10-05-1959- Sept-12-1960 47 II i l_ I On _tiOD _de b7 GeO. P.Bol~. ..conded b7 W.B.Sbv't. the p~ of aoceaDt due ~U. IDe. of $49.92". 1Ipp1'Oftd. On -.tiOD ... b7 W...lbert. seconded. b71lciD Bect, the _tiOD to adjovu ... ".I\t..a.ul1 pa... ~~ Secretal"J' 1f:5?~~'w- -7' - lCa1W Rep1.ar --iDe of the Ciq CotmcU ot Sebert.. 'a:a., October 5. 1959 Vas call.t to order bT!Iqor R.P.TIml-,er. ,.he tollowinl alcle~ were present; Blein Beck. Oeo. P .Bolton, A.O.~ and Walter Scherts. City Attome;y, Iloui. Seeeert tDd Manhal R.W.Ack..-n were alao present. IU.Jatee ot last ...una read. Motion ade b7 Walter Scberb. 'ecoDded b.r I1gln Beck, the IIlIlutea were ..ai-.0u8l.7 Ilppl'OYed. I' On _tion Mde b7 Walter Scherb seconded b7 Blein Beck, the MaJOr was ina'neted to enter into a contnct with Irrinc Se1irnn, u _iDeer, to to ftrn7 am plaata SeJd.ta17 Swer Sy8tea tor tbe City of Schertz, ... unaDl...~ approYed. On .u0ll _de b7 Geo.P.Boltoll, seccmded b7 A.O.BaverlaJl, the CCNncU after da1.7 auditiac the. .t~SOO.OO ot Cit:,y ot Schert.. Warrante, Serie. A itf. D37 ot 1959 ordered s_ to be turned GMJ" to the SobeJ"ts VollUlt..r Fire Dept.Inc. )0' ill pa,.nt or the fttecataUaIl Mi',," ;'tP1te1:eilCiDe.~e and eucb other appurtenances and equtp_nt thereto. .a '.1) 3(. ,c;lr Ii l _ I On .ot1on _de b70.. P.Bolt_. ..comed. by I1c1D Beck, the ordinance to P" tJoanch1ae to Soathvestem Bell TelllpboDe Co. was UJl8.Id.IMN81T apprond /<1 V~: as to11aw8; ~7,~~~ Ordinance 10. 28 ~~9 AI ORDINANCE WHERIBY THE CITY Of ~HERTZ, TEXAS, AND THI SOUl'1IIIS1'BRJ1 fELL 'fILBP1I8 COMPANY lGREI THAT THE TBIBPHORE CCMPAIY SHALL COlft'INOE '0 !RECT AND 8ID.lD ITS POI&S, WIRES, dCII>RS, CABlES, HAIHOIBS. COIIDUITS. AIm MBER PUNT CO!fS'l'RtJrrIOI .ABD APPUR'!'llWfClS ALONG, ACROSS. (It, ORR, THROmB, ABOVE AMD UNDER ALL PUBLIC~'l'S, AVDUES. AUBYS. PtJlIaIC GROUIDS lID PUr.IS 11 SlID CITY. UlOZR RECJtJLlTIORS AIID RBSl'RICTIORS dD TBA' T. CITY SHALL RlCEIVE AI ADtJAL PAYMENT AND THE RIGRl' TO USE CERTAII FACILITIES OF TBB TlWJI)D C<l4PARY. AlL AS HEREIN PROVImD: WlBRBA.S, the l&uthwe.tern Bell Telephone C~. heret.tter referred to a. the .'elllphOlle COllP&I11", is now and has been engaged in the telephone buin..s in the state of 'e.s. and in tu.rtberance thereof, bas erected aDd _lnta1ned cert,a1l1 i te_ of i te plant construet1on 111 the Ci t;y of Sebert., Texu. hereinatter reterred to as the .C1 t1". tor any ,ears pureuant to such J"i&bte as haft been granted it by and WIder the laws of the State of Texu, and nbject to the exercue of nch reasonable rights ot regulation UDder the police p.er as bave been al80 lavful.J.;y grented b:,y and uDder said laws of aid Ci t,.: and . 49 SlCl'I~ .. _ OPERlTIOI AND XAmEJWtCl OF TEIBPRONI PLAN'l'. II !he lfe1Apho- COIIIP&JV' shall _iDta1Il'" ts .~t.ea in ~'ODable cp8nt1llC condt tice d all IlONal tt.e during the continuance ot thle agl...nt. Aa exception to tb11 condition i. .ut_tically in ett.ct wh.n nmce brDt~ b7 the Telephon. COIIIpaD,1is iJrternpt*J,bpatnd, or prennted by tires, strikes. riots, and oth.r occurrences be:,yond the control ot the T.lephone COIlpaD;f, or 'b.r .to~, noods or other canalti.s. in any or 1Ibtidl;;:.ennt. the Telephone COJIpaD;f ahall do all things. reasonab17 within lts ,...r to;'~o, to restore noral s.mce. SBCTIaI , _ 'l'EMPCltARY REMOVAL ~ WIRES. '!'h. 'fe1.epbone C~D1' on the request ot aJO" person ,ball ~ or niee or low.r its wlree 'tnpOnl"1ly to pend.t tbe JIOYinc of bo"se. or other bulk7 st"ct~. The ..... ot ncb ~1'&l'7 re_val, reinne or loweriIC ot wire, shall be paid by the beIleft ted party or parti.., andtbe ,.elephone 0011>07 ~ require nch pa,-nt 1n W] ru.rThe Te1...,bone ec.pa1l7 .bal be ciftll not l.se than fortY.e1<<ht ........dYanee DOtiee to arrang.tor nch ~ora1'1 wire c~. SBCTIOI 6 - TREI TRDlMDG. II I . I. : '!'he r1&ht. license. priYilec. and pel'll1eeion is h.reby cranted to th. lIfelephone IoIIp07.. it. ..ac....re and aadpe,. to tria tre.. l1pOD and cw.riWlC1DC the streets,alleya, e1dewalks and public places of. th. Civ, eo as to prennt tb. bl"&Behe' of' such trees troll colling in contact with the wire. or cabl.. ot the T.lephone COIIpall7, and when so ordered by the C1ty, .aid tri.m.nc .hall " cloD. und.r the ~em.10n and direction or the Clt1 Coune1l or ot any Cl t7 officl81 to who. the ..1d duties baftl'been or -7 be delep.ted. SlCTI(II 7 _ A!f!ftJAL CASH COll8IIERATIOR '0 BE PAm BY THE T~ OOlPdY. '0 1_en11'7 the City for any and. all poee1bl. d_g.e to 1 ts at.reete., aUeJa aDll public croUftllI which ..,. result fro. the placirw and ~ th8N1D of tb.noa or the 'felephone COIIPanyee pole., coftduit., or ~heJ" telephone eq1d.~t or apparatu., and to cOllp8naate the Clty tor its euperintendance of this agr..-nt, and a. the cash eoBIitderatiOll tor the ...., the Telepbone COIllp&D7 agNM to pay to the CiV amma~ dur1nI the ccmttnunc. ot the qrea8nt A na ot .:1ft'" equal to two per cent (~) of the ammal gross receipt. for the prededilll 1Mr rec.iY8d 'b.r the C01lpany f1"OJl the rendition ot local exchaDI. t.lephone tnD81d.seion serrtce wi thin the corporat. 1.1Jd ts of the Cl V. The first ~ hereund.r shall be JUd. April 15, 1959, and shall be in the aJlOunt ot .,ltt7 dollars <$50.00) tor the cross receipte received fro. October 13, 1958, to DeC8llber '1, 1958: and thereafter pa~nt shall b. ad. am~ on April 15. AI herein proYided. S8C'rIaf 8 _ PAlMERT Of CASH COHSIImtlTION TO BB IN LIEU OF ANY OTBBR PAlMD'l' BXCEP'r USUAL OIllERAL OR SPECIAL AD VALOREM TADS. II I, : The Cit7 agrees that the ccmdicleration set torth in the precedirw .ect1on hereOf' .hall be paid and rece1nd in 11e of &IV tax, 11oJ.., charp, tee. street or' a1187 rental or other p)laraet.r of' charg. tor use and occuplDW of the streets, all.~ and publlc places ot the Cit7: in 11_ ot aJ),J pol. tax or inspection t.. tax; in lieu ot any .....nt or tranchise tax, wbetber leded. as all ad ftlorea. spec1al or other character ot tax, and in 11eu ot aJO" i1lpoeit1OD other than the udu81 leneral or apec1al ad valore. taDS now or h.re1natter leYied. ShcMl1d the Cit7 not haft the 1.,81 pCMer to &Cree that tbe payJWnt of the toregoinc cash conaidln'ation shall be in lieu or the taxes, licen.... charg.s, t.... rental, and .s..nt. or tranchis. taxes atore.aid, tben the Cit7 agrees that it will app17 eo IlUch ot said p~t as ~...