LAB 04-06-1981 A , -. SCtlERTZ PUBLIC LIBRARY APRIL 6, 1981 Chairman Ma.rgaret Riley brought the meeting to order.. Absent were tTackie and Doug. Donna GreJ.nger made a mot ion to che,nge the agenda so that Mr. Fred Ross from Shelly Construct ion could me.ke e. presentat ion to the Board: Members t:lbout the cost of a cement block building for the new Library.. Evelyn Rogers seconded snd the motion carried. Fred then made his presentation stating the cost e.nd advante,ge~ of s. block building. A building ready to use would cost at this time $€57 .584. A mete.l building similier to the block building constructed by Fred would cost $65,279. with the same fittings except the exterior which would be of course metel. Quest ions were a.sked by the Boe,rd members End e.nswered by Fred.. Mr. Delony introduced Mr. Bob Milton from Seguin with Que.lity Steel Builders who gave B.n estimated cost of ~tI5.00 per s'q., foot of the same floor plan BS Fred used. The difference being cRrpeting and n 4 inch cement pad, whereas Freds would be e 5 inch pad.. Questions were asked by the Board end answered by Mr. Milton. The Execut i ve Board formaly rec ieved the Dobie Gre.nt of $2,,262..,sCl with pictures ;-:;.eing tS.ken by a local newspaper., TREASURER "8 REPORT P],ee.se see atte,ched sheet. LIBRARIAN REPORT There was e total of 58 resident 18 non-res ident and 3 users fee cards issued in March. Fines totaling $60.0'5 were recieved with 63 children attending story hour and a. circulation of 2.062 itema. A total of 11,,'790- books are now catalouged. National Library week was desiginated April 9-11.. All Library visitors will recieve a free coupon for fl MacDonalds regular hamburger. The film presenta.tion March 19 wa,s said to hf:tve been a good program but few people attended. A District 10 meeting was held Me,rch 26 with accent on childrens activities. A tour of the Library on April 14 will be ma.de by $,bout 80 children.. There is to be ~l work shop Thursda.y May 7 s.t the San Antonio Library for writing Grant Proposals. Brooke Sheldon will be the director.. A $1,000 from Distric 10 for books he,s been s.pproved. The books have been ordered. There vms a $24 theft from the Li br8ry during the weekend of the book sale. A key was used for entry. Good news: Linn will be the Librarian for !~mother yes.r.. There was a short discussion on the book sale of the new books sold on commission for the children.. Our profit was $42..11 Earl Sawyer s'ta.ted that the la.rge room s.t the Community Center was only a.s large as the prcposed footage wanted in the new Library Building and that ss best we could only ha,ve half of it which would be equal to what we now have.. So the Community H all has now been vetoed. A discussion wss held about a meeting with Universe.l City's use of our Library and funded with a per ca.pita basis equal to the Schertz per capita spending. Donna is to make inquiries. A suggestion was made tha.t perhaps the Toolmier house could be donated as a Library Building., No informa.tion about the size or condition of the building wes available. Donna. made a motion to put the book sale money into the building fund. Evelyn seconded. Motion carried.. Evelyn ma.de a motion to adjourn seconded by Julie'. Motion carried. ;;;i-~~~ / .,.. April 6, I98I TREASURERS REPORT GENERAL ACCOUN'l' PREVIOUS BALANCE INCOME Fine I\Toney - ChecK Users i"ees- Change i"rom C.,D.. 's' Book Se.le Proc e eds: EXPEND1TURERS Us,ers fees trHnsferred to 90 day C..D. Present Balance 30 day C.,D. cashed 90 day C.D. #2 cashed ($2500.00 plus 25.99 .interestl,',_ ($1 3TOI. 00 plus 415.77 intrest) Users feElS transferred from General Account 90 day C..D. # 2 purchased T'ransi"erred to Genernl Account' 90 day C.D. # I ~ashed' ($774.00 plus 24..56 interest)' 90 da.y C.D. # I Purchased Transferred to General Account $ 567.81 6..90 30.00 1.32 1139.89 -ft'78: 1I~- f2 30.00 1715.92 $ 2525.99 13516.. 77 I6042.. 76' 30.00 1607:2.,76 16072..00 .76 l $ 798.56 798.00: .,56