7-27-23 MinutesPage 1 of 8 SCHERTZ HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMITTEE THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2023 6:30 PM MEETING MINUTES Committee Members in Attendance: Becki Babcock Barbara Hall Christopher Hormel Dr. Miguel Vazquez Roz Wise Committee Members Absent: Patrick Holmes Maggie Titterington Tricia Whitman Guest in Attendance: Ronald Henry City Representatives in Attendance: Brian James Cyndi Simmons CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM by Chairperson Miguel Vazquez. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS •Ronald Henry, Owner of 505 Exchange DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION ITEMS 1.Minutes – Consideration and/or action regarding the approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 22, 2023. •Chris Hormel motioned and Roz Wise seconded to approve the minutes as written. Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS 2.SHPC Entry in July 4th Parade (Miguel Vazquez) Received 2nd place ribbon for 5 cars entered in the parade. 3.SHPC Future Meetings Venue (Miguel Vazquez) Discussion to continue to meet the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Bob Andrews Conference Room. Exceptions: November and December, no meeting. After further discussion, going back to 6:00 PM start time in consideration of staff and members agreeing that 6:00 PM agrees with their schedules. 4.Follow-Up Concerns Regarding 6/6/23 City Council Meeting (All) Chris Hormel remarked that his only concern is that is this issue going to die? He doesn’t want to be in a state of limbo forever. Either the City makes a decision, which is totally their prerogative, and keeps us and we start working towards new bylaws, doing some other stuff, or they say your services are no longer needed and we go and do something else. His only Page 2 of 8 concern is that having this linger over this body’s head for months needs to stop. So, either it gets resolved and we remain a City sponsored committee, or it doesn’t, but it’s very frustrating and he hopes Brian can see their frustration having this over them takes the wind of their sails. Why would they want to do anything. They weren’t ready and didn’t know that it was going before City Council the first time and then the second time. Brian James remarked that he didn’t either. Again, we had the first meeting which made the committee aware what the direction was and Council decided to keep them as a City Board or Commission and we’ll go from there. What his understanding was on the second one, that was the change to the nominating process because that was the only thing we hadn’t run. What the City Secretary needed to take the item to Council to approve the nominating process which we were all good with and solves the problem we’ve been having which is: Nomination comes in, it goes to the SHPC first, you vet it and make the recommendation to the committee and if you were good with it then take to Council. Council asked to make sure that the SHPC wanted to continue as a committee and it will go back to Council on August 18 to be affirmed. Chris Hormel commented that the whole change of the nominating process came from Council. Brian James confirmed that was the whole issue, we had to take it to the full Council to say SHPC and everyone seemed fine with it. That isn’t what the topic ended up being, which is part of the confusion. He confirmed that it will go back on August 18 and affirm that the SHPC, as before, wants to continue as a City Board or Commission. Miguel Vazquez commented that there was a lot of discussion though; that they didn’t want to post minutes or agendas, a lot of discussion about not wanting to follow rules and regulations of the City, term self-sufficient was in there; so, people ran with that particular term and in essence was that it was a renegade committee. From City Council’s standpoint, they’re saying if they don’t want to do this, then why do they want to be part of the City. We’ve never said that we don’t want to post agendas or have the minutes… we’ve done it the whole time. Brian James responded to clarify, he doesn’t think there were any issues that you didn’t want to post the agenda or minutes, what it was the issue that the committee wanted to meet outside of the posted meetings to work on business with a quorum. You’ve clarified that that’s never occurred and that’s not what you all want to have happen and that’s when he took that back to Council. