A. Koppin 94 votes Elvira A. Hili 61 votes Raymond G.. Koym 214 votes Leonard J. Kazben 192 votes Eigar T. lv'l~rx 159 votes Wayne J. Davis 84 votes Tommie J 0 Ackermann 1 vote Hugo Ackermann 2 votes R. R. Cosby 1 vote Hugo Re icherze r 1 vote Cochran 1 vote Geo. C90lc 1 vote The canvass havin~ been completed to the satisfaction of all the .Council mem- bers, the Nayor declarei Mr. Koym (214 votes), Mr. Kazben (192 votes)" ani Mr. Marx ( 1~9 votes) re-electei as Aliermen for a two year term. It wa! movei by Mr. Koch and seconie. by lVlr. Schertz the above results be acceptei. he follow- inC members vote. nAYE"': Koym, Koch, Kazben and MJIrx. And none vote. nNO". . ~",~.' The May Mort. deCltaredd. . the mbotiMron caKrrhied und animoudsdlyb. M K ..l . d 27-- o ~on 0 a Journ y . oc an secon e y r. oym an.a carrle. . Motion minutes be approved as read by Mr. Koym seconded by Mr. Koch. AAgular meetin~ of the Schertz City Council held at tre City Hall in Schertz, Texas, April 6, 1967. Mayor Roy W. Richard. called the Ie eting to order with the following naTlJ!d Alde.......u present: Raymonei G. Koym, Leonard J. Kazben, Ottomar A.. Schertz, Malf'ord C. Koch, and Edgar T. l''arx. Also present: City Attorney Louis F. Saecert, Walter A. Schertz, C. L. Sturrock, HaI'V8Y Seiler, James lBalCiii:ils, and Hrs. Sally Valladares. Minutes of tm MarC'h 23rci and April 4, 1967 meetings were read. arrl awroved. Mr. Ka,ben aske d Brs. Valladares to write articles for tte paper concerni~ council meetings. .(Vir. Schertz gave a report on the progress of tm GNRP and of one short revision reque steci. Mr. James Bla.is president of the Volunteer Fire Dept. Executive Board read a res~nation of Hr. Hugo Reicherzer as Fire Ch:ie f', same was accepteci by tre baird. Too board recommenfied the council accept sa~ and appoint Mr. Archie J. "\'1oodward Fir~ Chief and a1so reflppoint Fritz Rusch as Fire Marshal and W:tU:iAm Sch-alz as assista1t ~1 Fire Marshal: Motion by Mr. Marx seconded by Mr. Marx tre above be acc;epted. Motion 3~' unan imously carrie d. , Mr. Koym will check wi th l'1r. Charles Rouse in regard. to gettirc th! Ball Diamoni ready and a schedule on summer recreation procram. Mayor Riyhard has been contacted and has asked the coo.ncil to stuciy and consider the annexation of Rittiman Addition. Motion Mr. Koym secnmied by Mr. Harx to pay $~ .00 for fireTll!n attendinr, March ~l-..(., 1 drills. Motion carried. Discussion on salaries and on a motion by Mr. Koym eeconded by Mr. Kazben, Mr. Pic krell, Mr. Schoonover and Mr. Swain<< were given a $5:>.00 pt r month increase in pay. Mr. Russell Rowell, Fr~d W. Rcwell, Hrs. June G. Krause, Moises De Leon and Robert ,,l,,'1 I Arenas were given $21).00 ~r month increase in PEW. A.ll effective April 1, 1967. ~ Officer Swainr; waS allowed Gasoline expense for his a.rn private truck due to . his using sall'J!t for ha l21inc anin:al s to the ci ty pound. Motion by Mr. Kazben seconciea ,1,1 by Mr. Harx. Motion carrie d. ?>w On a motion by Hr. Kooh seconte. by Mr. Marx the motion was anended to read 1" 1.P1 alleMande up to $10.00 per month. Motion unanimously carried. 3 Th! camcil agreed to orcier Street signs ;for tll!! Village Subdivision. Nr. Shaefer will reimbWrse the city for sam!. Motion to adjourn by .!"ir. Koch seconded by J.'~. Marx. Motion carried. Motion minutes by approved as read by .1:/lr. Kocr. seconfied by J.'J.r. Marx. Recular lT8etinC of tte Scrertz City Council re lei at the City Hall in Schertz, Texas April 13, 1967. Mayor Roy W. Richard calle d the neeting to order with the follCli'inC name d Al<<er- men pre:!!llnt: Ra.YmoIXi G. Ko''1'II, Leonara J. Kazben, Ottomar A. Schertz, Edcar T. J.'J.arx, and Malfor<< C. Koch. The official Plat for the Village Subdivision was submittea and a motion by lVlr. Schertz seconded ~ l'l.r. Marx the plat be accepted and approved. Motion unal imously ~~' lP 1 carried. Motion by Mr. Kazben seconded by Mr. Koch to send a letter advising Mr. Ormel ,q,t, 1 I. Boy4" County Supe rvis cilr, Farmers Ho~ Ad.min is t ra ti on the City is in acres I1l!n t wi th the planning coTllll'lission for a further study of' water and sewer