12-18-1958 n n o l .- ,;.~ic.::i..""-........~...;_;;.....,,,, .J Schert.~. '1'.... De~ber 18, 1958. Called ..tine or the new17 elected Board or 'A:ide~D of the ftQ or Sebert.. 'exaa. " ' Pre_lit f JlaJOr B.P. Tbua.1'tr Alde~ Ila1D Beck · Oeol'le P .Bolton · W.I.Ibert. · A.O.Ra.erlah Walter A.Sebert. Marshal Rap W.Jckel'laDD. IIQ'OI' B.P .TIltIl~ 17U' caned the _ttnc to order "at 8:00 P.II. at the 'ire 8tat1oD. {,toda-Ja.ert. attorne7,vbo bad been requeeted to appear betore the City Council and assist ill oraaRbinc the City Qoye~Dt, was called 1lp0ll to explain the _Ues and pow8!'8 ot the Cit7 Council and discus. the operatioD anc\ orgoisatiOD of a Ctty. Arter h..rtnc t!-ca IIr.Sae,ert, the Ct ty C01ID6U took the tOllt*t:. actioa: R.P.'fbu1_~ vas awm in aa Mqor b711r. Sateert. ,./ ' -- nctn Beck, Qeo.P .BoltoD, fI.E.Ebert, "A.O....rlah aDd Valt.er A.Sebert. we~ swom in .s Alde:rMn b7 Xqor R.P.Tlml~, ,,/ Rap W.Acke1"Mnn was ..om in .. Xarebal by MaJOr R.P.'l'bu.....,.r. , On mtion ot Walter A.Seberts, seconded b7 Geo~BoltoD, ~ord C.loch vas elected City Secretar.r. UmDiJllOuslyapproved."""'" . . On _tion of Walter A.Schert., eeconded by W.B.Ebert, an ord1Dance adoptinc and acceptiac the prorl.sions of '1'i tle 28 of the Rertaed CiYil Statutes of Tau 1925, relati.e to Cities, 'l'GWR8 &lid Villages vas . lIft&!lt:aoul1' 'adopted. " (Copy ofordinanee on separate pap) ./ On _tiOD _de b7 W.J.Bbert, seconded 'hi' Beo.P.BoltoD, it vas dect4Wd t,o hold rep1ar ..tires on the first MoDda,. of each _Ilth to be Mld at the .; fire Station, Resolution as follars; Whereas, J,rtic1At 1008, Chapter 4, Title 28, prorlded that the City C...cU shall hold stated .e+.11118 at _cts ti.s aDd places as the::r 8ball b,. resol.1lticm direct, and Whereas, the Cit7 Councilor the Cit::r or Se_rot., will be -'CI'I1red to ha.e ....,. ...tings to eonduct the attaire of the Clv d1lriIII the next s..enl. JIODth8. therefore, BI 1'1' RESOLVED that the City Council shall ..t Oft the 'int Ifonday of each _nth at the fire station at 8. P.M., and be it further, 2 .f\ - &4 I o~ \ 1/64 \li(, t~ 'vtP 1~' RlaaLvlSU that 1n add1t1cn to the ahew. s~teel -tilws that the MaJOr. ot h18 CRnl _tion, or OD the appll.cat10D or tbree aldenM1, ~ can special ...ti.s. b7 notice to each ...... ot said 00_011, aD! the s.eretarr, .."eel p.racnall7 or let at the1r anal place of abode. I Motion by .l1d.~ V.I.Ibert, s.conded b7 Ald.1W.Il Oeo.P.Boltoll that the forego1. l_olut1on be adopted. Mot101a camed b7 11..111... Yete, Passed &Jld J.ppnnd tIIi8 18th dq of Dee ...... 19S8. o Malloi'd C .Ioch City Secreta17 B.P.~r . -.1W On _tion b70eo.P.Boltoll, secoracled b7 J..O.llaYerlah. and ordt_o8 pl'OY1dilll that all officei'll or the Cit7 of 8ellerta. ,.... except the ~r, Mllben < tM Clt7 couacU _ t. .rabal sball be f 111ed b7 appoint_lit as set out 1n thi. o~....... 1IMJd.