LAB 04-01-1996 SCHERTZ PUBLIC LffiRARY ADVISORY BOARD (LAB) MINUTES The LAB met in regular session on April 1, 1996 with the following members present: Ruth Tienor Mary McAllister Julie Parr John Grosskopf Pattie Lovelady Barbara Ricks Gail Douglas Dallin Malmgren The Minutes for the March meeting were presented. Dallin made a motion to accept the minutes and was seconded by Pattie. The motion carried. No Treasurer's Report was given because information was unavailable from City Hall. The Librarian's Report was presented: --Gail reported that the PLA Conference was well worth the trip. The total spent for the trip was $711.48. -The automation system is up and running and Gail does like it as a whole. When everything is working, it does reduce the work load. A good recommendation would not be given to Brodart, however, because of all the problems in the past. -No stats for the month were given because Gail was unable to get them from the system. --The computer Gail originally hoped to use with the system as a work station is not compatible, therefore, a new computer that will work faster is needed The cost of a new 486 is about $1200 from Ger-Mar. Things are temporarily straightened out until the new budget takes effect in October. The new computer can be purchased at that time. Committee Reports: No reports were given. The Policy Committee will meet after the business meeting. Old Business: -- Gail will get with John to write a letter concerning the opening of the high school library. New Business: --Ideas for the Fourth of July float are needed and should be given at the May LAB meeting. --National Library Week is April 14-20. Gail is hosting a meeting and tour of the library. --Dumpsters are available at area schools for recycling magazines, books and newspapers, --The volunteer luncheon will be April 24, at 6:30 PM. Julie made the motion to adjourn and John seconded. The motion carried. Barbara Ricks SecretLy TREASURER'S REPORT FOR r~RCR CASH ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE INCO~IE BOOK STORE MEMORIAL DONATIONS (AW) CHANGE FROM CASHING CD D ISBURSE}'1:EI~TS PRESENT BALANCE (3~31~96) CD CASHED ($6554.00 plus PURCHASED (3~7~96) CASH ACCOUNT $27.54 Interest) CD T't.T .L L't 'lnn~ ..L::1::;1U c .:,> '~ 239.35 100.00 ~ :;. co .:,> .54 339.89 ~ :;. 4260.83 ro, y' 339.89 <" .:,>- 0.00 ~ .... 4600.72 <" -? $~ co .:,> 6581.54 6581.00 CA ..::.J~