LAB 03-04-1985 ... . .. LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES The Library Advisory Board met in regular session on Monday, March 4, 19t15 at 7: 30 p.m. Members present: Tony Paulson - Chairman Ruth Tienor - Vice-Chairman Julie Parr - Treasurer Mary McAllister - Secretary Gene Weaver Fred Ross-, Margaret Riley Ex-Officio - Gail Douglas, Librarian Adolph Aguilar, City Council Representative Fred moved that the minutes of the February 4th meeting be approved. Margaret seconded the motion. Motion carried. TREASURER'S REPORT (see attached reports) monthly report and a Dance and Auction report. Gene seconded. Fred moved the Julie presented the report be accepted. LIBRARIAN'S R~PORT Stats: Resident cards issued - eo Non-resident cards - 52 User's Fees - 11 Copier Fees - $72.65 Fines, Etc. - $7tl.30 Circulation - 27e7 Reported by Gail: The Collection stand$.at; Adult Volumes - 7513; Young Adult - 1205; and Juvenile - '2.760. DF Gail distributed copies of the annual report ~ the city. Gail and Margaret attended the Legislative Day in Austin on Febr. 13. It was a very successful day. On Febr. 2~th Gail and Margaret attended the Lay Advisory Council Meeting. The Color Analysis program date has been changed. 135tl was the population number of Schertz which was used on the State Report. Thank-you notes are being sent for contacted for additional names. ~~ Gail attended a "KickoilOff'! 110r the the dance and auction. Liz Mueller will be Seguin Library expansion. FINANCE The"first quarter Revenue Sharing monies ($17tl7.50)have been received. This amount will be presented to the city to apply to the loan. Books will be purchased with the money ($9tltl.~) earned from the dance and auction. ...- 1'::; '. "" .. '" POLICY Margaret distributed copies of Appendix 1 - Library Meeting Room Policy and Appendix 2A - Exhibit Agreement Form. Margaret presented the chages proposed to Section IV Policy. Fred moved to accept the new Section IV. Ruth seconded. Motion carried. Changes to Section V were presented. Fred moved to accept the changes. Ruth seconded. Motion carried. HUILDING Repair of the covered entrance was discussed. Fred asked that as Building Committee Chairman he be made awaremf all building concerns. FRI1!:NDS Tony will check with Evelyn Rogers concerning the meeting dates 01' the F'riends of the Library. UNFINISHED BUSINESS New Braunfels Library is still interested in reciprocal borrowing but is unable to discuss details at this time. Ruth asked for input for the dance folder which she is assembling. This folder should be useful for future events. NEW & MISC. BUSINESS Ruth briefed the board on the preparations for the Book Sale, which will be held on Harch 22-24. She asked for help to set up, sell; and clean-up. Hild Bros. in Marion is serving as the distribution site of paperback books from the Seguin and SchertzL1braries. These books are checked out on the honor system. Fred moved the meeting adjourn. Margaret seconded. L~)/ I ' /' :;? /)~ Sec ary () J? c7r7 ~ /7 // . (-9. j /___f {-/Lt&..-<l. ~ / l'lct.n';Il Lj., 1':)07 .-. ..<( TREASURER'S REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 1985 GENERAL ACCOUNT PREVIOUS BALANCE INCOME 1985 Revenue Sharing (f) Fine Money Users Fees (5@ $15.00 + 4@ Memorial Donations Dance Proceeds $ 2668.17 $ 1787.50 28.95 $10.00)115.00 55.00 10~.50 Change from cashing CD .11 ~~ 3027.06 $+ 3027.06 DISBURSEMENTS Encyclopedia Britannica-filmstrips Shipley Electric-lighting fixtures Users Fees to CD ~~528.00 82. 3L~ 75.00 $685.34 $- $ 685.34 5009.89 PRESENT BALANC]~ CD Cashed ($ 2691.00 plus $ 17.11 Interest) Users Fees to CD $ 2708.11 $+ 75.00 $ 2783.11 $- 2783.00 $ . 1 1 CD Purchased In General Account