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'r- "'C 0 OQl 0...0 >. .~ <tf "'<--0 U<= OVl::l +'QlO -0..0 +' ws:::>:, QJ 'r- r- .....QI<- <-QI '<tQl+' O"l"<::Vl '" NQIQI N'<:.<: L!)+'+' <- ........0 OOZ Q)S-W+-, U QJ.s:: u S:::S:::+>1tS "'<- <- +-'Os:::+-> VlUO <= ""C ~ Ol 0 r- S:::'I""' rtS S- 'r- +> WQ)CJ) ,,+-' ..0 'r- WVl ::I "'+'U = OJ s::: U N.s::'r-:E 0+'0 <- 0. '" MO l:: c:::t z: "'C QJ o 'r- ..J O"l+'''' LOUtVlQJ o <- Z E .. U +'''' <= QI'<t =M QI VlQl "'..<:: QI+' .~ - QI UJ ..<:: U +' Z W<- :I:O 1-.... THENCE, S 30016'57" E, along and with the Northeasterly boundary of the 34 acre Lena McCuistion Tract, a distance of 73.00 feet to a point for the most Southeasterly corner of the herein described easement; THENCE, S 59043'02" W, a distance of 523.16 feet to a point for the most Southwesterly corner and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described easement. Together with a temporary constructed easement 50 feet wide along the Westerly side of the above described easement. I I II THAT the City Council hereby (indS and determines that the acquisi- tion of such easements will serve a valid and needed public purpose, to- wit, the furnishing of sanitary sew r services, and drainage, to residents of the City. III THAT the actions of the City Manager and the City Attorney in instituting proceedings in eminent domain are hereby ratified and approved and the City Manager and City Attorney are directed to carry such proceed- ings through to final disposition. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 11th day of January, 1984. ATTEST: ity of Schertz, Texas (SEAL OF CITY)