LAB 05-04-1981 < ,-. SCHERTZ PUBLIC LIBRARY MAY 4 1981 , The reeular meeting of the Board of Directors was brought to order by Chairperson Margaret Riley. Absent was Doris Courtney. Minutes were reed and approved by the Board. TREASURER'S REPORT Previous Bal Income- Fine Money $ 4..90 Dobie Gr~nt 2262.50 2267.,4<} $ I715..92 22m.-40 3983.,32 EXI?end. 30 day C.D. II I 3CY day C..D. # 2 $1140..00 2262.00 34'02.00 $ 3402.00 001..52 General Account pres'ent Bal.. 90 day C.D.. # I $ 798.00 90 day C.D. II 2 160'72..00 LIBRARIANS REPORT There were fI7 resident, II non-resident and I users fee c'ards issued in April. Story Hour attendance wes 42 and circulation was 1,719 items. ~here are 11,794 books catalouged.. Linn stated that MacDonalds was extremely cooperative during National Library. The y supplied posters and free coupons during the celebration.. The Summer Reeding Program which ste.rts eTune 10 and ends Aug. 19 will be divided.into'two groups. Second grade and Vounger will meet on Wednesday morning from 10:30 until 11:30.. Third grade and older will meet on Wednesday afternoon from 1:30 until 2:30.. There were two tours of the Library by school children during April.. One group was second graders. The second group VIaS 5th grade special reading clftsses.. Linn spoke at the Kiwainis Club April 22nd. She also attended the Dist. 10 Hill Country meeting at Comfort.. There is to be a work shop on Grant Proprosals at the San Antonio Library May 7th. We have submitted a Grant Proposal to be written up at this meeting directed by Brooke Sheldon. The present Libr~ry Cards will expire are being prepared 'to be issued to expire Linn elso reported the Lioness's Club April 30th. BUDGET & FINANCE Richard announced that we are applying to the United Fund for a Grp,nt of $1,000.. BUILDING & PROPERTY Henry Delony I Malfunction of Air Conditioner. Fixed by Henry 2 Commode in Ladies room was repaired.. :3 New floor plans will be available at the June Board meeting. Doug will work with Henry.. NEW EUS I1"ESS The Executive Board' reccomended that Hardy Henderson be appointed to the Board to finish Jennie Will iams rer.:aininr term., Reccomendat ion wes approved.. The Jaycees have been contp.cted pbout helpine: the Library 6: they agreed, but they are committed at this time and would like to be contacted at a later date for a specified item. Doug told the Board thpt the Library had been signed up for two booths ~t the 4th of July picnic at the Park sponsered by the Business Club.. Doug made e motion that we use the two games we hed last yepr. Richard seconded. Motion carried.. at the end of June and new ones June '84. donated $150 to the Library 2 ... ,~ Doug said he would pick up the equipment if someone else would take it back. Richard said he would try~ Discussion was held about obtt=dning prizes that would cut our overhead.. Several different su~gestions were mAde & will be pursued. Discusion VIES also held on different wr>ys for fund raising.. I Direct mail to residents of Schertz.. 2 A Labor Day Arts & Crafts or Flea market at the park.. l.Tore inf'ormation is needed &: organization. Donna and Evelyn will work together.. Doug stated that the Business Club would like to either let someone else take the 4th of July picnic over or perhRps work with the Business Club. ' Henry made R motion to adjourn and Donne seconded. Motion carried. RespectfUlly Submitted .-, ,7 ~' ! / - - b~~1~~ er/er