- 1)0 WlSRBAS, it is to the _tual adYaDtage ot both the Cit7 aDd the Telepbo_ CoIlpaD7 that an alre...nt Iboa1d be eDteNd tato betweeD tile 'tiepbaDe C~D7 'ibd tile Ct't7 establi8lliJtc tbe cCDd1 ttou uder wbich the Telephone ColIpUV shall opel" 1. the 11 C1V. -1 IDI. ,lImBrORJ:. . rr ~pm BY'fBI ern C01llCIL (II' ,.81 crn C'I ~. TIllS, 'fRAT: SBCTIOI 1 - ~srRtmI~ AIm IIlIlft'llWlCE ~ TIL1PIIOD PUJrr AID SBRVICB. r The pol... wires, &DCIlOI"8. cablea. T~. COftCbd.ts aDd other plant cOM~i_ and ~cee, __ ill or inc1dent to the I1Y1m1 ot tel.tphone aentC'e aDd to the ..ut....nce ot a telephone bat..s &Del s18Ua b7 tbe ~boDe CoIIpU7 111 tile Cit1, 8ball ~in as now eo..tRoW, nbject to such cbaDc.. aa ader tbe l1IIltatioaa aDd cODd1 ttolll bere1n preaC1'1bed. ~ be coDSidend necee_17 b1 the Clt7 in the .~1'C1~ or its lawf'al 1'.~.. aDd b7 the 'elepho_ COIIIpU7 1D the .erei.. ot 1. ts busine8. of ttlmi81d.Dc tel..... seft'ice: and the Telepbo.. COIIIpaIV aball COIltiDUe to aerct.. its r!gbt to place. l'ftIWe, conatnet and NCOMtnet, ate" aDd ' ..t.ntaift its aaid plant and ~ces as tile bolD..s aDd p1Il'pOMs tor wb1t1t it i. or -7 be iDCOl'ponted ..,. troa tt. to tt. requiN alOlll, &cree., OIl, ewer, through, aboY., and under all the public stJ"Mta, ayellUee, alley8 and public crounda and placee wi tld.n the pNMDt 111d. te or the C1 't7 &IllS' Wi thtD aaid l1IIl. ta as the ... tro. u. to tt. -7 be extended. ..bjuect to the replatiou. liMtatiOM &lid condttlO1l8 here1ll pnecr1bed. SlCTI(lf 2 - 8~ISI(JI 8t CITY C'I LOCATI(II (11 POIBS AID COJ1I)UlT. All pol.. to be placecl shall be or .oud _terial aDd rasonab17 stzoaiPt, 0 and sball be so _t that the7 wUl DOt interfere wi tit the no. ot water 111 &IV' cutter or dra1ll, and 80 that the .... will 1Dt,wr... as 11ttle .. pnctt.cab1e with the ordiDlll"7 tnftl on the street or 81d.-llt. Th. locatiae aud route ot aU po1ea., stubs. 11118, ancI1oJ"a, coDdaits and cabl.. to be placed and coutructed b7 the Telepho.. C~ in the CGnnnot1.OD aDd alntenallce ot ita telephene s1St_ in the Cit7. aDd the location ot all condwita te be latd b7 the ,81ep.... C-p"7 Witbln the liIIlts et the C1V 1IIIder tJd.. orcJ1IlaIlce. shall be nbject to the . reasonable aDd prapel' Nplat1ona, ccmtro1 &ad directi_ ot the C,tt7 Co_aU or of ~ Cit7 official to whoa Mach dutt... ha.e been or -7 be delepted. sarltW , - fta&&tS '1'0 BE RJST(DJ) 'rO GOOD CORDITIOI. !be svraoe or &n7 stl'Mt, alle;y, hicmrq. or publtc place d1at1Q4)ed "etbe Tel.hone CoIIIpaJt,7 111 bni'dltII. ooutftcttlll. ~ OJ"..tataiIl1nc ita te1IpboDe plant ad .,at.. sball be ,.tored wttbiD a 1W.8OB&ble tiM after the CCIIIP1et1cm ot the werk to as good a condit i_ as betoN the c__~ of 1IO~ and '..utaiDed to the _ttdacti_ or the Cit7 Co1mc1l, or ot aD7 Cit7 ott1cial to whoa nch duti.. Jaaft been or ~ be delepted. tor ODe 1M1" t,. the date the nrtace or said street, alley. 1dc"'7. or public place 1. brokell tor neb CO..truotiOD or aintenance vork, atter which ti_ responsibtlit7 tor the aiDteaance shall beco.e the duV or t'- Ciq. . stl'Ht, au.,-. Id.gbwq or public place .ball be enCUJl)ered ,tor a 10lller periOIl than shall be ne08ua17 to ..cute tJ. work. o , .... --,t.j. . I I .~. 51~... Mc...a17 to the satistaction ot the T.lephone COIIIp&1V's obll.cationa, it aD7, to pa7 ant neb taxea, l1ceDM., charge., t..., rentala, and e....1It 01" tranchise taxee. It , I ! Sl!'.C'fIOR 9 _ FACILl'l'IES '1'0 S. ....~ CrfY AS AmITIOIAL CORSIJBRATICIf. In addition to the canaid.ratloa..t forth in SecUon 7. the 'e1t1phoDe C~lll~ eball hold ltselt reaq" ttl1'Id.th, nb3ect to the us. of tM Cit7, nch wire apace as ~ be req\J1red fro. U. by the Cl V upon th. poles .. ... 01" h.....tter .rected b7 the 'ellphone COJINlD7 1n tbI 01t7 tor the u.. ot the Cit7's police ant tire alara syst., prodded, that the NqUired wiN space .ball not exceed the wire capaci t7 ot one croee aJ'll OIl 8111' one pol.. The 10catiOD on the po1.. of' this tiN aDd pollce wire apace shall be d.terw1ned on epecift.c applicationa tor apace. at the ti_ the IIpplicatlonl are receiftCI tro. the C1Q. and wU1 be allotted in accordance with tbe ccnsidentiona tor electl"1.ca1 conetruetlon ot the UJd.tecl 8 ate. Depart.ent ot COIIII8rce, Bureau of StaDClarda. In ita wire conatl"'letion the 'elephone CClllP&ll7's pol... the City will toU_ the ncgeetiona aDd reqU1"e.nts laid don tor Wire cGMtract1_ in the ~.. and Repl.ations ot the Bureau or Standard. ot the Ualted 8tatte DepartlBDt ot CO_I'C.. Where condul ts are laid 01" are const.ructed. by the T.lephone OOJll)&D7, aid COJIPAI1Y eball hold itself read7 to tumisb nf'ftci.nt duct apac. not to exc.ed capaci t1 ot one duct tor use b1 the C1 t7 111 cl.1T1iDc its police aDd. tire alara wire.. All neb wires. vbltber on pol.. or 111 condults. .ball b. constraeted. _inta1ned and operated ill such -.mer .. not(;to 1Dtertere witb DOl" create undue hasard in the operation ot the telApboDe s18'tea ot tbe TelllpboDe CoIp&Jl1'e It is turtb.r .,reed tl*t the Telephone ee.p.~ sball not be rwpODSibl. to aIV' Part7 OJ" partl.. whatsower tor &D7 c1.aPa, deaaDd8. 1....., nits. 3ude-nte tor duagee or injuries to persons or Prapert7 b7 reason ot the CODStraction, alntenaDOe, ill8p8CtiOll or us. of the police &DCl tire alal'll wires beloJllinl to the Ci t7. and the 01 V .hall insure. 1nd..u'7 ami hold the 'elephone COIIIp&JV' haraless against all such c1a1as, loa.... d_*'e. suit. and 3udc-nte. srcrIOR 10 _ ATl'ACBMIRTS 011 POLIS AND SPACK IN Dtl:TS BOT HERB AnlfNr.:f). r I I l I loth111I ln this ordinance contained shall be conatned to nqalre or p.rlld.t any electric light or power wire attac~ b7 tbe Cit.7 or tor the City.. not to require or pel'lllt any electl"1.c ligbt or pGlfer wires to be place In duct .sed b7 the ctt1' in th. T.lephone COIpaJJ7'S coDd1d.t8. It light or pwnr, attactu.ats are d_lrec1 b7 t_ C1 V or tOI" the C1 V. or it the Clt7 desires to plade electric ligllt or pow.r wires in any duct used by the Cit-7. th.n a farther separate nOftcoDttngent agree shall be prerequislte to sucb attaehaants or neb us. ot any duct used. by the Ci V. IIotI*Dg herein contained shall obliCat. or restrict tbe 'Telepbone Co~ny in exercising its right ...olulltarily to enter into pole attach.