LAB 11-03-1997 SCHERTZ PUBLIC LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD (LAB) MINUTES The LAB met on November 3, 1997 with the following members present: Juan Thorn Barbara Ricks Margaret Riley Barbara Quates Julie Parr Pattie Lovelady Mary McAllister Ruth Tienor Gail Douglas Charles McDonald Minutes for the October meeting were presented. Margaret made the motion to accept the minutes, and Ruth seconded. The motion carried. Treasurer's Report: No report was available this month. Julie needs to review the books with the city to figure out why the numbers don't match. $262.80 was deposited from bookstore sales in October. Librarian's Report: Gail has sent in the application for a $50,000 grant, and will find out in January whether or not we get it. If we do get the grant, Gail will attend a meeting and training session in January. The grant will pay up to $500.00 for travel expenses. Gail attended the T.M.L. meeting on technology in Fort Worth. The goal is for all public libraries to be hooked up to the Internet by the year 2000. Gina gave her resignation as of Nov. 15. Gail would like to ask Gina to come in on Wednesdays to do story time, since she will have no children's librarian until April. $400 would cover the pay for Gina during that time. Discussion was made as to whether or not to have Christmas decorations this year. We will decorate with items on hand. November was a busy month due to Gina's and Sandy's vacations. Things have settled down, and no unusual happenings have occurred, such as knives, etc. Committee Reports: Building Committee: Gail will bring plans for the entry enclosure to the next meeting. Hospitality Committee: Snacks will be served at the December meeting. No Old or New Business. Ruth made the motion to adjourn, and Mary seconded. The motion carried. The next LAB meeting will be on December 1, 1997 at 7:00 P.M.