LAB 08-03-1987 ;1 LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES The. U..bJr.aJr.tj Adv"wOJr.tj BoaJr.d me.t noJr. .i...t.6 month1.tj rrie_e.t.i...ng on Mondatj, AugtWt 3, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. Me..71be.Jr.-6 pJr.e.-6e.nt: EaJr.~ HaJr.tzog, V.i...ce. Cha.i...Jr.man Conn.i...e. BJr."won, Se.cJr.e.taJr.tj Ju~.i...e. PaJr.Jr., TJr.e.a-6uJr.e.Jr. MaILtj McA~~.i...-6te.Jr. Ruth T.i...e.noJr. The. m.i...nute.-6 nJr.om Ju~tj we.Jr.e. pJr.e.-6e.nte.d. MaJr.gaJr.e.t move.d acce.pte.d, and Tontj -6e.conde.d. . TREASURER'S REPORT MaJr.gaJr.e.t Rile.tj Tontj Pau~-6on Ex-Onn.i...c.i...o - Ga.i...~ Doug~a-6, L.i...bJr.. Ado~ph Ag!L.i...taJr., C.i...ttj Counc.i...~ Re.p. that the. m.i...nute.-6 be. JuR..i...e. pJr.e.-6e.nte.d the. tJr.e.a-6uJr.e.Jr.'-6 Jr.e.poJr.t. Conn.i...e. move.d to acce.pt .i...t, and Ruth -6e.conde.d. The.Jr.e. Wa-6 -6ome. d.i...-6cU-6-6.i...on about c.i...ttj counc.i...~'-6 de.-6.i...Jr.e. that ouJr. counttj budge.t at~otme.nt -6ome.how be. Jr.e.n~e.cte.d on the. R..i...bJr.aJr.tj budge.t pJr..i...ntout that the. c.i...ttj pJr.e.paJr.e.-6. C.i...ttj council .i...-6 con-6.i...de.Jt '..i...ng pMt-t.i...me. ~.i...bJr.aJr.tj he.~p. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: stat6 : Re.-6.i...de.nt caJr.d-6 .i...-6-6ue.d: Non-Jr.e.-6.i...de.nt caJr.d-6 U-62/1. ' -6 6 e.e.-6 Re.c.i...pJr.oca~ caJr.d-6 Re.poJr.te.d btj Ga.i...~: The. Co~~e.ct.i...on -6tand-6 at: F.i...~m-6tJr..i...p-6, 735. The. ~umme.Jr. Jr.e.ad~ng c~ub wa-6 ve.Jr.tj -6ucce.-6-66u~. Se.ve.Jr.a~ book.-6 we.Jr.e. woJr.n out and we..Jr.(?, dup~.i...cate.d.kapp.i...~tj, -6ome. book.-6 we.,'1.e. Jr.e.tuJr.l1e.d duJr..i...ng thJ..,6 thne. that had be.e.n m.i...-6-6.i...ng noJr. qu.i...te. -6ome. time.. Ve.Jr.a .i...-6 wOJr.k..i...ng we..~~ w.i...th the.ove.Jr.due. book. compute.IL pJr.ogJr.am. The. -6tate. ~.i...bJr.aJr.tj -6atj-6 that SPL "w cuJr.Jr.e.ntttj chaJr.ge.d w.i...th -6e.Jr.v.i...ng 15,000 pe.op~e. - Sche.Jr.tz populat.i...on + counttj Jr.e.-6.i...de.nt.6 .i...n OUIL aJr.e.a. We. mU-6t p~an 6oJr. the. 7990'-6 ce.n-6u-6. County mone.tj, .i...n acce.pte.d, can be. tWe.d noJr. book.-6 oJr. ouJr. cho.i...ce.. We. ne.e.d one. c.i...Jr.cu~at{ng .i...te.m pe.Jr. cap.i...ta, up to 25,000 pop. The. c.i...ttj .i...-6 hO-6t.i...ng an .i...nte.Jr.n 6Jr.om CO-6ta R.i...ea .i...n coope.Jr.at.i...on ~.i...th a 6e.de.Jr.at pJr.ogILam wh~Jr.e. c.i...ttj counc.i...tme.n Come. to -6hn.i...~aJr.~tj--6.i...ze.d town-6 .i...n the. U.S. He. wil~ be. v.i...-6.i...t.i...ng the. ~.i...bJr.aJr.tj on FJr..i...day. The. "L.i...bJr.aJr.tj Le.x.i...con" ne.w-6pape.Jr. aJr.t.i...c~e.-6 aJr.e. go.i...ng we.~L MaJr.gaJr.e.t and Ga.i...~ atte.nde.d the. Bob Watton automat.i...on wOkk.-6nop. Jack. St'1.,[ck~a.nd, UC counc.i...~man, "w quote.d .i...n the. ne.w-6pape.Jr. a-6 -6atj.i...ng, "The. Un.i...ve.Jr.~a~ C.i...ttj L.i...bJr.a.Jr.tj .i...-6 the. on~tj one. .i...n the. ~tate. tha.t .i...-6 Jr.e.que.-6t.i...ng -6tate. mone.!! 60Jr. book.-6." That"w, on couJr.