LAB 05-01-1978 L,: . ..,... - ..~. LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MAY 1, 1978 The regular meeting of the Advisory Board was called to order at 7:20 p.m. Members present: Ruth Tienor, Marge Rakowsky, Marguerite Martinez, Kay Sherman, Mary Neleigh, Edith Cloud, Evelyn Rogers, and Kermit Harborth. Absent: Harriet Lipps, Margaret Riley, Doug Mikus and Jean Delonfy. The minutes of March 6, 1978 were read and approved. Marguerite Martinez gave the following Treasurer's report: Previous balance(3-31-78) Deposits: XI OMICRON DEL~A Evening Lions (Albert Zimmermans Raff'le tickets $1838.58 46.00 pjfferkorn) 50.00 75.00 134.00 Expenditures: Acme Lumber Balance on hand 535.72 1607.86 Committee Reports and action: Cataloging- Ruth Tienor reported for Harriet Lipps: 3,000 books have been cataloged and are ready for shelving. Clean-~- Marguerite Martinez reported: possible two cleaning days are needed for grand opening. Finance- Ruth Tienor reported for Doug Mikus: No carpeting from Oak Hill Motor Inn. Local businesses have been called by Doug, $1575. has been pledged to buy new carpeting. The whole Library will be c3rpeted with the only except~on being the workroom. Policy- Marge Rakowsky reported: Working on general procedures now. Volunteer applications are ready to be filled out and returned to the library as soon as possible. Remodeling- Mary Neleigh reported: Gerard Electric will be installing exit lights and a buzzer on the children's room door. Library sign will be U shaped with raised letters of redwood. The Greenfield Garden Club is decorating the children's room. The Texas flag was received from Austin and GVEC will either paint the old flagpole or buy a new pole. The Officers Wives Club has $200. available for the library, this money may be used for carpetting in the children's room. The carpet picked out by the Board is $7.80 per sq yd. it is to be installed with glue. Marge Rakowsky made a motion, seconded by Edith Cloud, to give the decorating committee the choice in color of the rug. Motion carried. The City will furnish weather stripping and purchase wood for the cabinet around the boxes in the hall. j , . -2- Remodeling cont. The Board approved $300-$500 be used to furnish reading area with two study tables and three easy chairs. Edith Cloud made a motion, seconded by Marge Rakowsky. Motion carried. Publicity- Kay Sherman reported: Local newspapers will carry continous notices now through June 4. Votes will be sold at the dance for the title The Happy Booker. Unfinished Business Forty dance tickets were handed out to each Board Member. Cost, $2.00 each. Evelyn Rogers and Jean Deloney will be going to Minnie Piper Foundation May 2. Mary Neleigh reported and excellent program on Oral History and Puppetry at Bandera Workshop. The next workshop is in Boerne, July 31. New Business- The Schertz Business Club meeting will be May 8 to plan carnival events for the 4th of July Carnival. Marguerite Martinez(committee chairman) will attend. Dedication Progress Report- Samuel Clements Band will play 15 min. prior to ceremony and do the National Anthem. Mr. Hill will be Master of Ceremonies. No ribbon cutting, the Library sign will be unveiled. Invitation were sent out to local and distant dignitaries. Judge M~urck and wife will be attending ceremony. - Eva Perry has agreed to take the head volunteer position, to oversee the daily operation of the Library. Citizens to be heard- Mary Neleigh plans to attend the next PTC meeting May 8 in reference to the $100 donation she has requested. Marge Rakowsky moved and Mary Neleigh seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Marguerite Martinez Secretary