EDC 09-16-1999 . SCHERTZ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES 16 SEPTEMBER 1999 SCHERTZ MUNICIPAL COMPLEX ITEM #1 CALL TO ORDER Ms. Jones called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. THOSE PRESENT: STAFF: Jackie Jones John Torrez Bob Vallance Wanda Jean Sweatt Harty Richburg Ben Davis Henry Gutierrez Kerry Sweatt Mark Marquez Teresa Prigmore . ITEM #2 APPROVAL OF MIKUTES (5 August 1999): Mr. Torrez made a motion to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Ms. Sweatt and carried unanimously. ITEM #3 UPDATE ON 10TH BAD: Ms. Sweatt reported that things were coming along very well. Mr. Brewer will be loaning decorations for the event. Ms. Sweatt stated that she would be meeting with the local restaurants this week. Mr. Marquez stated the invitatiohs had gone out. ITEM..#4 OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Marquez announced that eFTI #1's abatement had dropped off and that next year five more abatements will drop off. ITEM #5 NEW BUSINESS Mr. Sweatt stated that the alternated water supply study is gping forward. The final engineering report came in and that we are approximately two years away from utilizing the source, which will last until 2050. . The new municipal buildings are scheduled to be completed in December. 1 . Mr. Sweatt announced that the City eouncil approved the new tax rate at 9/10 of a cent lower than the previous rate. ITEM #6 COMMENTS BY COMMISSION MEMBERS Ms. Sweatt suggested setting up criteria for naming an Outstanding Business at the Business Appreciation Dinners every year. Mr. Richburg announced that an Oldsmobile dealership would be opening up at the intersection of IH-35 and Schertz Parkway. Construction is scheduled to begin in January and the dealership should be open by August. ITEM #7 COMMENTS BY STAFF There were no comments by staff. ITEM #8 COMMENTS BY CHAIRMAN Ms. Jones welcomed Mr. Richburg back following his sur~ery. ITEM #9 ADJOURN . The next meeting is set for 7:00 p.m. on 18 November 1999. ~? ~eresa Prigmore, Reco . 2