LAB 10-04-1999 SCHERTZ PUBLIC LIBRARY ADVISORY.B:OA~D (LAE;J) MINUTES The LAB met on Octobei 4, 1999 with the following membeis piesent: Margaret Riley Ruth Tienor Julie Parr Mary McAllister Juan Thorn Barbara Ricks Pia Jarman Gail Douglas Minutes: The minutes for the September meeting were presented. Ruth made the motion to accept the minutes. Mary seconded the motion. The motion carried. Treasurer's Report: The report for August was presented. No report was available for September because the city books were not ready. Julie reported that the balance as of Au~ust 31 was $3,856.11. Mary made the motion to accept the report. Ruth seconded the motion. The motion carried. Librarian's Report: -Gail reported that Jake Valadez has resigned from the board. Due to other commitments, he would be unable to attend many of the meetings, and therefore felt it best to resign. -Stats for the year are down about 500 due to the library being closed for a week, however. the library had a record breaking Monday after reopening. - The moving company took longer than planned to move and replace books, and felt that the job cost $9,600 instead of the estimated $3,800. Gail agreed only to the original estimate due to the damage of books and furniture, the volunteer hours needed to get the iibrary back open, and the cost to mov~ the security, as well as having to use our own computer consultant. -Even though the moving process was not good, the rest of the remodeling is going well. Mr. DelGreco is very cooperative and reported that the entry should be completed by October 13. -Shipment of the new book drop has been delayed because of a problem at the plant. It should be shipped the week of October 8 and delivered within 7-10 working days. -The library has lost money in fines due to the book drop damage and the move. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon. -Organizations that have previously used the meeting room have been notified that they are responsible for finding another place since the bookstore has been moved to that area. Committee Reports: None Old Business: None New Business: Nominations for new board members as well as returning members will be done at the November meeting. Julie, Mary, Ruth, and Margaret have expiring terms. Juan, Barbara, and Norma make up the nominating committee and are to verify that those with expiring terms wish to return. Council Representative, Pia Jarman reported that on September 22, the Schertz City Council and the Seguin City Council met in the Seguin Library to discuss an alternative water supply. They have bought property to be able to tap into Carrizo Springs. . This would allow for a 50-year or more water supply. She also reported that the Highway 78 construction has been delayed for 4-5 months because Universal City has not bought a small portion of land by the railroad tracks. Ruth Tienor has been nominated as Paragon's Hometown Hero. The deadline for nominations was September 10. The winner will be announced later this fall. The motion to adjourn was made by Mary and seconded by Ruth. The next LAB meeting will be on Monday, November 1,1999 at 7:00 p.m. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1999 CASH ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE INCOME BOOKSTORE MISCELLANEOUS DONATIONS MEMORIAL DONATIONS CAW) $ 3856.11 $ 268.41 $ 1. 80 $ 50.00 $ 320.21 $+ 320.21 DISBURSEMENTS BOOKSTORE SALES TAX $ 19.49 $- 19.49 9-30 PRESENT BALANCE (~-99) $ 4156.83 . . . AMENDMENT TO TREASURER'S REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1999 INVESTMENT ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE INTEREST BALANCE ( 9-30-99) $ 18657.09 $+ 79.40 4 18736.49