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to post the meeting or the minutes, it was a slightly different topic. Miguel Vazquez reiterated that Brian will take back to Council that nothing has changed except for the nominating process. That process is we’re doing it in reverse. The SHPC interviews first followed by the City, rather than the other way around. Chris Hormel also reiterated that it still has to go through the City’s process, we’re just interjecting something prior to. Roz Wise remarked that the process last month was that she and Miguel Vazquez interviewed Maggie Titterington and then presented to the City and it never came back to the committee. Brian James commented that his understanding was that someone applies to be on the committee, the City Secretary’s office will forward the application to the Chairperson, the Chairperson would then schedule a meeting or at your next monthly meeting, and you would interview that person at the meeting and then based on that you would make the recommendation to the City’s Nominating Committee (through the City Secretary) and then they would recommend the appointment and be brought to Council. His impression was that Page 3 of 8 if you didn’t think it was good fit, that the process would stop there. Chris Hormel commented that the way this has actually worked in the past was that he did not interview for the SHPC. It was, there’s no room on these other committees, would you be willing to do this and that’s what we wanted to get away from. It would make sure that it was someone that wanted to be on this Committee. The same thing happened with Patrick. When he talked to Patrick, he never went in front of the board for this committee. Roz Wise remarked that she had spoken to him at last year’s Jubilee and he indicated he did want to be on this committee. Miguel Vazquez explained further that instead of taking up a meeting for the interview, they are going to have a subcommittee interview initially and then bring it to the rest of the committee. So, for example, the next one they have, they will interview in the third week of the month so they can present to the committee at the fourth week of the month. Brian James clarified that a subcommittee interviews and make recommendation to the rest of the SHPC at the next meeting. Roz Wise interjected and asked if it would be better to just have the subcommittee interview and make the recommendation to Council and cut out the middleman of having to go before the entire SHPC. Becki Babcock agreed. Brian James remarked that his understanding is that a number of times per year the nominating board convenes to interview candidates for the boards and commissions for that cycle. In between those times, what they have done in the past is the City Secretary will send an email out to the people on that committee and let them know there is a person who has applied and ask if there are any objections. Assuming there are no objections, it goes to Council, so you don’t have to wait for that quarterly cycle. His understanding is that whatever point it comes from the SHPC, a positive recommendation would be forwarded through the City Secretary to email the Nominating Committee and put it on a Council agenda, so you don’t have to wait for the quarterly cycle. Chris Hormel remarked that when Councilman Davis and the Mayor came to their meeting, it was their understanding that it would have to wait until the next quarterly meeting. Cyndi Simmons remarked that she’s not sure how Maggie’s approval got through. Brian James advised this is a good example of why we need a clear process, so again, the question for the SHPC is at it stands now, you will have a subcommittee do the interview, the subcommittee will then make a recommendation to the SHPC first who will vote on the recommendation, and that recommendation if it’s positive will go to the City Secretary who will then send out to the appointment committee and if they don’t have an objection it will go before Council. 5. Storage Space Secured; Progress on IT Requests (City Staff/All) We have a 10’ x 10’ space, climate-controlled, at A-AAAKey Storage. Roz Wise remarked that Dean Weirtz indicated he would be willing to donate all of the artifacts that he is currently storing in his home if we had a secure, climate-controlled environment. Roz Wise will contact him to make plans to move the items. Chris Hormel has also agreed to assist with this process. Brian James reported on the progress with IT. One of the issues they had is that the city has a contract for Microsoft for Office 365. It’s problematic to get you on through that. They suggested the best way to do it is the city pay for an Office 365 membership for the members. The question IT had was do you know how to use it. Chris Hormel remarked that the problem might be that he has a 365 account so if you have a personal and a business if they’re not separated, then it can mess it up. If you want us to get it in our own name. Brian James replied that you need a different email address for using the SHPC site if you have a current 365 Page 4 of 8 account. The city would then pay for it and you would invite each other to the SharePoint site. Brian James asked if anyone needs training. Miguel Vazquez, Roz Wise, Chris Hormel, and Becki Babcock all have 365 currently. Roz Wise asked if the city would be the administrator and Brian James advised that they would be the administrators. If someone leaves the committee, they have to remove them from access to the site. Brian James advised we would have an IT person at the next meeting to show the group how it works. 