LAB 03-01-1982 r; V,"'. .. SCEERTZ '1JBLIC LIBRARY Np.rch 1, 1982 EvelJ~ Rogers brought the meeting to order. Huss and Elaine were absent. The minutes 1'Tere read and ap,roved. TREASURER'~ REPORT PleaEe see the attached sheet. LI3RARIAI'!'S RE~ORT There lTere 44 re~ident, 5 ncm-resi'5ent cards if"~ued in February. 'l'~!ere \-Tere 45 children attending E.tory hour lTith a circulation of 1,994. l"ines collected ,~ere $.49.51. Linn is still weeding the shelves. The librery na~ 7,591 adult, 1,304 young adult and 2,427 juvenile for a total of 11,322. l.inn attended a Young Adult ":orkf'hop at the '"an Antonio J-'l),blic .LibrEr,y on February 18. The -ibrary nill of Right:" lTa~' discus2ed: re "children should have the E2IDe rights as adults concerning thenusber of books to be checked out.Q It lTas recoDsended that we change our I)olicy for young adults to chec1r out ts boob:::. This change will become effective iusediately. Director of District 10, Barbara Gubbin, will be visiting the library on March 4 to go over procedures for District 10. The film "African Queen" 1-dll be Iii th "I{~r Side of the Nountain." at the librEry got to pick which film life h . shown at 7:00 pm, Karch 18. We had problems The reel had breaks in ~t. The evening viewers film they wanted to see from our regular monthly Linn suggested Fe cooperate wi th :::eE.~in Public IJibrary for budcet money requests. \.... T,7e should \Jork as a Group I-Then budget is presented -- the I:loney will be divided according to population. Talked l'ii th Barbara Gubbin and she suggested 2 or 3 members of our board meet 1"ii th Seguin to ,Tork out our goals and objectives. Ruth Dade a motion that our Advisory Board, in cooperation with Seguin, meet and go together as a group on budget and county revenue funds. Henry seconded. I:otion carried. Linn said since we will be in the old building for awhile, she needs more shelves. Dona made a Dotion that Building & Property make plans for 10 more shelves and money be taken from the Book Sale for this purchase. Patti seconded. Motion carried. Henry stated that the four f'hel yes that have already been !:lade fTill be in -::lace by the end of E::.rch. r" " BUILDING & PROPERTY Henry reported that everything is ~orking fine except outside lights. BUDGET & FINANCE Received a letter from Kresge saying we would hear from them by mid-July about our grant propoEal. .PUBLICITY I>1~,-rgaret re-;orted about articles in' yaper, i. e., nel', officers, book sale and picture of new officers. Richard l~ill send out press releases and contact Cz'ole TV about the book sale. Ive should notify Schertz nmTsletter about our regular meeting dates. PERSONNEL Margaret ~ill talk with City Manager about when he is going to publicize Linn's posi tion and salar:r. We will try to get approval for position to be fill ed h,o (2) yeeks before Linn leaves, ..,hich is, Eay 15. There will be a potluck supper for Linn. Margaret and Patti to head. Sign-up worksheet for book sale was filled. Posters l'illl be placed around community advertising book sale. DISCUSSIOK Dona did a recap of the 3 meetings Ire had ld th Ci t;y Council regarding the new bliildi;ng. Gail Hyatt dropped by to offer her support. Ruth will draft a letter to City Council expressing our feelings about their refusal to help us. Linn will get in touch with Bill Gooch to see if he can help us find a safety engineer to look at the location of our proposed nevi library site. Plans of the slab have been alyproved by a Civil Engineer. Henry and Narge.ret will now take them to the City Engineer for approval. It was tentatively decided to have a meeting next Monday, March 9, at 7:00 pm. Julie made a 2otion for adjarnment. Patti seconded. Motfun carried. ~ ~t;Z;;;;(f 2 r? ... · March 1, 1982 TREASURERS REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 1982 GENERAL ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE INCOME Fine Money Change from cashing CD's EXPENDITURES Revenue Sharing to CD # 3 Users fee to CD # 3 PRESENT BALANCE S 3761.57 515.25 .61 $15.86 $+ 15.86 $3000.00 10.00 '3010.00 ~- ?OlO.OO $ 767.43 30 day CD # 1 Cashed ($ 418.00 plus $ 4.08 Interest) S 422.08 30 day CD # 2 Cashed ($ 867.00 plus $ 8.60 Interest) $+ 875.60 30 day CD # 3 Cashed ($ 25459.00 plus 5248.93 Interest) $+25707.93 Guadalupe County Revenue Sharing $+ 3000.00 I Users Fee $+ 10.00 $ 30015.61 .$- 422.00 S 29593.61 $- 875.00 S 28718.61 $-28718.00 S .61 CD # , Purchased (DObie Grant Money) CD # 2 Purchased CD # 3 Purchased In General Account