LAB 01-05-1998 ~ SCHERTZ PUBLIC LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD (LAB) MINUTES The LAB met on January 5,1998 at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: : John Grosskopf Mary McAllister Barbara Quates Barbara Ricks Ruth Tienor Julie Parr Margaret Riley Gail Douglas Minutes for the December meeting were presented. Julie made the motion to accept the minutes, with a second by Ruth. The motion passed. Treasurer's Report: No official report was available due to problems with the city's report. Julie did report that in December, $181.98 was deposited from bookstore sales. Also, she estimates our account to be approximately $7,100. Librarian;s Report: -The stats are up about 600 over last year. -Gail received a letter on December 12, informing her that the library did get the grant. She and Sandy will go to Austin on January 23 in regards to the grant. -Tony VandeiHeyden is an appiOved consultant and computers have be gotten through him. Some work needs to be done on the scanner, but things are going rather smoothly. -A committee may need to be formed to write Internet policy, or it may fall under regular policY'L-$Ihe committee will need to meet before April if necessary. -A new clerk, biflda Little, was hired on December .17. A total of 49 applicants were received. Gail chose 9 "interestingn applicants to interview. -The Christmas lights that were planned for use this past holiday season didn't work so weren't hung. -Joanne Wood is doing story time on Wednesdays only. -Gail expects a very busy year, and also expects 4 or 5 computers for Internet use. -Gail is still trying to get the plans for the entry renovation from Brian Smith. She will pay for copies with board money. -LAB members were asked to review the city survey and to voice any concerns at the next meeting. Committee Reports: Policy Committee- Mary will have a revised copy of page 4, which refers to appendixes, for the next meeting. The motion to adjourn was made by Mary with a second by Julie. The next LAB meeting will be on February 2, 1998 at 7:00 p.m.