03-23-1982 'Ir e e e PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Planning and Zoning Commission ~f the City of Schertz convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, March 23, 1982, in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road. Members present were as fo 11 ows : PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION John Linebarger, Chairman Kenneth Greenwald, Vice-Chairman Merwin Willman Ray Stanhope Wi 11 Courtney Lee Boswell CITY STAFF Tom Brooks, Assistant City Manager OTHERS PRESENT Coy Simmons #1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Linebarger called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. #2 READING OF MINUTES:- March 9,1982 Regular Session Ray Stanhope made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Lee Boswell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. #3 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: On the reclassification of land presently categorized as Pre~ Development This issue has been previously discussed at several Planning and Zoning meetings under general discussion. Merwin Willman made the motion that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the City council that approximately 124.5 acres of land along IH 35, across from the Northcliffe Subdivision be reclassified from Pre- Development to General Business. That parcel of land was annexed by the City on February 3, 1981. Lee Boswell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. #4 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: On a variance request submitted by Mr. Dale Johnson There was considerable discussion about this request covering such , ..,. P&Z MINUTES, dated: 3-23-82, pg. 2 e items as proximity to nearest neighbor, connection of the motor home to utilities, and the concern of the neighborhood. Bill Courtney presented a copy of the deed restrictions for Oak Forest Unit 3 which prohibits the parking of poats, campers, trailers, etc., on the premises unless parked in enclosed areas. Coy Simmons, the developer of Oak Forest, advised that the deed restrictions for Unit 3 have not yet been recorded but that the restrictions will essentially be the same for Unit 3 as presently exist for Unit 2. There was also concern expressed for the length of time, approxi- mately one year, that Mr. Johnson wants to live in his motor home while he constructs his own home. Ray Stanhope made a motion to deny the request submitted by Mr. Johnson. Ken Greenwald seconded the motion and the vote was unanlmous to deny the request. #5 ZONING ORDINANCE REVIEW: Review at least Articles X thru XII of the Zoning Ordinance for possible revision Articles X thru XV were reviewed with minor changes recommended which are reflected in the work review copy of the ordinance. There was considerable discussion about Industrial Zoning Categories and it was agreed further study is required for that category of zoning. Tom Brook~wilLobtain additionalninfj)rJllati(mJQLJh~~ ___ _ Planning and Zoning to consider at a later date. 4It #6 STAFF BRIEFING Tom Brooks advisedthathe..has received a request to rezone approxi- mately three acres:oLland froIlL,R-::l to,GB.,,-;The:land islocated"on ~ '- the east side of"tiveOak Road, : approximately 75;.yards from the Muni:cipal Complex'and is.~owne(l.by Mr. Hoover Edwards. The land is .~ planned to be used fopthe:,storageofgalvanized and,plastiicJJpipe for the who 1 esal e department of Ace Plumbing -atidHardware~ Chairman L i nebargeras ked .the. rlanni.ngand c:Zoning -members to :Jgok~ atthe~pro:-.= posed rezoning area and recommended that the request'be ,placed on the Agenda of the next meeting. #7 GENERAL DISCUSSION There were no specific items discussed. #8 ADJOURNMENT Chairman Linebarger adjourned the meeting at 8:45 PM. e