faciliteis. Moti on unanfmously carr~ d. P:n>paJeci City Buiget fer ye ar 1967 read, Motion Mr. Ko"tR seconde. Mr. Koch accepteli and 1 earin!! on saJm set for 10:00 A.M. May 1, at City Hall. Garbage Ordinance discusserl recards to ~jlacing and remcwing f!arbage cans. to make a study and cons icier a franchise. To be let on bias. Change in Fire Limits made as req'IE ste_ tv Dept. of Housing and Urban Deve! oprren t. Orftinance No. 163 repealing Ordinaces No. 1)7 and. rJ7A passed an d approved. Also a copy of sa~ incluiing new map with marked zone s sent to Mr. HutJ'l IN. Heflin, State Boarli of Insurance at Austin. . IfI-b1 same be l./-o-f..,1 Counci 1 28 Secretary instructed to write Attorney General in recard to law on Driver Licnese when driving city vehicles, such as Fire Trucks, etc. Motion to adjourn Mr. Kooh seconded by Mr. Marx ani carried. Motion minutes be approve4i by Mr. Koym seconcied by Mr. hzben. FmE LIMITS ORDINANCE NO. 163 --, I I, I _..1 BE IT 0RDAINED BY TIE CITY COUN:: IL OF '!HE CITY (]I SCHE"qTZ, TEXAS, AS FOLLOWS: SECI>ION 1. The follarine shall be ani are hereby declared to be the fire limits of t~ City of Schertz, Texas: SECTION 2. FIRE DISTRET NO. ONE (1) AREA NO. ONE (1) BEGINNING at intersection of East line of Lindber~h AvenUl!t and North line of Y.lain Street in Schertz, Texas; '!HENCE in an eastern "1rection with N line r:L Main Street to SE corner of tract of land. conveye.. to H. P. Thule1ll!lyer by deed rec<rded in "Vol. 175, page 113 of Gua..alupe County, Deed Rec<ru: TlENCE in a Northe rn di~dti.on with east line df lcf. conveyed = to H. P. Thu1e2yer by deed recor.ed in VolUlll!! 175, page 113 of the deed records of Guadalupe County, Texas, a distance of that an extension of the North line of that certain tr'lct of land conveyed to Halford Koch by ieei recorded in Vol. 236, ; { pace 313 r:L the deei recoru cL Guaulups County, Texas, drawn in an eastern direction will intersect same; 'lEENCE with sa id extension of said Halford Kooh N. line in a western cti.rection to point of intersection with East line of Linibergh AveRte; the NW corne r of said tract of lan<< conveyed to Malf<rd Kooh J THEtllE in a scuthlrn direction with East line r:L.Linibergh AvenUll to point of beginning; AREA NO. TWO (2) BEGINNlrn At point where Wast lim of LiIlliberghAvtlnlB inter- sects the >:>outh 1ill! of Exchange AvenlJt for point of becinninc; 'ffiENCE in a wtlstern direction wi th S line of Exfha.nce AvenUl and. extension tmreof to point r,f intersection with 'vest lire of that certaiJ.l tract of land desi~tei as Lot No. o~ (1) con- vey-ad to Ad.olph Schertz b,- need recor,1ed in Vol. 32, pa.~ 133 ~ t~ deed rec<rds of Guadailupl County, Texas; THENJE in a southern direction with west line 0f said. Schertz tract to point of intersection wi th Norih line of ,l>!ain Street; 'ffiEt(:E in an eastern iirection wi th N. lix. r$ Iv'Jain Street to intersection of said. line with W. line of Lindlerch ATenUl!; 'IHE~E Nw:i tn. W. line of Linibergh AvenU! to point of beeinninc. AREA NO. THREE (3) BECIrNNINJ at point of intersection of South li~ of FM Hichway No 78 and West line of 1st Stretlt fer point of becinninc; '!HENCE South with west line of. First Street to point of intersecticn with North line of Wte st Street; .I:r:tt.l~CE Wast 1elth lorth line of Wuest Street aut. extension thereof to intersection with East eice of ~ibolo Creek; THE rl.:E in anorthern ciirecti on with east line of Cibolo Creek 1D point of interseetion with South line of RCW of FM H~hway No. 78; 'mENCE in an eastern iirection with Souih liI18 of RCWof saia FM Hi~way No. 78 to place of becinnin,;. A~A. NO. FOUR (4) BEGIWIN'G at point of intersection of South line of PM Hichway- Ho. 78 ani East 1 im of First Street in Schertz, Texas; . . . '.', .. '."" ~~i1Ii_ ", ,a,,', . r-- THENCE South with East line of .l:''irst Street to point of inter- section with North line of Lee Street. 'nIENCE East with North line of ~. Street to SE corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Elgin Beck by deed recorded. in Volume 2Zl, page 65 of the Deed Records of Guadalup!l County, Texas; THEl'CE in a northern direction with said. East line of that tract of land calveyed to Beck aforesaici and. East line of R. Beck anti Schneicier tracts to point of intersection with sooth line of FM 78; '!HENCE West with South line of FM 78 to point of beg:i.nnin~. 29 AR.E:A NO FIVE (5) BEGINNING at a point in North line of G. H. and S. A. Railrc>>. Company RCW, beinc point of intersection with west ] ine of that certain tract of l~nd. conveyed to J. L. Dendy by deed recorded in Vol. 232, page 526 of deed. records of Guadalupl County, Texas; THENCE IN a northern direction with the west line of saiAi Dendy tract to point of intersection with .::louth line of Main Street; THENCE in an eastern direction with south line of !'la,in Street to point of interst!!ction with west line of 1st street; TFIEN::E South with West line of .r: irst Street to point of inter- section with Nat'th line of G. H. & S. A. ROW line. THENCE in a western a.irection with North line of Q. H. & S1 .I. RC1tl Line '00 poi.nt of bepnnin~. LESS AND EXCEPT: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate.. in the City of Schertz, in Guadalupe County, Texas, being out of ani a part of the G. Malpaz ~urvey, and being part of a 6.87 acres retained by Arthur E. Seiler out of 18.7 acres of lane! purchasea. from the Texas ana. New Orleans Railway CVJlJt-*ny dated May 31, 1944, and recorded in Guadalu~ County Deed Recortls Volume 204 on paces 397-9 and again recorded in Guadalupe County Deed Recorcis Vol. 249 on pages 50-3, that portion of said 6.87 acres he re conveyea. being descr:ibed by metes and bounds as f ollOfs; BEGINNING at a po-int in the South line of the Secuin-San Antonio Highway, which point is south 570 30' East 68.37 feet from the beginning point of that property heretofore conveyea. by tb!! Texas and New Orle~ Railrooci Con;any to Arthur E. Seiler as ~bave set out; THENCE South 570 30'East 188.02 feet; THENCE North 61 9' East 2t)t).4 feet to a point in the West line of that 20 foot t!!asement heretofore liven by Arthur Seiler to Eciw'ari Zimmtrman as shewn in Guadalupe County Deed Recor. Vol. 335 on page 481; THEtiCENorth 28Q ~, West al ong the West or Southwest line of said. 20 foot right-of-way above mentionea., 165 feet to a point in the south lim of Secuin-San Antonio Highw83'; THENCE South 610 9' West with the South line of saici highway, 350.4 feet to the place of beginninc. SECTION 3; FIRE DISTRICT NO 'IWO (2) The following shall be and are hereby declared to be the fire limits of the City of Schertz, Texas, Fire Zone Nol 2. AREA N(). ONE (1) BECIl:NNIID at the point of intersection of the South line Exdlange Avenue of the City of Schertz, Texas, with the E. Line of Lind.berch Avenue in the said City for point of beginning; '!HENCE in a NE dir- ection with the North line of Ex:chan~e Avenue to point of intersection with W line of Live Oak Road to point of intersection with N line of Southern Pacific ROW line; THENCE with the N ROW line of Southern Pacific RailwllV Company in a westerly <ti.recti on to point of intereJection with E. line of First Street; '!HENCE in a northerly .. 30 direction with E. line of ]'irst Street to point of intersection with S line of Main Street; THENCE In a E airection with the.:) line of Main Street to point where sarre intersects an extension of th! E line of area No. 1 of the first Fire District; THEN:::E follcwing such extension of such E line of such area No.1, in a nortr.rn direction anci continuinc with the E. line of such area No.1, in a northern direction and; T'fENCE in a Western d.irection with North line of such Fire District No.1 to point of intersection with East line of Lindbergh Avenue; THENCE in a northe rn ciirection with East line of Linciber~h Avenue to point of becinninc. AREA NO. TWO (2) BE(JINNING at the point of intersection of the East lim of Area No.4 of the Fi~st Fire .lJistrict above cie.cribei and the South line of FM 78; THENJE with the South line of FM No. 78 in a Eastern d,irection to the East loity Limit line; THENCE in a Southern iirection with the S01thCity Limit line l~ feet; TIENCE in a Western direction a lill! parallel wi th th! South line of FM No. 78 to point of iyt:ersection with the East lill! of area No.4 of the First ire District above set out; '!HENCE in a northern direction with the East line of saii area No.4 to point of becinnirc. SreTION 4. All of the conditions and terms of l,;hapter III of tm Southern Building Code; 1965 E.ition, shall apply to the hereinabove define. Fire Districts of tll! City of Schertz, Texas. SECTION 5. ortiipance No. 57 and. 57-A of the City of Schertz, Texas, estab- lishinc }tire Limits are h!Jrewith repealed. Passed and Approved this the 20th day of April, 1967. ~ ff< A;,-ldAl, ATTEST: ~t I[ n : 11. 