LAB 03-15-1982 Evelyn Rogers brought ,the ceeting to order. Absent were Russ end Elaine. SC~E~~Z PUBLIC LIBRARY Harch 15, 1982 A ~peciel meeting of the Library Advisory Board wa~ held at 7:15 pm on Monday, Eerch 15. The purpo~e of the meetfng 1:a2 to discu::,f' "...-here do we go from here" after City C'mncil's refu:: al to help us. The first item to be discussed was Richard esking for funds for publicity for the Book Sale. I-I&rg2ret made a ;;:otion that in the event that the Book Sale COTili ttee needs funds fer ~ublici ty that it be allo';led frOB Petty Cash in a :res::onable a:=ount. Dena c-econded. TFotion cE-rried. Linn called the Seguin Lib:re.rian last \'lednesday, E2Tch 10, rS.E;"E-rding cooperation for county budgeting. She 1':a2 ver:;~ receptive to the idea of the hm Boards meeting. A tent&tive date for the first meeting lS Earch 24, at 5:30 pm. It lias the opinion of the Advisory Board that "e do not .!ant to ~end a letter to City Council at this time. Linn will draft a letter to ~he Editer of the He&rald and Coc~unity Focus to let the citizens of the co=:-=:uni ty lWOi: .:hat has; ha-'jDened re;-O'.rding building pl.snr- for the Iibrc:.r3'. Dona thanked the BOerd for :-.er bOUQuet of florer-s, ,,'hich she so richly decerved. Jona ic ready to go back to :.:i ty COD.1lcil, but it ,:2.0 decided to ilai t ai.!hile. We do need City Council's sup~ort for the Library. Li:r:.n talked w-ith Hr. Gooch -- there are no state Im'!s regarding a Libre_r3r ne::::t to a fire s tc,tion of helipad -- but ire may hewe to think Gafety vise. Lin:r:. thinks the new location i::: the beet site but l1e Gay have to do S02e changing around. I:r. Gilnore is r-rilling to --ark l,i th the Libro.ry 2.nd help us nOil and ,!ould like to meet with a corLi ttee. Dona "12_de a J.1otion that E-,;relyn appoint a comr:Ji ttee to Deet with Mr. Gilmore as Eoon as )oEsible. Rich2rd seconded. LirE worked out a 3,000 Be ft plan. \fe nOlI have enOUZh mo:r:.ey for 2. 3,000sq ft buildi:r:.g. Should we fall DE-ck to a co=)ro::ise position? Our goal is to h2.ve r.::ore ::: 'cace. It 1!2.c decided to Fait for the ney C01LTlcil. Earl sU:G'ested Ci ty Council. donationE. ye h2.ve defi::ci te f igo:res and a good present2.tion when l-ie reap~Jroach He also said to talk to the people in the Schertz Business Club for We had hro visitors at the =eeting: ;"rilliBlI! Courtney and Cha:rles Sharpe who are rur~ing for City Council. Dona made 2.. Botion for adjournment. He:r:.r3' seconded. Notion c&rried. ~