LAB 05-07-1990 .' "L...'.... Schertz Library Board Minutes - 5/7/90 10 in attendance: Connie Brison, Gerald Thurman, Julie Parr, Nick Ramirez, David Arneson, Mar9aret :Riley, :Ruth ':Henor, plus ex-officios, Gail Douglas and Earl Hartzog. Guest: Mayor Earl Sawyer, who said Barbara Stanhope agreed to be our council liason. Minutes and treasurer IS re{X)rt were presented and approved. Gail re{X)rted April stats: Adult titles /~b/~ YA titles ~/ Juv. titles 1D Paperbacks ') '1 Filmstrips ... /~ Videos ~ 'Ibtal # of registered borrowers 'Ibtal # of books checked out 'Ibtal # of patrons 'Ibtal # of volunteer hours Books requested from other sources Books received from other sources Microfilm rental requests Microfilm rental received Weekly story time attendance Meeting room use (hours) New cards issued 'Ibtal # of phone calls to lib. Resident cards Non-resident cards Reciprocal cards User fees 62 37 o 2 9 ()3 I .!fI-1-D ~~ ----1!10 41 32 1.J ~ -fft JQL ~ (]6L~W Fines Copier Dupl. Ibnation Meetng rm $117.30 $265.85 .50 $ 95.00 $100.00 Gail also re{X)rted that the volunteer appreciation luncheon during National Volunteer/ Library Week went well. Info was given to the press about NL Week but was not printed. She attended TLA ill' Dallas in early April. Book sale receipts continue to come in, about $100.00 more so far. Gerald as VP took her info on a Diner Club fundraiser. Gail advised that when our bookstore is in operation money should be turned in quarterly. BUILDING David will not be available during the next 3 mos. due to school corruni tments . Someone will need to oversee building needs. Earl Hartzog will check about the security light needed by the library as well as asking George Barnard if GVEC would consider the light as a public service. Nick expressed interest in doing the sidewalk to the new back door for bookstore entry. As to the addition David {X)inted out the following: 1) Must have competent remodeler for door installation, 2) minor work yet to do on grid, 3) storeroom needs floating out, 4) alarms for addition door(s) to be installed, and 5) smoke alarms must be installed. #1 & #4 most im{X)rtant. Gerald will see about these and will install smoke alarms. The motion passed to allow Gail and Margaret to buy shrubs from board money to replace .. ~ ...frozen ones. There are leaks in the genealogy room and in Gail f s office. Mike Riley will be asked about doing the sidewalk work for a fee, not as volunteer labor. PUBLICITY AND P.R. Thank-youfs have been written for book sale. Mr. Lehman, SAPL director was here and was complimentary. Photo of him here did not get in the paper. FINANCE We received donations fran the Republican Women. Also from the Lenuns, who gave $650.00 to finsh the 11,000 microfiche(genealogy). Will now start on film the census data. They also donated genealogy signs. Gail ordered shelves for reference section. Looking for file cabinet for local history clippings. Motion was made and passed to put $3,000 of the $4,000 back from the city on the addition into the CD. OLD BUSINESS May 5th is Fun Day at Clemens, Mary worked fran 12-5 and sold $12.00 in paperbacks. Idea for future there - possibly issue library cards. Also much interest as to when we sell books. As there was no new business, and the parade float will be discussed at another meeting, the motion was passed to adjourn. Notes taken by Connie