~ adopted .. t.u.n, WEIAS. Artiole m a.s.sed C1Y1l ~tea autMri... tbe PftI'IdJtc body of c1 ties operet.iJII ....r the pneral law to __ all otftc_ ot the City, except ....n of the cwel"Di. bod:r, appolmift i_*cl ot elect1ft. low th.retore. BB 1'l' 0RDlIIID BY !'III ern CO.CIL ~ TBI Crryar ~DDd'&. !IDS. Secti_ 1. ftat.. aU oftlcea of the Clt7.t Soberta. "..., -CIIPt the Jfa1\)r, JIeJIben ot the Cit7 COWlCll and the 1JaraUl., ....re of the .__mi. ~. 8han hereafter be tilled by appo1Dt~: proriclM tlat all otticen who haft beeD elected b7. YOte of the people 8hal1 be al1""HCl to .e". am the expiration of their teNS of ottic.. .,mr 2. ftat, ~ in thi. ordballee ehall be coutnecl to prey.at the 10000errd.ac bod7 ot the C1 t,. rro. _0801s1111 Its ponr to canter upon Ul7 ottlO8r add1t1oDal dati.. or cOllb1De dati.. of offices as otbel'Wts. prcm.ded b7 -. tPASS)) AID APPROrBD tld.s 18th day ot DeC8llber, 19.58. o. . AftISf : JIaltord C.1och C1 t7 Seoretal7. R,P."'1Il.~ ..,~. . . 011 _tlon .... b7 Blc1D Bect. _ooraclecl b7 Walter &.8oberts, an ord1... prescl"ibilll the prooecIve for oaDd1datea to ftle tor the otf1oe otllqv. &1deJ'lall and other otftc_ .. the City or Sellerts. "... ProY1d1111 tor electl_ of Gtfieen, place aDd .umep ot bo1d1. Ctt'.7 .eti".aDd p~ for DOtioe ... UJaJd.__1.T.tapted .. f.u.., \ o [i .] . n i I t i 3 AI ORDIRAICI .lDOP!m .lID AOCIPrDOTBB PROfIsIONS or ,I'ftZ II, or tb8 _, J.aII) eIYIL S!A'l'UTIS ~ !'BXAS 1925 ,IILlTlVI '0 Crt'DS. 'l'CIftIS AND vIIUQIS. W-Uj !he Board ot ~ or the '1'ClIfD ot Sebert. 18 desbou of adapt1.. and acceptial the proris10nll of '1 Ue 28 of the Bed8ed C1Y1l Statutes of Texu, relat1rc to ctties, 'owns aDd nn.,.. aDd, Vbereas I '!'he 'l'0IfIl of Scbart. oolltaiM mre than 600 iDhabitaata aDd conta1D8 one or .re ..-tactv1nl e.tabl1~t. 1d.th1n the coft)Orate lbd.ta, DOIf theretoret 1m :rr ORDlIDD BY 'ft1E BOARD (JI ALt8R!BN 01' '1'BB TOWJI 01 8cherts, Texul Sect10D 1. 'the plWt'18ions ,t Title 28 of tb8 B8Y1Md C1Y11 8tatv.tes of T..., 1925, tIIlIofar as it prona1'" are appl1cabl..- to"'''' ofScherts, are hereb7 adopted and aeoepted. ' Section 2. The !on of Scberts shall hereafter 'be mc.n as tbe CiV ot Sebert., !.... Section'. !he!GIIm Secretar.r of the !own of Scherb, be directed to enter th1a ordance apeD tbe joumal of JdDutea of the Boud of WelW8ll, aDd a cop,. of .... slped b7 tile ~r .. Attested b,. the Secreta17 UDder the Corporat1oD seal, shall 'be t1led aDd recorded 1ft the otn.ce of the Coanv Clerk of Qudalupe C0WIt7, !au. Sect10a .... !bat this ordlllance shall tUe effect lIF<11dl.t.~ 1IpOIl its puag. and 1PP1'Oftl. Pu8ed aDd appl'Ond tb18 the 1.8tb clq of ~r. A.D.l958. AT!B3r t MallOI'd C.1ooh City Seoretar7 J.PPJdI!3) B.P .!h1I1.I~r IIqor 'h18 1s to ~U'1 tbat the forecoiDI ord1DaDoe WaS adapted b,. a ta.