05.23.2022 MinutesSCHERTZ PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING DATE & TIME: Monday, May 23, 2022; 5:30 PM LOCATION: Bobs Andrew Conference Room Board Members Present: William Bosch, Vice - Chair; Sally Macias; Robert Sheridan III; James Garvin; Shawn Moore; Brad Snow Staff Present: Lauren Shrum, Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services; Analyse Miranda, Parks Board Secretary; Brian James, Assistant City Manager Others Present: Call to order: Meeting was called to order by Mr. Bosch at 5:47 PM. Hearing of residents: Charlie Roskowski Mr. Roskowsk notified the Parks Board of the issues of the Oak St sidewalk at Pickrell Park Pool, the ADA problems at the pool as well, parking and dog enforcement issues at Pickrell Park Regular Agenda: Agenda Item No. 1. Minutes: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes from March 28, 2022 meeting. Motion to approve the March 28, 2022, minutes as recorded of the Schertz Parks and Recreation Advisory Board regular meeting: Motion: Shawn Moore Second: Sally Macias Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 Abstains: 0 Approved: Yes Agenda Item No 2. Pre- Budget Discussions and Project List Feedback: Ms. Shrum presented pre- budget discussions regarding Park Maintenance, Park and Trail Capital Improvement Projects, Recreation, Special Events, Senior Center, and Public Art. Ms. Shrum stated that grant programs are very important to all processes. Ms. Shrum reviewed each park's needs for maintenance and long -term improvement projects. Mr. Bosch recommended that we rely on the expertise of local organizations like Friends of Cresent Bend Nature Park for Cresent Bend Nature Park improvement needs at those parks. Mr. Moore inquired if we work with invasive species management and Ms. Shrum stated that the Parks Department currently does not do intensive management but does control some bamboo. Mr. Snow offered that some projects can be assisted by the Boy Scout Project Program. Ms. Shrum stated that she will send a list of potential projects to Mr. Snow. Ms. Shrum shared the Park and Trail Capital Improvement Projects list that is also shared with council and at budget retreat. She stated that no financial decisions have been made but leaning toward Wendy Swan Memorial Park for next year's improvements due to additional improvements already being made to the park. Ms. Shrum opened the floor for board input and discussion. Mr. Snow suggested Thulemeyer Park and Pickrell Park needs a dog run due to people having off leashed dogs and the lack of owners picking up dog feces. Mr. Sheridan requested continued improvements to the Schertz Soccer Complex. Mr. Garvin noted all the positive improvements the Parks Department has done to include the trail project and parts of Wendy Swan Memorial Park being completed. Mr. Moore questioned if any fundraising efforts possible and Mr. James stated a park foundation would be able to assist in these efforts but would need to consider equity issues because more affluent neighborhoods would be able to raise funds quicker. Mr. Bosch stated that there are a lot of parks for such a small city and if the city would be able to off load any of the smaller parks. Ms. Shrum stated that it is possible, but the residents would need to vote on a ballot initiative to sell parkland. The issue is that many of the sites aren't developable for any other purpose. Ms. Shrum stated that she will send Mr. Garvin with backflow cage list needs due to his expertise and see if he could assist in anyway. Agenda Item No 3. Update on Trail Projects: Ms. Shrum announced that the FM1103 trail segment is complete. Also, the segment at Wiederstein Road and the Schertz Parkway has a tentative Grand Opening will be on June 211t at 6:OOpm. Ms. Shrum will send an official invitation to the board once finalized. Ms. Shrum shared the trail map from Great Northern Trail Meeting again and stated that she is continuing discussions with the Great Springs Project organization. The Great Springs Project plan has been officially announced and reviewed with the board and Ms. Shrum has joined the Steering Committee for the organization. Ms. Shrum announced that she also attends the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail Meetings due to the close proximity of that trail system. Agenda Item No 4. Requests from Advisory Board for Future Agenda: The board requests to make a schedule for the yearly topics and add it to the agendas. Motion: Shawn Moore Second: Sally Macias Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 Abstains: 0 Approved: Motion approved Agenda Item No 5. Announcements by Advisory Board Chairman and Board Members: None. Announcements by City Staff: Upcoming City events — • Pool Season Opening — May 281h • Music and Movie in the Park —June 11th thru July 30th • Project Flagline —July 1" • 4" of July Jubilee • Ed -ZOO- cation —July 16th & September 17th • Grand Opening of Trial —June 21" • Parks and Recreation Month — Full Month of July • Parks and Recreation Month Proclamation at Council Meeting —July 12th Adjournment: Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 PM. Motion: Brad Snow Second: James Garvin Ayes: 6 Nays Approved: Motion approved Chair /Vice- Chair, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 0 Abstains: 0 ecording Secretary, City of Schertz