SSLGC 08-19-1999 MINUTES OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF THE SCHERTZlSEGUIN LOCAL GQVERNMENT CORPORATION THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF GUADALUPE ~ SCHERTZ/SEGUIN LOCAL ~ GOVERNMENT CORPORATION ~ On this, the 19th day of August~ 1999, the Board of Directors (the Board) of the SchertzISeguin Local Government Corporation (the Corporation) convened at 1 :30 o'clock p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at Seguin City Hall. 210 East Gonzales, Seguin. Texas, with the following members being present and in attendance: Robin Dwver Barnon J. Cook fJm Wolverton Sidney Jhuer ~loria Rivera President Vice President Secretary Director Director and constituting a niajority of the persons appointed to the Board and a quoN111 for the tranSaCtion ofbusiness, and notice of such meeting having been duly given in accordance with the provisions of Texas Law. Also, in attendance were Ken Greenwald, Eric V otdenbaum, Kerry Sweatt, and Jack Hamlett. The meeting was ca1led to order by President Robin Dwyer. The second order of business was to consider and take action regarding Mmutes of July 15, 1999 meeting. A motion was made by Director Bauer and seconded by Vice-President Cook to approve the Minutes oftbe July 15, 1999 meeting. Upon a vote being called, such minutes were approved. The third order ofbusirless presented to the Board was a report by Crockett Camp on the wen teSt results. Mr. Camp advised a total of three (3) bids were received to drill test weDs. Cude Drilling out ofP1easanton was low bidder. The plan is to go fuIWard with the dnlJing of one (1) wen on the property. The fourth order ofbusiness presented to the Board was the discussion of the possible bond sale schedule. :Mr. Sweatt advised the Board a tentative schedule for the bond sale has been prepared, however after having met with representatives of Southwest Securities it has been determined the next step needed is to visit with someone from the Texas Water Development Board. The meeting would be dealing specificaI1y with over sizing, optimizatio~ and design of the line. An updated schedule will be presented to the Board at a later date. We are not going to delay any process but once we talk with the TWDB it may modify this projected schedule. The funding which might be available from the TWDB is actually on a loan basis and they can develop with us additional :tiring line. 1 The fifth order of business was an engineering report by Clay Romming. Mr. Romming advised the engineering report is expected to be complete by September 16. We have :finished the alignment studies, we know where we are going to build the pipeline with the exception of two (2) ending points. We are still trying to work out an exact route into the City of Schertz and the route to tie into Seguin. Next month we should have the :final route project costs. Mr. Ramming advised the aerial view indicates there are no environmental problems anticipated. We have also been through an economic analysis and we have selected pipeline sizes. Rigbt now it is anticipated the pipeline ftom thcweU field to the take ofl'point for the City of Seguin would be a 39" line and from there to Schertz it would be a 30" line. Also at a determined point the 39" line will be reduced to a 24" line coming into the storage tank at the Seguin Water Treatment Plant. Mr. Ramming stated we are talking about building a pipe line that is 30" and 39". This will cany an the water these two cities are going to need till the year 2050. What would it cost to build a pipeline to serve us till the year 2025 and come 2025 we put in a parallel pipeline. It would cost $8.5 million doDars more. The state may look at this and say you could build the original pipeline for less and we could participate and protect you against that cost. That is how the state would look at the project and suggest maybe they ought to put S10 million doUars into this project. Now, the effect of the state putting $10 million dollars into the project is lowering your cost for the first ten years but at the end of the project it has cost you more because your deferring interest payments. Based on these items we are going to meet with the TWDB and see if they have an interest. President Dwyer questioned what type of interest figures are we looking at? Mr. Romming advised it would be a 5 3/4% interest for a period of2S years. Generally I find that the interest rate from the state is not much different from what an individual City with good credit can obtain elsewhere. Vu-President asked if Mr. Romming knew where we stand in line with TWDB? Mr. Camp advised as of a month ago we were first. no other application had been received. The sixth order of business was a discussion on the proposed Guadalupe County Ground Water Conservation District Voting Districts. Secretary Wolverton advised the County Commissioners approved and forwarded to the Department of Justice for approval of the redistricting. The election is to be held November 2nd. President Dwyer questioned can Gloria Rivera serve on ~ Board and nul as a candidate? Pat Linder advised ''there should be no problem". President Dwyer called for an adjournment of the regular session at 2:17 p.rn. with Board members going into an executive session. The executive session adjourned and the regular meeting was resumed at 3 :21 p.m. President Dv.>yer advised there would be no action taken as a result of the executive session. 2 President Dwyer asked if there was any other business for the Board to consider and, none being offered, il was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Upon a vote being taken, the motion carried by a unanimous vote of aU Directors present and the meeting was adjourned at 3:21 p.m. MINUTES APPROVED, this the 7th day of October, 1999. Signatures of an Directors Robin Dwyer, President Ramon J. Cook, Vice President fun Wolverton, SecretarY Sidney Bauer. DirectOr Gloria Rivera, Director 3