LAB 07-11-1988 ,. " LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES The Library Advisory Board met in regular session on Monday, July 11, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. Members present: Mary McAllister, Chairman Julie Parr, Treasurer Connie Brison, Secretary Marge Smith Margaret Riley Tony Paulson Ex-Officio - Gail Douglas, Libr. Aggie Aguilar, City Council Rep. ~ The minutes were presented. A correction was made regarding the use of the meeting room. The minutes should read," Mary and Margaret recommended that non-library programs should be booked no more than one week in advance." Tony moved to accept the corrected minutes,-and Julie seconded. Motion passed. Julie presented the treasurer's report. Connie moved to accept it, and Margaret seconded. Motion passed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Stats: Resident cards issued: Non-resident cards User fees Reciprocal cards Reported by Gail. The Collection stands at: Adult, 10,398; YA, 579; Juvenile, There was further discussion about the improper duct work in cooling system. Tony may know someone to work on it. We received $200.00 from District 10, which will be devoted to the 300's section. Gail is weeding furiously; therefore, the number of books is falling. The summer reading club will conclude with a party on Wednesday. It was a successful program even though participation was smaller than last year. The appreciation luncheon for library volunteers is July 18th, noon, at Pat's Place South. 121 43 6 4 Fines, etc. Copier fees Attendance Circulation $223.90 $131.55 3226 7236 3910; Filmstrips, 132. the library's Inventory of the nonfiction section is on July 25 at 9:00 a.m. The term of our lay representative expires on August 31. Margaret now works full-time, so we need a new person. Connie Brison and June Hughes may be candidates. Friday, Sept. 30, may be an orientation date for ? Earl Hartzog and Gail attended a meeting about the Seguin library. Funding was not discussed. Seguin folks are sending their charter to the Attorney General to determine its legality in the method of obtaining library board members. Com. Brown ways that Commissioner' Court should also have approval rights. The A.G.'s reply will take 3-6 months. Margaret knows how to contact the 3M Security System rep via a Dallas phone #. He is Mike from College Station. Trinity Univ. changed from Checkpoint to 3M. 'Contacting customers of 3M might be helpful. Security system reps can see Gail rather than attending a LAB meeting. ~ PUBLIC RELATIONS Connie has written a thank~you note to Mike Monsive of Big M Automotive for the use of his truck and trailer and his driving for the July 4th float. BUILDING AND PROPERTY Tony will handle these duties for the time being. POLICY Margaret received info from Paula Wallace, media consultant, reminding that policy guidelines should be applied toward non-book materials, like videos, etc. Our present policy addresses this under "V.LIBRARY MATERIALS SELECTION POLICY, Section A. Purpose - ....print and non-print materials which will aid them in educational, recreational, and creative pursuits.....The Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read and the Freedom to View Statements of the American Library Association have been endorsed by the Schertz Public Library Board of Trustees and are integral parts of this policy. (Appendix 4,5,6)" Discussion ensued about video check-out and the ages of those patrons. A suggestion was made to adopt movie ratings, eg., over 13 to check out a PG-13 video. No action was taken. HOSPITALITY Mary reported that the ten-year anniversary open house had 44 visitors. Earl Sawyer donated $100.00. The DAV donated $100.00 and new books. OLD BlLlSINESS Tony gave a report from the Five-Year-Plan Committee. The focus was on financial for now. A list of suggested capital improvements was read. After some discussion Tony moved that the security system be our #1 priority. Connie seconded. Motion passed. We will submit the security system contract for bids. Tony moved that our #2 pr~ority be the completion of the heating, AC, wiring, walls, etc. of the addition. Connie seconded. Motion passed. We will prioritize the remaining list items later as monies are available. Tony reported on behalf of the Financial Committee on salary scales for library staff. It was recommended that the Librarian's scale ~e 10B-16B and the clerks' be 3C-7C. Margaret moved that the Financial Committee pursue this plan with city council. Julie seconded. Motion passed. Tony moved that the front sign be painted as soon as possible. Marge seconded. Motion passed. Gail will contact the signpainter. Tony moved that the Executive Board compile a list of LAB candidates and make contact with same. The LAB can vote on these candidates on August 2, 1988. Margaret seconded. Motion passed. NEW BUSINESS We could increase our video numbers by copying them from the Discovery channel. It is legal to do so. It was also suggested that we approach the H.E.B. Video Superstore for their "pre-viewed" tapes. A certificate of appreciation for years of service asa LAB member must be prepared for Earl Hartzog. Connie will contact Mrs. Krause for its com- pletion and the city council meeting presentation. Connie moved to adjourn. Margaret seconded. 1/ .jJ . Ll!LtwGU:....' ~4Jh1....) Connie Brison, Secretary . July 11, 1988 TREASURER'S REPORT FOR JUNE 1988 CD Cashed ($8395.00 plus $41.92 Interest) County Budget Allotment CD Purchased (6-16-88) To Cash Account . Y.. $ 8436.92 $+ 845.50 $ 9282.42 $- 9282.00 0,42