LAB 05-01-1989 ............- ''''., .o- L.. I Df~~1RY ADV I !30RY DClr.)f~D Il'l I NUTEf3 The L i I::ll"'.:;\r"y 1, l':9E:l9, at Advi~ory Doard met 7:30 P.IYI. in regular session on Monday, 'May /'t1erllbc-?l"~;5 pn2sent: Marge Smith, Secretary Julie Parr, Treasurer IYla~'y /T1dH 3. i !';",tt':.'l" Rut h T i E?nOt' (:kn"a 1 d Th ut"man Davi d 1~~t"nesoY, Tony Paul";on Ex~Officio - Gail Douglas, L. i bl'" a ~" :i, an Aggie Aguilar - City Council f<e Pl"'(-?!:~E':.'nt i::\ t i ve The rninl..lte~5 \'Jt?t"e P~"E':.'s(2'nted. f<uth moved to aCCE?pt therninutes and Tony seconded. Motion passed. The tl"e2\S',ul'et"'~:5 Wf:'? accc-?pt thE? passE:'?d. report for April was treasurer's report. presented. Tony moved that Ruth seconde4d. Motion LIBRARlnN'S REPORT: f~ f2":; :i, cI F.:' 1'1 t C ,,\ ),,, d !::; Non-resident cards US;E~l' feE!S f<ec:i,pl'''OCi:\1 .cat"ds f.I,/~ 1 1. F i l"ler:;, f=!t C'. Cc.piel'" fe.e!5 At t c;'>Y'ld a nce ' C i l"cl..ll at :i, Ol~1 $;:::07. 6~5 141 15 21t65 37BO i~~ i::"~ Reported by Gail: The collection stands at: ~1d u It YA Jl..lveni lE~ F,- i I fI1 St 1''' i p!;; Videos 11, ;::::;:::0 :'.'557 '+, :3.~~B 1 ~~;i:~ c. ", O~J 03ai 1. l'E~pOt'te.d i son Or'd(~t' and that Mr. Lanier had been advised of the book that he was very appreciative. C3<3.il i~.; 1 eve:l. .. working on a slide presentation for the elementary She is also working on plans for the reading club. ~,ch 00:1. David reported that w. have a problem with the air-conditioning system and that the air-conditioners installed will have to be Chanl]ed out. D.::\vid moved that the"", i:\it"".'handlel"'!::; be,? f:5\.'Jitched ,out to:;. Ol'IE'f:" of 1:.'5 ~{W. Tony f:-:;~~condecl. IYlot :i, ()l', pi::\ssf?.:'cL Da,vi'd a'5kf:-3cJ 'POl'" anotht':l'" wOI"'k di:.'\y. T'he'? w())'''k, day Wd~5 set fOr' Saturday, May 20, 1989, at 8:00 A.M. .I, '. OLD BUSINESS: The 4th of July float was discussed. David will check on a flatbed trailer. Mary will work on the theme for the float. Aggie ir,fQl'''med us the city cO'.mcil was goil"lg t.:. appt"ove a lal",dscapiY'lg play. f.:. 1''' the ci ty hall C'I"I Tuesday, May 2, 1989. The 1 ibl'''at''y bc.at"d dClnat i':lr. clf $100. 00 iI'" memot"y clf Hay St al"lhc.pe will be pt:'eserlted at the c.:,'.mci 1 meet i I"'~l. TClrlY vClll.mteet"ed tClbe there to make the presentation. NEV.) BUS I NESS: Gail advised that the budget to be pt"esel"ltedto the cOI.mty is due May 15. ' Sirlce this h"s r,,::.t usually due I.mt il J"u 1 Y , Gail wi II check,:inthedeadl il"le date. Ruthinfol'''fI1ed us that it was a pc,ssibility that the schc,cll district was not going to hire a librarian at one of the schools to t~epL:\ce the ':'I",e who is t"etil'''il'',g. Sht:= iY'lfc,t"fI1ed us that ir, all pt~obability a teachet"'s aide will be ir, chat"~le at the libl""ary. RI.lth fI1Qved we adJout"r,. Jul ie secCll"lded. Mot j,C'1"1 passed. m.~ ~, Marge Smith, Secretary J\la:1 J, 1 9 (3 9 rrF~:E_A~::~:rr_F'EI~~f ;~:: I~I:E;;F{JE~'T F(J~R AF'I\IL, 1(;1;3(;:) (~~}\:::-~ E-J A. ~~~: f.~_:C) 1J J:T1.' }-=J :;:l:-V I C:i U;~~~ E'.A"LA }tC: F~ I N (~C) ~lE I~ i n ~-~ .I'.l Cl 11 ~:.Y / (=: CJ r> t I~ r I.:'~ \::~ ..:::_\ ;::'3 f~Oj~k 8a10 [)l-c)ce,~d's DCJ!12li:lons -- MelnC)ri\~l. lr:~er-'~ Fee .- (2 Indi.vidlJal & ~ FamiJ.v) CDU nty Budget l\ 1] CJt nv~nt: r~'~J n,3. t j (J n (-", L.:,; T1 ?: l;~:' f r CJ nJ (:: ,:~. ::~,.11 i It :;;: C'. r) .D I :3E}, fJl~~;~.~Efir.E}rT;:::: CCJi)nty Budget AllotJlHu-S t,o CD .De 111C~ CI Up:3tart PHESENT BALANCE (4-30-89) CD Cashed ($13045.00 plus $76,65 Interest) County Budset Allotment CD Purchased (4-17-89) In Cash Acc:ount $ 10;3, tel 1:,::00.10 130,00 10.00 1 () (~) l~) . f5 () '50, no 0]) 316~.5, 17 .$ 1 (5 ()() , ()() 1Ci~;). ~3e). ___2_5_-,-AA-~ .$ 18CH. 4.'3 ," ,,' .1 ()O~~:? . ;31 $+ 3l()5,17 .$- lR61~ .$ 11371.00 .$ 13121,65 $+ 1666, 6() .$ 147,'38,31 ,$- 147..:;~t, 00 ,'f, 0.:31