-nt, pose usage, joint ownership. and other wire space and tacili ti.s agree~te with light and power e01llpaniea wnd with other wire using cOllpanle. which wq be priYileged to operate within the Cit7. SlCTICIf U - PERIOD OF TDE OF 'l'BIS ORDINAlCI - 'rERMINA'TIOI. I' This acreeJ81t.ball be in taU toree and ettect tor the pel"1.od beClmil'll wi th the ettectin date hereot and eDd~ ten years atter JanUl"',1 1, 1959. prcm.ded that at the elll ot the expiration or the 1n1tial pel"1.od. such t.N shaU be auto_tically renewed torthwith tor nccessi.... periods ot ten years. eonditioned. h....r, that it d~ the last four _nths ot the iIlUt1al period or ot any succ..sift ten 1M!' pedKMI, DOt l.ss than ntnev clays' prior written not1ce shall be 11..... .ither to the TelllphODe C..-"'7 b7 the Cit7 or to the CiV by the 'elephone COIIpaD7. s.ttlnc torth the d.sire ot the ct....r ot such notie. to tel'ld.nate this acre~t. then in neb cas. this agre...t shall teJ'll1nate at the e~iration ot the tImD current period. _52 SItCl'Iaf 12 - MP IXCLUSIVI ytuv.D,.mES CORFERRED BY THIS ORDIIlD.. BothltW herein contained shall be construed a. g1~~ to the Telephone COIIIPaDy any .xclui.,. pl"iYilece. SBCTI<If 13 - smcBSSORS OR ASSIaNS '!'he rights. powers. lillltatiOlW. dutles and reetl"ict1ons herein pl'OY1ded tor shall imlre to and be biDding upon the parties hereto aDd upOD their respecti...e Slleceseore aDd u81gne. [J SIC'l'ICM V. - PARTIAL IRVALIDITY AID IIPIAL PROfIBIOIS. It aD7 HCt1_. ..tence. clawJ. or phrase of tM8 ordinance 18 tor ~ NUClIl held to be Ulegal, ultn Yires or UDooNlttlltioaal. _ch tahlidiV shall not atfect the nUdi V ot, the r.-'~1lI porticms of tld.8 ordiDance. AU Ol'd1nances and ~ts aDd parts ot ordinaDc.s aDd acree-nt. 1D contl1ct heJWith are hereby repealed. "1af 15 - ACCIP'l'OCB (6 AGRBBNDr. '!be 'l'elepbone CClIIpaD7 8ball ha...e aixQ' C.> dqs tl'OIl aDd alter the pas..re and appro.u of thi8 ordiDallce to tue its wrltten acceptance thereof with the City Seeretar.r. aDd 1IpOIl such aeecptance belDc tUecI. tJd..ordiJance shall take effect UId be ill torce t'J"OIl 'aDd art.. the date of ita pa..... and appronl b7 the Xayor and .ball ettectuate and ate b1ndiDl the acre-nt prwided by the tens hereot. Passed. and appl"Ol'ed this 5th da7 ot Oct...., .l.D.1959 Attest; M.C.ICocb. 1)1 V SeCNta17'. ~~ fIb.loPther"~s on _ti_ ade b7 GtIP. P.Bolt_. Hdonded b7 E1I1n B~It, the .et~ adjovned. B.P.Thul~, Kayor . [J ~~ Cl V Secret&J7' ~~..~ Xa10r o \ 53 [! Replar _etlng ot the City Council of Sebert.. .Texas. held IOYeJIber 2, 1959 was called to Ol'der by Xqor R.P.Thule.yer. n. tollow1Dg llde~ were preeent: I1c1ft Beck. .080. P,Boltca. A.O.Banrlah and Walter A.Soberta. Cit7 Atto~, Lcu1.e Saegert aD! Marshal H.W.AckerBaDn were also present. Minutes ot last .eting were read and on .ot.ton Mde by Walter A.Schert., seconded b.r W.B.Jbert, were UDaIl1aiIu8q apprcrred. A COlBltt.. .as appointed by the "-101', being Walter A.Sehert., A.O.Baverlah,3.t1 and Frits R.Ruch to work on an electrlal inspection ordinance. 5/Jj.O , , . "/~ On _tlon _de b7 Oep.P.Bolton, seconded by Elgin Beck, the plat ot Mrs. Blaie Iocb tor all meneloll otber eubc1irlslon ~ within tbe Clty Lilltts ~ll ot Sebert_, ... UDaD111101181T apprond. 6Q,C' , , I b On lmUon b7 Gee. P.Bolt_. second.t by W.B.Jbert, the t1ra ot YenOD " .1/ Hudson were granted a pend. t to haul prbage aD! trash to tbe llaDdolpb d~, j/ 'J,o., . .as 1maII1"s17 approved. 1/1 There being no further buiness CD .-tioD -.de by Oeo.P . Bolton. _ seconded b7 Walter A.Scherts. tbe ...tl~ adjoamed. ,: ~ s.cr.tal7 ~.f- 11&701" Replar Meting of the City Co1mcU ot Sebert.. "..., held Deeellbel' 1. 1959, vas called to order by MaJOr R.P. ,.bal--.rer. The teUC'JWinI Ald__n were present: BlciD Beck. 0.0. P . Bolton, W.E.Jbert, A.O.8aYerbh aDd Walter A.Sebert.. Ii I, i Clty Attcmle7 Louis Saecert and Marehal R.W.Acke1'B&Jlft were also presem. M1matee ot laet rep1.ar .et1Jlc read and on ~ion _de b7 Walter A.Schert.s seecmded 'bJ I1g1n Beck. wre ~ apprOYed. Jfotlon _de b7 Walter A.Scherb. seconded by Oeo. P.BoltoD, -That 1t Antonio R.Villan8Uft Call get a publte l1abll1 t:,y and property cta.ce in8Ul"&DC8 .., policy conrirw his truck, a perll1t will be issued tor the JIOnth ot Decellt>erS",o~";" lt59 to haul garbage-. Motion UD&Il1JIous17 earned, / I 'f On _tieD _de b7 Geo. P.Bolton, seconded by Walter A.Sebert., the to110111nc, bills were ordered paid. ,Louis S_ert. A1rt.ome7' s ,.. tor 1958 and 1959 - $650.00 H.W.Ackel'alae expenses as Marshal tor 1959 - 600.00 CleII Co. - AcedtDt 6.25 ~ 3 Richard Sebert., note $l,JOO.OO and ~ int.to 12./1/59 1,519.11 ~6f\UJ. B.W.Acke~ - prb1_ on his bond 16.'5 " Quirk &: Co. prtlllua OIl JI.C.IocIl bond 50.00 JI.C.loch, - N1a17 1959 60.00 ~ -u.... ... b7 V.I. rt, nCODdecl b7 ~~'. ~tiJII adj......-. Secretal7 ,or. 54 ~ ...tiIIg of tbe Cit7 Coanci or Sebert., Texas, held JdualT 4. 1960 ... c.lled to order b7 1Ia,.. R.~.Thule.,... The to~ ~. were pre..nti I1giD Beck, 0.0. P.Bolton. W...lbert, A.O..~1ab and V~~r A.Scbwts. Kanbal H.W.AcloH MIlD and Cit7 Attome,y Louis Saeprt wn al80 preeent. 111m. ot laat replar ...t1ng read aDd on .tion -.de by Oeo.P.BoltoD, seconded b7 W1=llter A.Saherts. wn ~ ~nd. Ito bD \ On .ti-. .. b7 Oeo. P.BoltoD, aD ordiDance adopt1Dl a Flre Pzowent1oa 0'(, Code, ........--TT~ adapt..s .. tonon: IM'1/ V (/1 OrdiDance 10.29 o AI ORDIlAlCB AiXPr~ A FIRI PRlnNTICII CODa Plis:RlBno RPDUUTIOJ8 00RJUmf0 CO!fDI'rICI9S JlAZAJUX)tJS '0 LD'I AND P~! rRCII P'IRB OR mPum~. . DB IT ORDlDBD BY rRI CI'rY COUEIL (7 'l'BI om (p scilBJrrz, 'l'BD.S. SectioD 1. Adopt1on of Fire flNnnt10D Code. 'l'ben ls bereb7 adopte4 b7 the C1 V of Sebert. tor ~ p1II'p08e of prescr1binc replatioM IOftrrdlw cmdi tions basardoas to 11te aDd prepe"" rr- ftre 01' """10D, that certa1D code know as the 'In PNnDtiOD Code. abbNft.ted Bd1 U_. reeo__ed by the 'atioDal 90ard ot Fire tblerwr:1 ten, be1111 partiea1ar17 the 1956 edition thereof aDd the whole tbereot. of which code DOt 1... thell three 0) cop1es haft been aDd n_ an med 1a the ottiee of the Clerk or the ctt7 of Scherts. T..., aDd the __ an henb7 adopt..s &Del incorp4W.ted .s t8ll7 as it set oat at length bereta, aDd ,.... the date Oft wbich t.b18 ordiDaIlee IIIall take ettect, the pNWisiaaa thereof" shaU be ccmtl'01l1Ic ,w1t11ln the l1Jd.ta or the CiV or Soherts. t.... o 8eeUOIl 2. Intorce.nt. .. .. The code hereb)r adopted shall be eDtorcecJ b7 the .Chief of tbe ,ire Depart-.t. ot the Cit7 ot Sch-u. 