09-30-1980 e PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Schertz convened in Special Session, Tuesday, September 30, 1980, at 7:00 PM, in the Municipal Conference Room, 1400 Live Oak Road. The following members were presen t : MEMBERS PRESENT: Adolph Aguilar, Chairman John Linebarger, Vice-Chairman Fred Martin, 'Secretary Ray Stanhope Kenneth Greenwald Merwin Willman MEMBERS ABSENT: Charles Sharp CITY STAFF: Ray Upton, City Inspector OTHERS PRESENT: Claire Gilbert, Herald Reporter e /11 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Aguilar called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. /12 READING OF MINUTES - September 23, 1980 Regular Session The minutes were read and Chairman Aguilar asked for clarification of last sentence of #5 Staff Briefing which said, "the street will be extended and sewers going in"., The intent of the sentence was to say the Church was putting in a road and sewers to their property line and the sewer would be capped off at that point. Mr. Linebarger then made a motion to accept the minutes and the motion was seconded by Mr. Greenwald. The motion was carried unanimously. /13 REVIEW OF MOBILE HOME ORDINANCE DRAFT - The proposed Mobile Home Ordinance and sub-committee recommended changes were discussed. The sub-committee had done a good job on their recommendations and the only major area of disagreement was on the size of the lot for a mobile home in a Mobile Home Park. Mr. Martin felt too large a lot would force a park owner to charge a rent in excess of what some people could pay. It was decided to attempt to get outside advice and opinions and cover this item at the next Regular Session (October 14, 1980). During the review of the Mobile Home Ordinance it was determined that the City does not have an Ordinance to cover LP Gas (storage, dispensing, or otherwise). Mr. Linebarger made a motion that the City Staff - 2 - e draft an Ordinance' and expedite its implementation. Mr. Greenwald seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. The Mobile Home Ordinance is ready for typing except for the aforementioned lot size. #4 ADJOURNMENT Chairman Aguilar adjourned the meeting at 9:15 PM. e e