LAB 04-07-1980 SCH ER'rZ PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING .April 7th" I98U The meeting was brought to order by Chairman }Eargret Riley.. Members absenJi were Doug Mlckus}Rarriet LipP&,ancl Edith Cloud. Finance report t General Account- $394.82. 90 day C.D.. purchas'ed $5,,500..0 30 day O.D., purchased $I580.,00 M'emorial Fund '6..9'4 Building Fund' $I875..55 Book S:,ale Income $T234..8I.. ~yfi Donna Grainger made a motion to put book salef[~t~ greater need arises., Seconded by EvelJ7TI Rogers Donna made a met ion to decide each year on the use building fund until of beok sale money. Circulation of 15I7 bOOKS.., Story Hour attendance 53.. 35 resident 5 non resident and 2users fee cards were issued. Ruth Tienor recieved Texas Library Trustee of The Year Award for the State of Texas I980. Linn Landis-Librarian reported the purchase of A..V.. equipment and puppet 'Of Sleeping Beauty., She a.lso reported that the "Helida.yW film strips purchased by the Lioness t's are in., Linn attended the R~,S.,V..p. workshop in S',eguin. City Council approved a increase to a 30 hour work week for the Librai- en.. Also approved was the file cabinet and papar back rack plus expenses for Ruth and Linn to Dalla.s for the acceptance of Ruths Award. Robyn Cs.rr- Author will make an apparence at the Schertz Library on April I5th at 3:00 P..M. MbDonalds will sponsor a car wash April 26th 2::00 to 5:00P..M~ Money to be donated to eur Library. GOvenor Clemm~m13 announced April I3 to I9 as T,exas L.ibrary Week.. Ii total 'Of IO,608 beaks have now been cataloged. Ii new application for a Kresges Grant for $8,339.26 was: submitted. Results to be announced in July.. Mr. Delony will start new shelves after April I2th. It was reported thet the book sale recieved good publicity from all medias. Ii Mr. Trae.1er fl"om Seguin purchased remaining books from sale for $I50. We still need publicity for contiunal book donations to Librery. Ruth questioned her position as Vice Chairman stating tha.t the post should be held by person being groomed for next Chairmanship. Beard will elect a new Vice-Chairman., The Library was not eliQible for "80-8I " Library membership due te a decrease of per capita' funds., Ruth made a motion to ajourn and it was seconded by Julie.., /' ;b~