LAB 10-01-1979 ; ~ November 5, 1979 The Schertz Public Library Board met October 1, 1979 for its regular monthly meeting. All board members were present with the exception of Roy W. Richard Jr. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report as stated was approved as read: General Account Previous balance on Aug. 31, 1979 Income Expenditures $ 309.69 1,011.12 - 486.02 $ 834.79 Investments Certificate of Deposit 2,200.00 Total deposits as of Sept. 30, 1979 $3,034.79 A motion was made by Donna Grainger and seconded by Edith Cloud that we accept the treasurer's audited financial report that was checked with the City personnel in charge of accounts. Motion carried unanimously. The librarian's report indicated that circulation for the month was 1,222 with 40 resident cards issued and 11 non-resident cards issued. Fines for the month totaled $26.10 and 38 attended story hour. Committee Reports 1. The book committee reported 9,798 volumes cataloged and on the shelves plus 138 records cataloged. 2. Budget & finance reported on the 1980 budget. Expected revenues to be $21,000 and expenditures of $27,308. Therefore if we want to build an addition to the library we will need to raise $6,308. Donna Grainger made a motion that we approve the budget for 1980. Harriet Lipps seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Policy and evaluation reported that they recommend there be a user's fee for non-resident patrons. Douglas Mikus made a motion that people residing outside Guadalupe County pay a non-refundable user's fee of $15.00 per year for a family or $10.00 a year for an individual. Kermit Harborth seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The committee also recommended that lost or damaged records beyond repair there will be a $5.00 minimum charge or the cost of the record. Charges for da- maged records will vary according to the damage and will be determined by the librarian. Motion to this effect was made by Margaret Riley, seconded by Evelyn Rogers. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Publicity and public relations - Lyn reported that the local papers are giving her good coverage on news concerning the library and she is also giving talks to different organizations concerning the library. ... \ > Old Business There was a discussion of the grants being received by the library for books and building expansion. A motion was made by Donna Grainger and seconded by Edith Cloud that the library establish a Building Fund with the Finance & Budget Committee overseeing it. Motion carried unanimously. New Business 1. There was a report that the Moody Foundation will take up our request for a donation or grant. 2. Ruth reported that the library's former head volunteer Eva Perry's husband died and there is a Russ Perry Memorial Fund established for those who wish to contribute. 3. The J.C. 's have agreed to purchase the McNaughton Book series for 1980. 4. The nominating committee is short one member since Marg Rakowsky moved. Margaret Riley made a motion to add Edith Cloud to the nominating committee, Betty Child seconded, motion carried unanimously. 5. Ruth Tienor complimented librarian Lynn Landis on the magnificient job she has been doing. All board members agreed with this statement. There being no further business, Kermit Harborth made a motion to adjourn with Harriet Lipps seconding. Motion carried unanimously,and we ajourned at 9:20 p.m.