000) t)EG~ Regular meet1nc of t l'e Schertz Gity Council held at the City Hall in Schertz, TeRas, April 20, 1>967. Mayor oy W. Richard called tm meetinc to crder with the follOf1n1 named. Ald.el"ll!ln present: Raymond G. Koym, Leonard J. Kazben, Malforti C. Koch, and Ed~ar T. Marx. AbseM: ottoman A. Schertz. Mr. Walter A. Schertz reported he was mailirc L copies of neighborhooi ~ Facilities Grant Application as revise<< and approved by the City COlncil. On ~?-'\P a motioll by Mr. Koym s~conded by !'.lr. Marx and unanimoosly carrie.. Motion Mr. Kazben secontied by .l'''r. Koym charcinl the Fire Zone~ to Fire Limits anci revisinr; map on sail!! as pe r request Housi~ and. Urban D8velopemlll'lt ~,?;\I '\ Facilities. Mati on unanimously carried. The .:)ub.ivision plat on Rio Vista Add.ition accep;t.e~, approve. and sioteti "lP '\ for recordinc this on ,a motion by .l'~. Koch seconde. by oUr. MarJi ani unanimoosly 4- ~ carrie d. Motiol1 by Mr. Marx seconded by oUr. Kazben to allow Lone Oak anti Rio Vista \.r subciiVi.sions to pave camectinc Street each payin~ $389.00 as thejr .hare of 'l-~"u expense. Motion unanim0081y ca:rTiltd. Mayor Richard administered Oath of office to the three Aldernen KazbeI} Koym and Marx who were re-electe. April 4, 1967. Motion to tici.ioutm b~ Hr. Koch...:lsecond.!d by Mr. Marx. Motion minulies be approve.. as rea.. Dy ~'.I.r. 1\.ocn secou.ea oy r. "Kop. ~ ATTES~, ft. P ~ Sec. Mayor ,.1 r-- 31 City Council teld at the ci ty hall in SChertz, Regular meeting of the Schertz Texas, May 4, 1967.. Ha,Yor Roy lrJ'. Richard called tho meeting to order with the foll<wing narred Aldermen present: Raymond G. Koym, Leonard J. Kazben, Ottomar A. Schertz, Malford C. Koch, and Edgar T. Marx, and City Attorney Louis F. Saegert. Also present Archie J. Ivoodward, C. L. Sturroch, Mrs. Glyn Bennett, Jesse Booker, and Charles Rouse. Attorney Saegert was asked to prepEre a letter toihe Bank acting as depositozy for funds deposited with them to have trem secured and monies placed on short term interest depasit~. Firerren drill all<1-lance was approved for month of April in the amcunt of $92.50. Mr. Rouse explained too planned program for the recreation dept far the SUTme r. Letter from Housing and Urban Development office limited funds are exhausted and applicatiom will be considered again in rext fiscal year. After June, 1967.. Report from Citizens Advisory Committee read .further consideration willbe given recommendations made. Hr. Saegert is to prepare rew ~ndment on Ordinance No. 112, Garbage pickup within the city. Mr. Ravell will contact some one to cut the hay on the City Park Property. Mr. Koym asked that city employees not be permitted to park in from of the city Hall. Fire Chief Tl'loodward asked consideration be given to repainting th9 Building. Motion to adjourn by Hr. Koym seconded by Hr. Koch. Motion carried. Motion minutes be approved as read by Mr. Koch, see ',I! ded bY Mr. Kqym. ArTF;$ T IZ II () , ..'j. ?{..D~Sec. CRJJI. fA) :~l.... Lvor Regular meeting of the Schertz Ci~the City Hall in Schertz, Texas May 4, 1967. Mayor Roy W. Richard called th. meeting to orn8!' vTi th the following ~amed aldermen present; Raymond G. Koym, Leonard J. Ka.zb~JI.3 Ottomar A. uchertz, Malford C. Koch Edgar T. J,larx and City Atty. Louis F. Saegert. Also present Archie J. Woodward, C. t. Sturrock, Mrs Glyvv Bennett, Jesse Booker and Charles Rouse. Atty. Saegert was asked to prepare a letter to the Bank acting as depository for funds deposited with them to have them secured and monies placed on short term interest deposits. Firemen drill allowance was approved for month of April in the amount of $92. 