6. Schertz Main Street Area Preservation Grant for 505 Exchange Street (City Staff/All) Ron Henry, Owner of 505 Exchange Avenue, Guest – He purchased the property last year and have been working really hard to renovate. Brian James advised there are two different grants – one is the Historic Preservation Grant that runs through this committee for a recommendation and then on to City Council. The structure needs to be eligible – generally historic and over 50 years old. The other grant is the Main Street Local Flavor Grant – doesn’t have to be historic, but generally along Main Street and we had a half-dozen or so of the historic ones early, but when we created the Local Flavor Grant, that’s what everybody’s been doing since then and we’ve had approximately 18 to 24 come through for that Grant and so it’s been awhile since once has come through for the Historic Preservation Grant. What happened in this case is that the property on Exchange was not eligible because it wasn’t in that defined area. However, Council advised that if you have a landmark designation from the city, then you’re eligible. 505 Exchange has that designation, making them eligible for the grant. One thing that happened with the Historic Preservation Grant is about 2-3 years ago, for structures used for residential, Council limited what the grant could be used for. The property is at Exchange and Lindbergh, behind the Masonic Lodge. See attached photos. The other stipulation is that you have to be current on your taxes. This property did receive the Historic Designation. One challenge going forward on some of these properties, the appraisal district no longer seems to list the age of the structure like they used to. Brian James further explained that the grant is for up to $20,000 and a 50/50 matching grant. For example, if you need to redo the foundation and the roof and the cost is $40,000, then we can match up to $20,000. You do the work, we verify the work, and then we provide the funds. The grant can only be used for painting the exterior, roof, windows, foundation, façade restoration – it’s much more restricted. He has prepared the documents pending approval from SHPC to forward to City Council for approval. Mr. Henry has only asked for funds to help cover the cost of the roof. Roz Wise asked if you may apply for the grant more than one time. Brian James responded that yes, you may apply more than once, but generally what they’ve said is that you can only get up to $20,000 total. For example, someone only uses $9,000 and then comes back in three years requesting additional funds, up to $11,000 can be awarded (not totaling more than $20,000). Chris Hormel remarked that if you look in the rules, Section 1.4, paragraph B., it says “grants (plural) are available with a cap of $20,000 per property. Ron Henry remarked that when they started this project, he was very lost in the process in trying to figure out everything, the process moves very quickly. He thanked Brian, Miguel, and Becki for helping. He heard there was a grant and you have X amount of time to get these projects done. If you’re not paying cash for the whole project and you don’t have a deep pocket to do these, you have to get moving. So, as he started to move along on this project very quickly, he Page 5 of 8 searched the internet, searched through Schertz sites to try to figure it out, and then realized after speaking with Becki Babcock, was that he wasn’t eligible. The whole point of doing this home was to restore this home and make it beautiful for Schertz and so when he found out there was a grant, he tried to immediately act on it. They’ve already done the foundation work, plumbing, electrical, fence, and all other restoration and obtained permits from the city. His big grand idea was to finish the home off with a branch new, red seamless metal roof because that’s what it shows in the history book as, and let’s also dress up the outside with a nice fence to help preserve the project. One of the issues he’s run into is that the area is a little rough – they’ve had to run quite a few vagrants off, homeless people on the property. Then he found out that the grant doesn’t include a fence. And he has already done the foundation, so he can’t go back and apply for funds for that item. Becki Babcock asked if there was a way to remedy that – if someone doesn’t know and gets lost in the process. It kills her to think he can’t do another project or anyone else can’t because the process isn’t clear for people. Brian James remarked that there’s a couple of things. One of the things is that when it was just the Main Street grant area, when someone comes in to permits, fees are waived for that area. They understand that there are no fees in that area and that we have a grant program and they usually refer the citizen to the grant program. What we will try to do is to make sure permits has a list of landmark properties so that, hopefully, they catch it on a landmark and refer them to the SHPC historic grant. Right now, the application can be found under Business & Development > Development Resources > Schertz Main Street Incentive Programs > Preservation. We’ll add the Landmark list to that page. Chris Hormel suggested we put the two grants into a brochure so we can have that for an event and have at the counter in City Hall. Roz Wise asked if Ron Henry would be living in the house and he said eventually. Right now, he’s using it as a full-functioning Airbnb. Chris Hormel also mentioned in Section 1.4, there is no waiver process. “Grants will not be provided for work already completed.” So, there’s no recourse to retroactively