LAB 11-02-1981 1 , ..... " SCHERTZ PUBLIC LIBRARY' NOV. 2, T9B,! N[8.rgrret Rile'y brought the ree:ulnr bonrd meet 5ng t corder. Abs ent were Els ine" Dor is end Doug.. The minutes were read f),nd epproved. TREASURERS REPORT Plesse see attached sheet. Cards issued for October were 38 res ident ,. 5 non-resident end I users- fee. There were 94 children for story hour during the month. With a circuletion of 1,806 find fines collected toteled $45.80. We now hpve 11,.917 books, 275 records find 57 films. LIBRARIANS REPORT There WP-S !=l weeding workshop held At the LibrRry on Oct. 12th with 6 or more LibrArians present from our Area. Oct. 19, there w!>s p Dist. TO Hill Country meeting, with Lois, Msrgf-lret end Linn ettending.. On Oct. 29th S!:Jn Antonio hosted 8 meet ing workshop on Reference Service.. A new set of Reference books will cost us $350.00. On Oct. 16 the Annual Report wes turned in to Mr. Gilmore~ There wr>s p Hellow8en Pert'y during stor';{ hour Oct. 31st with more then 30 children ~ttending., The Librpry recieved $750.00 from Dist. 10 to be used for A. V. Linn will probaly buy film strips. Ruth Tienor, D:i.str ict 10' s Trustee Lip iason, Wf-l s to llttend e meet ing Seturdey Nov 7th., BUDGET & FIN1ANCE A letter will be sent to the Halsell foundetion asking them to let us use their money on 8. new building.. BUILDING & PROPERTY Henry is still trying to get the outside lighting & the Exit lights repaired. The furn~ce will be cleened repdy for use. PUBLICITY.. The committee will try to get a picture in the paper of our new sign at the site of our new Libr8ry on Live Osk Roed. NEW BUSINESS Henry and Margaret reported on the progress of the sleb and new building. Henry WAS elected ToastmAster of the locpl Topstm8sters Club., Evelyn mBde e mot ion to a,djourn, seconded by Ruth. Mot ion cerr1,ed.. :7 <.J" 4<..e..L-1#1 ;(~/~'.~'~/~'/' ,~'/ l/ 7" ) (/ t/ J' , 1 , _'. I ..(.. November 2, 1981 'rREASURERS REP(1~T FOR OCTOBER 1981 GENERAL ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE INCOHE .fine Money Users Pee From Dobie Grant CD Change from cashing CD's $ 36.85 10.00 aoo.oo .49 $2'+7.34 EXPENDITURES Texian Press - Books Elders Audio Visaal - projector Repair Users fee transferred to CD # .3 PRESEm BALANCE 30 day CD # 1 Cashed 30 day CD # 2 Cashed .30 day CD i/ 3 Cashed Transferred from General $1'7.3.25 66.50 ~ $249.75 $ 995.99 $ + 247.34 $ $ - 24~.71:j 993.58 ($ 1313.00 plus $ 13.21 Interest)$ ($ 841.00 plus $ 8.46 Interest)$ + ($ 21254.00 plus $213.82 Interest)$ + Account.. Users Fee $ t 849.46 21467.82 10.QQ 23653.49 30 day CD # 1 Purchased . Dobie Grant Money 30 day CD il 2 Purchased 30 dIllY CD # .3 Purchased Transferred to General Account 1326.21 $ $ - 1126.00 $ $ $ · 849.00 -~1Jf.'l8.00 200.49