1)0. Mr. Rouse explainerl the planned program for the recreation dept i'or the summer. ~tter from Housing and Urban Development office limited funds are exhausted and application will be considered again in mext fiscal year- after June 1967. ttepart from Citizens Advisory Committee Read further' consideration will be given recomrrendations made. Mr. Saegert is to prepare new Am:mdment on Ord. 112 Garbage P:hckup within the city. Mr. Rowell will contact some one to cut the hay on the city park property. Mr. Koym asked that city employees not bs permitted to park in front ofm theCi ty Hall. Fire Chief Woodward asked consideration be given to repainting the blgg. Motion to a djourn- Mr. Koym and seconded by Mr. Koch- carried. A~ES! - .,{~QA~~Q) Secretar;y ~, 32 Regular meeting of the Schertz City Council held at the City Hall in Schertz, Texas June 1, 1967. Mayor Roy W. Richard called the meeting to order with the following named Aldermen present; .I.l.aymond G. Koym, Malfrjrd C. Koch and :u;.o.ari J. Kazben. Absent: ottomar A. Schertz and Edgar T. Marx- Also preseIJt i'1r. Tommie Jo Ackermann, C. L. Sturrock, Russell Rowell, Jesse Brooker, Mrs. Bobby Kock, Ed Melton, Henry Gutteriz and Ormel I. Boyd. Resolution read certifying tlw 1967 Tax Rolls at $ 3 ,410,720.00 1 motion by Mr. Koym seconded by Mr. Koch, Resolution be passed and lI-Vv, approved. Motion unaminously carried. After a ~hrough discussion concernin~ property tax ror 1967 the cquncil agreed taxes could be reduced at 12S' cents per one I~ll.tildred v~uation. .. a motion by Mr. Kazben ~o.d.edby Mr. j{och to adopt vrdi_ f\,G>~nance 16':) as read, setting the tax rate at $1.00 pe:f1'l.ojJ,4<1~aluation. Motion unaminously carried. .Jecretary instructed to notify Schertz State Bank by letter to invest $~O,OOOtOO of the Water Works General Utility Fund and $20,000.00 of the ater Works Construction FUnd in Certificates of Deposit. Whereby the city can draw interest on same. Mr. O",,,n.w l~d gave a briefing on the Water Improvement setup for the district and Mr. Kazb8n will represent the city at a meeting to be held June 5th. Mr. Creutler asked about getting' a water hookup on Ira Street Mr. Rowell will contact city engineer Charles Cross and try to work out something on this. Ordinance 112 was repeated and replaced by No. 164 this pertaining to Garbage and Trash pickup in the city. Mr. Re.Ju.,.. Gutteriz explained how the franchise works in other cities and asked that he be consided for a bid on same in .case the city acts on this at a later date. City to ask .Mr. Robinson about removing sign in WestlanJrl Park. Mr. Schoonover instructed to paint Angle parking lees in front of the City Hall. Motion ~ ad.founa by Mr. Koch and 8ec'onded by Mr. Kazben A'I"l'EST (f /IlL ~ ~~.d.O(~~c. or ~gu.Lar meeting of the Schertz City Co e a e City Hall in Schertz, Texas on the l':)th day or June, 1967. Mayor R"OJ'l W. Richard called the meeting to order with the follow-. ing named Aldermen present: Raymond G. KoyB, Malrord C. Koch, Edgar T. Marx and ~OJlard ~. Kazben. Absent: O. A. .;jchertz. Mayor Hay it[. Richard read a letter from Senator Ralph Yarborough with news release confirming recertification of Schertz Workable Program and a letter from Don Hummel assistant Sec. of H U D Giving status of G N R P and Planning and Survey Application. This apparently held up for clearance by Federal Aviation Agency. letter of thanks was read and will be sent of, Senator Yarborough. Mr. C. C. C:ros8~; , city engineer presentec'l t~rlO possivle routes for a proposed drainsge ditch to Dietz Creek. Motion to adjourn by Mr. ATTEST D \. a fI ic 'Mr, 'A j 1!M.O x ~c,retary Koch, Seconded by Mr. Ma:cx:-carried. ~J!~~'J4.Ai '.Ilil ~ IJ.' .~~ ('. ---. \ L,. SChert~~~T~X~e~~J!~he 07tfihda~c~frJ~iiN67~uncn he~d~~.