8-10-23 TSAC Minutes08-10-2023 TSAC Minutes Page 1 of 3 Transportation Safety Advisory Commission Transportation Safety Advisory Commission Minutes Thursday, August 10, 2023 5:30 PM The Transportation Safety Advisory Commission (TSAC) convened for a Called Meeting on Thursday, August 10, 2023 at 5:30 PM in the Bob Andrews Conference Room, Building #2 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas 78154 TSAC Commissioners Present: Dziewit, Richard, Chairman Heyward, Ferrando Hormel, Chris Martinez, Will Ragsdale, Roy Wiley, Paul TSAC Commissioners Absent: Cornelisse, Chuck Dominguez, Andres Icke, Steven Stevens, Ronald Winter, Michael Staff Present: Brian James, Deputy City Manager Kathy Woodlee, City Engineer A.J. Arriaga, Police Sergeant Larry Busch, Public Works Director Robert Martinez, Streets Superintendent Cyndi Simmons, Administrative Assistant CALL TO ORDER at 5:30 PM by Chairman Richard Dziewit. ROLL CALL HEARING OF RESIDENTS None present. 1. School Speed Zone for Comal Creek Elementary School: Establishment of a school speed zone on Hubertus Road. • Kathy Woodlee reports that it is fairly straightforward. Currently, on one side of your exhibit, we established school speed zones on FM 482 in both directions from the intersection with Hubertus and also on Hubertus Road and the distance there was to accommodate the entrance and exit from the Danville Middle School when that was constructed a few years ago. Now we have the Comal Creek Elementary on the other side of the road and their drive is further south, we are proposing to extend the school zone on Hubertus Road and go to approximately 500 feet north of the intersection with the frontage 08-10-2023 TSAC Minutes Page 2 of 3 Transportation Safety Advisory Commission road. We are asking TSAC to provide a recommendation to City Council to approve an ordinance modifying that school zone. • Commissioner Richard Dziewit remarked that currently on Hubertus it’s 30 MPH, so we’re basically looking to make it within the same perspective as all the other school districts. He asked if there will there be a signal light indicating the school zone. Kathy Woodlee responded that there won’t be on this one, there’s signs that indicate the times for the school zones and we’re leaving those as posted. It’s not a location that at this time is recommended to have flashing lights. An interesting point is that there will be a traffic signal at the intersection of FM 482 and Hubertus, not specifically because of the school zone, but the new generation of traffic has pushed it to the point where a signal is warranted, so the school district is having that constructed. • Commissioner Will Martinez asked if we know what is the most southern driveway location of the new elementary school? Kathy Woodlee responded that it is approximately at the most southern portion of that lot so you can see it in the exhibit. • Commissioner Paul Wiley asked if the zone on FM 482 would remain at 30 MPH. Kathy Woodlee responded that the speed limit on FM 482 is 45 MPH and then drops to 20 MPH in the school zone during the school hours. • Commissioner Chris Hormel asked if a study has been conducted in this area to see what speeds are typical in this area to determine if signs or flashing lights are warranted. Kathy Woodlee responded that we haven’t done a study on the vehicles and how they’re traveling now, but that will change dramatically as soon as the school opens. She anticipates that if there are problems or issues, then we’ll go in and evaluate. Commissioner Hormel asked if there is a reason that we’ve opted to not put the flashing sign. Kathy Woodlee responded that we will need to research to find out what leads to the warrant for flashing versus just signage. A lot of times we start with something as minima as possible and then if it appears that more attention needs to be brought then we would move to the next level. It has been operating fairly well and hasn’t hear about issues with the middle school with the standard sign, so we will look at it very careful with the addition of the elementary school. • Commissioner Paul Wiley commented that when you’re using just a static sign and not a flashing signal, it’s interpretation of when it applies such as during holidays, Christmas break. Is there an expectation that people are going to follow that 20 MPH? That’s when you have the benefit of a flashing light. Kathy Woodlee responded that she did check in the ordinance and it does properly explain the rule. It indicates that it is not in effect on holidays or when school is not in session. She agrees that the flashing light is clearer, but there is a maintenance issue – another piece of equipment that needs to be maintained. • Commissioner Ferrando Heyward asked if there would be kids walking to this school. Kathy Woodlee responded that this area is not within walking distance of any residential development. However, we have applications in for an apartment complex project on FM 482 across the street from the elementary school. At the moment, she’s not aware of any residential property. He also asked for all the other school zones, it is understood that the speed limits are in place while the school is in session so with or without flashers people know. • Commissioner Chris Hormel commented that the time on the signs indicate 3:30 PM and the middle school currently releases at 3:20 PM. Kathy Woodlee responded that we’re not setting the time with this ordinance, it’s just a graphic representation, and the times for the 08-10-2023 TSAC Minutes Page 3 of 3 Transportation Safety Advisory Commission two schools are staggered. The zone will be in effect the entire time for the entire zone and will be posted to cover both. •Commissioner Richard Dziewit clarified that the 30 MPH zone is to be reduced within that area for 20 MPH. •Commissioner Ferrando Heyward motioned and Commissioner Roy Ragsdale seconded to recommend to City Council to adopt Ordinance 23-D-20. Motion passed. Vote was unanimous. 2.Adjournment: Motion was made by Commissioner Chris Hormel to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Roy Ragsdale. Motion passed. Vote was unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 5:43 PM by Chair Richard Dziewit. Attest: