LAB 08-03-1998 SCHERTZ PUBLIC LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD (LAB) MINUTES The LAB met on August 3, 1998 with the following members present: Juan Thorn Ruth Tienor Barbara Quates Mary McAllister Julie Parr Barbara Ricks Margaret Riley Gail Douglas Juan Thorn took over as chairperson due to the departure of John Grosskopf. A vice-chairperson wiii be named in October. The minutes for the previous meeting were presented. Julie made the motion to accept the minutes, with a second by Mary. The motion carried. Treasurer's Report: The report for June was presented, however, no report was available for July. The balance as of June 30, 1998 is $1,742.83. Julie also reported that the sales tax money from bookstore sales should hopefully be taken out every three months. Margaret made the motion to accept the treasurer's report. The motion carried after a second by Barbara Ricks. Librarian's Report: -Gail reported that July was a record breaker with 14:475 in circulated materials. This large number was partly due to the Summer Reading Club. - The library budget has been approved by the city except for money for a computer in the genealogy room. A donation by Margaret Lamb for $270.00 will be used toward the purchase of the computer. Tony Vander Heyden supplied other necessary equipment. -Any money left over from the grant may be used to buy more computers. - The Internet has been in service since the middle of July. There has been a problem with the computers locking up. Tony is looking into the problem. -Gail plans to continue with the two part-time clerks, as well as having Violet work part-time. Vera and Carmelita attended a workshop on dealing with difficult patrons. -Jim Wolverton called to say there are no problems with the $84,000 in funding from the county. Eventually there will be a cooperative program with Comal County. -All bids for the library renovation have been rejected. The city is going to accept new bids. -Six days of workshops for the TIF Grant are scheduled during August, probably in Austin. - ThQ nol',,..\1 fior IntQmQt use \A/ae opn~OVQrI by thQ ,..ity after mu,..h die"'useion I"\ver t .v,.., "'1' Ill"'''' n...." Vy ~ Y J-" ,",U \.It""' ",n. I II '-"1 1.'0.1'" ~.. I V I filtering. It was accepted without any filtering regulations. Copies of the policy will be available for each LAB member. There were no Committee Reports at this time. The motion to adjourn was made by Ruth with a second by Julie. The motion carried. The next LAB meeting will be on Monday September 14, at 7:00 p.m. 1u~~~~~~n~~ 1t:<-~. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR JULY 1998 CASH ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE INCOME BOOKSTORE MEMORIAL DONATIONS (AW) MISC. DONATIONS FROM CD DISBURSEMENTS GAIL DOUGLAS-Expense reimbursement $ Float Supplies $ Float Expenses $ CALUMET COMPUTERS-586PC $ $ PRESENT BALANCE (7-31-98) CD CASHED ($13010.00 plus $99.72 Interest) CD PURCHASED (7-10-98) TO CASH ACCOUNT $ 304.46 $ 20.00 $ 23.31 $ 509.72 $ 857.49 10.00 1 T. 97 62.15 980.00 1070.12 $ 1742.83 $+ 857.49 $- 1070.12 $ 1530.20 $ 13109.72 $-12600.00 $ 509.72