02-24-1981 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES ~ Pl~ and Zoning Commission of the City of Schertz convened in regular session, Tuesday, February 24, 1981 at 1:00 PM, in th~ Municipal Conference Room, 1400 Live Oak Road. The following members were present: MEMBERS PRESENT CITY STAFF Adolph Aguilar - Ray Stanhope Charles Sharp Merwin Willman Chairman Kenneth Greenwald Mr. Gilinore, City :r-"anager M>>mERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT John Linebarger Fred Martin Claire Gilbert - Hearld Reporter #1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Aguilar called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. #2 READING OF MINUTES: 10 February 1981 The following grammatical changes were made to #3 of the Minutes: "Council" was changed to read "Commission." A motion was made that the Minutes be accepted as corrected by Charles Sharp and seconded by Kenneth Greenwald. t RANDOLPH CHRI STIAN CHURCH: Mr. Gilmore, City Manager, discussed with the Planning and Zoning Commission the problem Reverend Church is encountering in obtaining a plat. First, he must get a letter from the people owning the land adjoining his discussing the runoff (water) problem. This letter will be filed wi th his application to our city engineers for a plat. #4 DI SCUSSION ON CHANGES TO ORDINANCES: The proposed changes were reviewed and for the most part accepted. Work will con- tinue at the next meeting. #5 STAFF BRIEFING: Mr. Gilmore briefed the Commission on projects currently in progress around the City. a. Water well being drilled. b. New communication tower being constructed. #6 GENERAL DISCUSSION Discussion ensued concerning new garage on the corner of Live Oak and Curtiss. City is mom toring this situation. , ADJOUllliMENT: Chairman Aguilar adjourned ,the meeting at 8:40 P.M.