'au. Section 3. Det1llltlOD. Wlierwer the word .lIuni~~ ls ued 1ft the code benb.r ,...... it 'shall be held to __ the Citj- or Sebert., T.... lecticm ,..' latabiiab.rst ot LUd. ts ot Districts 1D vh1ch Storace of na-able I4C1Uida 1D o.t.lde ~ .... and Bulk StoNP ot I4.q.et1ed Petrolu_ 0.... 1_ to be le8lricted. ' The lbd.ta nterred to 11\ NCt10D 904a or the code bereb7 adapted iD which storace ot ~. I uble liqdda 1D ouraide ~ taDkat. prohibited. and the liJd.te Nt..red to ia section 1104 of tbe code bereb7 adopted, in .which bulk atorace of liquefied petrGl_ c.a 1a N8tr1cted, .n bereb)r ~stabliabed as tollows 1I1tbiD the Cit7 l1a1ts of Seberts. ~.... Secu~ 5~ IIecI1t1catiolJa. ., 'I'he ~et ot the ftN Dllpart.at. _ball haft ,... to -.dlf7 U7. ~ the prcm.dtona .ot the code herebT adapted UP" appUcatioa 1D WJ1.t1Dc b7 tile .... or ~... .or h1a clal7 a.therbed ..t. wbeIl then are practical 41tftcalti.. 18 the -7 ot caJ'I7iJII oat.tIle atrict letter .t the .cqde. pnw1ded that the ' spirit of the cocIe shall be 04...Md. public ...rev seelNd. aDd nbatantUl jutice done. I I o ,I 55 Ii The part1roars or .ueb IIOdlt1catloD wbeD lranted or alloweel ancl the deci810n ot the Ch1etot the. Flre Departaent thereon shall be entered 'UpOD the records ot the departMnt and a 81ped Cop7 shall be f\miebed the applicaat. Section 6. ~.' .......1' the Chiet ot the Fire Depart.ent aball disapproYe . applicat10D or retue to gl"8llt a pend.t tor. or when it is clau.! that the )n'OY1sions or the code do not 8PPl.7 or that the true 1ntent and _m,. of' the code haTe b.. 1I1seoutrued or wrong17 irrto1'Preted. the applicant ~ appea1 frea the decision of the Chief' or the Flre Depart_nt to the Cit780uncU ot Seherts. .... w1tbin JO dqe tro. the date ot the declsion appealed. Section 7. Penalt1e.. . Any person who shall rlo18te any ot the prodeions ot the code hereby adopted or taU to COIIply therw1th, or vho shall noate or tall to cOllP17 with any order ade t~er or who sball build in Yiolation of' an y detaUed .tate_nt ot ~ecU'ication. or plan. subtIltt.ed and appl'Oftd thereaDder. or. any cert1t1cate or pOl"lII1t lseuec! theNUllder. aDd troa which no appeel has been taken, or no shall taU to CCIIP17 such ~n order as. att11"118d or JDtitied by the City COUDCil ot Scherb. Te.., or by a coVt ot c~t jurisdiction. within till ti_ ts.d hereiD. ~ball ....ral.:q tor each and fmtr7 neb nolatiCllft and non cqII)l1ance res:pectively, be guilty ot a lIlade.aner, pun1shable by a fine of' not less than ,'.00 nor IIOre than $200.00. 'I'he iJlpoeition of' ODe pellBly tor any violation sball not anee the ~tiOD or pel'll1t it to coDtimle: .~ all 8uch persone sball be required to correct or remedy such violations or detects wi thin a reasonable tiM: and . when not otherw1se spec1fied, Mch ten days that prob1bited conditione are lIaintained shall C onat1 tute a s.apante orte..o. ' IJ. '!'he application ot the abon penalty .~ not be held to prevent. the entoreecl 1"eJlOYal ot prohibited .conditlO118. Sectlon 8. _.ealL"t Confiict1ng Ordinanc_. I.lI. .~cee or parts thereot ~ct~ or incons1stent .ith the prov181oM ot th18 ord1Dance or ot the . code hereby adopted are hereb7 NPea1Id. Ii I, . I Section 9. Val1diV. The Cit7 Council ot Sebert.. TeDs. bere'" declares' that should aD1' sect1en.paragr.aph. sentence, or word ot this ordinance or of the code bereb)' adopted be declared tor aIV' reasOJ) to be illYal1d. it 18 the inteJlt or the C1t)' Council ot Seherts. Texas. that it would have passed all other portions of this o~ 1DclepeDdent of the eUndnation her.tro. ot any such portion .. 1Ift~ be declared 1DYal1d. Section to. Date or ettect. '!'his ordinance shall take .ttect and be in torce tro. and after 1 t pas... and adopt1co b7 the Ci t)' Council or Scherts, Texas, and it. appron.l b7 the Ma)'Or or the said City ot Sehetb. TeDs, and ita publication as required b)' 1.-. Approved JUNa17 4, 1960 Ii I i Attest. H.C.locb, el t)' Secreta 17 . H.P.Thuleaeyer, MaJOr 56 (I) DO ').. ',J\ :cO~..., (i\ r/~' !Je. {)(),4 111 ~D'P~~ ' \ On IIOtion .-de by Walter A.Sehert., seconded b7 Blain Beck, the Mayor was instNcted to ascertain the cost ot a $100.00,00 Publ1c 14abillv 'Policy tor the Ciq. On mtion Jade b7 W.B.Ebert, seconded. 1>>7 Gee. P.801toD, tbe. _U.ng adjourned. JJ-()'/~ A ~ /l_Y~~ Secretal7' . o Replar ...una ot tbe Cit7 coaacU of Scherts, TGBs, held ,ebru17 1, 1960 was CRlled to order b71fqor B.P.~r. ' Tbe following AU..... were pl'Uent: B1cin Beck, Oeo.P .Boltoa, V.S.Ibert, A.O.Ba.erlah and Valter A.Saherts. Jlarebal R.W.Acke~, Cit7 Attol'M7 Loui. Saeprt and 'lre Jlarebal ,rits Rusch were alao preMllt. XiIlut8s ot last regular ..tiDe 1MN rad anc:l Oil .otion _de b7 . WRlter A.Sebert., seconded b7 W.B.lbert were ~q apprond. 1Ir. Irrtne SeU.cann. Bali_v, 011 the p.roposed 8an1tal'7 Sever S18tea, aplained his aurft7 and report in detaU. On .u.0Il _de by Geo.P.Bolton. ..ccnded b7 Walter A.Sebert., .it ... acreed. to bold a public ...tine on "eb.11,l960, pNterab17 at the 8cbool O,.aaia and uplain neb' details as the people attendiJW -7 be iDf'o1'W8d ot. On IIOtion -.de b7 W.B.lbert, ..conded b7 Oeo.P .BolteD, the p&JW8Dt to Herbert s.uer the s. or $2?2-"4 tor labor ad _ter1al8 UMd in t1n18hiIIC the interior or tbe Council RooII in tha FiN Station, ... ~ Il'rinc Sellgam of $1..500.00 as the 1n1t1al tee tor pha.. 1 ot his contract tor aurn:r1D1 and preparing the report on the proposed Smt. tal"'7 Sewer s,.te., ws unanl_1I817 apprond. There being no t1Irtber butness _ mticm -.de b7 W...lbert, aeconded b7 080. P . Boltcm , the Meti. adj01ll'Ded. o ~ City 8ecretaJ"7. /f::e ~.l1'-- Jl8yor o ~...~_~_:.. .F ~., '~ "xl',;.., 'j "" 51 ,i Called ...ting or the Clt7 Council ef Schertz, Texas, held rebraar;y 8, 1960, was called to order b7 Mayor H.p.Tbu1~~r. '!'he lollawing A1d.~ were preHDt: Klein Beck, Geo. P.Bolton, V.I.lbert, A.O.Haverlah and Walt.r A..Schertz. Marshal H.W.Ackerann was ~eo present. On JIOtion ..de by V.&.Bbert, seconded by Blgin Beck. tor 1960 was um.n1mously apprond as rollows ~ Ordinance Bo.)O the Salary Ordinance ~o. ~()" .' / t'/1 -iI~ I BE IT ORDAINED by the City' Council or the Ci t7 ot Schertz. Texas: 1. Th. tollowi1lg amunts sball be paid a8 eo~lftsat1on tor ..nice. tor the Mayor and of'ficers ot the City of' Schertz. Texass . . 