LAB 08-06-1979 ... I- September 10, 1979 The Schertz Public Library Board met August 6, 1979 for its regular monthly meeting. Board members present were: Ruth Tienor, Marge Rakowsky, Marquerite Martinez, ~._~ '-~t li'~8, Douglas Mikus, Julie Parr, Margaret Riley, Evelyn Rogers, Betty Child and Librarian Lynn Landis. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report as stated was approved as read: GENERAL ACCOUNT Previous balance on July 31, 1979 Income $633.80 2l8.27 Expenditures -285.75 II- 57(". 3;t. ~36.32 INVESTMENTS Interest on CD in July $ 14.27 Present balance of CD 2,580.00 Total deposits as of July 31, 1979 $3,216.32 The librarians report indicated that circulation for July totaled 2,007 with $13.55 collected in fines. There were 55 resident cards and 10 non-resident cards issued. There were 27 children attending story hour on Saturday morning. The board welcomed the new librarian, Lynn Landis, and she gave a word of appreciation on the work the volunteer staff has done. Mrs. Landis reported that the library is due to receive new books from District X and the library will be getting some larger print books from the State. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. The cataloging committee reported that as of August 3rd, there were 9,638 books cataloged. 2. Budget & Finance reported that a number of request for funds have been sent to foundations for assistance in enlarging the building. 3. Policy & Evaluation reported that we have a record player and three head sets in and they are looking into what other librarians policies are regarding the use of such equipment. 4. Publicity & Public Relations reported that the local papers have agreed to carry articles concerning new books in the library. , \ l ~ ~ UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ruth Tienor reported on the summer reading program coming to an end. Certi- ficates of Completion will be given out August 25th at 11:30 a.m. There was a discussion of other awards to be given and Douglas Mikus stated that he would get free hamburgers from Sonic of Schertz and free games from Goofy Golf for the winners. A letter of resignation was read from Marg Rakowsky and the board accepted it with regrets. Mrs. Rakowsky was commended for her untireing efforts in making a dream of a library become a reality. The nominating committee submitted the name of Julie Parr as a board member with her term to end January 1980. Edith Cloud moved that we elect Julie by ~~~~~~~~~ Donna Grainger seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The board welcomed Mayor Bob Buecker, Councilman Earl Sawyer and County Com- missioner Malford Ackerman. Commissioner Ackerman was questioned at length on the revenue sharing funds which the county will receive this year. There being no further business, Donna Grainger made a motion to adjourn, Margaret Riley seconded. Motion carried unanimously.