~~~L~~ty Ha~~ i~71t..., Mayor Roy W. Richard called the meeting to,rder with the followiRg maned Alderman presel'.3t: Raymond G. Koym, l1alford C. Koch, Edgar T. Marx, Ottomar A. Schertz anQ teonard J. Kazben. Also present, C. C. Cross , City ERgiDeer, Louis F. Saegert, City Atty., Arc.... J. Woodward, Fire Chief, Uilbert A. Koppin, Wayne Davis, Russell Rowell, Tom Stewart and Mr. ~chuester. Mr. Cross read a proposed contract whereby the City of Schertz would sell water to Schaefer Road . Rural Water Suppl, Corp.. After discussion on this the Council Considered said.cOJitract to'rbe O. K.. .,8_11>1 MotiOJll by Mr. Kazben, seconded by Mr. Schertz the contract be accept- I ad. Motion unaminously carried. Mayor Richard sugested Mr. Sturrock be granted a raise iR pay from $15.00 to $lSO.OO per mo.th as City Build-ing Inspector. Motio. by Mr. Schertz and secoded by Mr. Koym OR thQ above and same was unanimouslyappFoved. Effective I, July 1967. More notices to be sent to residents with a warning to cut weeds and clean up or CG~ Citations will be issued. Mr. Schertz stated he had redieved a call from the Urban Renewal office informing him of the progress on the City Project and accordingly all looks very good. 0 The Mayor reaci a letter from Rev. Harris of the Baptist Church this in aporeciation of the as.sistance of Mr. Schoonover. ResolutioR read regariing a petition sigited by more thal'! 200 citizens requesting another chance to vote on changing the .ame of the High dchooL This was once defeated by the voters of the school district. However, .the name was changed. MotioD by Hr. Aazben and seconded Mr. Koym the Resolution be 5D.~1 accepted and forwarded to the School S,upt.. Motion unanimously carried. A request from the Citizens Advisory.Cemmittee that a member of t~ Chamber of Commerce be placed 0111 the Committee. Motion by Mr. 1 .:: I~ lP Koyn) seconded by Mr. Ma.rx that YJr. Ed ~lton be placed on the committee. '-'" , Motion Ul!\amiRously carried. : Mr. Cross stated Mr. Johm Shaefer had asked for a...le1;ter of accep- tance 0Jl the V ilIa ge, He will send same. Fire Chief aakeci that a better clean up drive be ,conducted on vacant lots, and other prOi)e~ty. Mr. .azben was directed to make a surVl!Y QJI this . . . Pay for volunteer firemen for June appr.oved. Discussion on water supply and Hr. Walter Schertz will report at a later date on a location for a new well. Mr. ::lchooJlov.er is to talk to merchants on First Street and Recommend angle parkillg. M'oti01l1 to adjouI'll bjT Hr. Koch and second ed by Mr. Koym. A:~E~'f, n ',11. oLQ Cit.;~ G. W. Pfickrell +q..lP1 I '']ij.< ~. d<J~J.AJr L Ro~o ., Richard . -'- Regular meeting of the Schertz City Gnncil held at ;jchertz City Hall, August 3, 1967. Mayor rtoy ltl. Richard called the meeting to order with the following named Aledrmen present: Raymond G. Koym, Ottomar A. '"Schertz, Malford C. Koch, and Leonart J. Kazben. Absent: Edgar T. Narx. Alsopresent, Mrs. Balladares, Atty. Louis Saegert, Qfficer James SwaiRg, ~lph Itles, Walter Schertz and Alvin dchuster. Minute.s pf JUlJl 7 meeting were approved aa read. Mayor Richard read a letter. from Col. DOwmaR commending officer iWaing for his tactful handling of a serious situation. Motion mafie by }lIr. Koch. and seconded bv Mr. Kazben to pay $110.00 5 ~ ..t..1 for July fire drills. MotioR carried. Amended permit received from Texas Water Pollution Control Board re: Sewer Plant and V~aste iEtp Cibolo Creek. Mayor Richard reported he has talked to authorities in -: Ft. Worth :!1 and everything on urban Renewal is clear at that office. Invitation to se.d pumper team/? to n1e"'t in Seql1in. Letter from Pat Seiler talkiRg abbut repair of 1st and 2nd street and Zuehl Road. Mr. Ikels also wanted to now about street repair. Mayor Rich- ards will check'loll same. Chief SchooJlover to checK street signs for placng .ew ORes and aJlgle par~ing on First Street. Mr. Walter Schertz gave a report to date OR seekiJlg a.ew 10catiOll for another water well, further survey beillg.made. Mr. Kazbea asked the City to !".........chase a "9 Ford tractor with cycle t,..putting bar at $575..00. Made a motion on same, seconded by Mr. Schertz and ,~- 'barripd, not to exceed $600.00. MotioR was carried. Mr. Kazben reported some +ots on Aviation .eed c1e~J1iRg. Mayor directed Mr. Schoonovel1 to contact, cMners and lif not cleaned -file on each one. Mr. Kazben made a