LAB 06-02-1980 SCHERTZ PUBLIO LIBRARY JUN'E 2,., I 980 . The meeting was brought to order by Margret Riley., Minutes were ree,d and Bpproved. Finiciel report- General Acct.. $196..39 Memoria.1 Fund $6..94. Building Fund $I905.,55., A $5000.0'0 Check from Halsell was rec ieved the 7th of I'ilay a.nd was in- vested in p 30 dB.y O.D. andi is included in the building fund. Linn reported 34 resident 2I non resident and one users fee cards were issued. There were 75 children for story hour and circulation of I749 books. Harriet reported there ar IO,757 books and I39 records cataloged. Linn e,ttended a. Cable T. V. work shop in Garland Me.y 7th B.nd she also spoke before the Cable Advisory Boa,rd on :May 27th. The childrens summer reading progr<"m starts June 4th and ends Aug..20th. There are 26 children enrolled at this date. The Finance Committe reccomended that we use the Grants for building a wing. All boa.rd membe s present a,greed., Donna Greinger made a motion: The Library Board continue to pursue the present fund raising plans for adding to the existing Library Building until a more sui ta ble alternat i ve occurs. Henry seconded. Mot ion cB:rried.. Budget and Finance will prepare a budget to be submitted for the County Budget.. Four other reccomendations from the Budget and Finance Committe were sumitted to the Board and with discussion were approved. I.. Capital Expendituresfitems with at least a five year life span, ex- cluding booksr need to have prior board approval or for items of less than $200.00 must at least he.ve Execut i ve Board approval., This includes all cost overruns.. 2.. The Librarian is authorized to spend funds in the budget that comes from 1:the City, petty cash or funds donated for specinl purposes without prior Board approval. LibNlry supply orders over $IOO.OO per month should first be cleared with the Treasure. 3. Recommended that petty cnsh be kept at approximately $30.00. 4. The Fina.nce Committe is to be involved in the budget preparation and should make every effort to be in attendsnce of meetings held with foun- dations, City or the County Government. Harriet Lipp submitted her res igna,t ion end it was a.ccepted relunently by the Board., She recieved a. stcnding ovation for r job well done. Because of the weether the book shelves still need to be stained end vernished. Board members absent were Roy Richards, Kermit Harborth, Edith Cloud and Ruth Tienor.. Julie Parr made a motion to adjourn and Jennie Williams seconded. Motion carried.. &~~ ~