LAB 12-07-1981 , SC~ERTZ n'BLIC LIBRARY DEC. 7, 198.1 MsrgRret Riley brought the regu18r Boerd meet'ing to order. Absent were Elaine, Rich8rd, And Doug. The minutes were rep.d end approved., TREASU RERS REPORT . , PleRse see ettRched sheet.~ Librpri~ns Report. There were 3~ resident, 3 non-resident And I users fee cards issued in November. There were 43 children for story hour. A circulation of 1,,404 articles end $67.90 cents in fines collected. Linn reported she hAd spent the $750 of Dist. 10 money for film strips end hed recieved $1500 worth of merchpndise. On the 3rd Thursdey stsrtingin .Tpn..." the Library will have access to fU,ll length movies.. The first one will be Benji. Others we will be recieving for I full dRY'S' use will be Mame end True Grit. The Librery will be closed Dec. 24-25-26-31 and .Tan. 1-2.., Linn pttended p Stete LibrRry wotkshop at the Srn Antonio Librery. The subject- Volunteer workers. We now have 11,924 books. FHTANCE CO?,';?',TITTEE This committee was informed thpt we could keep the Helsell Foundetion money.. BUIIJ)ING Arm PROPERTY Kenry reportedthpt he would Get the drpwer fixed thpt wes broken during the robbery in Nov.. The furnace WPs clepned 8ndnow ready for use. NOMINATING C'')MMITTEE ' Donnp reported on the nominating committee reccomendations. Russ Hendricks End Tony Ppulson. Nominptions were Rlso recieved from the floor.. Henry plnced .Tim Delony 88 e prospective boprd memberstpting that .Tim is ~ licensed engineer end would be an asset to the Library especielly 8t this time. Henry m~de p mot ion nominat ions cepse and Evelyn seconded. . 110t ion c"rried. Written bnllotswerB tpkenwith Hendri~.spnd Ppulson with the m8jor~ty votes. New two year terms po to, Ruth, .Tulie, Henry, Pettie, Tony and Russ. t'1JFINISHED BTTS nmss The blueprints for the slnb hpve been completed p,nd are now more in line with the nmount of steel Bnd concrete thpt pre needed for the Librnry. ' Projected stprting time for the slAb is Jan. 4th. 1\EW EUSHTESS Ruth pttended the TexRs Stpte Librrry AssociAtion meeting on Nov. 7th. Elizpbeth Crpbbof Denton is President pnC our Ruthie wps elected e Trustee. The afternoon workshop WPs SerVice Automation and MicrO-Computers. Ruth did not pttend workshop. Mr. Spwyer slClid we should send Fl formpl letter to the County Budfet Committe e requesting funds ellotted for the Librpry. ~uth ronde p motion to pdjourn seconded by .Tulie. Motion cprried. ,. December 7. 1981 TREASURERS REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 1981 GENERAL ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE INCOME Users Fee Change from cashing CD's From Dobie Grant CD EXPENDITURES . H. W. Wilson Co. _ Books Ingram Book Co. -'Books Users fee to_~D # 3 PRESENT BALANCE $ 10.00 .19 400.00 $410.19 S 38 5. (liD 422.30 10.00",.. $817.40 s 993.58 8+ 410.19 $ - 81j.@ $ 586.3.7 30 day CD # 1 Cashed ($ 11?6.00 plus $ 10.00 Interest) 30 day CD "II 2 Cashed ($ 849.00 plus S 7.53-. Interest) 30 aayCD # 3 Cashed ($21478.00 plus $190.66 Interest)- From General Account- Users Fee S 1136.00c $ + 856.53c S +21668.66c $ + 10.00 S 23671.19 $ - 736.00 $ - 856.00 S -21679.00 S 400.19 30 day CD # 1 Purchased - Dobie Grant Money 30 day CD # 2 Purchased 30 day CD # 3 Purchased Transferred to General Account