motion _secoRded by Mr. Koym to hire Mr. Deloris L. S~..l/Izeitmer at $50.00 per month for 9 months during school term as Mama Patrol for the Live Oak and FM 78 crossillg. MotioJl carried. MotioR to adjourJI made by Mr. Koch and seconded by Mr. Koym. Carried.. ...J ATTEST k 1{. P A J'i1\Jf 0, v1'tY~C.11. J. PliCkreLL ~gu1ar meetiJtg 06 the Schertz City Council held di:,the City Hall i. Schertz, Texas 011 August 24, 1967. The fQllowiJlg .arned AlciermeR present; Roy Richard, L. J. KazbeR, M. C. Koch, R. G., Koym, O. A. Schertz. Absent Were: E. T. Marx,.Mr. Schoo.over, Mr. SwaiRg, Ed Melton, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Cr085" F. W. Rowell, Walter, Schertz, E. BeCk, were 2.t8~rprese.t. ORDER: lib.tgomery was to buy and drill Jlew well. Motioll was made by Mr. Kazben lD1 and was seaonded by Mr. Schertz. To retain Montgomery at rate to be named !)!)' to make a .survey and possbly purchase a site and drill a Dew well. Beck Street, future Curtiss Ave., between Roy'S Clinic and GVEC. 60LJ ft. H Beck says dump water on his J.andp Is it a~reeable with city. No property OWJler or the City will be held. responsible. Beck does not want to grant all eaeement across his land. Kazben has priced tractors and also iRquired ab out rentals_ Property owners when asked to clean weeds aJld noW wants to. know what t~ City is aoing to. do about their part.. Mr. Kazbe. thinks the CIty should haw the new lcent sales tax. Mayo!" find out from citizens first, and i.ea if they would vote for same and support it. (p'1 ARgle Parki.g: MotioJl by Mr. Koym, Motion seconded by Mr. Koch to paint 5/P' in frollt of City Hall. Carried.' " MotioJl made to adjourn made by Mr. Koch and seconded by Mr. Kazben. r-- - ATTEST I. .if n. ,\, 170/1 (j I! A ~,,~.I(X', ~~b.~A~JUJj City .:>ecretary G. W. Plicp-ell Roy ichar4i. Regular meeting of the Sdlertz City Council hellil at the City Hall i. SChertz, Texas on September 7, 1967. . Mayor Roy W. Richari called the meetil'lg to order at 8:05 PIi1M. with the following named Alderrne. present: ottornarU.. Schertz, Ecigar F. Marx ailed Raymo.a G. Koym. Absent: LeoJlarti J. Kazben aJld Malfori C. Koch. Mayor Richard. read mil'lutes of August 3,1967. Mot-ioJl to accept same by Mr. KoYIn\ seco.ded and unamiJIously carried. Hinutes of meeting 24. August 1967 read. motion to accept by Mr. Schertz, seconded aDd Carried UlIamiaously. Atty. Saegert read a proposed Ord.inaRce No. 167, for sewer liJle rebates. , AN, ORDINANCE OF THF CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, PRESCRIBJNB FOR WATER AND WEi..1ER SYSTEM l!;.n'.l!,J'JSIONS AND SERVICE LINE' INSTALLATIONS: .-., ~ , BE TT ORDAINED BY TW CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCID'.;RTZ, TEXAS: 35 r- That the City of Schertz, Texas, May contract with applicants for water and sewer system extension and service ltne extensions upon the upon the following conditions: 1. That such applicants agree to make all mecessary installa- tions of such sewer and water system extensions ~FH! service line installations at their ~ Gost. 2. Jlhat such extensions and installations shall be in accordance with plbli3 and specifications approved by the City Engineer of the City of -' G 11-3 rtz, Texas. 3. That the "i ty of ::lchertz, Texas, Will from the daee of installation of such extensions remit annually to the applicant 2~t of the profit accruing from revenue received :5or water and sewer service furnished through such extensions. Such revenues shall not include cost of meter connections or tapping fees. The determination of such profit to be made by the bookkeeping and accounting department of the City of Schertz, Texas, in accordance with the standard book- keeping and accounting procedures employed b y such departments of the City of Schertz, Texas, at the time such revenues ar""e ~ceiT... No refunds will be madp for the cost of service lines installer to serve customers from the-v water and sewer line extensions and no :fleruitis.