2. The Jla10r eba1l rece~v~ $12.00 per year, payable in JIIOD'tl1q instaJJ..nts ot $1.00 per IIOI1tb, aDd such oth.r t.e, and allowances which are or -y be allowed by law, Ordinance or Spec1a1 contract with the City Council. hoa ti_ to ti_. 3. 'lbe City Counc1au shall each be paid the S11ll of' $6.00 per year, to be paid in JIOnthly inst.an..nts ot $ .50 Neh 1*>nth. 4. The C1t7 Secreta17-'reaeuer ,ball rec.l....the SUll ot $60.00 p.r year payable ln monthly ~~nta ot $5.00 each month, and such other tees and all_anees wb1cb are or _y be al10wecl by law, ordinance or special contract with the Clty Council trona tl_ to ti._. 5. The Cit7 Marlsha1 shall receive the sua ot $600.00 per year, payable in JIO~ i_t..1J1I8nts ot $50.00 p.r month and such other tees and allowances vh1cb are or _y be allowed by law, ordinance or sp.cial contract with the Cit7 Council rroM ti. to tiMe - PASSED .A!fD APPROVED this the 8th day ot 'ebrual'y, 1960. Attest: JI.C.JCooh S.c~r;y H.P.Thule.yer, Hqor Ii ( i On aotlon _de by Geo.P.Bolton, seconded by Walter A.Schertz, the Mayor vas instructed to purchase bose and tire equiplllllnt at the b.st price s~bDd.tted b7' .(/), ()t;? s..,.eral tirms, at an approxlute cost ot $2,500.00. 1(;1.1 On mtion ..de by Walter A.Scherts, s.conded by W~Bl'Ebert, the Mayor .as ~C,O(; 9' authorized to purchase noor cOTering and furniture tor the Council Roolll. /;;..'"1 On !IOtlon _de b7 W.E.Ebert, s.conded ~7 Walter A.Schertz. the Ma70r was UJ (of) ., authori." to. enter into an agreement with s9J1eOn8 to have the street eigns /(~ I repainted at a cost ot approxiMately 6S c.nts .aCh. ' There beS,ng no furth.r business, on JIOtion _de by W.BiEbert, seconded by Geo. P.Bo1ton~. the meeting adjoumed. rtS'~,.. -~ ~ .~r Seereta17 58 Rqular ~ting of the Cit,. CouncU of Schertz, 'exaa, held Karch ),1960 vu ca11ed to order b7 Mayor H.P.Thul_,.r. The 'toll~1W Alderw.n were present: BlciD Beck, Gee. P .Bolton, W.B.lbert, A.O.BaYerl_ and Walter A.Sehert.. !J Cit7 Attorn. Louis s.eprt ftS alao preeent. Jf1nutes ot last rep1ar aDd called .etinge were read and on !lOtion _de b7 Walter Schertz. seconded 1>>7 Oee.P.BoltOD, were ~ &pprcwecS. r.o,';{) On _tion aade b7 W.B.Bbert, seconded b7 Blc1n Beck, after a hear1Jlc was 1l1~1) held, the budpt tor 1960 vas utum1l1OuslT adcpted. ~f).oJt \ II( ~} On .tion _de by Oeo.P.Bolton, seconded by .l.O.Raftrlah, an ordinance l,V,~ setting tbe tax rate tor 1960 at 1$ was una~ly approftd as tollow: ,1\ \ . 1~\ ORDDfAMCE 10. )1. On !lOtion -.de b7 A.O.III.ftJ"lah, seconded by 0e0.P .Bolton, the appoint.nt ot R.I.CoebT, J.J.B1ed1cer and MUton Bu~ audit the boob, ftS unaDillDulT &ppJ'OYed. BE rr ORDAIDD BY THB cm CotJRCn OF THE CITY CP 8:IIERl'Z, 'l'EIASa 1. There shall be lnied aDd collected tor the eunwlt 18&r ot 1960, the f'ollalfiDl taDS lIpCll'l all Prapert7, both. real and perSODal. wi thin the corporat.e 1.1Id.ts ot the City ot Schertz. to be used tor the p1U'p.e or aintaiD1ng tbe Cit7, its gcwe~t, streets, an.,. and parka, and tor tbe purpose ot pa71nl1llter8st and sinking tuds upon its indebtedness as prcm.ded b7 law; that there' shall be lerled and collected a tax upon aU personal and real property the Sla ot J$ ot each dollar upon all taxable Propert7. ., !he l8n ot this ltate require that a 'ax Ordi~ shall be adopted at the tirst recular Meting' ot the Cit7 Council ot the Clt7 ot Sehertz ill Jamla17 ot each year, tor the purpose ot ueeee1nc the neces8&J7 tax tor the pllrpoae ot -1ntaJd.nc the City goyeraent and it is so ordained. PASSBD AND APPROVED '!'HIS 'l'HB 'rd da7 ot Karch, 1960. o Attest: M.C.Koch Ci t,. SecretaJ7. On JIOtion ..de b7 W.B.BbeJ"t, MdoDded. b7 Walter A.Sebertz, the tol1ar1.ng bill. were ordered paid: Oaaclalupe County Precinct 10.' tor street _inteDanee $500.00 Schertz VolUllteer Flre Dept. for alntenance 700.00 Clegg Co.. election nppUea 24.11 llalllO Iron Worb. 'ire Iquip...-t 59.a Texaa Munle1pal Leepe. dues .56.00 Secuin BDterpri... pult1isbing notlce U20 Secu1n Goette, pllb1iahing notice 1.20 '0 0\5 On mtian -.de bY'V.B.Ebert, ..conded b7 Blcin Beck, the Scherta Wawr ~f) ~, Vorks,Inc. ,was requested to send letters pertaiD1ng to the Sanita17 Sewer s"ate. I r to all property OIm8J"8, usilW their equ1p.et and authori.e the pa,.ent or all postage and supplies nec....17 was unaJl1..ou17 paaeecl. ~~ ~on ~e by W.B.Ebert, .econded b:,y BleiD B!Pk621 ~. .~ adjournM. ~C"y~~ tr::v~rA.~ ~- B.P .Thul..yer, Mqor. .. "'~... . , I r rl I I l _ : '- 59 aA: RecuJ.ar meeting ot the City CouncU ot Schertz, Texas, held April 4. 1960, was called to order by Ma7OJ" H.P.'l'hulemeyer. The tollowing Aldermen'were present: Elgin Beck, 0.0. P.Bolton, W.E.Ebert. A.O.Haverlah and Walter A.Schertz. . City Marshal Hugo W.Ackermann was a180 present. Minutes or last regu1a.r meeting were read and on motion made b7 Walter A.Schert,z, seconded by Elgin Beck, .ere unanblou'sly approYed. On motion made by Geo.P.Bolton, seconded by W.E.Ebert, the sppoint_nt ot UJ. /)1# George V.Pickrell as Duput7 Marshal tor special occasions, with pay ot '1.00 per It> ~ hour tor the time spent on dut7, was unanimously approved. On lIOtion made b7 W .E.Ebert, t,he payment of the following bills was unanimously apProYedl Scherb Water Works ,Inc., tor postage Maver1.ck.clarke, for office Furniture &: Equipment Heit~ Floors, for Council Room flooring South Texas Printing Co. - printing ballots Louis Saegert, semces as City Attomq Archie Woodward. serrlces as Fire Chiet Hngo W.Aekenaann - expenses ot City Marshal's office . Payment heretofore made to Alamo Iron Works tor Fire Hose and Equipll8nt on which the discount had been 'taken 18.60 /. 66).10'~()' /) I.?' 145.00 1:)7 9.55 75 .00 90.00 150.00 On lIlOtion _de by W.B.Ebert, adjourned. . ~~ City Secretarr 6 l'lIl. feo.~I(. 1,7 7.~ fVr, seconded b7 Geo. P.B01ton, the meetu. ~~--~ ,--- . . Ma10r _ 60 Called JllHt1ng ot the Cit7 CouncU held April 1. 1960 tor tbe purpose ot eaJmls.irc the Tote ot an election held April 5, 1960. was called to order b7 Ma70r R.P .Thule.,.r. . The tol1otrilll A~e~D w~re present; A.O.Baftrlab, Blg1D Beck, Walter A.Schert.. Oeo. P.Bo1ton am W.E.Ebert. ,~ CanYaseing ot the Totes proceeded and the talq sbeet was caretalq liP checked. . , ft4 I The total I1UJIt>er ot Tot.. ~lled ... 366. \ H.P. Thule.yer rece1Ted 114 Tote. tor llayor R07. W.Richard " 186 '.' " " 'Gee. P.Bolton " 222 " " A1de~ \ A.O.Baftrlah " 182 " " . R.B.SteclJIan " 131 " " . George W.RalrlaDi . 