LAB 05-05-1980 SCEER1'Z PUBLIC LIBRARY MAY5"I020 The Librery Board moeting ',ms brought to order by Mal1lgret Riley., Abs'ent were Donna,. Jennie and Kermit. Julie made the firuthial report... $500..47 General Acct. I-30Cday C.D. $I200..00 purchssed. I-90 day C.D. $5500..00 purchased., Memorial Fund $6.94 Building Fund-$I895..55 TOtal assets $9I02., 96 McDonalds carwash donated $II.OO Ruth announced that she met Liz Carpenter at T.L.A. :in De.llas when Ruth recieved her award. Linn reported the,t She B.nd Ruth and Ms.r8\!'et were attending several seminars during the month of May, Two Pre-school groups toured the Libr8ry. It ws,s reported that IO,. 608 books and I39 records were now cBtaloged. Linn purchased $4I9.39 worth of books. The freshman class from Clemmens attended the Rob;yn Carl'" ;reception end a 11 who attended were very impressed. (C1J.l/'fv' (cd (F,~, c,,/, t 1'1-' -'A." '7 .if'" The budget for the 80-8I fiscal year was to be present~gJ96h~~ty by May I5th. A discussion was held about per capita spending)"15e ce.rE?rully prepared in order to meet State regulations so that we might be a.ccepted into the State System. New hours were suggested to begln et 12:00 P .11. Linn expressed 8. des ire for e. s8.lnry j.ncrense'. Th6 new vertic2l file c2binet has ba3n recievod. :Te11ry l1r._ s' f :1.11. 2.S ~_18(1 1:rLl.1. JJI :t~"E; ro' lle"C.~r ~.)() oT'~ S~.lD J_f :.~_~l.:t .~~ S . rrllO Pf~"rJ::j_~'.J.(-:; 3tc~ns "1.~."':t8 03:~Y'_J. _'!_.~-.1;3-~- J.:. . Doug ~T"'.l;"', "n~;i'Y1 ~''')l'' tha Vice C::li1iFJ?~,l:;) .:,-):;)::l'):;~i.:; 111:,1' C1 ~._1.")')J.'3)n "',," J..' SC3 of tre fOr-rue 1 book se Ie.- The mot ion was seconded by Edith Cloud snd motion passed. 1t1.1I S-/-e....." on ;t\ Ruth changed her mind about being Vice Chairman and wno ):-0 olected Lv the position.. New bus iness----- The 4th of July booth was disscussed and decided th!=lt the cork gun and Poster Throw for the dfly~time and the possibility of a short order food booth during the dance possibly be open. Motion for adjournment ws.s made by Evelyn and seconded by Harriett. Motion cRrried.. ..L /i:: ~r;5~