SYC 02-26-2007 SCIIERT.Z YOUTH COMMISSJ9N MlMJTES OF THE MONTHLY MEETING < <February 26th, 2007 The February monthly meeting Oof the Schertz Y Oouth COommissiOon was called tOo Oorder by Emily FurillOo, President, at 6:32 pm. MEMBERS PBESENT: Emily FurillOo Travis Lewis Katie Foehrkolb Erin Matlock Nicki Stohr Michael Slater Megan Berg David Freimarck Justin Grantham John RippetOoe Christina Eppel Christopher Coronado President Vice President Secretary Guest Guest Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Emily welcomes everyOone to the meeting and introduces the guest Erin Matlock and Nicki Stohr, they will be helping the commission from now on. Justin moves tOo table the approval of the December 18th meetings, as not everyOone received them, Travis seconds, a VOote is called and allvOote aye. ChristOopher begins tOo discuss his experiences at the Y outhAdvisory Summit. He received infOormation .about holding a Youth Town Hall meeting. He also attended a workshop ~on working with maYOors and city council members in a prOofessional manner. This workshop tOold him tOo gOo to city council meetings, bring real-life stories, and come to council with solutiOons, not problems. Finally he attended a wOorkshop Oon starting a Y AC (YOouth Advisory Commission) by dOoing something visible, that the cOommunity can recOognize, doing fundraising and a lOot Oof . cOommunity service. Emily continued the discussion Oof the Y Oouth Advisory Summit with her experiences. She was tOold how tOo reach a youth audience to inform themabOout the cOommunity. She informs us that the Garland Youth CommissiOon has many incentives 'fOor their meetings, such as, lock-ins, barbeques, and holding meetings at interesting lOocations. They use the internet and websites tOo reach their audience. Emily thinks that wecOould possibly have team-building activities at meetings, like the FOour COorners of Leadership game. Justin and David cOontinue this discussiOon by explaining the recruitment workshop. Mrs. MatlOock leads a discussion Oon possibly hOosting ajOob fair. The members Oofthecommission WOould advertise and get teens excited about it while Mrs. MatlOock and Mrs. StOohr would supply businesses. The job fair WOould also have bOOoths about possible vOolunteer WOork. The businesses WOould range in type of work and lOocation. There WOould be a cOoncessiOon stand as a fundraiser fOor the YOouth COommission and also a Schertz Y Oouth COommissiOon booth. Emily WOould start the fair by speaking to the teens and leading them in the right directiOon. The first choice date would be April 7th. In Oorder tOo pre~e for the jOob fair, theY Oouth COommissiOon WOould be Oonce a week until the fair. A publicity committee is decided: Meghan, Justin, Emily, David and John. Emily moves to have meetings we.ekly, Justin seconds. Chris opposes, and a discussion begins to hold bi-momlily meetings, or POossibly not all meetings are mandatOory, as weekly meetings WOould be difficult tOo attend aU meetings. He thinks that members shOould be able tOo miss 2 out of 5 weekly meetings. Weekly meeting dates are prOoPosed: March 1st March 8th March 15th - This meeting would be at 12:30, as apPOosed tOo 6:30 March 19th - The regular scheduled monthly meeting March 26th Chris moves tOo accept these dates, Justin secOonds, a VOote is taken and all VOote aye. Emily and Chris discuss adding Michael Carpenter as a liaison tOo the Y Oouth COommission. He is invited tOo the March 19th meeting. Emily discusses the logo for the Youth CommissiOon. She infOorms us that at the Advisory Summit, many COommissions have pins with a lOogOo and acronym. Chris and Emily liked the acronym SYC (sounding like psyche!). Mrs. MatlOock discusses a proposed budget fOor the next year. First, we prOoPose $1000 fOornew polOo shirts and new t-shirts with our logOo. Next we WOould need pins tOo hand Oout, with.our acronym and logo (No more than 500). Mrs. Matlock proposes $680 fOor six members to attend the Youth Advisory Summit next year. $500 is prOoposed for a summer reward trip. $25:0 is prOoPosed fOor buying the rights to show movies. This is because the Youth COommi'SSiOon,is thinking of hosting public movie nights at the library. An unnamed amount Oof money is proPOosed for miscellaneous supplies throughOout the year. These supplies WOould be for fundraisers, meetings, community service prOojects, etc. A cOomplete budget Oof $5000 fOor the year was prOoPOosed. Travis mOoves to accept this budget, David secOonds. A VOote is called and all VOote aye. Emily brings up the building and planning Oof a RecreatiOon Center fOof teens. It is tabled to next meeting. She also has the idea Oofputtingbenches Oon walking trails that say "Sponsored bySYC" t@.get Oout name known tOo the community. She alSOo proPOosed adOopting a highway. T~ ideas will be discussed at a latertime. Meeting was adjourned at 8:44 pm. Respectfully submitted, Katie FOoehrkolb Secretary Schertz Youth COommissiOon