131 .. . . Hugo W..lcke~ " 250 " " . Marshal Ja.s A.~ll " 102 . . . Dallas G~q " 1 " . " The tollowing .ere declared elected tor the meue1ng two 1Mre. ROT W.Richard, Geo.P.Bolton. A.O.Baftrlah. Halo W.Ackerlllann, Mqor Alderan .l1d8l'!lBn Marshal 0,4> On 1IOt10D ade by Wal~r A..Sehert., .econded b7 ~..P.Bolton, ~O..~ account due Alamo Iran VOM tor tire hose allOUnt1ng to $113.00 was I t unaniJlOU17 approved and ordered paid. Motion _de 177 Geo.P.Bolton. .econded by Walter A.Schertz, the ..ttnc adjourned. ~~ Secreta17 tffJ~ 'C";,. ) --.. o o o j I' I' I ' ,..--.. I I, '61' Regular aeeting of the City Council of Schertz, Texas, held Ma7 2, 1960. The follOldng were present: Mayor R. W .Richard. Aldermen Elgin Beck, Geo. P.Bolton, W.E.Ebert., A.O.Haverlah and Walter A.Schertz, City Attorney LoulsSaegert and Marshal H.W.Ackermann. Minutes of last regular and called _eting were read and on motion _de by Walter A.Schert.z, seconded by Gep.P.Bolton, were unan1B)usly approved. On IICJtton DlAde by Geo. P.Bolton. seconded by W.B.Ebert, the Mayor was (,.~.~,~ I directed to netotiA.'te v:lth Mrs.Nadine Reicherzer and Geoge W.Rowland, to get /;1./ people to sign an agre..nt to take sewer service, was unanil'llOuslyapproved. On J1K)tion DIe.de by A.O.Baverlah, seconded by W.E.Ebert, t.he Mayor .as instructed to appoint' two _mbers of the Council to contact the Commissioners Court of Guadalup County, to ask that the Count7 pay a specitied aJIIOunt ~ 0 /)80' to thp City of Schertz tor furnishing fire protection outside of the City , (, ot Schertz limits in Guadalupe County, was unanil'llOusly approved. IlJ ' " On I'IIOtion of W9lter A.Schertz, seconded by W.E.Ebert, the Mayor was instructed to send a letter to H.C.Slade informing him that trailers could ,0, 0;/1 not be ~8rlted on Streets and must be removed. was unsnil'llOusly approved. j J,. I) On motion DlAde by W.E.Ebert, seconded by Geo.P.Bolton, an ordinance accepting the speed llmits as det.erm1ned by the State Highway Depart_nt, b O. ~;) ~ was unan~ approved as follows: I ;;.f -it 0,/(> Ordinance No. 32. BE 1'1' ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: WHEREAS, in Schertz, Texas, an engineering and traffic invest.igation has been, JIIlde to 'determine the max1J1lUm, reasonable, and prfident speeds on the section ot: , .M. 18 Highway trom the West City limits of Schertz to the East City limits for a distance of 1.014 miles apprOximately, 1I'.M.lS18 Highway from the North City Limits of Schertz to F.M.'78 for a distance of 1.000 miles approxiDlAtely, WHEAREAS, it has been detem1ned by the engineering and traffiO investigation that the marllllUll reasondle, and prudent speeds for the section ot highwa7 described above are shown en the attached plan: NCW, THEREFORE, it is herew1 th ordained and determined that the maxiJll1ll, reasonRltle, and prudent ~ limits for that section of highway described above to be as shown on the attached. plans. , PASSED AND APPROV'ID this the 13th day of May, 1960. Attest: M.C.loch Ci t7 Secre~ry. Roy W. Richard Ma~ On motion made by W.E.Ebert, seconded by Blgin Beck, the Marshal was /,0, gt3 instructed t.o make a sUrYey and order the necessay street signs to regulate J traffic. ~. by W.E.Ebert. et ty Secretary seconded by A.O.Haverlah, the meeting adjourned. -G?~c:i2)/~~ Mayor 0'" {,f),O~~ /1l( ra~ O,D \R (~~ Called _et1ng of the City Council of Schertz, Texas, held Ma7 13, 1J6O. '!'he f'ollow1ng wre present: Mayor Jl.~.Ric:hard, Alde~n Elgin Beck, Geo. P.Bolton, W.E.Ebert,. A.O.BaYerlali am Walt,er A.Schertz. Marshal H.W.AckertanD and City Attornq Louis Saegert were also preeant. On MOtion ._de b7 Walter A.Scher.tz. ..conded by W.E.lbert, the Marshal was instructed to order 2.5 right of' way e1gns, 7 stop s1gne, 2 dead end signs and 11 twent7 1II1.le speed l1.II1 t signs, was unaniJlOusly approYed. On JIOt10n _de by Geo.P.Bolton, ..conded by Walter A.Schertz, the Mayor was inetrueted to h.e a telephone installed in the Council Roo., vas UDi1lOUsly approved. On JIOt1on _de b7 W.E.E1>>rt, seconded b7 Geo. P .Bol ton, a lIOt1on to adjoum approved. ~ C1 ty Secretar,r , ,..I n o o 63 r, l ! Regular meeting of the City Council of Schertz, TeDs, held June 6, 1960, was called to order by Mayor R.W.Richard. The tollowing Aldermen were present: Elgin Beck, G89.P.Bolton, W.E.Ebert, A.O.Baverlah and Walter A.Schertz. City Attorney Louis Saegert was also present. Minutes ot last regular and called meeting were read and on IIDtion made by W.B.!hert, seconded by Geo.P.Bolton were unanil80usly approved. On nction made by Walter A.Sehertz, seconded by A.O.HaveratI. resignation ot H.W.Ackermann as City Harshal, was unanilllouely apprved. ~. ()').? 1{)~ ~l o')C6 f !) !:J ;33 On !lOtion made by Geo.P.Bolton, seconded by W.E.Ebert, an ordiname creating the position of Policeman, was unaniJlOusl7 approved as tollows; ORDl'ClIICI'-'No. 33. BI IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL (F THE CITY CF S::HERTZ, TEXAS: --- i I I That there is hereby created the position of policeman for the City ot Schertz ~ Texas, who, shall have all the powers, rights, and authori t7 as has heretofore ,been vested in the City Harbsarof the Cit7 of Schertz, Texa, by statute and by ordinance. Such policeman shall receive a salary of $50.00 per JOOnth and he shall serve in such office for a term conrnencing on the 6th day of June, 1960 and expiring on the 1st day of January, 1961. Such policeman for the City of Schertz, Texas, shall give bond in a SUM not less that $5,000.00, payable to the Mayor of this cit7. and his successors in offloe, conditioned that the said policeman giv1~ saJll8 will faithfully oerto1"lll all the duties of his office that are, or that may be Uposed on him 8ccording to law and the ordinances of the City of Schertz, Texas, and will conply with all the lawful orders of the City Council of said City and. account tor and pay to the persons entitled to receive the same, all JOOnies coming into his hands by virture of his office. Hugo W.Ackermann is hereby apoointed policeman of the City of Schertz, TeDs, for the term cOJ'll'll8ncing the 6th day or June, 1960 and expiring the 1st day or January, 1961. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 2TH DAY OF June, 1960. ETESl' . M.C.Koch Ci ty Secretary. Roy W.Richard, Mayor i , i I I On motion made by Gee.P .Bolton, seconded by Elgin Beck, the resignation (;O,()J.q ot M.C.Koch ae City Secretary was unantnously approved. /0 If On JIlOtion made by Walter A.Schertz, seconded by W.E.Ebert, the regular meeting of the City Council be held July 11,1960 itlatead ot Ju~ 4,1960 was (,0, 0 ~O unanimously apl)roved. ' / ~D On moe1bnnmade by Geo.P.Bolton, seconded by Walter A.Schertz, the Mayor was instruced to order three ba*s , one tor the Fire Marilhall and two tor deputies. ~Ebert. City Secretary seconded by Geo. P.Bolton, the Jllll8tlng adjoumed. ~ 0?~IJJ Mayor 64- (J) II ~1' / '0(1 o1l5 lt~'I& I . Called meet1ng or the C1ty Counc1l or Schertz, Texas held June 22, 1960 was calle4 to order by Mayor R. W. .R~ehards. '!'he rollowtng Aldermen were present: Elg1n Beck, Geo. P. Bolton, if. E. Ebert, A. o. Haverlah and Walter A. Schertz. "' . H. W. Ackermann and 01 ty At.torney Lou1s Saeger.t .were also present. On motIon made by Walter A. Schertz, seconded by.Geo. P. Bolton, the appo1ntment orRalphR. Ikels as C1ty Secretary- Treasurer waa unanimously approved~ On mot1on made by Walter A. Schertz, seconded by Geo. P. Bolton, J. J. B1ed1ger, R. R. Cosby and C. W. Hebert were app01nted as a comm1ttee to aud1t the books. Mot10n was unan1mously approved. , On motion made by Walter A. Schertz, seconded by W. E. Ebert, the meet1ng was adjourned. ~JC/!!.;,AIa. .~ . ~~~~nI~,.. .. ..-: ,;:, ,ir.: ........."':_ ,--oil. n o o r I , , i I, ! I I ' 65~' Called Meeting of the Clty Councll of Schertz, Texas was held June 29, 1960. Meetlng was called to order by Mayor Roy W. Richards. Tbe followlng Alde~en were present: Elgln Beck, Geo. P. Bolton, A. O. Haverlah and Walter A. Schertz. City Policeman Hugo W. Ackermann was also present. Minutes of the last called meeting were read and on a motion by Geo. P. Bolton, leconded by Walter A. Schertz, the ~lnutes were unanimously approved as read. On a motion made by Geo. P. Bolton, seconded by Walter A. Schertz, Clty Pollceman Hugo W. Ackermann was appointed to collect peddlers permit tees. Motion was unanimously approved. On a motion made by Walter A. Schertz, seconded by Geo. P. Bolton, the Orr1ce or C1ty'Marshal be lert temporar1ly vacant. Motion was unanimously approved. On a motion made by Geo. P. Bolton, seconded by Walter A. Scber tz, that City Foliceman Hugo W. Ackermann be paid his expense allowance to date and kept up to date. Motion was unanimously a~proved. 'D. 031 /65 t.o, ()~5 IOf, ~O. "'O~' 10 G" On a motion made by Geo. P. Bolton, seconded by A. O. Haverlah, the meeting was adjourned. ~V1Iho~ 0?~~~ ayor 66 ~.Q'!J.? l~~ (pO .f) 1; q \~O (;03>' U I ()0 ~,?J~ Regular Meeting of the City Councll of Schertz, Texas was l" held July 11, 1960. J The meeting was called to order by Mayor Roy W. Richard. The following Aldermen were present: Elg1n Beck, Geo. P. Bolton, A. O. Haverlah, W.E. Ebert and Walter A. Schertz. C1 ty Policeman Hugo W. Ackermann and Oi ty Attorney Louis Saegert were also present. Mlnutes of the last called meetlng were read and on a motion by Geo. P. Bolton, seconded by Elgln Beck, themlnutes'were unanimously approved as read. Mr. Otis D. Sale, Jr., Industrial Engineer for the Southern Paciflc Ra1lroad was present and answered questlons ondra1nage problems and cleaning rlght-of-way along railroad tracks. On motion made by Walter A. Schertz, seconded by W. E. Ebert, ,that the City of Schertz purchase a 3 drawer legal size fire- proof file cabinet from Maverick-Clarke. Motion was unanimously approved. On motton made by Geo. p. Bolton, seconded by Elgin Beck, I-l that the following bills be pald: August Stollals . 3.00 l I Sargent-Sowell, Inc. $35.60 - Motton was unanimously approved. On motion by Elgin Beck, seconded by Geo. P. Bolton, that the City Secretary-Treasurer be authorlzed a tlO.OO petty cash fund. Motion was unanlmously approved. On motion by Walter A. Schertz, seconded by W. E. Ebert, an ordinance extending the author 1 ty to make arrests by any police off1cer of the City of Schertz was unanimously passed as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 34 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXA8 : SECTION 1: That, arrests, w1thout warrant may be made by any police officer of the Cit.y of Schertz, when offenses aga1nst the laws or ordinances are committed 1n their presence or where persons are found in suspicious places, and under c1rcumstances which reasonably show that such persons have been guilty of some felony or breach of the peace, or threaten or are about to commit ... some otfense aga1nst the law. Passed and approved, this the 11th day of July, 1960. Boy W. Richerd Mayor o Attest: llalpp R. Ikels Secy. -Treas. t,'. .,~~. _II f R7 I, On motlon by Geo. P. Bolton, seconded QY Elgin Beck, an ordlnance providing for fllllng the Office of Recorder or Judge of the Cor~ratlon Court by appolntment as authorized by law, was unanimously passed as fo llows: (/;.04/ I '?t? -:;.,~ ORDINANCE NO. 35 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR FILLING THE OFFICE OF RECORDER OR JUDGE OF THE CORPORATION COURT BY APPOINTMENT AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW: Whereas, Article l197a, Revised Clvll Statutes as enacted by House Blll No. 53, passed by the Regular Session of the ,53rd Leglslature, 1953, authorlzed the governing body of cltles operatlng under the general laws to provlde for the filling of the office of Recorder of the Corporation Court by appointment. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, ~~: , SECTION 1, After the effective date of this ordinance the office of Recorder or Judge of the Corporation Court shall be fllled by appoin~eb~ by the City Council. SECTION 2. The Recorder of t he Corporation Court shall perform the duties as prescribed' by the laws of the State of Texas. SECTION 3. The Recorder shall be appointed for a term of office ru~ning concurrently with that of ~he Mayor. He shall receive such compensation as the City Council shall flx by ordinance or resolution and shall fUrnish such surety bond as may be required by the City Council, the premlum to be paid by the City. SECTION 4: The City Secretary shall be ex officio clerk of the said court, and he is hereby authorized to appoint a deputy / wi th the same power as the secretary, on the advice and consent ( of the pity Council, which said clerk and deputy clerk shall hold office for the then current term of the Clty Secretary. The , clerk and deputy clerk shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the said court, issue all process, and generally perform all the duties of tbB clerk of a court as prescribed by law for a county cleric in so far as the same may be applicable, and perform all other duties provided by law or ordinan,ce. