05-25-1982 f' . ~ '".~ . e e e . ~ PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, May 25, 1982, at 7:00 PM, in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road. Members present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Ken Greenwald, Vice-Chairman Clay McMahan, Secretary ~1erwi n Hill ma n Ray Stanhope Lee Boswell Cam Beauchemin MEMBER ABSENT John Linebarger, Chairman CITY STAFF Tom Brooks, Assistant City Manager OTHERS PRESENT Cl a ire Gil bert John Roop #1 CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairman Greenwald called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. He advised that since Agenda Item #3 may be lengthy in discussion, that Agenda Item #4 would be considered before #3. #2 READING OF MINUTES: Regul ar Meeti ng, May 11, 1982 Public Hearing, May 18, 1982 Special Session, May 18, 1982 Ray Stanhope made a motion to approve all of the minutes as presented. Cam Beauchemin seconded the motion and the vote as unanimous in favor. #4 CONSIDER AND RENDER A RULING FOR A HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT: Submitted by Mr. John C. Roop Mr. Roop was present to answer questions. He advised that his home would only be used for storage of carpet and furniture cleaning equip- ment; that there would be no cleaning done at his home; that no signs advertising the business would be displayed; that only minor mainten- ance on the equipment would be performed at the home; and that he would use his pickup to transport the equipment. The general opinion of the Commission was that his home occupation would not be nuisance to the neighbors. Ray Stanhope made a motion to approve the Home Occupation Permit. Lee Boswell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. . \ w e #3 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION ON ZONING CHANGE NO. 38 Zoning Change No. 38 applies to a request submitted by Mr. Hoover Edwards to rezone approximately three acres of land at 1600-1700 Live Oak Road from Single Family Residential District, (R-l), to General Business, (GB), for the purpose of a pipe storage facility. A Public Zoning Hearing on this request was held on May 18, 1982. Tom Brooks advised the Commission that even though Mr. Edwards was not required to be at this meeting on May 25, that he had been advised the P&Z Commission would make their recommendation to the City Council on his request at this meeting. Mr. Edwards was not present for this meeting. After considerable discussion by the Commission Members, Ray Stanhope made a motion to recommend disapproval to the City Council on the rezoning request submitted by Mr. Edwards because General Business Zoning of that land would not be compatible with the surrounding land use which is zoned for residential use. Lee Boswell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous by those members present to recommend disapproval. #5 ZONING ORDINANCE REVIEW: Begin review of Appendix A of the Zoning Ordinance for possible revisions and make appropriate recommendations e Several recommended changes were proposed for Appendix A. Those recommendations are reflected in the review copy of the zoning ordin- ance and will be compiled upon completion of the review. #6 STAFF BRIEFING Tom Brooks provided the members with a copy of the Texas Supreme Court ruling pertaining to the regulating of Mobile Homes within cities. He also provided the members a copy of the Home Occupation Ordinance. #7 GENERAL DISCUSSION There was none. #8 ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Greenwald adjourned the meeting at 9:00 PM. e