LAB 09-14-1981 .,.", d:k- C~t'1 SCHERTZ PUBLIC LIBRARY SrGPT~ 14, 1981 Ms:X'g~,tret Riley brought the regul1?r Bonrd meeting to order, with a moment, of s 1lent prayer in mel!!Ory of l1ammy Rogers. The order of the g,genda wes changed in order for Henry to give his report and leBve to attend Another meeting. BUILDTHG REPORT The sign ":FUTURE HOME OF SCHERTZ LIBRARyll hIlS been completed and J'erry Gra,ham j.s to set it in cement and place it on the lot. The Librar~r rec ieved a 26 dolle,r check from Un 1H,~J".- Q.{.,~>1.A/,\('; C \, ~"" (""C{ ,( ,;SA\ l't.\,t v , Henry will get the Ex:i.t Lights working in this building lcind try to get the outside lights fixed. ' Mr. Ford hed the cement slab blueprints finished with e 4" slnb and stru- ctrual steel in the slab~ It was the consensus of the Board thet the steel was in excess of whet the Librpry would require. We will try to get him to redra-w the draft end cut the a.mount of steel used., The m:tnutes were read B,nd ~lpproved from the lpst meeting. TREASURER'S REPORT Please see attached sheet~ LIBRARIANS REPORT There were 56 resident, 14 non-resident and 4 users fee cnrds issued in August., A total circulation of 2,474 articles fmd en inventory of 11,;7'21 books in the Library~ Linn reported the.t the Summer Reeding Club AW8rd presentations were succes'sful. The film the children and JEtckie made was shown and enjoyed. There is to be e Micro-Fishe.. workshop in Seguin. The Schertz Libre,ry recieved!375G of State Funds through Dist., 10 for books which she has ordered., The City of Schertz is having a picnic at the City Park Sept., 26 for all itrs volunteers and families. You are to bring a covered dish. Meat B.nd drinks will be furn:i.shed. The picnic starts at 2:00 P.lvt., with supper about 4:30 P.,M. Linn stpted the.t she could get a good buy on a current edittlon of world books,. but would prefe r to wa it for the "82 edit ion. We agreed., The~l would be purchased with the Dobie Grp.,nt :Money., :HEW BUSINESS Ma,rgaret and Henry recieved some new figures from Mr. Milton. A 41f slEb for $15,000 and a 6000 sq., ft. shell building for $21,.360. Thoes present agreed to try nnd get the building from that point put together as funds were ave ilpoJ:e~,rra.w:i.th psmuch v0J.unte-er'le:tror &-su-pplie'S a.s possible. Ruth mnde 8 mot ion that we build the slab Cc 6,000 sq. ft. shell now. Evelyn seconded. Motion ca.rried., The auditing committee pudited the books & okayed them. ~a.ckie Cleveland verbely resigned over the telephone as they are now living in Phoenix. Margeret ettended the Revenue Sharing Budget hearing and wes shocked to discover they vvere actualy going to reccomend, the Library in the County Budget for $3,450 and oitrl:y give us $6,000 of $9,.450 of Revenue Sharing... Good News Schertz, me.ybe we f'inally made it., ~ulie made a mot1.on to ad;ourn & Ruth seconded., Motion c'erried.. " ,..-, /(J r:; ?L ,/f~~ G~TJ/~ll ' 14 Septembe~ 1981 -"',;,~ TREASURERS REPORT FOR AUGUST 1981 GENERAL ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE INCOME Hemorial Donation UseI-s fees Fine Money Change trom CD's Error in payment to A.ols $50.00 40.00 31.90 1.37 .20 $123.47 EXPENDITURES InlrQ Books (DObie Grant Money) Roberts Lock & Safe Co. Creative Education (L10ness Club Money) $547.91 62.43 '7.83 $668.17 PRESENT BALANCE 30 day CD Cashed 30 day CD Cashed 't5 day CD Cashed 45 day CD Cashed TOTAL 30 Day CD Purchased #1 (Dobie Grant Money) 30 Day CD Purchased #2. 30 Day CD Purchased # 3($19491.aO plus 1491.94) (#1 $ 1476.00 + 15.94 Interest) (#2 $ 1775.00 + 19.17 Interest) (#1 $ 82.0.00 + 12.46 Interest) (#2 $ 19200.00 + 291.80 Interest) Chaag. transferred to Gen~~al Account $ 1076.83 $ + 123.47 $ .. 668.17 $ 532.13 $ 1491.94 $ 1794. 17 $ 832.46 $ 19491 ~80 $ 23610.37 $ .1791+.00 $ - 832.00 $-Z098~.00 $ 1.37