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage. Passed and approved this the 11th day of July, 1960. Roy W. Ri chard Mayor Attest: Ralph R. Ikels Secy. -Treas. ,-. , I On mot1on by Walter A. Schertz, seconded byA. O. Haverlah, ~o.Or~ the next regular City Councll meeting shall be held on August 8, lGcl 1960. The motion was unan1mously approved. On motion by W. E. Ebert, seconded by Geo. P. Bolton, the meeting was adjourned. ~0J-h..~ Clty Secretary ~;r4a.) fl~ \~..~~ ~ \1/;)" ~ ~I{)~ () ~ V,) let)' \) \\ {) t)~ \. ~ '1-l) \.l ~D.O~1 [C~ Regular Meetlng or the Clty Councll of Schertz, Texas was held August 8. 1960. [J The meeting was called to order by Mayor Roy W. Richard. The following Aldermen were present: Elgin Beck, Geo. P. Bolton, W. E. Ebert and Walter A. Schertz. Ci ty Policeman Hugo W. Ackermann ,as also present. Minutes of the last called mee~tng were read and on a motlon by W. E. Ebert, seconded by Walter A. Schertz, the minutes were unanlmously approved. Mr. C. F. Braunlg, Senlor Trafflc Englneer, Texas Hlghway Department, discussed Improvement o~ intersection of Maln Street and F.M. Road 1518. On a motlon by Geo. P. Bolton, seconded by Elg1n Beck, the Texas Hlghway Department be author1zed to proceed wlth the lmprove- ment of the lntersectlon of Kain street and F.M. Road 1518 as detalled on Hlghway Department Plans. Mot10n was unanimously approved. On a motion by W. E. Ebert, seconded by Walter A. Schertz, the next regular Councl1 meeting shall be held on September 12, 1960. Motlon was unanimously approved. On a motion by Elgin Beck, seconded by W. E. Ebert, that the financial statement be publlshed ln the Valley News. Motlon was unanimously approved. On a motion by Geo. P. Bolton, seconded by Walter A. Schertz, tha~ the Clty take Pub11c L1abl11ty '1nsurance from Muehl & Koebig in Seguln in the amounts of $50,000 bodllf lnjury each person, $100,000 bodlly lnjury each accident and $5,000 property damage each accident. Motlon was unanlmously approved. On a motion by W. E. Ebert, seconded by Elgln Beck, that the following bllls be paid: Valley News - $70.67; Maverick Clark $306.00. Mot10n was unan1mously approved. ,. On a mot10n by Walter A. Schertz, seconded by W. E. Ebert, that Flre Chlef Archle Woodward be paid h1s salary monthly. Motion was unan1mously approved. [j Motlon by W. E. Ebert, seconded by Geo. P. Bolton, the meeting was adjourned. ~e~ o/~i~~,f , ayor D .:. .}~i;_., ~ ,:, ,j't 1. 69 I Regular meeting of the Ci ty Council of Schertz, Texas was held September 12, 1960. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Roy W. Richard. The following Aldermen were present: Elgin Beck, Geo. P. Bolton, A. O. Haverlah, W. E. Ebert and Walter A. Schertz. City Policeman Hugo W. Ackermann and City Attorney Louis Saegert were also present. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and on a motion by Welter A. Schertz, seconded by Geo. P. Bolton, the minutes were unanimously approve~ c,o.o'lt Mr. Robert Uhr and Mr. J. W. Alexander of the United Gas Company /b~ appeared before the C1 ty Council to discuss the Gas Company franchise. , Fire Marshal Fritz Rusch appeared before the City Council in reference to a gasoline safety ordinance. Copy was turned over to City Attorney Louis Saegert. On a motion by Walter A. Schertz, seconded by Geo. P. Bolton, the following resolution was unanimously approved: ~ t) , 0 ~q / () , That George Pickrell is hereby appointed Recorder of the Corporation Court of the C1~ of Schertz, Texas, his compensation shall be the sum of $ GOO. e9 per annum, payable in equal consecutive monthly installments, and such other fees as may be allowed by the City Council. The said Recorder shall, before entering upon the duties of his office give bond in the sum of $ , conditioned as required by law and ordinance of this council. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: 1_ ",,0 /,~IV 114 100 11 That Ralph Ikels is hereby appointed City Secretary of the City of Schertz, Texas, he shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of $ <e>O. ~ per annum, payable in equal consecutive monthly installments, and such other fees as may be allowed by the council. The City Secretary shall, before entering upon the duties of his office give bond as required by ordinance of the City of Schertz, Texas. That the appointment of Mrs. Tommie Ackermann as Assistant C1 ty )( Secretary and Deputy Clerk is hereby approved by the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas. That such assistant Secretary of the Ci ~ of Schertz, T~xas shall perform all of the duties of Clerk of the Corporation Court as provided by law and by ordinance of the City of Schertz, Texas. The said Assistant Secretary shall receive as -- compensation for this services the sum of $ per annum, payable in equal consecutive monthly installments, and such other fees as may be allowed by the council. The said Assistant Secretary shall, before entering upon the duties of this office give bond in the sum of $ , conditioned as required by law and by ordinance of this council. 10 PASSED AND APPROVED th1s the l'2.i:.h SePT. day of ~, 1960. Roy W. R1chard Mayor Attest: Ral~h R. Ikels ecretary On a mot10n by Walter A. Schertz, seconded by Geo. P. Bolton, that the Segu1n Enterpr1se be des1gnated as the off1c1al newspaper for the pub11cat10n of ord1nances, notices, etc. Mot10n was un an 1mously approved. On a mo t1. on by Geo. P. Bo 1 to n , following b1lls be pa1d: Muehl & Koeb1g B & B Plumb1ng Valley News H. P. Garner ;r. M. Marshall Mot10n was unan1mously approved. seconded by Elg1n Beck, the $508.75 5.92 10.78 6.00 26.25 On a mot10n by Geo. P. Bolton, seconded by Elgin Beck, that two sets of forms for the Fire Marshal be pr1nted by the South Texas pr1nting Company. Mot10n was unan1mously approved. Mot10n by Walter A. Schertz, seconded by Beo. P. Bolton, that the meeting adjourn. ~€~~~ . ,;t'.:;::JI ., [ i ..... [J o