-t11Ud8 (2/') yo_~ot all the .w.r-n elected, ~ ~ -tlDc of the loud of AU.... of the 'r_ of SclMrts. held at 8 P .K.. the 18th day ot Decaber, A.D.19.58, the YOte be1nc as foUGwe: 'or the Adoption ot 1'1 tla 28 Against the Adoption of !itle 28. Val ter A. Sehert& I1a1n Beck Oeorce P .BoltOD W.B.J:bert A.O.lkftl"lah (Bone) . 01.,. UDder IV' hand and the Seal of the '0Im of Schen., !his the 18th dq of Dltcellber. A.D.l9.58. lIaltord C.loch !_ &.creta17 !.. of Scherb. Tau. n II I. I o s AI ORDDAd PRBS:RIBIIG THI PROCBDURI 'OR ClIIIDlTBS TO VIa F(Jl OJ'lPICES at .1OJl, AU8RMAJf (<m COJOaSSIOBR) AID OllER orrICBS roR THE C1'rY or 8::JBR'1'Z, TEXAS: PROfDGING FOR ~ or on'ICERS. PlACK AID JWfDR CF ROLDDG CITY IUtCTIONS .AID PRO'IIDIIG 'OR lorICK. BB IT CItDAIlBD BY 'l'RB CITY CotJlCIL OF 'l'BI Crry or s:BDn. DIAS: SBC'!'IOI 1., Al1(.ectiClft8 pertaiD1nc to anic1pal attaiN aba1l be goyerned by the e1.ect1on Ian ot the State ot Tau, In all Citl' e1ecticma, the Jfa,.-, City Seoret&17 (or City Clerk), or the conminc bodT .hall do and perrorll each act in other elections required to be done &Del pertoNSCl Nspectiftl)- "7 the Ceunt7 Judp, the County Clerk, or the Co-.ssioners C01lt\. In aU c1t7 electiona the MaJOr or it be taUs to do so, the pe1'D1Dl boq, shall order the elect!_. Ii" notice and appoint election otttcen to hold the election. In ceneral elections tor otn.cers the notice or procJ.a_tion shall be issued and posted at the polllnc places net later that tldrt.7 dqa betore the firet Tueada7 in AprU ot the ,ear in which tM electi.. is to be held. SIC'l'IOR 2. AnT el1a1ble &111 qualified person 'aT haft his -- pr1.Dtecl upon the ottlc1al ballot as aD iDdependeDt caDd1 ta te for the oftice or Xqor or Alde~ Cor C.......e1C11let") or other Cit7 otfice by filinc his "I'll application vi th the Xa1er at leut th1rt7 (30) da)'8 prior to tM election dq. 'l'he appl1caUca ~~ \ state the specit1ce otfice or place beiDI aoucht by tM applicaJlt aDd the applicant 1. 81el118 and qul1t1ed under the lava of tM State of ,... tobl~ a eandldate tor aDd hold the offiee be~ sought, it elected. SIC'l'IOI ,. (a) the torll of the 8W01"ft app11catioft shall be subsatanttally as tol~; .'1'0 ~ MaJOr of the City of Scherb. Texas, OJlMC1lw.; . I , hereb7 ate 1IpP11cat1.. to haft IV -- priftted on tha offietal ballot .. aD 1Ddependeftt caDdidate tor tM office or w'i'be ftted 'Pon at the C1V electio. to be held on the dq ot ApJ1.l 19_: and I hereby certit.r that I .. qual:1tied to -.ke this application and that I .. lepl11' qalll1f1edto hold nch office, it electecl. S'rAD (Jf !IDS I Count7 ot I . beiJw dul7 _om, depo... aDd 8&78 that the .tat_Db conta1Md in the torecoilll applicat10n are tNe. ..becl"lbed and nom to betore _ tM. the U7 of 19_. 1I0tar;r Pablic ift aDd tor Count7, '1'.... (b) SlIcb nom applicatioD .ay be accolllp8D1ed with . petit101l .igned' b7 qualified electors, altboUlh neb peUtiOll is not required. 