-6e., an e.Jr.Jr.oJr.. The. -6pJr..i...nk.~e.Jr. -6tj-6te.m h''l..a.d .i...o 6.i...xe.d, and a. op'1.{nk.te.Jr. he.ad WM Jr.e.p~ace.d at ~ ch~tge on $6.00. No chatge oOJr. the -6eJr.v~ce. ca~~. 82 43 2 3 Cop.i...e.Jr. ne.e.-6 F.i...ne.-6, ttjpe.wJr..i...te.Jr., C.i...Jr.culat.i...on Atte.ndance. e.tc. $705.70 $223.84 7769 3499 Adu~t, 9222; Young Adult, 7377; and Juve.n.i...R.e., 3525. ",. .". GaU wil.t atte.nd anothe.J1. wo,'tk.-6hop tomoltJr.oW. A Jr.e.m~nde.Jr. wa-6 made. about the. ne.e.d 60Jr. ~hang~ng the. addJr.e.-6-6 on the. 6Jr.ont -6~gn. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Ve.-6p~te. phone.~a.t.t-6 and -6hopp~n.g, Conn~e. ha.t> ha.d no .tu~k. ~n Mnd~ng a ne.w -6.:.ltapbook. to mat~h V o.tume.-6 1 a.nd II. BUILVING COMMITTEE EaJr..t ha-6 not be.e.n ab.te. to~~nd time. to ge.t the. -6pe.c.-6 toge.the.Jr. 60Jr. the. bu~.td~ng add~t~on. MaJr.gaJr.e.t w~.t.t ~a.t.t R.S.V.P. to -6e.e. ~n pe.Jr.hap-6 a Jr.e.t~Jr.e.d aJr.~h,[te.~t m~ght be. w~.t.t~ng to put th.<.-6 ~!1noJr.mat~oYl tog2..the.Jr. nOJr. u..-6. POLICY COMMITTEE -- Ruth move.d that the. .t~bJr.aJr.Y k.e.y k.e.pt by the. d~-6pat~he.Jr. be. .toane.d duJr.~ng non-ope.Jr.at.i.ng houJr.-6 on.ty to ~uJr.Jr.e.nt .t~bJr.aJr.Y boaJr.d 06n~~e.Jr.-6 and de.-6~gnate.d pa~d .t~bJr.aJr.Y e.mp.toye.e.-6. Ge.ne. -6e.~onde.d the. mot~on. Mot~on ~aJr.Jr.~e.d. LITERACY PROGRAM REPORT MaJr.gaJr.e.t note.d that a..t.t i-6 ~ont~nu~ng to pJr.ogJr.e.-6-6. CuJr.Jr.e.ntiy the. tutoJr.~ng ~-6 700 houJr.-6 pe.Jr. month, wh~~h ~-6 -6.t~ght1.y down nJr.om the. pa-6t bu.t -6nou.td e..te.vate. w~th the. e.nd on -6wmme.Jr. va~at~on. The. to.t.t-6Jr.e.e. nwmbe.Jr. o~ the. nat~ona.t .te.ve..t, PLUS (PJr.oje.~t L~te.Jr.a~y U.S.), pJr.ov~de.-6 name.-6 on~nte.Jr.e.-6te.d paJr.t~e.-6, too. MoJr.e. pub.t~~~ty noJr. OuJr. pJr.ogJr.am Wa-6 pJr.ov~de.d today -6~n~e. a He.Jr.a.td-Sun photogJr.aph2..1t took. p~~tuJr.e.-6 06 Gail and MaJr.gaJr.e.t ~n nJr.ont 06 the. Re.ad~ng-Ve.ve..topme.nt bu.t.te.t~n boaJr.d ~n the. .t~bJr.aJr.Y. No othe.Jr. bu.-6~ne.-6-6 Wa-6 d~-6~u-6-6e.d. Be.~aU-6e. 06 LaboJr. Vay ne.xt month'-6 me.e.t.i.ng wil.t be. on Se.pte.mbe.Jr. 14. Tony move.d to adjouJr.n and MaltgaJr.e.t -6e.~onde.d. /} f {). l..c.-7A./l/v-J"!.-,' /) '1..A/1.~'-'4......./ Conn~e.BJr.~-6on, Seeke.taJr.Y v' . August 3, 1987 TREASURER'S REPORT FOR JULY 1987 CASH ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE $ 3559.58 INCOME Donation $ 50.00 Users Fees (2 Individual) 20.00 Kemorial Donation 40.00 Pine Koney/Copier Fees 195.80 County Budget Allotment 833.33 Change from cashing CD .94 $ 1140.07 $+ 1140.07 DISBURSEMENTS Elders (A-V Supplies) $ 43.50 Texas Library Assoc. (Bookmarks,etc) 44.00 Baker & Taylor (Books) 233.66 Avalon (Books) 53.50 Right On Programs (Comp. Supplies) 95.00 . Peruse Books 198.81 Baker & Taylor (Books) 233.38 Contreras 21. 50 $ 923.35 $- 923.35 PRESENT BALANCE $ 3776.30 CD Cashed ($22128.00 plus $106.94 Interest) CD Purchased (7-17-87) In Cash Account $ 22234.94 - 22234.00 $ .94 .