LAB 07-03-1989 ~ L.IBRARypAOVISORYBOARD MINUTES The Library Advisory Boardme~ in regular session on Monday, July 3, 1989, at 7: 3() ~I.. M. Membet"s pt"esEmt: C,:,r,r, i e Bl''' isol"', Chai t"n'l.al"l Marge Smith, Secretary Julie Parr, Treasurer Mat"yMcAll istet" Ex-Offici,:, - Gail Dc.uglas, L i bt"at" i al"l Eat" 1 Hat"tzclg, City Council Representative Get"a 1 d Th ut"rnal"l ToY"y Pauls.:,!", Mat"gc\l'''et Ri ley Ruth Tien':'t" The minutes wet"e pt"esented. Ruth moved to accept the mil",utes al",d Gerald seconded. ~otion passed. The treasurer did not h.ve a report. Julie informed us she could figures with city hall since they were closed for ~he She will have this month's report at out next meeting. 2 FiY'les, etc. Cc.pier fees At t erldance Circulatioh $171.65 75.80 142 49 o 3,535 7,067 at: Ad ul t YA JuveY'Ii Ie F i 1 ms tt" i ps ,Videc.s 11 , 256 500 4,310 132 77 Gail reported that the reading chlb was dcdng well. Thereare abqut 200, registered. Gailalsc. repc.rted tha~ she had a worker ih the restitution proBr.m assigned to the library, and she is planniY',g to have het" help keep the meetiY'.g rCIOrfl clean. R. L. Westholm, ar~presentative c.fEagle Shield,srsdic:\l"Jt er enet"gysavlngpl"'c.duCt, Made a presel"ltat ior. to the board. im""tedthe space to be i nsul<1l\ted i 1". the ], i brarywas i mat e 1 y ''3, ood ,sq uare feet a. nd th at it w'::".ll d cost fl1ately $3,231.40. This figl.lr~ ir,chlded shipping>aY)d ng arid sales tax. . Since the 1 ibtt1\I'''y is tax exerl1pts~VeY'l cc.uld be deducted ft"om thatfi gure. The est imatec:tcc.st not il"lcll..lde il"lstallation. ... "" There were no ~~mmittee after the meeting to work Pal'..,c:\de" Ruth moved we adjourn. l"E?P01"t s;. on th['~ Boat"d f]' ()at IYlat"l]c':' ~:>E~condpd. '?)k~ ~qc" j IYI<:\"r'~~f2 f:3mi th, membet"~; p]. c,\ nnc?d fen" t hf':' I+t h t ,-', st ay of Ju],'/ Meeting adjourned. /' .. I' /;1-; }L..(~i/- Secj"'c-~t ,,:\ 1"'/