go back or waiver. Brian James replied that on the Historic Grant there’s not; however, on the Local Flavor Grant, because of what is covered that is different, we have a provision if it’s an “emergency repair”, such as an A/C repair (covered under that grant but not Historic), that provision allows us to run the grant (although does not guarantee they will get it) and if it’s within a reasonable amount of time, it can be covered. If you want to make a recommendation for going forward, you certainly can, but because emergency type repairs aren’t covered (plumbing, A/C, electrical), there typically isn’t a need for that. Chris Hormel commented the Historic Grant is to make the property look pretty again, if you look at the stuff it covers – paint, exterior stuff, etc. Brian James’ understanding with working with Dean Weirtz, it’s not so much as to make a property pretty, but it is intended to preserve the structure. The concern is that if you don’t fix the foundation or roof, then the structure starts to rot. Before it was to make it pretty, but a few years ago they went to go this other way to cover structure. The debate they always had was, are we paying for someone’s kitchen countertops? That was how they got to these parameters. They don’t receive too many of these grant requests anymore, and now that we’ve Page 6 of 8 opened it up to landmark, it’s probably worth seeing. The other things you could do is send a letter from the committee out to the landmark properties and let them know about the grant. Mr. Henry advised they will be working on the garage next. They will be putting in flooring (currently dirt floor) to raise the structure out of the flood plain. Brian James commented that there’s benefit to not being quite as tight and restrictive on the wording. For example, Dean Weirtz would always want to go out and tour the property in advance. We had a few where they were doing a whole lot to and he wanted to go look and understand, but on a roof like this, there’s not really any value to having the Chairperson go out and look at it or even an inspector in advance. For example, if somebody is coming in for windows, that would be one that he would say it makes sense to have them go out and look at it because if they have the old wood sash windows and they just want to spend the money to have them fixed, there’s not a reason to go out and look. But, if they’re coming in and saying that they can’t be salvaged and they need to be replaced with aluminum windows, that would be one where we’d want to send folks out to look at and evaluate. That’s where it gets more complicated and get into the Secretary of the Interior standards, their recommendation is if they can be refurbished, you would not want to replace those. Chris Hormel commented that one thing Mr. Henry has going for him is that he’s indicated he’s not getting rid of the property, so he will still have $11,000 in the future if he’s going to do more structural work. Brian James commented that if he wanted to come in and raise the garage up and put it on a foundation, his opinion is that it would eligible. Mr. Henry commented that a lot of people like the fence and a lot of people hate the fence. When they were building the fence, people were stopping, honking at them, yelling “what are you doing?”, etc. They are just trying to keep people from stealing their stuff. There is a drug house over there and you’d be amazed at how many drug addicts they’ve run off and the homeless people and how many times they’ve had to call the police. They’ve installed cameras and when they stole the picnic tables out of the backyard, they decided to put the fence up. Chris Hormel suggested that he call Officer Kraft at the police department and the Citizens on Patrol can add it to their list of properties to drive by and check. Brian James suggested that for the next agenda, if you wanted to consider making expenditures retroactive, make those changes and then the recommendation can be forwarded to Council. Brian James advised that an Airbnb is considered residential in the City of Schertz for land use. He pays hotel occupancy tax, but the city, as a land use, considers it residential. Chris Hormel handed out the resolution to be considered for the next agenda to discuss the rules regarding the grant. Brian James remarked that to staff, this request seems pretty straightforward, it’s a standing seam metal roof for the main structure and garage. Assuming the SHPC approves it, they will take to Council next week and then sending the agreement and get it executed next week as well. Mr. Henry advised he would be glad to set-up a tour for the committee. Chris Hormel motioned and Roz Wise seconded to approve the $9,000 request for the Schertz Historic Preservation Grant for the property at 505 Exchange. Motion passed unanimously. 7. New Member Interview – Maggie Titterington Recommendation (Roz Wise/Miguel Vazquez) Discussed in #4. Cyndi Simmons confirmed that she was approved at Council on August 11, 2023, but isn’t sure how it happened. Brian James also confirmed that Tricia Whitman has been Page 7 of 8 approved. Brian James asked about Patrick Holmes as well. Miguel asked about that process and Cyndi Simmons replied that it has to go to the City Secretary, Sheila Edmondson. Brian James advised that it they are telling us that Patrick Holmes has not attended the meetings and that’s your recommendation that he be removed, we will convey that to the City Secretary and it will show up on the 18th. Roz Wise asked if the SHPC would vote on it at their meeting and Brian James advised that he doesn’t believe that goes to a vote, that the Chair gets to decide. Chris Hormel advised the last meeting he attended was last October. Roz Wise commented that she believes Maggie Titterington will bring a lot to the committee. She’s lived here in Schertz for 50 years, she has a large network of people that will contribute to our committee, she has a lot of experience and knowledge that we can use. Miguel Vazquez commented that she is the President of The Chamber and has been since 2009. She also graduated from Samuel Clemens. She’s seen a lot of the buildings disappear so she’s hoping she can do a little something to prevent that for the future. NEW BUSINESS 8. Bylaws Subcommittee (Chris Hormel, Coordinator) Chris Hormel passed out a copy of the bylaws. He’s working on the Rules and Procedures for all the stuff that was in the old bylaws. The bylaws are quick, simple, easy to read and the thought process is after we approve the bylaws, he will work on the Rules and Procedures and bring those before the committee. Once those two documents have been approved by the SHPC, then we turn it over to the city and ask them to ratify them. Until that time, the current bylaws are in place. Brian James advised that if the SHPC approves the bylaws tonight, they can be taken to Council on the 18th (Correction: The actual date to Council would be September 5). One recommended change that Miguel Vazquez brought forth is that in Article 4 under Terminations, we didn’t really talk about what happens if the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson steps down. He proposes that a member may self-terminate by notifying the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson of the Committee Member’s intentions. Verbal notifications are sufficient; however, it is recommended that that resignation be formalized in writing. It makes it clears for self-termination. Brian James suggested that instead of it going to the Chairperson, have it go to the City Secretary, because the resignation is ratified by Council and so it seems easier to notify the City Secretary or the Chairperson who will then forward to the City Secretary. It will still need to go to Council. Barbara Hall motioned and Becki Babcock seconded to approve the bylaws as presented by Chris Hormel. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Publications (All) Miguel Vazquez suggested that we break down the editing of the book one chapter at a time with different committee members. 10. Landmark/Historical Properties/Cemeteries Page 8 of 8 • Clemens High School Plaque – Has been presented their certificate and now needs to do the write-up for the plaque. Discussion on the plaque and size. Cyndi Simmons reports that she’s not aware of where that type of plaque was purchased. • Information from Schertz-Cibolo Cemetery Association regarding Texas Historical Marker. Texas Historical Marker has arrived and the unveiling is scheduled for Saturday, November 18. Hoping to have free lunch, a mini historical symposium after lunch, and some art for sale. Would like to have the SHPC booth there. • Roz Wise commented that there are artifacts in front of the former hospital on Main Street that are “destroyed”. It would be nice to try to restore those. Barbara Hall suggested we hold a community drive to pay for restoration. SHPC paid for the banners and the City puts them up. 11. Main Street Restoration (Miguel Vazquez, Coordinator) No report. REQUESTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS • Miguel Vazquez suggested that we don’t meet in November or December, unless needed the 3rd week in November. • Volunteer Banquet to be held Tuesday, August 8. Roz Wise asked if they could have a booth at the event. She asked if there would be other booths and Brian James advised that no, there wouldn’t be others. • Roz Wise asked how the Spanish Trail article was coming and Barbara Hall reports that it’s still in process. They’re supposed to have a meeting, but everyone is on vacation, so it probably won’t be until sometime in August. • Roz Wise reported that Pete Perez gave her three fabric banners that were on the ground in Aviation Heights and they need to be fixed/replaced. • Miguel Vazquez reported that the mural on the side of the Mason’s Lodge is in need of repair. • Cyndi Simmons reports that she retyped the list of Landmark designations to be posted on the website. • Financial Report – Budget Balance: $9,354.05 Miguel Vazquez would like a monthly in/out report as well. The other account has approximately $17,000 for reserves. The storage unit is $170.00 per month. Chris Hormel summarized that it is $2,040 per year for the storage unit and approximately $1,000 per year for the Office 365 accounts ($100 per person per year), so we’re looking at $3,000 for those two items. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:01 PM by Miguel Vazquez, Chairperson.