~hall be made py the City of ~chertz, Texas, to customers for water and sewer connections. Vnder no conditions shall the City of Schertz, Texas, refund such profits to such applicants for a period in exc ess of seven (7) consecutive years af..r the commencemant of such service. Under no condition shall the refund to such applicants exceed ~O% of the cost of the water ano sewer system extension installed by such applicanill. Iny such a~1 llicant for water and sewer extension shall furnish ehe City of S~It.rtz, Texas a Bond guaranteeing all material, labor and workmanship in connection herewith, approved by the city of Schertz, Texas, guarranteeing same for a period of 1 year. Such bond shall be in such form and written in such manner as approved by th. City of Schertz, Texas,and shall imdemnify and be payable to the City of Schertz, Texas. 4. All such water and sewer line extensions installed by and apDlicant shall become upon completion ano acceptance by the City of Schertz, Texas, unconditionally the property of the City of Schertz, Texas. All Ordinances and parts of urdinances in conflict herewith are herewith expressly repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 7th day of September, 1967. ~.(j(,~1.J) AT~T if n \ (j lh2t.J-" A f -llJQ ~ Secretary Motion to accept same by Mr. Koym, seconded by Mr. Marx , motion carried unaminously. 57-~7 r-- Mayor Rio hard contracted 3 paving contractors in regard to repair of some streets in the Ci:f:y. J. D. Jones Co. was the only Co. intrested in the job at .30~ square yard. .c.xchange Ave., Zuehl Road, 2nd. Street and Williams were considered, which was approximately 36001 costing about $2400.00. Motion to let J. D. Jones 5,Q-b7 proceed with the work was made by Mr. Schertz and se:e:onded by Mr. Marks. trnaminously approved. Mayor Richard informed the Council of a strip of pavement on Aero at the new Village sub-division and would like the cOlmcil 3'6 sQAP1 approve {laving with asphalt. Motion made by Mr. Koym and seconded by Mr. Marx ana unamJ.Ilously carried to have J. D. Jones bo~ d8' the work. Fire Drill ai-te-'flldance repOl't was read.. Post card from l1r. Pickrell. A provlem on Done Oak concerning a fence across a safety line. Mayor Rich- ards. h. Zietner requested $60.00 permonth for Mama Patrol. Discussion by the Council and a motion was made by Mr. Koym and seconded by Mr. Marx to accept and pay this amount. Carried unaminously. motion made to adjourn by Mr. Ka"m. Seconded by Mr. Marx. ATTEST k. "~I P~....-'),tlil ""S.icfe 1iary proposed Ordinan\"3 No. 166 Re. speed limit of trains was read, this \/\ hepeals Ordinance .~~,.~a and does not rest.ricto or set any speed limit Vl' .J motion to ftCcept Mr. -1fo'Ym, seconded by Mr. Mar.x: carried unaminously. ORDINANCE NO. 166 _ D'IP '\ II 19 ~,lP ~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IM~OSING SPEED LIMITS FOR RAILROAD TRAINS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: 1. That Ordinance No. 54 and all ordin8Bces of the City of Schertz, Texas, imposing speed limits on railroad trains are herewith repealed. All such ~Ulc:eS after date hereof imposing speed limits on railroad trains are of 'no~orce or effedt. PAllID AND APPROVED this the 7 th day of September, 1967. ~ff~:rLAJ -.:.. ~ AT'ifS~; n t ~ t' 1f...Jt.J-! -' -I IJf )' ':>8cretaty Special meeting of the Schertz City Council held at the City Hall 12, September 1967. ~ayor Roy W. Richard called the meeting t.o ofder with the following named Alderman p""'esent: Malford C. KOCh, Ottomar A SChertz, Edgar T. Marx and Raymond G. Koym. Absent: Iei~ard J. Kaz hen. By consent of the Council l1'l8abers a S~cial Council meeting was held for the purpose of taKing action on the following question: 1. For consideration and approvel of the undartaking of a a.neral Neighborhood :'tenewal Project for the City of Schertz and Approving the Filing of an Amended Application 1)or a Federal Advance of Funds. The kilayor read the following Resolution and Alderman Ottomar A. Schertz moved its ~fopiil9fj. . Motion was seconded by Alderman Ecigar T. Marx an.. the same was unanimously passe., with Mayor Roy W. Richard and Aldermen SChertz, Mr. Koch and Mr. Koym and Mr. Marx voting Aye and no one Toting No. Motion to ad,-ounn, Mr. Koyn Seconded by , Mr. Koch. ~Q '~I' ". :,',1'. ;. ' .. j[ ll.:. 1':