8 (c) Such SVOl"Il appl1cat1on .ball be accOlllpanied with an nacatAcl COlT ot the .Lo1a1t7 Attld81ta- .. reqdred "" State ltatatee, ill nbetaDtialq the follolrtnc tONf o · I . et the Civet SoMrts, Coav ot 0udal1pe. Stat. ot r.... be1nc a c&lld1date tor th. ott1ce of do so1e.q ....1' that I bellebe ill &Dd app..... ot oar pr._t Nprueatattft for of aw......nt. and it elected. I 1d.1l s1lpp01"t aDd detend our pne.t repreaeatati.e tOl'll ot ewe", lilt &ad wUl neiat &DT effort or .....t rr. ~ ~ which s... to nbnrt or d..uo, the s_ or &ft7 part thereof. &lid I v11l nppol"t aad d.te.s the Coast1 t1lttoD &lid S- of the VII1 ted Stat.. ad of the State ot Tau. horn to and Sucr1bed belON _ at . r...., tbt. *... _of A.D. 19__ Iotarr Pabllc'" .." tor !.... SlCTIOI Jt. !he __ of aU tboee who baye t1led the1r .... lIpp11catio_ to baYe tIae1r '..... pr1Dted _ tile otftclal ballot as c...,iMt_ ..n be poeted by the Ctv SeeNt1u7 (or Cit7 Clerk) ill a caup1cueu plaee at h18 omce tor tba 1D8pect1oa of the pub110 for at lMat tea .,. beton be OrdeN the ba11ot8 to be priDted. AU object1.. to the rep1ar1t;r or ftlid1 t;r of the appl1caU_ of ...,. p.~ IIball be ... v1t1Wa ft.ft dqa, 0 after neb postbC. b71f1'1t'* notice ,Ued witla the C1. Secretal7 Cor Ctt7 Clerk) -tt1Jac tortla the ~.f object1..... III c.- DO ncla . object1.18 tt1ed withiD the U. pnecl"1becl. the rep1ar1v of .al1d1t;r ot tile applicat10n ot .. penoa..... .... 1a so posted, 8ba11 be thereatter contNted. The Cit;r Secretar;r (or C1V Clerk) .1aaU PNMl'ft ill hi. otttce for a pertod ot two ,.aN allllppl1catiOllS, aoti_ of objecU_ or other related pap.rs . SlCTIOI 5. AIr7 pe,.. el1c1.b~ to tbe otftce of Ifqw, .l1de~ (or eo.d.s81..or) or otber office who hu fUed bl. __ appl1cati_ 1ft ac~l'lce with tbe pron.81ou of thi. ordlMllce IIba1l haft hls __ pl"1..... OD the otfta1d ballots. AIrT nch peNOn -;r ca... hU __ to be witbda1m at .." U. betore tJIe otf'tc1al ballots are act.uq priDtecI, by tiliDc in"rt UI'II wi tb the Clt;r SedNta17 (or C1t7 Clerk) a req1leItt to that ettect onr h1a 0IfIl 81patUN, dulT attMted to b;r a IetaI7 hblio. "0,__ so Wit....... eball be PJt,ated .. the ballots. lot later tIwl UIeat;r (20) days before the 01t7._Nl dItet1_ the ClV Seoretal7 (or ClV C18rk) shall .... the otftatal ballots prtntW. . . SlCrIO! 6. Bach qal!fted wter _0 ..i1"88 to cut aD e..tee ftte &lid . wile expects to be .beeat .. the dq of the Cit;r ....n1 e1Aatt... Mall be ~ _titled to aJl otftc1a1 ballet &lid tM r1Ibt to cut Sl1ala ballot ill aooordaDce with the prwls101l8 of tile State Stat1ltM. Application tor the abeeatee ballot sbaU 1M .... te the Cit;r Secretal'7 (or Oit;r Clerk) &ad tM YOted ballot retazoMd to Ida. .... o [i n il- II 7, SlCTIC8 7. That hereafter all ..m.c1pa1 el.ctions 8hall be coodllc~ by OM preeiding etttcer f1't' 3.... aDd~ssistaDt Judce. for each of the .oting places t to be appointed by the Ma70r o~ the C1 t7 ~ Sch.ns, Texaal that the pruld1ng otftcer .han be COIIIP8..ated for h1a aerric. at the rate o~ six dollars ($6.00) per dar and .aid ab18tant 3.... shall be ~enaated at the rate of tift dollare ($5.00) per day, vtdch se"ic.s shall be paid fro. the G.