LAB 01-04-1988 . .." LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES The Library Advisory Board met in regular session on Monday, January 4, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. Members present: Earl Hartzog, Chairman Mary McAllister, Vice-Chair Connie Brison, Secretary Julie Parr, Treasurer Margaret Riley Visitors present: Liz Mueller of Humane Society Harold Henze of Kirchner Construction Co. In order to accommodate our visitors, the order of business was altered so that the following could be discussed at the onset of the meeting: 1) Dance/Auction - Liz suggested that certain auction items be raffled off. We can sell double-roll tickets with matching numbers to determine winners. A list of raffle items can be supplied to the raffle ticket-buyer. The date is Feb. 13, 1988, Saturday, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Gail arranged for the water bill ad, reserved the community center, contacted Rep. Kuempel for the Texas flag and his agreement to personally auction it off, and arranged for a U.S. flag from Mac Sweeney's office. Mary contacted Don Linnear to again be auctioneer and spoke to Midnight Bandits, who will again play for the dance. Mr. Linnear will take posters and flyers to RAFB. Mary, as dance chairperson, appoih~edi~he"fbllowing: Publicity-Connie; Food- Margaret; Set-up/Clean-up-Tony; Finance-Julie; Decorations-Ruth; Beer license- Earl. Set-up time is 6:00 p.m. Friday, Feb. 12. . Earl will get ice; Tony and Earl will see about beer keg donations. We will need to purchase beer cups. Mary and Connie will attend to the printing of tickets, posters, and flyers. Tutto's Pizza will put flyers in their boxes. 400 tickets will be .ordered this year so that complimentary tickets can be issued to area city council members, officials, etc. Also to people who have been especially generous in donating and buying in the past and perhaps to Mr. Linnear for his guests. 2) Mr. Henze brought partial I resumes and answered questions about the addition. Earl gave LAB members copies of various bid proposals. Kirchner Construction's base bid was $25, 983.00 with 60 days' construction time. Tony moved to accept Kirchner Construct~on's bid for our addition. Margaret seconded. Motion carried. Minutes were presented and approved with Tony making the motion and Ruth supplying the second. Ruth lienor Tony Paulson Ex-Officio - Gail Douglas, Libr. Aggie Aguilar, City Council Rep. Julie present2d the treasurer's report. Ruth moved to accept the report, and Mary seconded. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT stats: Resident cards issued Non-resident Users' fees Rpciprocal cards 53 1 1 o Donations, lost books Copier fees Circulaticn Attendance $ 20.35 $114.30 "Z5R8 2000 Reported by Gail: The Collection stands at: Adult, 9416; VA, 1290; Juvenile, 3420; Filmstrips, 133. Much work continues in upgrading our collection, including necessary weeding. . , Juvenile inventory is completed. Incorrect filing of books is troublesome, oo~pounded by our increasing circulation. Gail received her re-certification. All city departments received a notice stating that no liqour may be present on city property except by special permit. EMS has the community center booked for every Thursday night of the year, which could complicate our book sale set-up. Gail will call Tom Funk. Lois Moore will be honored fori nine years of volunteer library work at city council meeting, Tuesday night, Feb. 5, 7:00 p.m. The ALA Mid-winter Conference is during the week of Jan. 11. Gail and Margaret will attend exhibits on Monday. LAB members are invited. Gail got ahother A on last semester's course. On Jan. 21, she will begin "Administration of Public Libraries". FINANCE COMMITTEE There was discussion about what our cut of the county budget will be. $17, 250 had been proposed, but no final approval has been confirmed. Margaret or Earl will talk to Mr. Brannon. BUILDING COMMITTEE Earl reported that the flagpole repair estimate is $150.00. He and Gail plan to work on submitting a city work order for the repair. Discuss further at Feb. meeting. A city work order will be submitted for tree limbs here that must be cut off. The easy shelving needed should cost no more than $1000.00. Mary moved that Gail should order the shelving now. Ruth seconded. Motion passed. Delivery is 90 days. Earl suggested that we sod the ivy area with the nuisance nut grass. The con~ tractor included sodding in his bid for the addition. The contractor also has a sign painter. With an addendum to the bid, we may be able to repaint the front sign for less than the earlier $300-375 estimates. Aggie suggested that we allow the city to back our addition project for $26,000. We have' available funds, but this idea would cover possible problems. SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORT Ruth investigated the Friends of the Library situation. According to its by-laws, upon dissolution, all funds of the Friends of Schertz Public Library should be donated to Schertz Public Library. Since there have been no meetings or annual dues collected for several years, the organization can be considered as dissolved. Tony moved to use the $305.20 in the Friends' treasury as payment on the sign repainting and any other necessary library repairs or needs. Margaret seconded. Motion passed. OLD BUSINESS The cost of the bid documents for the addition was $139.26. Ruth moved that we invite Marge Smith, of Cibolo as the new LAB member to fill Fred's remaining term. Tony seconded. Motion passed. M!SCELLANEOU5 BUSINESS Chairman Earl Hartzog made the following committee assignments for 1988: . Policy _ Margaret and Julie; Building & Property - Gene and Earl; B~dge~ & Flnance - Ruth and Tony; Publicity & Public Relations - Connie and Mary; Hospltallty - Mary. Earl requested that the Policy Committee look into library closures, li~e Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve to compare to city manual. He asked that the Flnance Com- mittee work on getting' more grant money. He encouraged Publicity to use every area available to increase our exposure. .. ,.... The Hospitality and Publicity Committees must both work on the upcoming Ground- breaking ceremony for the addition. Date is Saturday, Jan. 30, 10:00 a.m. We should get a gift for Fred for his years of service on the LAB. Julie moved to adjourn and Mary seconded. Motion passed. ~~ Connie Brison, Secretary