LAB 11-28-1989 LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES A special meeting of the Library Advisory Board was held on Tuesday, November 28, 1989, at 5:00 P.M. Members present: Connie Brison, Chairman Marge Smith, Sect"etat"y Ruth Tienor Margaret Riley Gerald Thurman Mary McAllister Ex-Officio - Gail Douglas, Librarian The special meeting of the Library Advisory Board was called for the purpose of reviewing bids for the interior work on the Schertz Library addition. Bids from Delk's Home Remodeling in the amount of $4177.00, Hoss Construction in the amount of $3351.42, and David Arneson Contracting in the amount of $3200.00 were reviewed. Gerald moved that we accept the bid from David Arneson Contracting with a completion date contingent upon the arrival and installation of the carpeting. Ruth seconded. Motion passed. Ruth moved that we adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Margaret seconded. m~~ Marge Smith, Secretary