-ral, t1ml ot the Clq. SlC'1'IOI 8. That hereafter all el.ecticna for the ..lections of ottic1ala shall be held at the City OUlae f1't' City Ballin the ~t7 of Sebert_. Guadalupe ColD'lt7. Texas. between the hours ot 8:00 A'" and 7:00 P.K. · SlCtIOI 9. The Clt7 Jlarahal sball post a prorer~ e.C1Ited copy of the .lection procl_tiOD and DOtice at the place (place.) where the electioD is to be held, Said noUce .hall be posted at l_st thirty days before the date or said election. SltC'l'mllO. It.hall be the duty of the Ciq Secreta1'7 (or Civ Clerk) to Dot1f7 all persona elected, and all new17 elected otticel'll .., ....1' upon their duties OR the t1tt7 da7 thereafter, SImda18 excepted. It &n7 such officer tau. to qulif7 wi tbin tbirt7 dqa atter his election, hi. aftice shall be d__ ..cant, &ad a Dew election held to ft1l the .... P.lSSICD AID APPROVED thi. the 18th dq of Deceaber, A.D.19S8. APPROVED ~I B.P. 'rbul-1W Mayor JIaltord C.loch, Ci V SeC!'etal7' ( or City Clerk) (.) ClUe. ill Counties of 100,000 popalation .. ....accordlDc to the last preced1nc Federal o.118US .hould change the boV8 -7:00 A.II.lM 7.00 p.x.- On .uon .~ Walter A..Seberta, seconded by W.E.Ebert an ordinance lerlnl City ocnpation 'axe. as allthoriaed b7 the COll8titutioll and lava of the State ot 'esu t was UD&niJIollS~, a_teeS as fo11..1 . AI (IlDDWfCF mBlDD ClT! OCCUPATIOI1 'rADS AS AU'ftI()RIZED BY !BE COIS'J'ITtrfIOH lID LAWS fJt TBI srlTB or TBDS. ' BE rr 0RDlDIBD BY TIS CI'l'Y COUlCn. OF THI cm or SCBERft t TlXAS: 1-j~ Jq L.f .5 t T- 6005 Seet10n 1. Th.re is hereb7 lftiecl and there .hall be collected. trCIl _er7 peNoll. t1ra, ...oc1atloft, or corporation pruuing &D1' occupation taxed b7 the Oeneral Lwws of the State of T..., an ammal occupation tax equal ill each instance to OM-half' ot the State occupation tax, which said taxes shall be paid ammall7 lD adYance except where otherwi.e prodded by tM State x..., in which event the .a.- -y be paid as is pronded by the State Le.v. 8 SecrtiOD 2. !he oCC1lpation ~ hereb7 lni.ed are to be paid to ttIe Cit7 As.s80r and Collector and b7 Id.II aOCOlUlted tor aDd depeeitM to the credit ot a CiV General "-d. Sectlon ,. !bat th1a ordinance shall take ettect and be b tor.. ~ and after 1 ts PH__. -0 Pas. and Appl'ONd tb1s the 18tb da7 of Deceaber, A.D.1958. APPROV&D& Amsr J JIaltord C.1eeb Cl ty Secretat7. B.P. Tbu1_,.r, Jla1Ol" \o...G~ \ "\ -\ OIl IIOtl_ of 0.0. P .Bolt., _CODded bT IlIia Beck, an 0l'd1Danc:e t1xlDc the fiscal. ,ur tor the City of Soher1a and PI'WS41Dl tor the read1t1cm of PrcpertT tor tuat1ea... """'-l1" pulled as fo1.lon; A1f (IU)IJlEB P'IXIJ<<J ,.. nscaL 110 fOR 1'. Crry (8 SCI8ltl, AID nonnIm ,.. '1'. BDDlmII 0'1 PlOHl1'Y'OR '1'AUTIOI. BB IT ,.,>>~ BY 1'. .om COOICD. (:I TBI CrrY at ~z, fBDS. Secti_ 1. '!'he n..cal ,..r for tbe Cl~ of Sebert. sball bel1a .. tha let day of October of the calender .JMr 1958 and shall tend.Date OIl : the 31th da7 of "teJI)er of tM aezt. s.cceed1.. calerader 1M!". Secti. 