08-10-1982 e e -- e '- PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, August 10, 1982, at 7:00 PM, in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road. Members present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Ken Greenwald, Vice-Chairman Ray Stanhope Lee Bos well Cam Beauchemi n Merwin Willman Cl ay McMahan MEMBER ABSENT JohnLi neba rger OTHERS PRESENT Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andrews CITY STAFF Tom Brooks, Assistant City Manager #1 CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairman Greenwald called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. #2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting, July 27, 1982 Public Zoning Hearing, August 3, 1982 Special Session, August 3, 1982 Ray Stanhope made a motion to accept the minutes of the meetings on July 27, 1982, and the two meetings on August 3, 1982. Lee Boswell secQ~ed the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. #3 CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE TO WIDEN A DRIVEWAY: Submitted by Mr. Arnold J. Mi 11 er Ray Stanhope made a motion to approve the request for a variance, with the stipulation that no utility lines be covered in concrete. Cam Beauchemin seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. , . e e P&L MINUTES, dated: 8-10-82, page 2 #4 CONSIDER FOR FINAL APPROVAL: Plat for Winn's Stores, Inc., sub- . dividing 4.855 acres of land. Lee Boswell made a motion to approve the plat as final. Ray Stanhope seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. #5 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: To authorize day care nurseries in Neighborhood Service Zoning Areas and/or Specific Use Permit for such authoriza~ion. Ray Stanhope made a motion to recommend an ordinance change to the City Council which would authorize day care nurseries in Neighbor- hood Service Zoning districts. Merwin Willman seconded the motion. Lee Boswell abstained from voting. All other members present voted in favor of the recommendation. #6 ZONING ORDINANCE REVIEW: Compile proposed changes to the zoning ordinance. The Commission recommended that Article XIV, Section 1 be changed to insert, "normally" between "... do not normally emit ...". Merwin Willman made a motion to submit the proposed zoning ordinance changes to the City Council for consideration.at a Joint Public Zon- ing Hearing. Cam Beauchemin seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. . #7 STAFF BRIEFING There wer~ no comments. #8 GENERAL DISCUSSION There were no comments. #9 ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Greenwald adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM.