LAB 08-03-1981 " ... #- S 0-;==;[:':,,2 ~T- -- =_1:'" LI=-J::j...;:~= !..''__.c. '_; I~/I Co-c[lPirrlFln LJOrul? Grpir.;.Gel~ [,ro1..:_,C;ht tJ:'Je !-~:CE>t:_:-_r;~ .c.c or.:~::'c;Y'. Absent v:ere I'le.rgaret, Ele ir:e, Doug end Rutl:.. The minutes were read 2nd Treasurer's re~ort ~~s cor?8cted(mv error) end all were approved., ~ u TREPS1ffiER t S REPORT please see attached sheet. LIERARIAYS REPORT There were 57 resident, 19 non-resident cards ~ssued. There ~ere 14 for stor'JT hour, with a circuletion of 3101 f'nd (;42.II in collected fines., There are now II~467 books. It ',:FS noted that the Litrnr:c should P 1::: ::o:tnt F re l~re 5 E:Ltp~ ~ ye for t~e Dist~ 10 Advisory Eoerd. An orientetion rneetin[ is sche~u16d for Oct. It is pass i'ble the t th is person might 1:; e '8 Pl=;O irt ed to the D~ stY' ict 10 Board as there will be a vacpncy before Aug. 21st. Barbera Gubbin visited our Librnry ~lly 30. There were 3 different f,roups who toured the Librpr~r in July. K8JTor Stomgckin will present the f:'\'lFrds to the Surnmer Reeding Clut Aug. 19 At the Comnn:mity Center. The 8Ml1 film the children made will be shown. Evelyn, Richard & Doris are to make cookies for the event. lI';IS CELLEAN OUS Evelyn reported the locks have been replaced vlith 5 keys for P security loc k.- DOT"..na attended the Public T.V. Access meet ine. There is portable T..v.. equipment ava, ileble for publ ic use. But persons wishin8 to use it must attend p workshop before borrowiDf it. An Buditing committe was appointed. Elaine & Doris~ The City Budget hee.ring VlFS set for Aug. 4th J.~,...re;8ret & Je.ckie attended the Counh, Revenue meet jr,r 2n Seguin .Tuly 27 A request for $,9450 vms li1flde , or a 1.500 per cp_pite. br sed on count"JT popul- p t ion. Earl informed the b08rd thpt the wordinG of our resolution about chpnirg the agenda we.s in violation of the Texas open meeting laws. It was noted tha,t ...ve should chenge the wording to "order of BGenda".- Henr"JT pRssed along a mess8ge from Mr. Gilmore, that v:e put up R sign on our vacRnt lot, "Future Home of the Schertz Public Litrnry". Doris 8: HeT"~Y are to work together on this project. Earl will buy the pl~vood for the sign., Richard made a ~otion that we accept the Exec. Boards reccomendation of Patti Lovelpdy to fill the vpcancy on the Board. Evel~m seconded. l::ot:_on cerried. Julie mpde a motion to adjourn 8: Evel:,'TI seconded. Motion c~rried. ") . ../' C-- " /' ~" .-./ ~ /-::''/./} ../ " ._/" ._ .... ' /~--r /_1.-'./ ..../~ ~_k~7rl{~/_/ - .. "ll ....-... TREASL~ERS REPORT FOR JULY 1981 GENERAL ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE INCOJ.':E 4th of July proceeds Fine money Sprig & Sprout Garden Club donation From Dobie Grant CD Change from c~shing CD's ~305.25 42.(;0 20.00 550.liO .91 'I $918.16 EXPENDITURES Al,:OLS Nov~lty Co. (July 4th games &. prizes) 4th of July proceeds put into 30 day CD #1 'I PRESENT BALANCE 45 day CD cashed ($\151.00 plus ;20.74 Interest) 45 day CD cashed ($2284.00 plus $41.17 Interest) 4th of July proceeds added 30 day CD i 1 purchased 30 day CD # 1 purchased Transferred to General Account 45 day CD's # 1 # :2 (in effect) 3 August 1S.81 $ 554.62 $ 918.16 :$ 90.95 305.00 $395.95 $ 395.95 $ 1076.83 4> 1171.74 $ +2325.11 $ 3496.91 $ +305.00 $ 3801.91 $ -1476.00 $ 2325.91 ; -1775.00 $ 550.91 $ -550.Q1 0.00 $ 820.00 $ 19200.00