2. The tiso&1 ,..r hereb7 fixed for the ftnt ,..r of incorporaticm -7 be chupd to .... other date b7 ncc~Dg gwerll1.. bodies by the adoption of aD OI'diJaance uJd.rc the c__. Sectioa '....011 ,eNOD, partaeNId.p, aDd corporatl_ WIling Prepert7 wttldn the l1Id.ta of the Clt7 of Scherb, shall. betwen la.let aDd AprU 30th of each <!alder J'Ml". band to the etv ........ uad collect.- a ~ll and OOIlplete nom 1DnDte1".Y of t_ p~~p""MCI OJ" CODtrou.d b7 hta, her, or thea wi tId.D add 11ld.ts of the said ciV 011 'the lat dq of Jan_J7 of the CV2'eIlt calender JMl". Section 4. C1 t7 taDe t.. the current ~ aDd foUowlIIC 1MI'II aha1l be d_ and pa,.ble OR Oct.oYer 1st of each caleDder ,..r, 8ball be paid _ or before l--.r'1' 31st ot the ..ooeedi.. ca1.eMer 1M!" t aDd it DOt 110 paid shall be nbject to nail s-W.v ad lDtel'Mt as ... be n.cl . ordiDaDCe. o P.lSSID AID APPauvJd), this tM 18th da7 of~. ~. APnwtllb A'MZSt: Maltord C.1oc:b Cit7 "CNt&l7. B.P .'ftrcal..,... "70r .0 '. ~. -~ 9 II OIl -Uo. of V.B.Jbert, ..corJdecl by n,s.n Beck, aD ordi ".... t1x1. /1 - 5 </ rental to be paid b7 te].epaph, water, telephone, elact.r1c &ad .u cGllpard." J () 3 tor the prinl81e ot aiDe with their poles, .u.. c~t8, pip- and fixtures, the .treets, ea...nt8 and ane18 aDd otIler palJllc wa71 witla1a j t- r-D(>,7 the Cit7 ot Scherts, '1'...., prot'1d1ng peDal:tiOl'l tor nolatioDII and prori.dtnc an e_~, uanimu17 adopted as tollow.; AN ORDIMARn ,.1Jl1I) RBI'l'ALS '1'0 BE PAID BY 'l'ELIXIRAPB, WATER, TBUWB>., &meTRIC AND <lAS C_dDS 1I'OR TBB PRIVIUnB rR usm WITH TIBIR POI.&S, WIRES, cmmurrs, PIPES AID '.LxTUdS 't1B :>"TNZfS, BASEHEN'l'S, AID ALtIYS AND 'Ol'BD PUBLIC WAlS Wl'fBD TIE crfY or S:1Dft, 'l'IXAS, PROVIDING PIRAL'1'IIS '01 VIOLATIONS, AND PROV'IDI!O AMY IMBRGBlCY. BE rr ORDAJDD BY THE cm COllICIL (I THE Cl'l'yor SCHIR'l'Z, 'l'lXAS. II I. I Sect101l 1. That aU pel'SO!l8, aS80ctatione, orpId.sat.10D8, aDd , corporatioM, villi 01' aiIltat.n1nc al\V telegraph, telephone, electric 11Clrt or other pol.., ater pipe l1ne8, cae pt.pe lines, ptpes and other tixtures in a~ of the streets, h1ghva78, ...._ta, ane18, para or other place. rithiD the corporate lbd. t. or the Cit7 of Sebert., Texas, .ball OIl the 1st dq of rebraaJ7 ot _cia fDIl ..,e"l'1' ,ear tile with the C1t7 Secre~ a .-na report sholr1Jll the 11'08. receipts troll the bulnese cODducted by _ell penona, ..8OC1ati..., orgardsatioD8 and corporati0a8 with1D the corporate liJd.t8 of the .aid c1t7 tor tM preced1n& 1Mr eJ1dbC DeC8llber )lat.. Seetin 2. 