01-11-1983 .. .~ ~ e PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, January 11, 1983 at 7:00 PM, in the Conference Room of the Municipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road. Members present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION John Linebarger, Chairman Ken Greenwald, Vice-Chairman Clay McMahan Merwin Willman Ray Stanhope Lee Boswell MEMBERS ABSENT Cam Beauchemin CITY STAFF Earl Hartzog, Planning and Zoning Coordinator OTHERS PRESENT Archie Heimer and Representatives e #1 CALL TO ORDER John Linebarger called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. e #2 READING OF MINUTES: Meeting of Regular Meeting December 28, 1982 Mr. Willman recommended the minutes be amended to reflect Mr. Sharpe as Councilman. Ray Stanhope made motion to accept minutes as amended. Ken Greenwald second the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. #3 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Archie Heimer Planned Subdivision Subdivision was tabled pending review by City Engineer. Plat did not show flood control for Deitz Creek, which would be a major issue in in development of that area. Planning and Zoning Commission agreed to save the trees, but would have to look at each case. Green Valley Road is under city control and Mr. Heimer would have to ask Council for city improvements to road and drainage. #4 CONSIDER FOR FINAL APPROVAL: Final Plat for Les Perkins Subdivision Lee Boswell made motion to approve' and Ken Greenwald second the motion. Vote was unanimous in favor. '-, PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES, DATE: 1-11-83, Pg. 2 e #5 ZONING ORDINANCE REVIEW: Begin Ordinance Review to define Manufactured Housing for possible revision and make appropriate recommendations Mr. Willman presented some recommended changes which were discussed. Decision was made to obtain Waco ordinance relating to Modular Homes and find out what TML had in this area. Upon receipt, the proposed ordinance change would be discussed again. #6 MOBILE HOME ORDINANCE REVIEW: Begin Ordinance Review on Fire Extinquisher Requirements in Mobile Home Parks The Mobile Home Ordinance requires one fire extinguisher for every ten (10) mobile home spaces and shall be located not further than two hundred (200) feet from each mobile home space. It was agreed this requirement would not control fires in mobile home parks. Earl Hartzog informed the Commission that the Fire Department would like the ordinance to require a fire extinguisher for every mobile home. Discussion was made to place plete review within the next would surface at that time. that would be helpful in the the Mobile Home Ordinance on Agenda for com- 2 or 3 months. The item relating to extinguishers Determine if any other cities have ordinance review. #7 GENERAL DISCUSSION e a. Earl Hartzog advised the Commission Coastal Equities would have their final plat at the next meeting. They have plans for half of Live Oak Road Construction. Don Decker has been contacted about the other half and requirements for sewer and water lines. Coastal Equities is required to put in curb and gutters on Live Oak Road. Any additionill improvements to Live Oak Road must be determined by Council. b. Earl Hartzog advised the Commission, Homecraft would have a Preliminary Plat on Section 5 of Northcliffe. City Engineer and Staff have already sent them back to the drawing board on lot sizes. c. Earl Hartzog told the Commission the City Staff has had a number of inquiries into Moble Home Subdivision off of Farm to Market Road 3009. It was agreed mobile home areas are needed since most people use these for starter homes. There was some discussion on restricting the age and size of mobile homes. d. Earl Hartzog advised the Commission about the City Comprehensive Plan being over 12 year old and need to be updated. Advised Commission, Mr. Gilmore was a certified Planner and would have input for Commission in the very near future. e e e e PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES, DATE: 1-11-83, Pg. 3 ,~ e. Mr. Willman presented a proposed lay-out for limited access to major streets. The plan could be used for future development along Farm to Market Road 3009 or any other major street or highway. #8 ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 8:20.