'the City Council _y vhen it ~ eee ttt ban the boob and recorda of the p.rson, associati-, orcatisation or corporation reQderilll the .tatAment required in Section 1 ot t.b1e Ordinance exud.ned by · repreaeDtatift or the o1tJ'to ucertatn wh.ther audl atate..t ~ accurate, _ut nothing iD tb8 OrdiDaDce sbaU be cOl1lltned to prweD't 'tbe City troa ucerta1D1DC the tacts b7 any oth.r _thod. Section'. That vpoD the 1st dq ot ,ebl'Ul7 ot each and en..,. 1Pr flYfJl7 persOll, usoc1ation, OI'Ian1sat.1on. or oorporatlOll 00CIP71111 or 11811'11 the streets. h1Ihn7e, .....m.s, alle18, parka or ot.bw pu1IUo places iD the Cit7 of Scherta, Texas, with pole., pip.., and tor other ttxt.vea shall as a cORdi tio. to neh tuJ"ther oecupan<jf pay to the cttJ an~ tor such prlY1leps a rental equal to two (2J) per ceut ot the 11'08. receipts ~1wd b7 sllcb pel"llOD, anoc1atioD, OZ'I&D1aat.ton or cOl"P01"Ilu.- trca i t8 b\ud.ne.s conducted iD the corporate lill1 t8 ot the CitJ of Seberta, Texas, tor the preced1Dg :JUl" which s.. shall be patel to the 01 V of Sebert_, T.... . Sect10D 4. !hat upoD receipt of the .1><<. rental b7 the -., the Civ Secretar.y shall deli.er to the pen., ....c1ati.a, oraan1aati., or corporatioD P87inI the .... a receipt to!' nm:,rental, vb1ch sdd receipt sball alltbori... such person, a.eoc1ation, org&D1aation or corp- oratiOJl to 11.. aDd oCC\tp,. the streets,' h1lhw~, .....,ta, alle)'S, parke and other public ~ ot t.he City in can1Stl Oft i t8 busine.. tor tw1ft (12) ..-thal frca rebna1"1' lst of neb ,war. II to Sectlan 5. Tbat tM NIltal tor the pd:fileseor 118111 the .treets. ane18, McIwa,., ......at., and pd)l1c place_ ot the Ciq ot Scberts pronded for 1Il thi. ordinaDce 18 _t charplI .. a tax bat 1. __ tor tt. priY11a,e.. eajo,ed me! to be enJQ18d by .ucla per8Oll8, ,uaoc1at1o_, orgalli.atloDS, ... corporaU0D8 ~ 8111I the atrM~, ....-nta, an.i-, and other public _,. of the Cit71. the COIKhlct of the1r reepect1". buslness..: and _oil cIIarpe are add1 ttonal to all ad ftlona &DCl f1oanch1... ta.. and to aU tu._ at enr'T natve wbataoeYer qa1Dat tM peno., u8Ociatioll8, oJ'laai.saU.. 01' COl'POraUoM _tioaed hereill. Sect10a 6. Tbat notJd.nc here1a 18 1atendecl to .11-. &IV' pel'8OIl, u8OCiati_. oraan1..ttoa, 01' corporation fit &IV' cond1tiClll, renrict1o.ol" requ1~nt lq)oaed b;r ~ law 01' udiDance of tM _'7 of 8cheI'ta, ,.... Section 1. rhat tb1a erd1DaDce doe. not Il"aIlt . fNllcb1_ to UT utillt;r or penon. uaoc1atloa, Qll"PldsaUoa f:I ..rporatioa to ... the ~UMta, __erst., alle7 ot other public ..,. ad IIball nenr be .0 OOll8tnecl b;y the C0urt8 or otbam._, and the ctt;r re_"_ the I"1cht to ea.eel the pri.Y1lec.. Il"Ulted laernnder mI retad the uneaJ'D8d Natala pa1d to tbe Ciq. Sectloa 8. !hat tba CiV of Sohert. heN;r N.."eS the rtpt to pat iDto etrect at &IV' t1M other restricU... &lid replatioM .. to the eNet10n and .ute... of pol.., w1rea, plpea aDd other appvte~ ill the streets, e.___a, all818 aad otbal" pabllc ft1'II of the aa1d Ct. aDd troll tu. to U. to require nell polH, pipes, wire. and other PNP8rt, equ~ and ttxt.... a. 1t ~ d.. proper to be ~ aDd to Nqu1re wiree to be 1"U 1D CODCla1 ts Oft .1Icb tenI aa the C1 t7 ..,. ... proper. s.et1cm 9. 'l'bat WfW1 peJ"8OIl. ..8OCiaUoa, OI'laJd.UUOD, aDd corporation ... IIIaU eperate &117 bai_sa lIl.tIaout U. ,.,.at ot the NIltala {)ronded for benta 8hall be a1lbject te a pena1.V of ODe ......... ($100.00) 1)0"_1"1 for each and "-rr dq tbat _ell pel'llOD, ....c1at1oa, o!'laatsati_, or coJ'pOratlon .ball OODlluct nab b1a_1DNa -iIW ~ ....7iDI iba streets, .... Inta, an.".. or other p1lb11c ..,. of the Clt7 of 8ltherta, wi tIaoat the ~nt, of the aaid Natala wbtcla u1d .. .,. be NCOftNCI by the C1.t;r tit 8cherta ill a eovt of COJPI..t jv1ad1ct101l b7 a .utt ftled there1a. 8ect1_ 11. Ifbat WV7 p...... aaMClat1on, oraatut1oD et COl'pOatloa and tM 1oca1 ...,er 01" ..-at of WWfI7 Rob ,....., ...c1atloa. oradsatioD er corporaUo. fatll. 01" ~ to __ tile paport nquiNd. b7 8eot1a 1 . of th1a OI'd1.noe. or ta1H. or ref'u1nc to al.1,w the .......ttoe pNri.cled for In SectioD 2 heNta .hall1lPOJl COIIri.ction 1D the CerporaU_ Covt of tM Cit;rot "ria, r..., be t1ned i. &IV' _ DGt to ~Iecl 0. 8adNCI ($100.00) Dol1&1'8 and ""r'T da1a ta11ve or Ntual, .. ..ueDld ill tb18. Sectioa, shan be d..... a aeparate ott__. Seot1oa u. '!'he C1t7 fiN -.rahal, b-i1.. ,~ter, eleotri.oU. 1Dapecter, C1t;r'. poltC8 otftC8N, &lid ... othel" pen0D8 dee1pated b7 tile Ctt7, .ball haft t. ~er .... It.aball be t..1I' nt7 to .."'. aDd 1upect frca U. to u.. all tetecraph, telllphoae. electric l1Pt 01" othel" ,olea, _tel' .ndl" plpe 1iDea, pip.. ... other t1xtaree 1a the publtc places within the Clty for tba purpoae of ...tn& that all 01 __ .,. ill a .ate and n.tt&~ cond1t1en, and ~er &D7 _cia ltea18 tCNDd to be UMte 01" .uutt&b1e tor tM P'IJ'I'O" tor which lt 18 1UMIlI , tM penOB ulnI, """-111I 01" aiDtallt1. .... .hall be Bot1tted &JIll nquiNd toplaC8 ... ill . sate ad Ritab1e CORd1tioa. o o o , I t-!!;: , . Ii ,I .. I n tt Section 12. 'U al\'1_ctlon, pancrapb. aabd1daion, ClaUM, phrue or proY18ion of this 0rd1Mnt* .ball be adJ..1DYal1d or held ....Ututional, the 8._ shall not aftect the yaltdi t7 or this ord1Danee as a whole or &rr7 part or pNrtstons thereof other than the part so decided to be imral1d or ulloonatitutional. Sectioa 13. That the fact that telegraph, telepho_, ~ctr1c. watel' and gaa co~es haye been occupJing ad l1ftrc the treeta, __MIlts, aUe,. and other public _8111 of the Clt7 of Sebert-, 1'.... for -IV" 78&l'8 1d.thcNt the pa,-nt of rent tor _eb use c~t.. aD e.rgenC7,' aDd th1e oJdiDaftce .hall take ettect s...d1atil1'" lta passage. approYal and publ1~tlon as reqllil"ed b7 law. PaNed and IIPPNftCl tb1. 18th dq of DeceEer A.D.l9J8. mlsr ~ Xaltol'd C.loch, Cit7 SecNtal7. B.P.~,.., Ifa7oI' !here bel. no furt.heI" buaU.8 a _UOD ade b7 a.. P.BoltaD. seconded by B1~. Beck the -~bII adjOllJlMd. ~u~ ' ~ - - l'